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    Part Img DSA0025249.pdf by Fairchild Semiconductor

    • Logic Product Catalog Analog Discrete Interface & Logic Optoelectronics July 2002 Across the board. Around the world. Logic Literature Table of Contents Description L
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    100329* cmos 16 bit ripple adder 162861 29Fxx 32-Bit Parallel-IN parallel-OUT Shift Register 32-Bit Parallel-IN Serial-OUT Shift Register 4001 nor gate 4010 fairchild 4011 cmos logic gate 4011 CMOS NAND GATE 4013 astable 4013 flipflop 4017 8-channel analog input module 4017 decade counter 1-of-10 4017 DECADE COUNTER WITH 10 DECODED OUTPUTS 4069 inverter 4081 file 4174 logic hex D type flip-flop 4511 wm 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY cd 4511 74 Series Logic ICs 7400 functional cross-reference 7400 nand gate datasheet 7400 series logic ICs 74ABT241C 74abt574c 74ABTxx-ABT 74AC161 74AC163 74ac821 74Acqxx 74ACT161 74ACTxx series 74ALVC162245 74c SERIES cmos logic data 74F160 74F190 74F20 74F537 74F779 74Fr924 74VHC02 74VHC4040 74VHCTxx 8 bit wide 2 to 1 multiplexer Advanced TTL Logic application MM74C926 BOU SOT23 buffer driver Level Shift CD 4011 QUAD 2-INPUT NAND GATE CD 4069 HEX INVERTER CD4013BC cd4023bc cd4047 cd4060 CD4099BC CD4503BC cd4538b cmos 4070 cmos databook cmos logic 4001 series cmos logic databook d flip flop diode l6x DIODE mtc 40-14 Diode SJ DIODE SJ 98 DM7404 DM7405 DM7476 "pin compatible" DM7490 DM74ALS640A DM9324 DM9370 DM93xx DM96xx ECL 9324 ECL D flip flop ecl nand 7400 F100K F100K ECL 300 series databook and design guide fairchild 4052 Fairchild Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Data Catalog 1970 Fairchild Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Data Catalog 1971 fst3225 FST3253 HC 40106 HC 4011 logic gate HC 4093 Hex schmitt trigger ecl HST 4047 intergrated circuits master slave jk flip flop MM74C02 mm74c221 replacement MM74C73 mm74c922 mm74c925 MM74HC161 Application Notes mm74hc273 mm74hc4046 MM74HC4060 applications mm80c95 mm88c30 msa 520 mx 640 MX SERIES NTE 4023 NTE 4069 nte CROSS-REFERENCE OF 40106 BUFFER On semiconductor LCX 574 Optoelectronics Device data outline mx 503 pinout information of CMOS 4001, 4011, 4070 QSOP 74AC240 Quad 2 input nand gate cd 4093 quad single supply 50 Ohm Line Drivers quad video line driver retriggerable monostable 40106 Sj 47 diode SJ 76 A DIODE EMI Sj 88a diode SJ 96 switch FAIRCHILD TTL 7400 catalog TTL 7400 fairchild ttl 9370 vhc 164 544 WM 1074
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