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    Samtec Inc MPAT-240DG17

    Conn PGA Adapter M/M 240 POS 2.54mm ST Thru-Hole - Bulk (Alt: MPAT-240-D-G-17)
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    Avnet Americas MPAT-240DG17 Bulk 500
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    Inmos Corporation IMST800DG17M

    Electronic Component
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    ComSIT USA IMST800DG17M 2
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    Samtec Inc MPAT-240-D-G-17

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Master Electronics MPAT-240-D-G-17
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    • 1000 $51.7
    • 10000 $50.69
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    Sager MPAT-240-D-G-17
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    0DG17 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ! — —— •. MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC b“ 17E D ■ blllS^ MICRON ■ ' . 0DG171b b ' ■ MT4264 883C UCMiOlOGI l*C MILITARY DRAM 64K X 1 DRAM T & 'T Z - t S PIN ASSIGNMENT Top View • SMD 5962-82010 16L/300 DIP (D-2) FEATURES • Industry standard pin-out and timing

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    0DG171b MT4264 16L/300 MIL-STD-883 PDF


    Abstract: DER-40 74C86 GD407
    Text: GOLDSTAR TECHNOLOGY 4 0 2 8 7 5 7 GOLDSTAR TECHNOLOGY INC-. DME D | 4DEA757 0DG1757 5 | ~ INC. 04E 01727 T - H 3-ZI GD4070B QUAD EXCLUSIVE-OR-GATE DESCRIPTION — The 4070B CMOS logic element provides the Exclusive-OR function. The outputs ere fully buffered for best performance.

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    4DEA757 0DG1757 GD4070B 4070B 74C86/54C86. GD4070B DER-40 74C86 GD407 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IB M 0 1 5 1 6 0 IB M 0 1 5 1 6 1 256K X 16 DRAM Features • 256K X • 66MHz EDO performance 16 DRAM • Non-Persistent WPBM mode • Performance: Parameter -40 -50 -60 tRP RE Precharge 20ns 25ns 30ns tCAC Access Time from CË 12ns 14ns 15ns Ua Column Address Access

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    66MHz 110ns SOJ-40 27H6280 SA14-4243-00 IBM015160 IBM015161 SA14-4243-01 PDF


    Abstract: Teltone M-982 circuit diagram of calling bell 22-PIN M-982 T354 Call Progress Tone generator
    Text: tC e l x c d n e call p r o g r e s s t o n e RECEIVERS & TRANSMITTERS M -982 Precise Call Progress Tone Delector The Teltone M-982 is an integrated circuit precise tone detector for special purpose use in automatic following of switched telephone calls. The circuit uses low-power CMOS

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    M-982 22-pin 0to70Â Vss-22 M-982. 22121-20th RS-464 Teltone M-982 circuit diagram of calling bell T354 Call Progress Tone generator PDF

    yamaha ygv

    Abstract: LD-70 YGV609
    Text: YAMAHA' L S I Preliminary YGV609 CSLC Color STN-LCD Controller • OUTLINE The CSLC is an LSI which accepts RGB 4-bit digital signals and interfaces with a variety o f color STN liquid crystal panel d is p la y s . It can sim ultaneously display up to 3375 colors (at a m axim um o f 15 levels for each o f R,G and B). W hen used

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    YGV609 YGV607 CA95131 0DG17bl 3K-1222 yamaha ygv LD-70 YGV609 PDF

    diac yj

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Powered o ID 400 500 600 DIAOS 0. 5 J 1092 10 1. 5 1092 15 2. 3 10202 15 1. 5 10202 CopyRight 30 1. 5 10220 DTB8 V- 30 1. 5 10220 DIA10 / 30 1. 5 10220 DIB10 J 30 1. 5 10220 DIAl2 y 30 1. 5 10220 DI B l 2 V 30 1. 5 10220 DTA16 s> 30 1. 5 10220 DTB16 30 1. 5

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    0DG17ficl diac yj PDF


    Abstract: tfk - 843 tfk 811 s TFK 834 S/BIP/SCB345100/B/30/10/ferrite ei core 33A
    Text: Q3236 PHASE-LOCKED LOOP FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER FEATURES • Reference Division Ratios of 1 to 16 in Direct • Backwards Compatible w ith the Q3036 and Parallel Mode, or 1 to 64 in Serial and 8 -bit Bus Mode Q3216 PLL Chips • Phase N oise Contributions as Low as

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    Q3236 Q3036 Q3216 Q0420 q3236i tfk - 843 tfk 811 s TFK 834 S/BIP/SCB345100/B/30/10/ferrite ei core 33A PDF


    Abstract: AN0116NA AN0116NB AN0116ND AN0116WG AN0120NA AN0120NB AN0130NA AN0130NB SOW-20
    Text: SUPERTEX INC Dl D Ì 07735^5 DDQ17SÖ 0 f * AN01 8 Channel Power M O SFET Array Monolithic N-channel Enchancement Mode Ordering Information b v dss/ ^D SfO N ) min) 160V 200V 300V 320V 400V (max) 350Q 3000 300n 350n 350Q JI b v dqs <3>V’ d s. = 100V Max

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    18-Lead SOW-20* AN0116NB AN0116NA AN0116WG AN0116ND AN0120NB AN0120NA AN0T20ND EIGHT MOSFET ARRAY DIP-18 AN0116ND AN0120NA AN0130NA AN0130NB SOW-20 PDF


    Abstract: Ta 7179 P
    Text: Tliîn; G O LD S T A R 4028757 T E C H N O LO G Y GOLDSTAR TECHNOLOGY INC. IN C n 0 4 E 04E D I 4 0 2 0 7 5 7 □ □ □ 1 7 Ö G 01780 T - V S - 2 3 GD4520B DUAL 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER DESCRIPTION — The 4520B Is a Dual 4 -B it Internally Synchronous Binary Counter. Each counter

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    GD4520B 4520B 0DG17 GD4520B Ta 7179 P PDF

    CSM 6850

    Abstract: cr 6850 t
    Text: , t. a Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. ICS2115 WaveFront Synthesizer General Description Features The WaveFront Synthesizer, ICS2115, is an audio synthesis chip which utilizes wavetable lookup to produce 16-bit, CD quality sound. The internal memory management unit allows

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    ICS2115 ICS2115, 16-bit, ICS2115. 16-bit ICS2115V ICS2115Y GDQ1723 G-157 CSM 6850 cr 6850 t PDF

    hard disk 1TB CIRCUIT

    Abstract: FDC37
    Text: STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION, FDC37C665IR FDC37C666IR COMPONENT PRODUCTS DIVISION ADVANCE INFORMATION 80 Arkay Drive, Hauppauge, N Y 11788 516 435-6000 Fax (516) 231-6004 3 Volt Advanced High-Performance Multi-Mode Parallel Port Super I/O Floppy Disk Controllers

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    FDC37C665IR FDC37C666IR FDC37C665LV GDGT77T hard disk 1TB CIRCUIT FDC37 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1CEŒ D|h|* DTMF RECEIVERS & TRANSCEIVERS M-8870 DTMF Receiver The Teltone M -8870 is a full DTM F receiver that integrates both bandsplit filter and decoder functions into a single 18-pin DIP or SOIC package. Manufactured using state-of-the-art CM OS process technology, the M-8870 offers low power

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    M-8870 18-pin -8870-01D M-8870-02 M-8870-01C M-8870-02SM M-8870-01SM -20th PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PMC-Steira, Inc. errata I • V I V — _ P M 5 3 4 7 S / U N I - P L U S ISSUE2 SAUFNLGBIbEÎWORKINIERFKE-PlJUB PM5347 SATURN USER NETWORK INTERFACE PLUS ERRATA Issue 2: March 1996 PMC-Sierra, Inc. 8501 Commerce Court, Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 4N3 604 668 7300

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    PM5347 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC 2 Megabit CMOS SRAM DPS256S8N M I C R O S Y S T E M S D E S C R IP T IO N : The DPS256S8N is a M ilita ry 256K X 8 high-density, low -pow er static RAM m odule comprised o f tw o ceramic 128K X 8 m on olithic SRAM's, an advanced high-speedC M O Sdecoderanddecouplingcapacitors

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    DPS256S8N DPS256S8N 600-mil-\yide, 32-pin 500mV 30A036-30 GQD172b PDF


    Abstract: cr 6850 t ICS2116 68EC000 motorola 6850 cr97 ce9140 MIDI mpu-401
    Text: ICS2116 Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. WaveFront Interface General Description Features The ICS2116 is the interface component of the WaveFront wavetable synthesis chip set. The interface chip monitors and controls the activities of the 68EC000 processor and 256K x 4

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    ICS2116 68EC000 MPU-401 ICS2116Y G-183 3FC20 cr 6850 t motorola 6850 cr97 ce9140 MIDI mpu-401 PDF