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    Abstract: AP432 AS432 LMV431 SPX432 TL431 TLV431 TL431 sot23-3
    Text: AQ432 1.24V Shunt Ref/Amplifier TO-92, SOT23, SC70 Package Product Specification Revision 1.0 General Description May 15, 2007 Applications The AQ432 is a low voltage reference/ amplifier suited for the control loop of low voltage power supplies. Functionally similar

    AQ432 AQ432 TL431, AP432 AS432 LMV431 SPX432 TL431 TLV431 TL431 sot23-3 PDF

    led sign

    Abstract: IS85E Wire AV 10
    Text: I-Sign IS85E Strömsimulator I-Sign simulerar strömsignaler i fem fasta lägen: 0, 4, 10, 12 och 20 mA. Lysdioder indikerar uppmätt ström i strömslingan. Detta ger ett säkert svar på att loopen är sluten och att resistansen ej är för hög för simulatorn. I-Sign kan simulera både vanlig strömsignal och tvåtrådstransmitter. Onoggrannheten är så låg som under 0,1%.

    IS85E 250gr, 65x130x25mm. led sign IS85E Wire AV 10 PDF


    Abstract: tl431 sot23 TL431 TLV431 AQ431LBYM3-12-TRL AQ431LBY-N3-12-TRL AQ431LBZ-N3-12-TRL
    Text: AQ431L 1.24V Shunt Ref/Amplifier TO-92, SOT23, SC70 Package Product Specification Revision 1.5 General Description November 15, 2005 Applications The AQ431L is a low voltage reference/ amplifier suited for the control loop of low voltage power supplies. Functionally similar

    AQ431L AQ431L TL431, tl431 sot23 TL431 TLV431 AQ431LBYM3-12-TRL AQ431LBY-N3-12-TRL AQ431LBZ-N3-12-TRL PDF

    tl431 sot23

    Abstract: TL431 TLV431 LDS431L
    Text: LDS431LP 1.24V Shunt Ref/Amplifier TO-92 and SOT23 Package Product Specification Revision 1.6 General Description February 01, 2008 Applications The LDS431L is a low voltage reference/ amplifier suited for the control loop of low voltage power supplies. Functionally similar

    LDS431LP LDS431L TL431, LDS431LP 431LDS tl431 sot23 TL431 TLV431 PDF


    Abstract: MP1529 MP1529DR
    Text: TM MP1529 Fixed Frequency Step-Up Converter LCD Backlight Plus Flash The Future of Analog IC Technology TM DESCRIPTION FEATURES The MP1529 is a step-up converter plus 3 current sources for driving two 6-LED backlight strings to 30mA and a 4-LED flash string to

    MP1529 MP1529 150mA 030Max. EC01 MP1529DR PDF


    Abstract: MP1529 MP1529DR
    Text: MP1529 Fixed Frequency Step-Up Converter LCD Backlight Plus Flash The Future of Analog IC Technology DESCRIPTION FEATURES The MP1529 is a step-up converter for driving two 6-LED backlight strings to 30mA and a 4-LED flash string to 150mA from a single Lithium-Ion battery.

    MP1529 MP1529 150mA 030Max. EC01 MP1529DR PDF

    BTM marking

    Abstract: mps 0550 mps 0650
    Text: MP1529 Fixed Frequency Step-Up Converter LCD Backlight Plus Flash The Future of Analog IC Technology DESCRIPTION FEATURES The MP1529 is a step-up converter for driving two 6-LED backlight strings to 30mA and a 4-LED flash string to 150mA from a single Lithium-Ion battery.

    MP1529 MP1529 150mA 030Max. BTM marking mps 0550 mps 0650 PDF

    2sc3331 transistor

    Abstract: 2SA1318 2SC3331 PJ 431
    Text: Ordering number: EN 16 Q 0A N 0.I6O O A ¡I 2SA1318/2SC3331 PNP/ NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors SAiYOi AF Amp Applications Use Capable of being used in the low frequency to high frequency range. Features . Large current capacity and wide ASO. : 2SA1318

    OCR Scan
    2SA1318/2SC3331 2SA1318 2034/2034A SC-43 7tlt17D7b 2sc3331 transistor 2SC3331 PJ 431 PDF

    sg79 diode

    Abstract: AN7905T AN7915K
    Text: SILICON GENERAL INC W ITTrrv<\ 5 IU |^ N GENERAL UNEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ESE D • fl253flfi0 ODDnOS 0 ■ SG7900A/SG7900AC SG7900/SG7900C T ^ h -(3 NEGATIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7900A/SG7900 series of negative regulators offer self-contained, fixedvoltage capability with upto 1,5A of load current. With a variety of outputvoltages

    OCR Scan
    fl253flfi0 SG7900A/SG7900AC SG7900/SG7900C 2X7900A SG7900A/SG7900 SG7800A/SG7800, SG140/SG340 SG7900A SG79XXAG/883B SG79XXAG sg79 diode AN7905T AN7915K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SA1925 TOSHIBA 2 SA 1 9 2 5 TOSHIBA TRANSISTOR SILICON PNP TRIPLE DIFFUSED MESA TYPE Unit in mm HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING APPLICATIONS 8.0 ±0.2 • High Voltage : VCE O = -400V Low Saturation Voltage : V ^ e $at ~ — (Max.) • Collector Metal (Fin) is Fully Covered with Mold Resin

    OCR Scan
    2SA1925 -400V -40ition ----400V, --10mA, --20mA --100mA 100mA» 100mAf -200V PDF

    UC3842 sepic design

    Abstract: DN-48 sepic uc3842 2n2222s SEM900 UNITRODE DN-42 Unitrode DN-48 UNITRODE applications handbook Unitrode DN Siliconix Handbook
    Text: DN-48 UNITRODE Design Note Versatile Low Power SEPIC Converter Accepts Wide Input Voltage Range by Jack Palczynski Much attention has been given to the Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter SEPIC topology re­ cently because output voltage may be either higher

    OCR Scan
    DN-48 100mA UCC3803 U-100 UC3842 UC3612D 293D336X0025E2T 150pF 220nH DT3316-102-224 UC3842 sepic design sepic uc3842 2n2222s SEM900 UNITRODE DN-42 Unitrode DN-48 UNITRODE applications handbook Unitrode DN Siliconix Handbook PDF


    Abstract: M38510/10702BXA JAN7815K m38510/10704bxa SG7800A JAN M38510/10708BYA M38510/10707 M38510/10708BYA JAN7812T SG7800
    Text: SILICOSI bË n Ër a l LINEAR INTEGRATED C IRCUITS SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR D E S C R IP T IO N FE A T U R E S The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixedvottage capability with up to 1.5A of load current and input voltage up to 50V

    OCR Scan
    SG7800A/SG7800AC SG7800/SG7800C SG7800A/SG7800 SG7800A SG7800 SG7800C/340 SG78XXAG/883B SG78XXAG M38510/10707BYA M38510/10702BXA JAN7815K m38510/10704bxa JAN M38510/10708BYA M38510/10707 M38510/10708BYA JAN7812T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORP rrunm TECHNOLOGY b7E ]> • 55104Liß GDDßSHß 7TT BiLTC _ m m m/883 Micropower DC/DC Converter Adjustable and Fixed 5V, 12V DCscniPTion nftsoiuT€ mnximum RrmnGs The LT1111 M/883 is a versatile micropower DC/DC con­

    OCR Scan
    55104Liß m/883 500mW MlL-STD-883 PDF


    Abstract: 2548B
    Text: Ordering number: EN 2 5 4 8 B _ 2SC4119 NPN Triple Diffused Planar Silicon Darlington Transistor N0.2548B 800V/15A Driver Applications Applications . Induction cookers . High-voltage, high-power switching Features . High speed adoption of MBIT process

    OCR Scan
    2548B 2548B 2SC4119 00V/15A PDF