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    ZM1031 Search Results

    ZM1031 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ZM1030 rs tube scans-0018111 neon tube
    Text: ZM1031 IN D IC A T O R TUBE Cold cathode sign indicator tube for side viewing. QUICK REFERENCE DATA Sign height Signs Supply voltage Cathode current Vba Ik m in. 15 mm + 170 V 4 mA GENERAL This tube has the same physical dim ensions as the biquinary num erical indicator

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    ZM1031 ZM1030. ZM1031 ZM1030 rs tube scans-0018111 neon tube PDF


    Abstract: cold cathode
    Text: ZM1031/01 IN DICATO R TUBE C old cathode sign in d ic a to r tube fo r sid e view ing. QUICK REFERENCE DATA 15 Sign height mm + - Signs Supply voltage Vba Anode c u rre n t la m in . 170 3 V mA GENERAL T his tube has the sam e p h y sical d im en sio n s as the b iq u in ary n u m e ric a l in d ic a to r

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    ZM1031/01 ZM1030. ZM1031/01 ZM1030 cold cathode PDF


    Abstract: noval
    Text: ZM1033/01 IN DICATO R TUBE The type ZM1033/01 is ele ctrica lly identical with type ZM1031/01 but has no filter coating. The use of a separate bleu absorbing e .g . c ircu la r polarized am ber filte r is reco m ­ mended. DIMENSIONS AND CONNECTIONS Dimensions in mm

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    ZM1033/01 ZM1033/01 ZM1031/01 7Z07603 MAX222 noval PDF