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    Z86L79 Search Results

    Z86L79 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    Z86L79 ZiLOG Low-Voltage Microcontroller Original PDF
    Z86L7908PSC ZiLOG Low-voltage microcontroller. 8.0 MHz, 4 (KB) ROM, 237 (bytes) RAM, I/O 24, 2.0 V to 3.9 V Original PDF
    Z86L7908SSC ZiLOG Low-voltage microcontroller. 8.0 MHz, 4 (KB) ROM, 237 (bytes) RAM, I/O 24, 2.0 V to 3.9 V Original PDF

    Z86L79 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: Z86L79 Z86L80 XTAL1 Zilog 28 Pin Ceramic DIP
    Text: Z86L79/80 CPS95LV0500 P R E L I M I N A R Y PRELIMINARY CUSTOMER PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION Z86L79/80 ZILOG INFRARED REMOTE CONTROLLER FAMILY ZIRC FEATURES ROM (Kbyte) 4 8 RAM* (Kbyte) 237 237 Speed (MHz) 8 8 • Vectored, Prioritized Interrupts with Programmable

    Z86L79/80 CPS95LV0500 28-Pin Z86L79 Z86L80 ZILOG MOUSE CONTROLLER Z86L79 Z86L80 XTAL1 Zilog 28 Pin Ceramic DIP PDF


    Abstract: Z86L79 Z86L80
    Text: Z86L7900ZDP S UPPOR TP RODUCT Z86L7900ZDP Z86L79/L80 EMULATOR ADAPTER KIT FEATURES • Supported Devices Part Z86L79 Z86L80 Packages 28-Pin DIP 28-Pin DIP Speed MHz 8 8 ■ Cost-Effective Emulator Solution ■ Allows Use of Existing Emulator ■ Emulation Converter

    Z86L7900ZDP Z86L79/L80 Z86L79 Z86L80 28-Pin L71ICEBOXTM Z86L71 Z86L79 Z86L80 PDF


    Abstract: Z86L80
    Text: 1 Z86L79/80 1 IR/LOW-VOLTAGE MICROCONTROLLER FEATURES Part ROM Kbytes RAM* (Bytes) I/O Voltage Range Z86L79 Z86L80 4 8 237 237 24 24 2.0V to 3.9V 2.0V to 3.9V Note: *General-Purpose • Three Standby Modes (Typical) – STOP - 2 µA – HALT - 0.8 mA – Low Voltage Standby (<VLV)

    Z86L79/80 Z86L79 Z86L80 16-Bit Z86L79 Z86L80 PDF

    floppy drive emulator

    Abstract: Z86L71 Z86L7103ZEM Z86C50
    Text: CUSTOMER PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION Z86L7103ZEM 1 ICEBOX FAMILY IN-CIRCUIT EMULATOR-L71 FEATURES • Supported Products Packages Emulation 20-Pin PDIP OTP Programming 1 N/A 2 Z86L71/L78 28-Pin PDIP Z86L79/L80 Z86L88/L81/L863 N/A N/A 40-Pin PDIP Z86L72/E72/L73/E73/L87/L894

    Z86L7103ZEM EMULATOR-L71 20-Pin Z86L71/L78 28-Pin Z86L79/L80 Z86L88/L81/L863 40-Pin Z86L72/E72/L73/E73/L87/L894 Z86E72/E736 floppy drive emulator Z86L71 Z86L7103ZEM Z86C50 PDF

    trackball ch

    Abstract: Z86L79 Z86L80
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 1 Z86L79/L80 1 LOW-VOLTAGE MICROCONTROLLER FEATURES Part ROM KB RAM* (Bytes) I/O Voltage Range Z86L79 Z86L80 4 8 237 237 24 24 2.0V to 3.9V 2.0V to 3.9V Note: *General-Purpose • Three Standby Modes (Typical) – STOP - 2 µA

    Z86L79/L80 Z86L79 Z86L80 16-Bit trackball ch Z86L79 Z86L80 PDF


    Abstract: Z86L02 Z86L04 Z86L70 Z86L71 Z86L75 Z86L78 Z86L79 Z86L80 Z86L88
    Text: INFRARED REMOTE CONTROLLERS Product Family Z86L02 Z86L04 Z86L70 Z86L75 Z86L29 Z86L71 Z86C71 Z86L78 Z86L79 Z86L80 Z86L88 Z86L81 Z86L86 Z86L87 Z86L72 Z86C72 Z86E72 Z86L89 Z86L73 Z86E73 Z86L92 Pin Count ROM KB OTP 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 40, 44

    Z86L02 Z86L04 Z86L70 Z86L75 Z86L29 Z86L71 Z86C71 Z86L78 Z86L79 Z86L80 Z86C71 Z86L02 Z86L04 Z86L70 Z86L71 Z86L75 Z86L78 Z86L79 Z86L80 Z86L88 PDF


    Abstract: Z86L80 ZILOG Z8
    Text: Z86L79/L80 EMULATION POD USER 'S GUIDE USER'S GUIDE Z86L7900ZDP Z86L79/L80 EMULATION POD DESCRIPTION The Z86L79/L80 Emulation Pod allows the Zilog L71 ICEBOX Emulator to emulate a 28-pin DIP Z86L79/L80 Infrared Remote Controller. SUPPORTED DEVICES Part Number

    Z86L79/L80 Z86L7900ZDP 28-pin Z86L79, Z86L80 Z86L79 Z86L80 ZILOG Z8 PDF

    zpd n

    Abstract: Mouse Controllers Z86CCP00ZEM Z86C02 Z86C03 Z86C04 Z86C06 Z86E02 Z86E03 UART 40-pin DIP
    Text: Z8 Microcontroller & DSP Line Card MA PSP DSD GC ard click on product names below IIRR Set-Top Set-Top MMOODE DEMM p hiip C V h V- C ceD Ti A VDo W W WW W WW W W W W W V TTTTVVV t IIInInnntttteeeerrrrnnnneeeettt io on at ti ul ula nn Em m E tiotio ua a al lu

    Z86C02 Z86L02 Z86E02 Z86C03 Z86E3 Z0860000ZCO Z0860000ZCO; Z86E2100ZDP Z86E2101ZDV zpd n Mouse Controllers Z86CCP00ZEM Z86C02 Z86C03 Z86C04 Z86C06 Z86E02 Z86E03 UART 40-pin DIP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L71 ICEBOX EMULATOR READ THIS FIRST! PRODUCT INFORMATION Z86L7X ICEBOX EMULATOR QUICK START 1 Check Support Package Contents See Other Side 2 Load Software 2. Select the "Run" command from the "File" menu, located under Microsoft Windows "Program Manager".

    Z86L7X PI96LV00102 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Z86L7102ZEM S UPPOR TP RODUCT Z86L7102ZEM Z8 ICEBOX INFRARED REMOTE CONTROLLER FAMILY EMULATOR FEATURES • Supported Devices Packages Emulation 18-Pin DIP/SOIC N/A 20-Pin DIP Z86L71/L78 20-Pin SOIC N/A 40-Pin DIP Z86L72/E72 Z86L73/E73 Z86L76/L77 44-Pin PLCC

    Z86L7102ZEM 18-Pin 20-Pin Z86L71/L78 40-Pin Z86L72/E72 Z86L73/E73 Z86L76/L77 Z86E74 PDF

    z8 microcontroller sample programs

    Abstract: Z86L79/L80-datasheet.htmlpc motherboard schematics ICecon Z8 super8 zilog emulator super8 oscillator pc motherboard schematics
    Text: C50 ICEBOX USER 'S MANUAL Safeguards Electrical WARNING: Follow the precautions listed below to avoid permanent damage to the emulator. If the target application board has its own power supply, follow the power-up and powerdown procedures in the precise order shown below:

    UM010201-0301 z8 microcontroller sample programs Z86L79/L80-datasheet.htmlpc motherboard schematics ICecon Z8 super8 zilog emulator super8 oscillator pc motherboard schematics PDF


    Abstract: floppy dip switch 4 pin dip switch

    Z86L7101ZEM CPS95LV0401 18-Pin 20-Pin Z86L71/L78 40-Pin Z86L72/E72 Z86L73/E73 RS-232-CRS232C floppy dip switch 4 pin dip switch PDF


    Abstract: rc Oscillator
    Text: Consumer IR Remote Block Diagram Zilog Superintegration Pr oducts Guide 4/8K ROM 16K/24K/32K ROM 16K/24K/32K ROM 16K ROM Z8 CPU Z8 CPU Z8 CPU Z8 CPU 256 RAM 256 RAM Counter/ Timers P0 Device Description Process Speed Features Package Support Products P2

    16K/24K/32K Z86L79/L80 Z86L88/L81/L86 Z86L87/E89/L73/E73/L92 Z86L72/C72/E72 OTP/32K L72/C72 28-Pin timers rc Oscillator PDF

    ZILOG Z8

    Abstract: plc programming languages
    Text: L71 ICEBOX U SER'S MANUAL USER'S MANUAL CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW Congratulations on selecting a fine development tool! The Zilog L71 In-Circuit Emulator ICEBOX is carefully engineered to provide the best balance between reasonable cost and useful features to

    486-based Z86E7401ZDP Z86E74 Z86L7900ZDP Z86L79/80 ZILOG Z8 plc programming languages PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n Z86L79/L80 IR /L o w -V o l t a g e M ic r o c o n t r o l l e r FEATURES Part ROM KB RAM* (Bytes) I/O Voltage Range Z86L79 Z86L80 4 8 237 237 24 24 2.0V to 3.9V 2.0V to 3.9V Note: "General-Purpose • Three Standby Modes (Typical)

    OCR Scan
    Z86L79/L80 Z86L79 Z86L80 200-K0hm DS97LV00602 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY C u sto m er p r o c u r em en t S p ecifica tio n < £ 2 iL C E Z86L79/80 Z ilo g I n f r a r e d R em o t e C o n t r o l l e r Fa m il y ZIRC FEATURES Part ROM (Kbyte) RAM* (Kbyte) Speed (MHz) 4 8 237 237 8 8 Z86L79 Z86L80 Vectored, Prioritized Interrupts with Programmable

    OCR Scan
    Z86L79/80 Z86L79 Z86L80 28-Pin 0D35SL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Z86L79 - 1 7 FCR4.0MC5 Ta* 20 Cdeg] a. VIH/VIL Typical *- + Worst m 5 3 1 -1 7 5 3 1 -1 .5 .3 .1 - .1 - .3 -.5 400 c. Fosc • iXÌ . d. Trise . » . . CuS3 i 300 200 100 60 - 1- - L_ e. Duty C%3 - 1- _ U- * SS 50 45 40 Vdd m f. Vstart CV3

    OCR Scan
    Z86L79 -6L79 PDF


    Abstract: 512SC
    Text: P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n Z86L79/L80 I R/Low-V o l t a g e M ic r o c o n t r o l l e r FEATURES Five Priority Interrupts Part ROM KB RAM* (Bytes) I/O Voltage Range Z86L79 4 237 24 2.0V to 3.9V Z86L80 8 237 24 2.0V to 3.9V Low-Voltage Detection and Standby Mode

    OCR Scan
    Z86L79/L80 Z86L79 Z86L80 200-K0hm 16-Bit DS97LV00602 EFL200 512SC PDF


    Abstract: 8239 Z86L79
    Text: Z8GL79 - 1 FCR8.0MC5 Ta- 20 [dog] Typical Vdd CV] f. Vstart CV] Typical - 1.95 g. Vhold m Typical - 1.95 Power supply voltage dependence of oscilUttng characteristics ZB6L79 - 1 Vdd- 3 ? CV] F C R 8 .0 M C 5 F t g .a ~ e •- Typical CV]_

    OCR Scan
    Z86L79 Z8GL79 02006 8239 PDF

    transistor code p34

    Abstract: PR57345 schematic Samsung TV led backlight IPC-A-600C transistor k54 2N3904 K35 lt1063 sony k58 1H914 EVQ-QS205K
    Text: Z86L8800ZCO IR Remote Control Development Kit Version 0.0 1.0 General Information The Zilog IR Remote Control Development Kit - Z 86L88OOZCO allows the user to develop his customized IR remote control product by using Zilog’s cost-effective LowVoltage IR Microcontroller and Universal IR Database.

    OCR Scan
    Z86L88OOZCOIR Z86L88OOZCO transistor code p34 PR57345 schematic Samsung TV led backlight IPC-A-600C transistor k54 2N3904 K35 lt1063 sony k58 1H914 EVQ-QS205K PDF