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    1.5 - 2GHZ TRANSCEIVER Search Results

    1.5 - 2GHZ TRANSCEIVER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM-KIT-OVER100-DE-D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 0805-1210 over100uF Cap Kit Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMSJZNCMH-225 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMS21NCMH-230 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    1.5 - 2GHZ TRANSCEIVER Datasheets Context Search

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    SMD M05 sot23

    Abstract: NE5531 nE352 A3 smd sot-343 transistor smd m05 SMD transistor M05 transistor smd code 404
    Text: 2013-2014 RF & Wireless Semiconductors P R O D U C T S b y A P P L I C AT I O N California Eastern Laboratories CEL is the exclusive sales and marketing partner in the Americas for products made by the Compound Semiconductor Devices Business Division (CSDBD) of Renesas Electronics Corporation, formerly

    2013/4M SMD M05 sot23 NE5531 nE352 A3 smd sot-343 transistor smd m05 SMD transistor M05 transistor smd code 404 PDF

    LNA ku-band

    Abstract: ku-band pll lnb AT-64020 microwave transmitter 10GHz MGA-725M4 micro-X ceramic Package lna fet gaas fet 70 mil micro-X Package HSMS-2850 HSCH-9401 900-1700MHz
    Text: Semiconductor Wireless Applications and Selection Guides System Block Diagrams and Product Suggestions Wireless Infrastructure 2 Basestation Radiocard 2 Basestation Low Noise Amplifier LNA 3 Basestation Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA) 3 Basestation Multi-carrier Power Amplifier (MCPA)

    11a/b/g) 5988-9866EN LNA ku-band ku-band pll lnb AT-64020 microwave transmitter 10GHz MGA-725M4 micro-X ceramic Package lna fet gaas fet 70 mil micro-X Package HSMS-2850 HSCH-9401 900-1700MHz PDF

    transistor amplifier 5v to 15v

    Abstract: DRS4485 transorb diode equivalent military mcm 1553 MUX8507 HERMETIC SMD RDC5 VRG8658 S485 S5035
    Text: From Aeroflex Plainview A passion for performance. Voltage Regulators Analog Muxes Pulse Width Modulators Resolver-to-Digital Converters RS485 Transceivers Precision Current Sources HiRel Off-The-Shelf Microelectronics HiRel S P E C IAL F U N CTI O N P R O D U CTS

    RS485 S5035 WM5032 S4485 MIL-PRF-38534 transistor amplifier 5v to 15v DRS4485 transorb diode equivalent military mcm 1553 MUX8507 HERMETIC SMD RDC5 VRG8658 S485 PDF

    SMD transistor M05

    Abstract: smd TRANSISTOR code m05 wy smd transistor UPD5740 NE66200 TRANSISTOR m05 smd UPD5740T6N UPG2159T6R SMD transistor M05 driver 50 VOLTS 5 amp smd sot-89 TRANSISTOR
    Text: NEC XXXXXXXXXX RF & Wireless Semiconductors 2010 2 P R O D U C T S b y A P P L I C AT I O N California Eastern Laboratories serves designers, OEMs and contract manufacturers in the RF & Wireless, Mobilecomm, Multimedia, Broadband Communications, Industrial Control, and Automated Test Equipment ATE

    10/2M SMD transistor M05 smd TRANSISTOR code m05 wy smd transistor UPD5740 NE66200 TRANSISTOR m05 smd UPD5740T6N UPG2159T6R SMD transistor M05 driver 50 VOLTS 5 amp smd sot-89 TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: SE2580L-EV1 metal detector diagram
    Text: SE2580L Dual Band 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Power Amplifier Preliminary Information Applications ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Product Description The SE2580L is a matched 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN RF Power Amplifier module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, match, harmonic filters and

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    SiGe 2593A20

    Abstract: 2593A20 SE2593A SE2593A20-EV1 SE2593A20 SiGe Semiconductor 2593A20 SE2593A20-T 802.11n 802.11n transceiver QAD-00046
    Text: SE2593A20 Dual Band 802.11n Wireless LAN Front End Preliminary Information Applications ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Product Description The SE2593A20 is a complete 802.11n WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, LNA, power detector, T/R switch,

    SE2593A20 SE2593A20 IEEE802 DST-00093 May-26-2009 SiGe 2593A20 2593A20 SE2593A SE2593A20-EV1 SiGe Semiconductor 2593A20 SE2593A20-T 802.11n 802.11n transceiver QAD-00046 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET SE2593A20: Dual Band 802.11n Wireless LAN Front End Applications Product Description • •    The SE2593A20 is a complete 802.11n WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, LNA, power detector, T/R switch,

    SE2593A20: SE2593A20 SE2593A20 IEEE802 DST-00093 se2593 PDF

    SiGe 2593A20

    Abstract: se2593a20-ev1 802.11n RF Transceiver mimo 2593A20 POUT18 802.11n transceiver LGA rework
    Text: DATA SHEET SE2593A20: Dual Band 802.11n Wireless LAN Front End Applications • •    Product Description The SE2593A20 is a complete 802.11n WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, LNA, power detector, T/R switch,

    SE2593A20: IEEE802 SE2593A20 DST-00093 SiGe 2593A20 se2593a20-ev1 802.11n RF Transceiver mimo 2593A20 POUT18 802.11n transceiver LGA rework PDF

    power amplifier 5 ghz

    Abstract: AUTOCAD 2012 SE2580L SE2580L-R 2580L SE2580L-EK1
    Text: DATA SHEET SE2580L: Dual Band 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Power Amplifier Applications • •    Product Description The SE2580L is a matched 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN RF Power Amplifier module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, match, harmonic filters and

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    SiGe 2593A20

    Abstract: SE2593A20-EV1 802.11n RF Transceiver mimo 2593a20
    Text: DATA SHEET SE2593A20: Dual-Band 802.11n Wireless LAN Front-End Preliminary Information Applications Product Description • •    The SE2593A20 is a complete 802.11n WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, LNA, power detector, T/R switch,

    SE2593A20: IEEE802 SE2593A20 02431A SiGe 2593A20 SE2593A20-EV1 802.11n RF Transceiver mimo 2593a20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET SE2580L: Dual Band 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Power Amplifier Applications Product Description • •    The SE2580L is a matched 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN RF Power Amplifier module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, match, harmonic filters and

    SE2580L: 11a/b/g/n SE2580L IEEE802 DST-00304 SE2580L-EV1 PDF


    Abstract: SE2580L-EK1 SE2580L-EV1 2580L
    Text: DATA SHEET SE2580L: Dual-Band 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Power Amplifier Preliminary Information Applications Product Description • •    The SE2580L is a matched 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN RF Power Amplifier module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, match, harmonic filters and

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    hitachi mosfet power amplifier audio application

    Abstract: transistor 2sk MESFET Application N Channel Dual Gate MOS FET UHF/VHF TV Tuner hitachi mosfet audio application note uhf tv booster circuit diagram hvm15 varicap UHF/VHF booster circuit diagram booster gsm antenna UHF/VHF TV Tuner HITACHI
    Text: C 1998 Dirk Plha HITACHI Hitachi Diodes for Wireless and Tuner Applications HITACHI DISCRETE DEVICES FOR WIRELESS & TUNER APPLICATIONS C 1998 Dirk Plha HITACHI Hitachi Diodes for Wireless and Tuner Applications PRODUCT LINE-UP BY APPLICATION: • UHV / VHF Tuners

    AmVC132 HVC133 HVC134 HVM131S HVM131SR HVM132 HVM132WK hitachi mosfet power amplifier audio application transistor 2sk MESFET Application N Channel Dual Gate MOS FET UHF/VHF TV Tuner hitachi mosfet audio application note uhf tv booster circuit diagram hvm15 varicap UHF/VHF booster circuit diagram booster gsm antenna UHF/VHF TV Tuner HITACHI PDF

    SMD M05 sot

    Abstract: NESG303100G SMD transistor M05 transistor NEC D 882 p m33 tf 130 H02 SOT-363 SMD M05 sot23 UPC8236 T6N 700 NE68000 s-parameters
    Text: NEC XXXXXXXXXX NEC RF & Wireless Semiconductors 2008 NEC CEL & NEC CONTENTS California Eastern Laboratories serves designers, OEMs GaAs RFIC Switches 3 and contract manufacturers in the RF & Wireless, Mobile- Small Signal GaAs FETs 4 comm, Multimedia, Broadband Communications, Industrial

    08/2M SMD M05 sot NESG303100G SMD transistor M05 transistor NEC D 882 p m33 tf 130 H02 SOT-363 SMD M05 sot23 UPC8236 T6N 700 NE68000 s-parameters PDF

    marking code C1E SMD Transistor

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s01 FMCW Radar transistor smd c1y NE92039 g2b 6-pin smd NE582M03 NE3210SO1 smd transistor g1-L smd code marking NEC 817
    Text: RF & Microwave Device Overview 2003 NEC Electronics Europe GmbH Oberrather Str. 4 40472 Düsseldorf, Germany Tel. (02 11) 65 03 01 Fax (02 11) 65 03-3 27 - Podbielskistr. 164 30177 Hannover, Germany Tel. (05 11) 3 34 02-0 Fax (05 11) 3 34 02-34 - Arabellastr. 17

    P14740EE5V0PF00 marking code C1E SMD Transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s01 FMCW Radar transistor smd c1y NE92039 g2b 6-pin smd NE582M03 NE3210SO1 smd transistor g1-L smd code marking NEC 817 PDF


    Abstract: NE27283 upc27 x-band power transistor 100W NE42484 P147D 2SK2396 uPG508 nf025db 2SC5408
    Text: CD-ROM RF and Microwave Devices CD-ROM X13769XJ2V0CD00 11-1 RF and Microwave Devices IC • AGC AMP. µ PCx×××, µPG×××× Part Number Applications Supply Voltage (V) Supply Current (mA) Operating Frequency (MHz) µPC8119T Mobile Comm. 3 11 100–1920

    X13769XJ2V0CD00 950MHz 500MHz PC2794 PC1687 PC2744 PC2775/µ nf025 NE27283 upc27 x-band power transistor 100W NE42484 P147D 2SK2396 uPG508 nf025db 2SC5408 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMIC AP112 Product Features • • • • • • • • • • • • Application SOT89 Type Package High IP3, High Gain No matching circuit needed 3MHz-2.5GHz -73 dBc CTB, 135Channels, +30dBmV/ch, Single -57 dBc CSO, 135Channels, +30dBmV/ch, Single

    AP112 135Channels, 30dBmV/ch, -79dBc 45dBmV/ch, -57dBc 100Years3 PDF


    Abstract: sige 2548A
    Text: SE2548A Dual Band 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Front End Preliminary Information Applications ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Product Description The SE2548A is a complete 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, filtering, power detector, T/R switch,

    SE2548A 11a/b/g/n IEEE802 SE2548A SIGe2548a sige 2548A PDF

    SiGe 2547a

    Abstract: SiGe2547A SE2547A-R 802.11a Diplexer
    Text: SE2547A Dual Band 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Front End Preliminary Information Applications ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Product Description The SE2547A is a complete 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, filtering, power detector, Diversity

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET SE5516A: Dual Band 802.11a/g/n/ac Wireless LAN Front End Preliminary Applications Product Description • •     The SE5516A is a complete 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, filtering, power detector, T/R

    SE5516A: 11a/g/n/ac SE5516A 11a/b/g/n/ac 55xxAC IEEE802 PDF


    Abstract: 802.11AC SE5516A se5516 RF transceiver 802.11AC 802.11AC Transceiver SP3T S211
    Text: DATA SHEET SE5516A: Dual Band 802.11a/g/n/ac Wireless LAN Front End Preliminary Applications • •     Product Description IEEE802.11b DSSS WLAN IEEE802.11g OFDM WLAN IEEE802.11a OFDM WLAN IEEE802.11n WLAN IEEE802.11ac WLAN Access Points, PCMCIA, PC cards

    SE5516A: 11a/g/n/ac IEEE802 SE5516A 11a/b/g/n/ac SE5516A-R 802.11AC se5516 RF transceiver 802.11AC 802.11AC Transceiver SP3T S211 PDF

    sige 2548A

    Abstract: metal detector cck diagram SE2548A-EV1 P802 S211
    Text: SE2548A Dual Band 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Front End Preliminary Information Applications ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Product Description The SE2548A is a complete 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, filtering, power detector, T/R switch,

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    RF transceiver 802.11AC

    Abstract: SE5516A-R 802.11AC se5516 SE5516A-EK1
    Text: DATA SHEET SE5516A: Dual-Band 802.11a/g/n/ac Wireless LAN Front-End Preliminary Applications Product Description • •     The SE5516A is a complete 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN RF front-end module providing all the functionality of the power amplifiers, filtering, power detector, T/R

    SE5516A: 11a/g/n/ac IEEE802 SE5516A 11a/b/g/n/ac RF transceiver 802.11AC SE5516A-R 802.11AC se5516 SE5516A-EK1 PDF


    Abstract: WiMAX RF Transceiver mimo mobile jammer WiMAX RF Transceiver mobile signal jammer rf traNsmitter receiver 40mhz T5688 lowpass 10K BW saw max2839et MOBILE jammer circuit diagram
    Text: 19-3218; Rev 1; 3/08 2.3GHz to 2.7GHz MIMO Wireless Broadband RF Transceiver The MAX2839 direct conversion, zero-IF, RF transceiver is designed specifically for 2GHz 802.16e MIMO mobile WiMAX systems. The device incorporates one transmitter and two receivers, with >40dB isolation between

    MAX2839 MAX2839 WiMAX RF Transceiver mimo mobile jammer WiMAX RF Transceiver mobile signal jammer rf traNsmitter receiver 40mhz T5688 lowpass 10K BW saw max2839et MOBILE jammer circuit diagram PDF