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    1.27.6CC2 Search Results

    1.27.6CC2 Datasheets Context Search

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    1.27.6cc2 mkp

    Abstract: 224 capacitor EN60252 MKP EN60252 1.27.7la1 arcotronics mkp C 44 1.27.6cc2 EN60252 arcotronics arcotronics mkp ARCOTRONICS MKP Motor
    Text: Product Data Sheets C.27/4 Series C.27/6 Series C.27/7 Series 11 C.27/4 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: the capacitor is used in series to the start-winding of the singlephase electric motor, allowing its starting and increasing the torque during work. Main application fields: air-fans, pumps,

    30000h/CLASS 10000h/CLASS 1.27.6cc2 mkp 224 capacitor EN60252 MKP EN60252 1.27.7la1 arcotronics mkp C 44 1.27.6cc2 EN60252 arcotronics arcotronics mkp ARCOTRONICS MKP Motor PDF

    1.27.6cc2 mkp

    Abstract: 1.27.7LA arcotronics capacitor en60252 din 6798 224 capacitor ARCOTRONICS MKP Motor H05V2-U C277 MKP 1.42 arcotronics ARCOTRONICS MKP
    Text: Product Data Sheets C.27/4 Series C.27/6 Series C.27/7 Series 11 C.27/4 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: the capacitor is used in series to the start-winding of the singlephase electric motor, allowing its starting and increasing the torque during work. Main application fields: air-fans, pumps,

    30000h/CLASS 10000h/CLASS 1.27.6cc2 mkp 1.27.7LA arcotronics capacitor en60252 din 6798 224 capacitor ARCOTRONICS MKP Motor H05V2-U C277 MKP 1.42 arcotronics ARCOTRONICS MKP PDF

    1.27.6cc2 mkp

    Abstract: ARCOTRONICS MKP Motor 1.27.7la1 CAPACITOR 60252 arcotronics MKP 31.5 1.27.6cc2 capacitor MKP DIN EN 60252 1.27.7LA EN60252 EN 60252 mkp
    Text: CAPACITORS FOR MOTOR APPLICATIONS C27/4 Series Typical Applications: The capacitor is used in series to the auxiliary winding of a single-phase electric motor, allowing it to start and increase its torque while working. Main application fields: air-fans, pumps, circulators, low

    OCR Scan
    C27/4 30000h/CLASS 10000h/CLASS 1.27.6cc2 mkp ARCOTRONICS MKP Motor 1.27.7la1 CAPACITOR 60252 arcotronics MKP 31.5 1.27.6cc2 capacitor MKP DIN EN 60252 1.27.7LA EN60252 EN 60252 mkp PDF

    1.27.6cc2 mkp

    Abstract: 1.27.6cc2 arcotronics MKP 31.5 arcotronics mkp 1.27.6cc2 mkp 31.5 arcotronics MKP 8 1.27.6CC2 EN 60252 mkp MKP 1.42 arcotronics CAPACITOR 60252 arcotronics 0.22
    Text: CAPACITORS FORMOTORAPPLICATIONS C27/6 Series Typical Applications: T h e ca p a cito r is used in series to th e a u xilia ry w in d in g o f a single-phase e le c tric m o to r, allow ing it to start and increase its to rq u e w h ile w o rkin g . C 2 7 /6 se rie s is p a rtic u la rly s u ita b le f o r lo w v o lta g e

    OCR Scan
    C27/6 10000h/CLASS 3000h/CLASS 1.27.6cc2 mkp 1.27.6cc2 arcotronics MKP 31.5 arcotronics mkp 1.27.6cc2 mkp 31.5 arcotronics MKP 8 1.27.6CC2 EN 60252 mkp MKP 1.42 arcotronics CAPACITOR 60252 arcotronics 0.22 PDF