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    Z3A17 Price and Stock

    Bourns Inc AMS22B5A1ZZZFZ3A17

    Industrial Motion & Position Sensors NON-CONTACTING ROTARY SENSOR
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI AMS22B5A1ZZZFZ3A17 Tray 402 1
    • 1 $27.31
    • 10 $27.31
    • 100 $26
    • 1000 $25
    • 10000 $25
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    Z3A17 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G 7. SGS-1H 0 MS 0 N M28V841 HQÊISOIlLiÊratôIRiOlgS LOW VOLTAGE 8 Megabit 1 Meg x 8, Sector Erase FLASH M EM O RY PRODUCT PREVIEW • SMALL SIZE PLASTIC PACKAGES TSCJP40 and S044 ■ MEMORY ERASE in SECTORS - 16 Sectors of 64K Bytes each ■ 3V ± 0.3V SUPPLY VOLTAGE

    OCR Scan
    M28V841 TSCJP40 100ns TSOP40 x20mm IA15 PDF


    Abstract: TSOP48 outline TSOP48 footprint
    Text: $ 7 . S G S -1 H 0 N IS 0 N M28V161 • S M S it g liM Q t g i LOW VOLTAGE 16 Megabit (2 Meg x 8, Sector Erase FLASH MEMORY PRODUCT PREVIEW ■ SMALL SIZE PLASTIC PACKAGES TSOP48 and S044 ■ MEMORY ERASE in SECTORS - 32 Sectors of 64K Bytes each ■ 3.3V ± 0.3V SUPPLY VOLTAGE

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    M28V161 TSOP48 100ns TSOP48 7TBT23? Z3A19 TSOP48 outline TSOP48 footprint PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5 7 . S G S -T H O M S O N [fflM iH iM M B g S M28V841 LOW VOLTAGE 8 Megabit 1 Meg x 8, Sector Erase FLASH MEMORY PRODUCT PREVIEW • SMALL SIZE PLASTIC PACKAGES TSOP40 and S044 ■ MEMORY ERASE in SECTORS - 16 Sectors of 64K Bytes each ■ 3V ± 0.3V SUPPLY VOLTAGE

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    M28V841 TSOP40 100ns 7T2T237 PDF


    Abstract: b25z
    Text: ggg^X ifo 5 1 2 /1 0 2 4 /2 0 4 8 X 36 ADVANCED INFORMATION CMOS Dual-Port SyncFlFO d t) IntegratedPeiviceTechnology, Inc. FEATURES: IUT72od41 IDT723651 • S upp orts clo ck fre q u e n cie s up to 67 M H z • Fast acce ss tim e s of 1 1ns • A va ila b le in 1 32-pin P lastic Q ua d F la tpack PQ F) or

    OCR Scan
    IUT72od41 IDT723651 T723631-- T723641-- T723651-- Z3A28 Z1A25 Z3A17 IDT723631/41/51 IDB25 b25z PDF