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    Abstract: DB5083
    Text: 806-896 MHz 894H65T6E-SX 13 dBd Flat Panel Antenna 806-896 MHz 13 dBd 14.1 dBi Gain 6° Electrical Downtilt Vertical Polarization • • • • 65° Azimuth BW 16° Elevation BW 7/16 DIN Cellular, Trunking 65° • • • • 12.6” (320mm) 42” (1067mm)

    894H65T6E-SX 320mm) 1067mm) 1219mm) 140mm) DB380 DB5083 11/00-A PDF


    Abstract: DB380 DB5083
    Text: 806-896 MHz 894H65T9E-SX 12.5 dBd Flat Panel Antenna 806-896 MHz 12.5 dBd 14.6 dBi Gain 9° Electrical Downtilt Vertical Polarization • 65° Azimuth BW • 16° Elevation BW • 7/16 DIN 65° • • • • 12.6” (320mm) 42” (1067mm) 48” (1219mm)

    894H65T9E-SX 320mm) 1067mm) 1219mm) 140mm) DB380 DB5083 11/00-A 894H65T9E-SX PDF


    Abstract: 12IR125 Batteries IR40C ES682 es648 12IR125 847244100 ir30c tyco CPS4048 fire alarm using thermistor
    Text: Data Sheet June 2006 CPS4024+ 24V Cabinet Power System 3600W 150A Temperature Hardened System Input: 85 Vac to 264 Vac (Autoranging) Output: 24 Vdc and Optional Ringing Generator H569-424 Battery Plant Model J85500N-1 The low-maintenance CPS4024+ (24V Cabinet

    CPS4024+ H569-424 J85500N-1 CPS4000 584mm) 75inches, 222mm) 305mm) ES661C 12IR125 Batteries IR40C ES682 es648 12IR125 847244100 ir30c tyco CPS4048 fire alarm using thermistor PDF

    rectifier wiring diagram

    Abstract: rs485 to rs232 converter lineage 2000 power plant ECS 2VR375E J85501D-2 ah1435 lucent 364b2 WP91412 lineage 2000 ecs lineage 2000 ecs power plant controller
    Text: Product Manual H569-420 Select Code 167-790-062 Comcode 107539926 Issue 5 February 1997 Lineage 2000 600-Ampere, +24-Volt ECS Minicell Battery Plant Notice: Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing.

    H569-420 600-Ampere, 24-Volt 1-800-CAL-RTAC) rectifier wiring diagram rs485 to rs232 converter lineage 2000 power plant ECS 2VR375E J85501D-2 ah1435 lucent 364b2 WP91412 lineage 2000 ecs lineage 2000 ecs power plant controller PDF


    Abstract: PT02A-10-6P Bendix controller gefran 1000 gefran me1 gefran 500 controller ME2-6-M-B07C-1-4-D-000 gefran 1000 CONTROLLER Bendix 6-pin C08WLS PT02A-10-6P Bendix 6 pin
    Text: MELT PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS 4-20 mA output Main features ME0 The rigid stem configuration makes installation fast and easy ME1 • Pressure ranges from: 0-35 to 0-2000 bar / 0-500 to 0-30000 psi • Strain gage Wheatstone bridge • Accuracy : <±0.25% FSO H ; <±0.5% FSO (M)

    1/2-20UNF M18x1 100bar-1500psi 1/2-20UNF 700bar 457mm ME0-8-M-P03M-1-4-0-000 3000psi ME2-6-M-B07C-1-4-D PT02A-10-6P Bendix controller gefran 1000 gefran me1 gefran 500 controller ME2-6-M-B07C-1-4-D-000 gefran 1000 CONTROLLER Bendix 6-pin C08WLS PT02A-10-6P Bendix 6 pin PDF


    Abstract: decibel DB894H60 DB894H60E-SX DB894H60 Decibel 894H60T9 Decibel Products DB380 DB5083 panel antenna
    Text: DB894H60 E -SX Flat Panel Antenna 806-896 MHz Model Number DB894H60-SX DB894H60E-SX Termination Type N-Female 7-16 DIN Frequency Range 806 - 896 MHz 12.5 dBd (14.6 dBi) Gain < 1.4 : 1 VSWR Horizontal: Vertical: Front to Back Ratio > 25 dB Polarization Vertical

    DB894H60 DB894H60-SX DB894H60E-SX 320mm) 1067mm) 200km/h) 1219mm) DB5083 140mm) 894H60T6 DB894H60-SX decibel DB894H60 DB894H60E-SX Decibel 894H60T9 Decibel Products DB380 DB5083 panel antenna PDF

    PT02A-10-6P Bendix

    Abstract: gefran 556 M32-6-M-B07C-1-4-D-000 C08WLS PT02A-10-6P Bendix 6 pin C25WLS PC02E-12-8P VPT07RA10-6PT2 bendix PT02A KF18
    Text: MELT PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS mV / V output Main features M30 The rigid stem configuration makes installation fast and easy • Pressure ranges from: 0-35 to 0-2000 bar / 0-500 to 0-30000 psi • Strain gage Wheatstone bridge • Accuracy : <±0.25% FSO H ; <±0.5% FSO (M)

    1/2-20UNF M18x1 100bar-1500psi 1/2-20UNF 700bar 457mm M20-8-M-P03M-1-4-0-000 3000psi PT02A-10-6P Bendix gefran 556 M32-6-M-B07C-1-4-D-000 C08WLS PT02A-10-6P Bendix 6 pin C25WLS PC02E-12-8P VPT07RA10-6PT2 bendix PT02A KF18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Flat Platen Pneumatic Assembly Press Instruction Manual Flat Platen Pneumatic Assembly Press Order No. 62201-3800 Description Operation Maintenance Doc. No: ATS-622013800 Revision: B Release Date: 09-21-99 Revision Date: 09-24-08 UNCONTROLLED COPY Page 1 of 17

    ATS-622013800 1-800-78MOLEX PDF

    Panduit - CMDSAQLCZBL

    Abstract: manual legrand 037 71 schematic diagram RCA to HDMI project 24 fiber mtp array polarity Thomas & Betts colored - keyed terminals
    Text: PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS B. Copper Systems SECTION INDEX Click on any section below to go to that portion for a detailed Table of Contents Table of Contents Click on the logo above to go to up to date product information find a local distributor

    SA-ELCB10 Panduit - CMDSAQLCZBL manual legrand 037 71 schematic diagram RCA to HDMI project 24 fiber mtp array polarity Thomas & Betts colored - keyed terminals PDF


    Abstract: CN484C7018NU cisco nexus CN48470182NU switch cisco CN584H7018 Cisco Technology underfloor duct data cabinets
    Text: A. System Overview PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS B. Copper Systems Net-Access Switch Cabinets continued C. Fiber Optic Systems D. Power over Ethernet Part Number CNSPCA CNPS CNFBB L. Cabinets, Racks & Cable Management 1 Network cabinet cable management finger kit, nine RU sections. Kit

    508mm) 914mm) CVPDUB48 CVED32VE CVED32 CN4847018NU CN484C7018NU cisco nexus CN48470182NU switch cisco CN584H7018 Cisco Technology underfloor duct data cabinets PDF


    Abstract: gefran 500 controller gefran 556 85713 B C08WLS 85713 gefran pressure controller CON300 gefran 1000 temperature gefran 1000
    Text: MELT PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS Voltage output Main features MN0 The rigid stem configuration makes installation fast and easy MN1 • Pressure ranges from: 0-35 to 0-2000 bar / 0-500 to 0-30000 psi • Strain gage Wheatstone bridge • Accuracy : <±0.25% FSO H ; <±0.5% FSO (M)

    1/2-20UNF M18x1 100bar-1500psi 10Vdc 1/2-20UNF 700bar 457mm MM0-6-M-P03M-1-4-0-000 3000psi MN2-6-M-B07C-1-4-D-000 gefran 500 controller gefran 556 85713 B C08WLS 85713 gefran pressure controller CON300 gefran 1000 temperature gefran 1000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TELEPRESENCE SERIES BrightCom’s Lumina Telepresence series is the next step in telecommunication technology. Offering fully integrated HD video and data conferencing solutions, Lumina Telepresence delivers a complete immersive conference experience. With the natural feeling of face to face

    50-60Hz 1067mm 1000mm 1529mm 1000mm 10Mbit PDF