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    HN58C1001RFPI15E Renesas Electronics Corporation EEPROM, SOP, /Embossed Tape Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HN58V1001RT25VE Renesas Electronics Corporation EEPROM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HN58C1001RT15SRE Renesas Electronics Corporation EEPROM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HN58C1001RT15E Renesas Electronics Corporation EEPROM, TSOP(1), / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HN58C1001RFP15EZ Renesas Electronics Corporation EEPROM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    Sunlord PZ1005E100-1R8TF

    FERRITE BEAD 7.5 OHM 0402 1LN
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    DigiKey PZ1005E100-1R8TF Cut Tape 4,050 1
    • 1 $0.1
    • 10 $0.048
    • 100 $0.0338
    • 1000 $0.02309
    • 10000 $0.01708
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    PZ1005E100-1R8TF Digi-Reel 4,050 1
    • 1 $0.1
    • 10 $0.061
    • 100 $0.0367
    • 1000 $0.02111
    • 10000 $0.01666
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    Eaton Bussmann CTX100-1-R

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    DigiKey CTX100-1-R Cut Tape 2,462 1
    • 1 $5.54
    • 10 $4.554
    • 100 $3.7459
    • 1000 $3.2692
    • 10000 $3.2692
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    CTX100-1-R Digi-Reel 2,462 1
    • 1 $6.3
    • 10 $4.892
    • 100 $3.7908
    • 1000 $3.1654
    • 10000 $3.1654
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    CTX100-1-R Reel 1,100 1,100
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    • 10000 $2.97591
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    Sager CTX100-1-R 1,100
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    • 10000 $4
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    3M Interconnect 929710-10-01-RK

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    DigiKey 929710-10-01-RK Bulk 1,394 1
    • 1 $0.4
    • 10 $0.336
    • 100 $0.4
    • 1000 $0.18691
    • 10000 $0.14953
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    Amphenol Nexus NX301001R

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    DigiKey NX301001R Bulk 607 1
    • 1 $41.76
    • 10 $36.024
    • 100 $31.0516
    • 1000 $29.26132
    • 10000 $29.26132
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    Interstate Connecting Components NX301001R
    • 1 $56.75
    • 10 $45.4
    • 100 $31.4151
    • 1000 $31.4151
    • 10000 $31.4151
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    CDM Electronics NX301001R 1
    • 1 $30.68
    • 10 $28.49
    • 100 $18.92
    • 1000 $18.92
    • 10000 $18.92
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    NorComp 26641001RP2

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    DigiKey 26641001RP2 Bulk 307 1
    • 1 $1.53
    • 10 $1.296
    • 100 $1.53
    • 1000 $0.93592
    • 10000 $0.79566
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    Newark 26641001RP2 Bulk 3 1
    • 1 $0.215
    • 10 $0.215
    • 100 $0.215
    • 1000 $0.215
    • 10000 $0.215
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    1001R Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: EM2800 00EM7 IC L1117 PED20 a141 ddx he nv bm10 es2 3024 1B812 C901
    Text: Tri Core 16-Bit Digital Signal Processor MSC8113RM Rev 0, May 2008 Because of an order from the United States International Trade Commission, BGA-packaged product lines and part numbers indicated here currently are not available from Freescale for import or sale in the United States prior to September 2010:i.MX Product Family, DragonBall Product Family

    16-Bit MSC8113 MSC8113RM EL516 SC140 Index-30 0F80b EM2800 00EM7 IC L1117 PED20 a141 ddx he nv bm10 es2 3024 1B812 C901 PDF


    Abstract: la7681 LA76810HA sv5 357 SV6 357 CONT127 AFC 8300 sanyo television ntsc pal bus
    Text: Ordering number : ENA1143 Monolithic Linear IC LA76810HA For PAL/NTSC Color Television Sets VIF/SIF/Y/Deflection 1chip IC Overview LA76810HA is a VIF/SIF/Y/Deflection 1chip IC for PAL/NTSC color television sets. Functions • VIF/SIF/Y/Deflection Implemented in a 1chip.

    ENA1143 LA76810HA LA76810HA NoA1143-41/41 LA76810 la7681 sv5 357 SV6 357 CONT127 AFC 8300 sanyo television ntsc pal bus PDF


    Abstract: PIN SCR BRX 49 E681 REV 1.1 D189P sbc rs232 TV led schematic 1d0790 ABB Semiconductors SCR TTPC DSP56300
    Text: MSC8122 Reference Manual Quad Core 16-Bit Digital Signal Processor MSC8122RM Rev 3, April 2005 How to Reach Us: Home Page: E-mail: USA/Europe or Locations not listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370

    MSC8122 16-Bit MSC8122RM CH370 Index-28 SC140 Index-29 ROUND ROBIN ARBITRATION AND FIXED PRIORITY SC PIN SCR BRX 49 E681 REV 1.1 D189P sbc rs232 TV led schematic 1d0790 ABB Semiconductors SCR TTPC DSP56300 PDF


    Abstract: stv 3500
    Text: [AK8998/W/D] Preliminary AK8998/W/D The AK8998 is a pressure sensor interface IC that features compensation for temperature drift and sensor variation. It is designed to excite and interface to a bridge sensor. Variations in the sensor can be corrected via compensation values stored in integrated non-volatile memory EEPROM . Compensation

    AK8998/W/D] AK8998/W/D AK8998 AK8998. 16-pin 10kHz MSxxxxx-E-00 VTMP stv 3500 PDF


    Abstract: C4020 nortel meridian option 81c Mercator installation guide nortel meridian option 11c C4020 transistor m2216 Nortel Meridian 1 Option 11C C3050 m2216 telephone
    Text: Enterprise Telephony and Call Centers Customer Documentation Catalogue Issue 9.3 Introduction Issue 9.3 of the Meridian 1 and Applications Customer Documentation Catalogue contains current customer documentation available outside of Canada and United States.

    P0918023 P0918024 P0918025 P0918026 P0918367 P090380 C4020 nortel meridian option 81c Mercator installation guide nortel meridian option 11c C4020 transistor m2216 Nortel Meridian 1 Option 11C C3050 m2216 telephone PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED P ow er Te c h n o lo g y 1001R6BN 1000V 8.0A 1.60Í2 POWER MOS IV N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VDSS All Ratings: Tc = 25°C unless otherwise specified. Parameter Drain-Source Voltage APT 1001R6BN

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    APT1001R6BN 1001R6BN O-247AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A P T 1001R S V R A dvanced W 7Æ P o w e r Te c h n o lo g y 1000v 11 a i.oooq POWER MOS V Power MOS V is a newgeneration of high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs. This new technology minimizes the JFET effect, increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. Power MOS V

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    1001R 1000v APT1001 PDF


    Abstract: APT1001R-18NR APT1001RBNR APT1001R1BNR
    Text: O D O S A d van ced R o w er Te c h n o lo g y 1001RBNR 1000V 11.0A 1.00Q APT.1001R1BNR 1000V 10.5A 1.10D POWER MOS IV® UIS RATED N -C H A N N E L ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VDSS 'd *0M V GS VGSM po 1J' ‘ STG

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    APT1001RBNR APT1001R-18NR APT1001R1BNR APT1001R/1001R1 O-247AD 1001r1bn APT1001R-18NR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED P ow er Te c h n o l o g y 1001RBN 1000V 11.0A 1.00Í2 POWER MOS IV N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol V DSS All Ratings: Tc = 25°C unless otherwise specified. Parameter Drain-Source Voltage APT 1001RBN

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    APT1001RBN 1001RBN APT1001RBN O-247AD 1001RBN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A P T 1001R B V R ADVANCED W 7Æ P o w e r Te c h n o l o g y 1000v 11 a i.oooq POWER MOS V Power MOS V is a newgeneration of high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs. This new technology minimizes the JFET effect, increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. Power MOS V

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    1001R 1000v O-247 APT1001RBVR C30011 PDF


    Abstract: 1001RBV 1001rb
    Text: A dvanced P o w er Te c h n o lo g y ' A P T 1001RBVFR 1000V 11A 1.000Í2 POWER MOS V FREDFET I Power MOS V is a new generation of high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs. This new technology minimizes the JFET effect, increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. Power MOS V

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    1001RBVFR O-247 APT1001RBVFR O-247AD 1001RBV 1001rb PDF

    TYC 365

    Abstract: NJM2538 NJM2538B NJM2538BV
    Text: EircI NJM2538B y / c NJM2538BI±, Y & , m i ICLPF. B PFifil L fc 7 5 f i 0112 tf. i r V > a > h n - 7 , Y /C 5 + +K S D C'f > £ — y x — * £ fiix . - C l'3 f: ii> s IS¿:Ai¿f<D f 5 1 \ ifc s * ;u e w K ^ t B * s & £ « j$ - e t £ NJM2538BV fiJ H R « * r o fc « > K - if^ ;H « # i= » a - e - r .

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    NJM2538B NJM2538BIÃ NJM2538 110mW NJM2538BV 75QDriver TYC 365 NJM2538B NJM2538BV PDF


    Abstract: TA8867BN

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    TA8867BN TA8867BN 48pin CSB503F30 PDF


    Abstract: tb1231 TB1231AN 100C TA1275Z
    Text: TOSHIBA TB1231AN TOSHIBA Bi-CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC T B 1 231 AN PAL/NTSC 1CHIP IF + VCD PROCESSOR IC TB1231AN is th e IF & V id e o processing IC fo r PAL/NTSC c o lo r TV system. This IC d e m o d u la te s PAL/NTSC PIF, SIF and co m p o site v id e o signal to R / G / B p rim a ry colors and

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    TB1231AN TB1231 TB1231AN TA1275Z sdip56-p-600-1 55instruments, tb1231n 100C TA1275Z PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED POWER TECHNOLOGY . . « o „ , tm POWER MOS IV blE D • QSSTTOS 443 H A V P ADVANCED P o w er Te c h n o l o g y 1001R1HN APT901R1HN 1001R3HN APT901R3HN 1000V 900V 1000V 900V 9.5A 1.10Q 9.5A 1.1 OQ 9.0A 1.30Q 9.0A 1.30D N - CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS

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    APT1001R1HN APT901R1HN APT1001R3HN APT901R3HN 901R1HN 1001R1HN 901R3HN 1001R3HN LinearPT1001R1/1001R3HN RGURE11, 443h PDF


    Abstract: APT1001R3AN
    Text: AT>VANCFT> POUFR TECHNOLOGY 0 2 5 7 1 0 1 O O O O M I b 424 M A V P HIE î ADVANCED P o w er Te c h n o l o g y 1001R1AN 1000V 9.5A 1.10 £i APT901R1 AN 900V 9.5A 1.10 Q. 1001R3AN 1000V 8.5A 1.30 £2 POWER MOS IV APT901R3AN 900V 8.5A 1.30 n N - CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS

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    APT1001R1AN APT901R1 APT1001R3AN APT901R3AN 901R1AN 1001R1 901R3AN 1001R3AN O-204AA) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3-Input 1-Output Video Switch with Y-C mix MM1188 MâïSUMÎ Monolithic IC M M 1188 This is a 3-input, 1-output video switch IC tor video signal switching. Ot the 3 inputs, one has an input pin that supports S input, and there is a built-in mixing circuit.

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    MM1188 10MHz 43MHz) MM1188XS) MM1188XS 1n1c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED W 7Æ P o w e r TECHNOLOGY0 • R Table of Contents Page No. Product Selector Guides Product Data Sheets US and Canadian Representative Sales O ffices US and Canadian Distributor Sales O ffices International Representative and Distributor Sales O ffices

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    1001R PDF


    Abstract: TB1231N 100C TA1275Z TB1231 TV01
    Text: TB1231AN TOSHIBA TOSHIBA Bi-CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC T B 1 231 AN P A L /N T S C 1CHIP IF + VCD PROCESSOR IC TB1231AN is th e IF & V id eo processing IC fo r PAL/NTSC co lo r TV system. This IC d e m o d u la te s PAL/NTSC PIF, SIF and com posite vid e o signal to R /G /B p rim ary colors and

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    TB1231AN TB1231 TB1231AN TA1275Z SDIP56-P-600-1 03QIA TB1231N 100C TA1275Z TV01 PDF


    Abstract: COP311C COP410C COP411C carry skip adder 2 digit BCD adder ckt with display
    Text: COP410C/COP411C/C0P310C/COP311C Single-Chip CMOS Microcontrollers General Description Features The COP410C, COP411C, COP310C, and C0P311C fully static, single-chip CMOS microcontrollers are members of the COPStm family, fabricated using double-poly, silicongate CMOS technology. These controller-oriented proces­

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    C0P410C/COP411C/C0P310C/COP311C COP410C, C0P411C, CC5P310C, C0P311C PC06A COP311C COP410C COP411C carry skip adder 2 digit BCD adder ckt with display PDF


    Abstract: 692B PC10a CQP440 s9261 EN4-10 s926 sk k 1191
    Text: COP440/COP441/COP442/COP340/COP341/COP342 National mSàSemiconductor COP440/COP441/COP442 and COP340/COP341/COP342 Single-Chip N-Channel Microcontrollers General Description Features The CQP440, COP441, COP442, COP340, COP341, and COP342 Single-Chip N-Channei Microcontrollers are mem­

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    COP440/COP441 /COP442 COP340/COP341/COP342 CQP440, C0P441, C0P442, COP340, COP341, COP342 COP440 cop441 692B PC10a CQP440 s9261 EN4-10 s926 sk k 1191 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1204; R ev O; 3 /9 7 J V \ y \ 7 L \ j y \ 8-Bi t, H i g h - S p e e d DAC Two perform ance grades of the MAX5018 are available. Both are packaged in a 24-pin PDIP in the -20°C to + 8 5 °C industrial temperature range. _ F e a t u r e s

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    AX5018 MAX5018 HDAC10180 TDC1018, PDF


    Abstract: 1001R1
    Text: A dvanced P ow er Te c h n o lo g y O ü * 'W 1001RBNR 1000V 11.0A 1.00U 1001R1BNR 1000V 10.5A 1.100 S t R m o s AVALANCHE RATED r ® N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol V DSS 'd ^DM V GS V GSM PD V sTG All Ratings: Tc = 25°C unless otherwise specified.

    OCR Scan
    APT1001RBNR APT1001R1BNR 001R1Ö -100m O-247AD 1001R1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA TENTATIVE TA1204AF TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA 1 2 0 4 A F 7 CORRECTION IC FOR LCD TV TA1204AF is 7 correction IC, that have common drive circuit, for small or medium TFT panel Normally White . TA1204AF is flat 44 pin package. TA1204AF have two

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    TA1204AF TA1204AF 500kHz, QFP44-P-1414-0 PDF