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    Abstract: philips carbon film resistor carbon resistor WE VQE 24 E 2222 311 capacitor philips WE VQE 11 E RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR C 10-50 GHZ 4322 057
    Text: bSE D 7 1 1 0 0 2 b D 0 b 3 5 S S TT3 • P H I N PH IL IP S BLX98 INTERNATIONAL U.H.F. LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor primarily intended for use in linear u.h.f. amplifiers o f television transposers and transmitters in band IV-V.

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    711002b D0b35SS BLX98 b35b0 BLX98 philips carbon film resistor carbon resistor WE VQE 24 E 2222 311 capacitor philips WE VQE 11 E RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR C 10-50 GHZ 4322 057 PDF


    Abstract: sdm854 SDM854AG 74LSD0 L type thermocouple conversion table L22mV DM854 ic 381 ic57
    Text: SDM854 B U R R - B R O W N HYBRID DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SDM854 is a complete data acquisition system contained in a miniature 2.2" x 1.7" x 0.22" 55.9mm x 43.2mm x 5.6mm ceramic package. This system offers all the functions available in large modular

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    SDM854 12-BIT, SDM854 22/usec SBC80 74LSD4 SDM854AG 74LSD0 L type thermocouple conversion table L22mV DM854 ic 381 ic57 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STRUCTURE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit PRODUCT CMOS Type series regulator TYPE BH25FB1WHFV PACKAGE BLOCK TEST CIRCUIT APPRICATION CIRCUIT Fig.1 Plastic Mold Fig. 2 Fig.3 - 9 Fig.23 FUTURES # # # # # # # # # Output Voltage Accuracy 2.5V±1.0% Output Max Current 150mA

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    150mA PDF

    diode 310Q

    Abstract: BH31FB1WHFV 31-0q
    Text: STRUCTURE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit PRODUCT CMOS Type series regulator TYPE B H PACKAGE BLXK TEST CIRCUIT APPRICATION CIRCUIT 3 1 F B 1 W H F V Fig.1 Plastic Mold Fig. 2 Fig.3— 9 Fig.23 FUTURES # # # # # # # # # Output Voltage Accuracy 3.1 V ± 1 .0%

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    BH31FB1WHFV 150mA 40juA diode 310Q BH31FB1WHFV 31-0q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STRUCTURE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuit PRODUCT CMOS Type series regulator type B H 2 8 F B 1 WG PACKAGE Fig.1 Plastic Mold BLOCK F ig. 2 TEST CIRCUIT Fig.3 - 9 APPRICATION CIRCUIT Fig.23 FUTURES # # # # # # # # # Output Voltage Accuracy 2.8 V ± 1 . 0 %

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    150mA 40//A 10C1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ykiyjxiyki 19-1292; Rev 1,3/93 CMOS Voltage C onverters _Features The ICL7662/Si7661 is a monolithic charge p u m p voltage inverter that will convert a positive voltage in the range of +4.5V to +20V to the corresponding negative voltage of -4.5V to -20V. The ICL7662/Si7661

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    ICL7662/Si7661 ICL7662/Si7661 28-PIN PDF


    Abstract: TE 538
    Text: HARRIS SENICOND SECTOR 77 1 43 0 2 2 7 1 ¡ 2 dF | 4302571 □□0ci012 5 | ~ 77C 09012 HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR H a r r i s H Y - 9 D' 5 T-51-10-12 7 4 in o> ADVANCED Sampling 12 Bit A /D Converter with > 8/16 Bit fjP interface Applications Features • Complete 12 Bit Sampling

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    T-51-10-12 48kHz 150ns HY3-9574J-5 HY3-9574K-5 HY3-9574L-5 HY3-9574A-9 HY3-9574B-9 ha574 TE 538 PDF


    Abstract: smd code 10y 2205-T PMB2205 2205S
    Text: SIEMENS Quadrature Phase Modulator PM B 2205 Preliminary Data Bipolar 1C Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Double-balanced mixers Direct modulation Linear modulating inputs Symmetrical circuitry Generation of orthogonal carriers within a wide

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    P-DSO-20-1 P-DSO-20-4 fiE3Sb05 0DS111S B62152A0008X030 smd code 10y 2205-T PMB2205 2205S PDF

    vogt S4

    Abstract: ICL7662CBA SI7661BK Si7661BA ICL7662 ICL7662CPA VOGT N1 50 Si7661 DIP ICL766o Si7661DJ
    Text: ykiyjxiyki 19-1292; Rev 1,3/93 CMOS Voltage C onverters _Features The ICL7662/Si7661 is a monolithic charge p u m p voltage inverter that will convert a positive voltage in the range of +4.5V to +20V to the corresponding negative voltage of -4.5V to -20V. The ICL7662/Si7661

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    ICL7662/Si7661 RS-232 PinJ25_ 0051J vogt S4 ICL7662CBA SI7661BK Si7661BA ICL7662 ICL7662CPA VOGT N1 50 Si7661 DIP ICL766o Si7661DJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y k i y j x i y k i Program mable Negative Voltage Regulator _Features ♦ 1% Output Voltage Accuracy ICL7664A ♦ -2V to -16V Operating Range ♦ 25mA Output Current, with Current Limiting ♦ Adjustable Output Voltage ♦ Low Input-to-Output Voltage Drop

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    ICL7664A) ICL7664 10yuF ICL7664A ICL7664, ICL7663 ICL7660 100/xA, PDF

    iss-101 diode

    Abstract: 873021A 873025 H1 SOT-89 amplifier S-875045BUP-ABA-T2 S-87X aaat
    Text: Contents Features . 1 Applications . 1 Options 1 Pin Assignment . 1 . 1

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    S-87X iss-101 diode 873021A 873025 H1 SOT-89 amplifier S-875045BUP-ABA-T2 aaat PDF


    Abstract: 200w car audio amplifier 100W car power amplifier 17 pins LED display for car radio 12v 200W AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 20 led resistor meter Circuit diagram of 12v 100W LED driver DIP18 Bar Display Driver LED 100w audio amplifier circuit diagram class C
    Text: Audio ICs LED level meter driver, 12-point, power scale, dot or bar display BA681A 3 5 9 rn V rm s typ. d iv id e d in to 12 p o in ts w ith re p e a te d in te rva l s p a c in g s o f 3 d B , 3 d B a n d 4 d B . T h e OdB level is 1 80m V rms (typ.) a n d th e ra n g e is — 3 0 d B to + 1 6 d B . T h e c o n s ta n t c u rre n t o u tp u ts ca n b e s e t u s in g e xte rn a l c o m p o n e n ts a llo w in g

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    12-point, BA681A 359rnVrms 180mVrms 12-point BA681A DIP18 200w car audio amplifier 100W car power amplifier 17 pins LED display for car radio 12v 200W AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 20 led resistor meter Circuit diagram of 12v 100W LED driver DIP18 Bar Display Driver LED 100w audio amplifier circuit diagram class C PDF