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    DSA0042958.pdf by National Semiconductor

    • National Semiconductor Application Note 263 October 1999 Producing and manipulating the sine wave function is a common problem encountered by circuit designers. Sine wave circuits pose a signif
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    100 khz crystal 2N3810 2N3810 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2N3819 2N3819 application 2N3819 Application Note 2N3819 equivalent 2n3819 equivalent ic 2N3819 fet 2N3819 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2N4393 2N4393 national 2N4393, NATIONAL alternative of LM386 AN-263 controlling ic lm311 DAC1287 EQUIVALENT OF lm311 FET CONTROLLED WEIN BRIDGE OSCILLATOR IC LF356 datasheet ic LM386 wein bridge J-FET 2N3819 LF155 LF347 LF351 op-amp integrator LF353 APPLICATION LF356 LF356 op-amp application LF357 audio amplifiers LF357 LF351 LH0002 linear wein oscillator LM304 LM3045 transistor lm311 application note LM311 application notes lm311 equivalent lm311 lm386 LM313 LM329 LM329 amplifier LM386 LM386 application note LM386 Audio Amplifier LM386 datasheet lm386 equivalent LM386 FIXED LOW GAIN AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER lm386 transistor lm386 utc LM3900 LM3900 VCO mm74193 National 2N3819 norton amplifier passive AUDIO CROSSOVER circuit diagram quad comparator LM329 quad comparator LM3900 RC phase shift oscillator RC SERVO digital CIRCUIT Reference sine wave similar lm386 sine oscillator sine shaper sine wave crystal controlled oscillator Sine Wave Generation Techniques SINE WAVE oscillator sine wave Oscillator jfet circuit single phase ic lm386 single-supply wein bridge oscillator stable low frequency crystal oscillator fet transistor 2N3819 tuning fork application note UTC LM386 variable frequency drive circuit diagram wein bridge wein bridge circuit wein bridge oscillator wein bridge oscillator FET Zener Diodes introduce zener LM329
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