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    Z0200045FSC Search Results

    Z0200045FSC Datasheets (1)

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    Abstract: Z8720020FSC qpsk modulation and demodulation Z0200020FSC Z87200 Z8720045FSC single chip bpsk modulator of lower carrier freq pn qpsk 1210BH stel-2000a
    Text: PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Z Z87200 1 SPREAD-SPECTRUM TRANSCEIVER FEATURES Device Z87200 Min PN Rate* Max Data Speed Mchips Rate* (Mbps) (MHz) Package 11 2.048 20/45 100-Pin PQFP Note: *45 MHz only • Full- or Half-Duplex Operation Benefits ■ High Performance and High Reliability for Reduced

    Z87200 100-Pin Z87200 Z0200045FSC Z8720020FSC qpsk modulation and demodulation Z0200020FSC Z8720045FSC single chip bpsk modulator of lower carrier freq pn qpsk 1210BH stel-2000a PDF


    Abstract: BPSK direct sequence spread spectrum transmitter modulator DBPSK low frequency bpsk modulator ic bpsk modulator pn sequence generator Z0200020FSC Z0200045FSC Z87200 Z8720020FSC
    Text: PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 4 Z87200 4 SPREAD-SPECTRUM TRANSCEIVER FEATURES Device Z87200 Min PN Rate* Max Data Speed Mchips Rate* (Mbps) (MHz) Package 11 2.048 20/45 100-Pin PQFP Note: *45 MHz only • Full- or Half-Duplex Operation Benefits ■ High Performance and High Reliability for Reduced

    Z87200 100-Pin Z87200 DS96WRL0400 stel-2000a BPSK direct sequence spread spectrum transmitter modulator DBPSK low frequency bpsk modulator ic bpsk modulator pn sequence generator Z0200020FSC Z0200045FSC Z8720020FSC PDF

    qpsk transmitter

    Abstract: low cost qpsk modulator low frequency bpsk modulator ic pn qpsk qpsk modulation and demodulation pn sequence generator Z8720045FSC bpsk modulator BPSK transmitters qpsk modulator chip stanford telecom
    Text: Z87200 Spread-Spectrum Transceiver Product Specification PS010202-0601 ZiLOG Worldwide Headquarters • 910 E. Hamilton Avenue • Campbell, CA 95008 Telephone: 408.558.8500 • Fax: 408.558.8300 • Z87200 Spread-Spectrum Transceiver This publication is subject to replacement by a later edition. To determine whether

    Z87200 PS010202-0601 Z87200 qpsk transmitter low cost qpsk modulator low frequency bpsk modulator ic pn qpsk qpsk modulation and demodulation pn sequence generator Z8720045FSC bpsk modulator BPSK transmitters qpsk modulator chip stanford telecom PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 4 Z87200 4 SPREAD-SPECTRUM TRANSCEIVER FEATURES Device Z87200 Min PN Rate* Max Data Speed Mchips Rate* (Mbps) (MHz) Package 11 2.048 20/45 100-Pin PQFP Note: *45 MHz only • Full- or Half-Duplex Operation Benefits ■ High Performance and High Reliability for Reduced

    Z87200 100-Pin Z87200 DS96WRL0400 PS010201-0301 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n Z87200 S p r e a d - S p e c t r u m T r a n s c e iv e r FEATURES Device Min PN Rate* Mchips Z87200 11 • Max Data Speed Rate* (Mbps) (MHz) 2.048 20/45 Full- or Half-Duplex Operation Package Benefits 100-Pin PQFP ■

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    Z87200 100-Pin 100-Lead PDF

    Stanford Telecom

    Abstract: Stanford Telecom package Z0200045FSC
    Text: < £ Z ¡ L O P r e lim in a r y C u st o m er P r o c u r e m e n t S pecificat io n E Z87200 20/45 MHZ SPREAD-SPECTRUM DIRECT SEQUENCE PROCESSOR FEATURES Part PN Rate* Data Rate* Mchips (Mbps) Z87200 +11 2.048 Speed (MHz) 20/45 • Power Management Features

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    Z87200 Z87200 100-Pin Stanford Telecom Stanford Telecom package Z0200045FSC PDF

    single chip baseband bpsk modulator

    Abstract: TXM TX 2E qpsk modulator chip stanford telecom Stanford Telecom
    Text: P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n Z87200 S p r e a d - S p e c t r u m T r a n s c e iv e r FEATURES Device Min PN Rate* Mchips Z87200 11 • Max Data Speed Rate* (Mbps) (MHz) 2.048 20/45 Package 100-Pin PQFP Note: *45 MHz only Full- or Half-Duplex Operation

    OCR Scan
    Z87200 100-Pin Z87200 DS96WRL0400 single chip baseband bpsk modulator TXM TX 2E qpsk modulator chip stanford telecom Stanford Telecom PDF

    qpsk modulator chip stanford telecom

    Abstract: 39HXC
    Text: <$2¡L0E A d v a n c e In f o r m a t io n S p e c if ic a t io n Z2000 S prea d -S pectrum T r a n s c e iv e r FEATURES BENEFITS • C o m p le te D ire c t S e q u e n c e S p re a d -S p e c tru m Transceiver in a Single CMOS 1C ■ High Performance and High Reliability for Reduced

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    Z2000 MHzZ2000 100-Pin 0030b4fl Z0200020FSC Z0200045FSC Z2000 Z2000, qpsk modulator chip stanford telecom 39HXC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P r e l im in a r y C u s t o m e r P r o c u r e m e n t S p e c if ic a tio n Z87200 20/45 MHZ SPREAD-SPECTRUM D ir e c t S e q u e n c e P r o c e s s o r FEATURES Part PN Rate* Data Rate* Mchips (Mbps) Z87200 +11 2.048 Speed (MHz) Package 20/45 100-Pin QFP

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    Z87200 100-Pin Z87200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n Z87200 S p r e a d - S p e c t r u m T r a n s c e iv e r FEATURES Device Min PN Rate* Mchips Z87200 11 • Max Data Speed Rate* (Mbps) (MHz) 2.048 20/45 Full- or Half-Duplex Operation Package Benefits 100-Pin PQFP ■

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    Z87200 100-Pin 100-Lead PDF