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    MGN1S1208MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1D120603MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-6/-3V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S1212MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0508MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0512MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    ZERO-GATE VOLTAGE DRAIN CURRENT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 9435a 4410b 9407a 9952a 9936A 9926A Sc 6200 equivalent 993-9A 8435a
    Text: SURFACE MOUNT DEVICES FOR HYBRID APPLICATIONS PLASTIC MATERIAL USED CARRIES UL 94V-0 TYPE Marking Drain Current Static Drain to Source On Resistance Max. Gate Threshold Voltage Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current VGSS ID DC RDS(ON) @ ID / VGS VGS(th) IDSS @ VDS,VGS=0V



    Abstract: OM60N10NK OM75N05NK OM75N06NK
    Text: Avalanche Characteristics Avalanche Current IAR EAS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy EAR Repetitive Avalanche Energy IAR Avalanche Current 3.1 - 44 Electrical Characteristics - OFF V BR DSS Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage Zero Gate Voltage IDSS Drain Current (VGS = 0)



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SK2678LS N- Channel MOS Silicon FET Very High-Speed Switching Applications TENTATIVE Features and Applications ¥ Low ON-state resistance. ¥ Low Qg. Tc=25¡C Electrical Characteristics / Ta=25°C Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current

    2SK2678LS 2SK2678LS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SK2678 N- Channel MOS Silicon FET Very High-Speed Switching Applications TENTATIVE Features and Applications • Low ON-state resistance. • Low Qg. Tc=25°C Electrical Characteristics / Ta=25°C Drain to Source Breakdown Voltage Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current

    2SK2678 981224TM2fXHD 2SK2678 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 205 Crawford St. Leominster, MA 01453 978 534-5776 Fax(978)537-4246 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: OM400L60CMC (Tc= 25°°C unless otherwise specified) Characteristic OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector Emitter Breakdown Voltage, VCE=0V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current, VGE=0, VCE =600V

    OM400L60CMC /-15V, OM400L60CMC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 205 Crawford St. Leominster, MA 01453 978 534-5776 Fax(978)537-4246 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: OM150F120CMC (Tc= 25°°C unless otherwise specified) Characteristic OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector Emitter Breakdown Voltage, VCE=0V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current, VGE=0, VCE =1200V

    OM150F120CMC /-15V, -1500A/ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 205 Crawford St. Leominster, MA 01453 978 534-5776 Fax(978)537-4246 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: OM300L60CMC (Tc= 25°°C unless otherwise specified) Characteristic OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector Emitter Breakdown Voltage, VCE=0V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current, VGE=0, VCE =600V

    OM300L60CMC /-15V, OM300L60CMC PDF

    MJ 800

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 205 Crawford St. Leominster, MA 01453 978 534-5776 Fax(978)537-4246 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: OM150F120CMA (Tc= 25°°C unless otherwise specified) Characteristic OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector Emitter Breakdown Voltage, VCE=0V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current, VGE=0, VCE =1200V

    OM150F120CMA /-15V, -1500A/ MJ 800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 205 Crawford St. Leominster, MA 01453 978 534-5776 Fax(978)537-4246 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: OM150L120CMA (Tc= 25°°C unless otherwise specified) Characteristic OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector Emitter Breakdown Voltage, VCE=0V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current, VGE=0, VCE =1200V

    OM150L120CMA /-15V, -1500A/ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 205 Crawford St. Leominster, MA 01453 978 534-5776 Fax(978)537-4246 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: OM200L120CMA (Tc= 25°°C unless otherwise specified) Characteristic OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector Emitter Breakdown Voltage, VCE=0V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current, VGE=0, VCE =1200V

    OM200L120CMA /-20V, -2000A/ PDF


    Abstract: jfet pch TRANS JFET N-CH
    Text: NTE Type No. Polarity and Material Description and Application Case Style Diag. No. Voltage Gate to Source Volts Cutoff Voltage Gate to Source (Volts) Drain Current Zero-Gate (mA) Drain Current (mA) Res Drain to Source (Ohms) Cap Input (pf) Min Max(OFF)

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    400MHZ 200MHZ 100HZ 400MH2 250pA DUAL GATE MOS-FET jfet pch TRANS JFET N-CH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS FET NTE TVpe No. Polarity and Material Description and Application Case Style Diag. No. Voltage Gate to Source Min (Volts) Cutoff Voltage Gate to Source Max(OFF) (Volts) Drain Current Zero-Gate Min-Max (mA) Drain Current Max(OFF)

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    T0106 250pA QQ03S4b PDF


    Abstract: ECG491 ECG466 uei 310 ECG490 ecg mosfet ECG464 ECG492 mosfet 830 transconductance mosfet
    Text: Field Effect Transistors cont'd (Observe ECG Type Transcon­ ductance gfs pmhos Description and Application Gate to Source Cutoff Voltage V GS (off) Max V Zero-Gate Drain Current Drain Current •d s s •d 10 nA |Max ECG464 ▲ m Gate to Drain to Source

    OCR Scan
    ecg464 ECG465) to-72 ecg465 ECG464) ecg466 ECG490 ECG491 ECG492 ECG465 uei 310 ECG490 ecg mosfet ECG464 mosfet 830 transconductance mosfet PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS FET NTE Type No. Polarity and Material Description and Application Case Style Dlag. No. Voltage Gate to Source Min (Volta) Cutoff Voltage Gate to Source Max(OFF) (Volta) BV q s s Drain Current Zero-Gate Min-Max (mA) Drain Current

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    250pA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CEP6031LS2/CEB6031LS2 ELEC TR IC AL CHARACTERISTICS Tc=25°C unless otherwise noted Parameter Symbol Condition Min Typ Max Unit Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage BVdss Vgs =0V,ID=250 hA 30 Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Idss V ds =24V, V gs =0V 10 pA Gate-Body Leakage

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    CEP6031LS2/CEB6031LS2 250hA PDF


    Abstract: jvv diode
    Text: Power FET Specification Maximum Ratings Symbol T stg T Ch V DSS V GSS I D I DP Condition Pulse width ^ 10 ¡is Duty cycle S 1/100 Source Current DC IS Total Power Dissipation P T Item Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Gate-Source Leakage

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    Vds--30V, 2SJ487 fiH11367 QQQ2ti31 jvv diode PDF


    Abstract: GS109 P703
    Text: CEP703ALS2/CEB703ALS2 ELEC TR IC AL CHARACTERISTICS Tc=25°C unless otherwise noted Parameter Typ Max Unit Symbol Condition Min Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage BV dss V gSz OV, ID=250[i A 30 Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Idss V ds =24V, Vgs =0V 10 [iA Gate-Body Leakage

    OCR Scan
    CEP703ALS2/CEB703ALS2 B703A GS109 P703 PDF


    Abstract: IRF240
    Text: electrical characteristics T q - 2 5 ° C (unless otherwise specified) CHARACTERISTIC [ off characteristics Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage IRF230/D86DN2 (VGS = 0V, lD = 250 ,uA) IRF231/D86EM2 Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (Vps = Max Rating, VGs = 0V, T c = 25°C)

    OCR Scan
    IRF230/D86DN2 IRF231/D86EM2 00A//usec, 250M IRF240 PDF


    Abstract: CEB603ALS2 CEP603A
    Text: CEP603ALS2/CEB603ALS2 ELEC TR IC AL CHARACTERISTICS Tc=25°C unless otherwise noted Parameter Typ Max Unit Symbol Condition Min Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage BVdss Vgs =0V,ID=250 hA 30 Zero Gate Voilage Drain Current Idss V ds=24V, V gs =0V 10 [iA Gate-Body Leakage

    OCR Scan
    CEP603ALS2/CEB603ALS2 250hA CEP603AL CEB603ALS2 CEP603A PDF


    Abstract: ECG468 ECG490 ecg mosfet ECG491 ECG464 ECG465 ECG492 ecg jfet
    Text: Field E ffe ct Tran sisto rs cont'd (Observe ECG Typo ECG464 ▲ Transcon­ ductance gfs fimhos Description and Application Gate to Source Cutoff Voltage VGS (off) Max V M P S F E I, Zero-Gate Drain Current • dss 10 nA ¡¡Max f Drain Current fD Input

    OCR Scan
    ecg464 ECG465) to-72 ecg465 ECG464) ecg466 ECG490 ECG491 ECG491 ECG492 ECG468 ECG490 ecg mosfet ECG464 ECG492 ecg jfet PDF

    300 Amp mosfet

    Abstract: 200 Amp mosfet ECG222 ECG459 ECG451 ECG458 ECG221 ECG457 ECG312 dual jfet vhf
    Text: Field Effect Transistors ECG Type Description and Application Maximum Ratings at T a = 25°C Observe MOS Handling ▲ Gate to Source Trans­ Cutoff conductance Voltage gfs VGS <°«> Typ fjmho8 Max V Zero-Gate Gate To Voltage Source Drain Breakdown Input

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    ECG220 ECG221 ECG222 ECG45ECG489 ECG455 RF-15A T49-1 ECG461 ECG46Â ECG453 300 Amp mosfet 200 Amp mosfet ECG222 ECG459 ECG451 ECG458 ECG221 ECG457 ECG312 dual jfet vhf PDF


    Abstract: MMCF4338 MMCF4339
    Text: MMC4338, MMCF4339 continued E LE C T R IC A L CH A R A CTER ISTICS Characteristic Gate-Source Breakdown Voltage ( lG = 10 MAdc, V DS = 0) Gate Reverse Current (V GS = 30 Vdc, V p g = 0) Gate-Source Pinch-Off Voltage <VDS = 20 Vdc, l D = 1.0 nAdc) Zero-Gate Voltage Drain Current

    OCR Scan
    MMC4338, MMCF4339 MMCF4338 MMCF4339 4-26c, MMC4338 PDF


    Abstract: 100WF
    Text: nu itnut i SEME BFM34 LAB MECHANICAL DATA TetraFET 100W - 28V - 900MHz DIM A B C D E F G H 1 J K M N O P ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter PER SIDE Drain-Source B Vncc Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Iq SS Gate Leakage Current Toi. 0.50 0.13 5° 0.13 0.13

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    BFM34 900MHz 100mA 900MHz A133167 BFM34 100WF PDF


    Abstract: ECG458 300 Amp mosfet ecg459 transistor jfet ecg 200 Amp mosfet dual jfet vhf ECG312 ECG451 ECG221
    Text: Field E ffect Transistors M axim um Ratings at T a = 25°C Observe M O S Handling ▲ Gate to Source Cutoff Voltage V GS (off) M ax V Zero-Gate Gate To Voltage Source Drain Breakdown Current Voltage IpSS mA b v GSS Min - Max Min V 8 5 -2 5 20 15,000 18 typ

    OCR Scan
    ECG220 ECG221 ECG222 RF-15A T49-1 ECG461 ECG46Ã ECG453 SP-92 T13-1* ECG222 ECG458 300 Amp mosfet ecg459 transistor jfet ecg 200 Amp mosfet dual jfet vhf ECG312 ECG451 ECG221 PDF