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    Abstract: OP168FA OP168FB OP538F 5113si
    Text: OPTEK TECHNOLOGY INC ObE D | bT^asaa a a o a n a T-41-U 7771V Optoelectronics Division T R W Electronic Components Group Product Bulletin 5051 January 1985 a | G a A s Plastic Infrared Em itting Diodes Types OP168F, OP168FD, OP168FB, OP168FA Features Absolute Maximum Ratings ITa - 25°C unless otherwise noted

    OCR Scan
    T-41-U OP168F, OP168FO, OP168FB, OP168FA 0P508F- OP538F OP168F OP168FA OP168FB 5113si PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OPTEK Product Bulletin OP168F June 1996 G aA s Plastic Infrared Emitting Diodes Types OP168FA, OP168FB, OP168FC Features • Flat lensed for wide radiation angle • Easily stackable on 0.100 inch 2.54mm hole centers • Mechanically and spectrally matched

    OCR Scan
    OP168F OP168FA, OP168FB, OP168FC OP508F OP538F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡0 O P T E K Product Bulletin OP538F June 1996 NPN Silicon Photodarlingtons Types OP538FA, OP538FB, OP538FC Features Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25° C unless otherwise noted • Flat lensed for wide acceptance angle • Easily stackable on 0.100 inch (2.54

    OCR Scan
    OP538F OP538FA, OP538FB, OP538FC P168F P268F PDF


    Abstract: OP168F OP168FA OP168FB OP168FC OP538F
    Text: OPTEK TE C HN OL OGY INC ObE D I bT'îflSflD ODODllS 5 I O p to electron ics D iv is io n THYw T - m - u T R W Electronic Components Group Product Bulletin 5051 January 1985 G a A s P la stic Infrared Em ittin g Diodes Types O P 16 8 F, O P 16 8 FD , OP 16 8 FB , O P 16 8 FA

    OCR Scan
    OP168F, OP168FD, OP168FB, OP168FA 0P508F- OP538F J-10 OP168F OP168FA OP168FB OP168FC PDF


    Abstract: OP168FA OP168FB OP168FC OP508F OP538F 300pps Infrared Emitting Diodes
    Text: OPTEK Product Bulletin OP168F June 1996 GaAs Plastic Infrared Emitting Diodes Types OP168FA, OP168FB, OP168FC .065 1.65 .055 (1.40) .130 (3.30) .120 (3.05)' EMITTING SURFACE □ •165 (4.19) .155 (3.94) .090 (2.29) .070 (1.78) .100 (2.54) NOM J_ T

    OCR Scan
    OP168F OP168FA, OP168FB, OP168FC OP508F OP538F 0P16BF QP508F/OP538F TA-25Â OP168FA OP168FB OP168FC 300pps Infrared Emitting Diodes PDF