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    0010S32 Search Results

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    Abstract: zilog z84c GG10S A44P zilog z80 ctc
    Text: 17E D ZILOG INC Zilog T1Ô4043 0010S32 5 P ro d u c t S p e c ific a tio n January 1989 Z8430/Z84C30 NMOS/CMOS Z80 CTC Counter/Timer Circuit FEATURES • Four independently program m able counter/tim er channels, each with a readable downcounter and a selectable 16 or 256 prescaler. Downcounters are

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    0010S32 Z8430/Z84C30 Z0843004 TRU3 zilog z84c GG10S A44P zilog z80 ctc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS MT9126 MITEL Quad ADPCM Transcoder Preliminary Information Features • • _ ISSUE 2_ May 1995 Full duplex transcoder with four encode channels and four decode channels O rdering Inform ation 32 kb/s, 24 kb/s and 16 kb/s ADPCM coding

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    MT9126 PDF