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    0107B47 Search Results

    0107B47 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACCUTEK n i C R O C I R C U i r 0107b47 OOOGG11 t • 3e!E D ACCUTEK M ICRO CIRCU IT V*. ACU AK481024S/AK481024G 1,048,576x8 bit CM OS Dynamic Random Access Memory DEScRienoivi: The Accutek AK481024 high density memory module is a random access memory organized in 1 Meg x 8 bit words. The

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    0107b47 OOOGG11 AK481024S/AK481024G 576x8 AK481024 100ns 120ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AK68512D 524,288 x 8 bit CMOS Static Random Access Memory ACCUTEK MICROCIRCUIT DESCRIPTION FEATURES The A ccutek A K68512D high density m em ory module is a static random access m em ory organized in 512K x 8 bit words. The assembly consists of four high speed 128K x 8 SRAM s in TSOP

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    AK68512D K68512D G107b47 PDF

    256x16* STATIC RAM

    Abstract: c28w Video RAM SIO12 AK5216128WV-10 AK5216128WV-12 AK5216128WV-80 SIo-12 BY164 48aa50
    Text: ACCUTEK MICROCIRCUIT 31E D • 01071=47 GOGOCia? T ■ ACU T -4 6 -2 3 -2 0 ACCUTEK MICROCIRCUIT AK5216128WV 128Kx 16/256x16 Dual Port Video Ram The Accutek AK5216128 is a 2 MEG-bit Dual Port Dynamic Memory Video Module. The module contains a 128Kx16 DRAM

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    T-46-23-20 AK5216128WV 128Kx 16/256x16 AK5216128 33MHz. 128Kx16bit 256x16 AK5216128WV-10 256x16* STATIC RAM c28w Video RAM SIO12 AK5216128WV-10 AK5216128WV-12 AK5216128WV-80 SIo-12 BY164 48aa50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4,194,304 Word by 9 Bit CMOS Dynamic Random Access Memory MICROCIM T CORPORATION DESCRIPTION The Accutek AK594096 high density memory module is a CMOS dynamic RAM organized in 4 Meg x 9 bit words. The assembly consists of two 4 Meg x 4 DRAMS and one 4 Meg x 1 DRAM, in

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    AK594096 0107b47 000007S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ûtâ^wàL M ICROCIM T CORPORATION AK5362048AWP 2,097,152 Word by 36 Bit CM O S Dynamic Random A cce ss Memory j DESCRIPTIO The Accutek AK5362048AWP high density memory module is a CMOS dynamic RAM organized in 2048K x 36 bit words. The module consists of four standard 1 Meg x 18 DRAMs in plastic SOJ

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    AK5362048AWP AK5362048AWP 2048K AK5362048A 107b47 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AK632128W/AK632128Z 128K x 32 SRAM MODULE ACCUTEK MICROCIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The Accutek AK632128 high density memory module is a static random access memory organized in 128K x 32 bit words. The assembly consists of four high speed 128K x 8 SRAMs in surface

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    AK632128W/AK632128Z AK632128 64-Pin 0107b47 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AK5361024WP 1,048,576 Word by 36 Bit CMOS Dynamic Random Access Memory MICROCIRCUIT CORPORATION DESCRIPTION The Accutek AK5361024WP high density memory module is a CMOS Dynamic RAM organized in 1024K x 36 bit words. The module consists of eight standard 1 Meg x 4 DRAMs and four 1 Meg

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    AK5361024WP AK5361024WP 1024K th096 556C7 GlD7ti47 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACCUTEK AK584096W 4,194,304 x 8 bit CMOS Dynamic Random Access Memory MICROCIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The Accutek AK584096W high density memory module is a random access memory organized in 4 Meg x 8 bit words. The assembly consists of eight standard 4 Meg x 1 DRAMs

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    AK584096W PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AK5368192WP 8,388,608 by 36 Bit CMOS Dynamic Random Access Memory MICROCIRCUIT C O R P O » DESCRIPTION T h e A c c u te k A K 5 3 6 8 1 9 2 W P high density m e m o ry m o d u le is a C M O S d yn a m ic R A M o rg a n ize d in 8 1 9 2 K x 3 6 bit w o rd s .

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    AK5368192WP Q107b47 556C9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o ACCUTEK AK536512WP -60, -70, -80 524,288 Word by 36 Bit CMOS Dynamic Random Access Memory MICROCIRCUIT IISCRJPTÎON The Accutek AK536512WP high density memory module is a CMOS dynamic RAM organized in 512K x 36 bit words. The module consists of sixteen standard 256Kx4 DRAMs in plastic SOJ

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    AK536512WP 256Kx4 AK536512 0107b47 0DD0040 PDF


    Abstract: 1AM-7
    Text: AK532512WP 524,288 Word by 32 Bit CMOS Dynamic Random Access Memory MICROCIRCUIT CORPORATION DESCRIPTION The Accutek AK532512 high density memory module is a CMOS dynamic RAM organized in 512K x 32 bit words. The module consists of sixteen standard 256K x 4 DRAMs in plastic SOJ

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    AK532512WP AK532512 1AM7 1AM-7 PDF