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    E-Switch Inc 300SP1J1GRYM7QENOCAP

    Rocker Switches
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 300SP1J1GRYM7QENOCAP
    • 1 $4.18
    • 10 $3.44
    • 100 $3.23
    • 1000 $2.49
    • 10000 $2.19
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    E-Switch Inc 300SP3J1GRYM7QENOCAP

    Rocker Switches
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 300SP3J1GRYM7QENOCAP
    • 1 $4.43
    • 10 $3.65
    • 100 $3.43
    • 1000 $2.64
    • 10000 $2.33
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    YM OCA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT431 ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATOR FEATURES • Precision reference voltage : LT431O : 2.495V±0.4% LT431N : 2.495V±1.0% • Adjustable output voltage is VREF to 36V • Sink current capability is 200mA • Low dynamic output impedance is 0.2Ω typ.

    LT431 LT431O LT431N 200mA LT431 PDF


    Abstract: 431NHP ym oca 431OHP
    Text: LT431 ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATOR FEATURES • Precision reference voltage : LT431O : 2.495V±0.5% LT431N : 2.495V±1.0% • Adjustable output voltage is VREF to 36V • Sink current capability is 200mA • Low dynamic output impedance is 0.2Ω typ.

    LT431 LT431O LT431N 200mA LT431 OT-23 OT-23R 431NHP ym oca 431OHP PDF


    Abstract: zener LT431 LT431OCRPA LT431OCAPA LT431O LT431NHPA LT431N 431NHP 431OHP LT431NCAPA
    Text: LT431 ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATOR FEATURES • Precision reference voltage : LT431O : 2.495V±0.5% LT431N : 2.495V±1.0% • Adjustable output voltage is VREF to 36V • Sink current capability is 200mA • Low dynamic output impedance is 0.2Ω typ.

    LT431 LT431O LT431N 200mA LT431 LT431ons zener LT431 LT431OCRPA LT431OCAPA LT431O LT431NHPA LT431N 431NHP 431OHP LT431NCAPA PDF


    Abstract: YMF278B YAMAHA ELECTRIC ORGAN drum synthesizer CHIP hi hat 4RW801A2
    Text: YAMAHA I. S I WAVE DATA ROM • OVERVIEW The YRW801 is a wave data ROM for the YM F278B OPL4 Wave Table synthesizer, integrating all tones GM (General M IDI) System Level 1 into one chip. The chip set o f Y M F278B and YRW801 enables high-quality and com pact design o f sound system based

    OCR Scan
    YRW801 F278B F278B 44-pin 16Mbit 152word -17-1I. 3K95O7 YMF278B YAMAHA ELECTRIC ORGAN drum synthesizer CHIP hi hat 4RW801A2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HOLTEK HT10XX Voltage Regulator Features • • • Wide operating voltage 12V M ax. TO-92 and SOT-89 packages Low power consum ption Low voltage drop Low tem perature coefficient Applications • • Audio/Video equipm ent Battery-pow ered equipm ent Com m unication equipm ent

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    HT10XX OT-89 T10XX 10Pcs) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HB56UW3273E-A Series HB56UW3273EJ-A Series 33554432-word x 72-bit High Density Dynamic RAM Module HITACHI ADE-203-825A Z Rev. 1.0 Sep. 5, 1997 Description The HB56UW3273E-A, HB56UW3273EJ-A belong to 8-byte DIMM (Dual in-line Memory Module) family , and have been developed an optimized main memory solution for 4 and 8-byte processor

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    HB56UW3273E-A HB56UW3273EJ-A 33554432-word 72-bit ADE-203-825A HB56UW3273E-A, 64-Mbit 165405A) PDF

    load cell kis- 9

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HM5116100B Series 16,777,216-word x 1-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory HITACHI ADE-203-371A Z Rev. 1.0 Nov. 10, 1995 Description The Hitachi HM5116100B is a CMOS dynamic RAM organized 16,777,216-word x 1-bit. It employs the most advanced CMOS technology for high performance and low power. The HM5116100B offers Fast Page

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    HM5116100B 216-word ADE-203-371A mW/385 mW/358 16-bit HM51161 load cell kis- 9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADE-203-474 Z HN29W1601 Series 2097152-word x 8-bit CMOS Flash Memory Preliminary H IT A C H I T he H itachi HN29W 1601 is a 2M -word x 8-bit C M O S F la s h M em o ry w ith D IN O R (D iv id ed b itlin e N O R ) type m em ory cells, that realizes programming! and erase capabilities with a single

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    ADE-203-474 HN29W1601 2097152-word HN29W 95/DDR/MFM M13T037 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •H YU N D AI H Y 5 1 V 1 8 1 6 0 B .H Y 5 1 V 1 6 1 6 0 B 1M x16, F as t Page m ode DESCRIPTION T h is fa m ily is a 16M bit d y n a m ic RAM o rg a n iz e d 1 ,0 4 8 ,5 7 6 x 1 6 -b it c o n fig u ra tio n w ith Fast Page m od e C M O S D R A M s. Fast Page m ode is a kind o f pa ge m ode w h ich is use ful fo r th e read o p e ra tio n . T h e c irc u it and pro ce ss d e sig n a llo w th is

    OCR Scan
    HY51V18160B V16160B 1Mx16, 16-bit A0-A11) DQ0-DQ15) PDF

    NEC 424400

    Abstract: MPD424400LA
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT M P D 4 2 4 4 0 0 -L 4 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1 M-WORD BY 4-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE Description The /iPD424400-L is a 1,048,576 w ords by 4 bits dynam ic CMOS RAM. The fast page mode capability realize high speed access and low power consum ption.

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    uPD424400-L 26-pin /iPD424400-60L IPD424400-70L pPD424400-80L /iPD424400-10L PP424400-L IR35-207-2 VP15-207-2 NEC 424400 MPD424400LA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: First Edition LCD Module Technical Specification M a r- 14 2008 Final Revision Nov. 27, 2 008 T-55265GD057J-LW-ABN Type No. C u stom e r : C ustom er's P roduct No : OPTREX STANDARD . OPTREX CORPORATION A pproved: Checked: Yasuo K aw asaki

    OCR Scan
    T-55265GD057J-LW-ABN 355265AB PDF


    Abstract: 11W3
    Text: MSD2010/2310 TXVB YELLOW MSD2011/2311/2351 TXVB hig h EFFICEINCY r e d MSD2012/2312/2352 TXVB HIGH EFF. GREEN MSD2013/2313/2353 TXVB RED ISD2010/2310 YELLOW ISD2011/2311/2351 HIGH EFFICEINCY RED ISD201 2/231 2/2352 HIGH EFFICEINCY GREEN ISD2013/2313/2353 SIEMENS

    OCR Scan
    MSD2010/2310 MSD2011/2311/2351 MSD2012/2312/2352 MSD2013/2313/2353 ISD2010/2310 ISD2011/2311/2351 ISD201 ISD2013/2313/2353 MSD235X, ISD235X D201X 11W3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: intel 1.0 21143 21143 Overview The Intel 21143 PCI/CardBus* 10/100-Mb/s Ethernet LAN Controller 21143 supports the peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus or CardBus. It provides a direct interface connection to the PCI bus and adapts easily to the CardBus and most other standard buses. The 21143 software

    OCR Scan
    10/100-Mb/s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ALSTTLs M 7 4 A LS 6 5 2 P p W 'T ^ S '^ - 3 / 50"‘ OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER/REGISTER W ITH 3-STATE OUTPUT NONINVERTED N °"c< 6249827 MITSUBISHI ÍDGTL DESCRIPTION The M74ALS652P is a semiconductor Integrated circuit consisting of eight bus transceiver/registers with 3-state

    OCR Scan
    M74ALS652P 16P2P 16-PIN 150mil T-90-20 20P2V 20-PIN 300mil PDF


    Abstract: hn29w256 HN29W256H02TE-1 PC-3003 jeida pc3003
    Text: HN29W256H02TE-1 Controller for AND Flash Memory HITACHI ADE-203-1040B Z Rev. 2.0 May. 21, 1999 Description HN29W256H02TE-1 is a controller IC for flash ATA card. This IC is manufactured using Hitachi 0.5 |am CMOS technology, and integrates control logic with SH1»CPU core. This IC is able to control maximum 32

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    HN29W256H02TE-1 ADE-203-1040B HN29W25611, HN29W25611 -IOIS16 hn29 hn29w256 PC-3003 jeida pc3003 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-428000A32, 428000A36 SERIES 8 M-WORD BY 32-BIT, 8 M-WORD BY 36-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULE FAST PAGE MODE D escription The MC-428000A32 series is a 8,388,608 w ords by 32 bits dynam ic RAM m odule on w hich 16 pieces of 16 M DRAM: /iPD4217400 are assembled.

    OCR Scan
    MC-428000A32, 428000A36 32-BIT, 36-BIT MC-428000A32 /iPD4217400 MC-428000A36 iiPD4217400 iPD424100 M72B-50A50 PDF

    TU 55x

    Abstract: NDM1-63 UEI 20 SP BA 9513
    Text: CYM74B550 CYM 7 4 P 5 5 0 A C Y M 7 4 S 5 5 0 , CY M 7 4 S 5 5 1 OPTi Viper Chip Set Level II Cache Module Family vo lt S R A M s and 3.3 volt level translators. T hese m odules offer 3-2 -2-2 p e rfo rm an ce at GPU bus speeds up to 6 6 MHz. Features • Pi n- co mp a ti b le s e c on da ry c a c h e m o d u l e family

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    CYM74B550 TU 55x NDM1-63 UEI 20 SP BA 9513 PDF


    Abstract: HY5116164B
    Text: •H YUN DAI H Y 5 1 1 8 1 6 4 B ,H Y 5 1 1 6 1 6 4 B 1Mx16, E xten ded Data O ut m ode DESCRIPTION T h is fa m ily is a 16M bit d y n a m ic RAM o rg a n iz e d 1 ,0 4 8 ,5 7 6 x 1 6 -b it c o n fig u ra tio n w ith E xte n d e d D ata O ut m ode C M O S

    OCR Scan
    HY5118164B HY5116164B 1Mx16, 16-bit A0-A11) DQ0-DQ15) PDF


    Abstract: hitachi l23 HD61200s HD61203 HD61830 V4L switch 128x240
    Text: HD61200- LC D Driver w ith 80-Channel Outputs D escription Features The HD61200 is a column driver LSI for a largearea dot matrix LCD. It employs 1/32 or more duty cycle multiplexing method. It receives serial display data from a micro controller or a display

    OCR Scan
    HD61200- 80-Channel HD61200 HD61830, 100-pin FP-100) HD61830 andHD61830B HD61200s hitachi l23 HD61203 V4L switch 128x240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICO NDUCTO R TECHNICAL DATA MCM36256 256K x 36 Bit Dynamic Random Access Memory Module The MCM36256S is a 9M, dynamic random access memory DRAM module or­ ganized as 262,144 x 36 bits. The module is a 72-lead single-in-line memory module (SIMM) consisting of eight MCM514256A DRAMs housed in 20/26 J-lead small out­

    OCR Scan
    MCM36256 MCM36256S 72-lead MCM514256A 18-lead PDF


    Abstract: 74LVX3245MTC 74LVX3245QSC 74LVX3245WM LVX3245 M24B MO-137 MQA24 MS-013 MTC24
    Text: p y 9 !3 , i199 c o o RU el v is1 ed J, u ly 9 EMICONDUCTGRTM 74LVX3245 8-Bit Dual Supply Translating Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features T h e L V X 3 2 4 5 is a d u a l-s u p p ly , 8 -b it tra n s la tin g tra n s c e iv e r th a t is d e s ig n e d to in te rfa c e b e tw e e n a 3 V b u s a n d a 5 V

    OCR Scan
    74LVX3245 LVX3245 74LVX3245 74LVX3245MTC 74LVX3245QSC 74LVX3245WM M24B MO-137 MQA24 MS-013 MTC24 PDF

    ci la 7610

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ALSTTLs M 7 4 A LS 6 5 1 P 7 -52-3/ OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER/REGISTER W ITH 3-STATE OUTPUT INVERTED 6249827 MITSUBISHI 91 D 12674 (DGTL LOGIC ) DESCRIPTION The M74ALS651P is a semiconductor integrated circuit consisting of eight bus transceiver/registers with 3-state

    OCR Scan
    M74ALS651P 16P2P 16-PIN 150mil T-90-20 20P2V 20-PIN 300mil ci la 7610 PDF


    Abstract: 424260-80 42S4260 JPD42S4260-70 424260-70 nec japan upd424260
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD42S4260, 424260 4M -B IT DYNAMIC RAM 256 K-WORD BY 16-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE, BYTE READ/WRITE MODE Description The ¿ PD42S4260, 424260 are 262,144 words by 16 bits dynam ic CMOS RAMs. The fast page mode and byte read/write mode capability realize high speed access and low power consum ption.

    OCR Scan
    uPD42S4260 uPD424260 16-BIT, PD42S4260, PD42S4260 44-pin 40-pin /JPD42S4260-70, /iPD42S4260-80, VP15-207-2 424260-70 424260-80 42S4260 JPD42S4260-70 424260-70 nec japan PDF

    st10 Bootstrap

    Abstract: SKB 7 02 ST10 ST10F163 8051 examples power down SGS-Thomson MCU st10
    Text: 7 7 S C S -T H O M S O N “T C «li3 iLi ^[M [¡!l(g§ ST10F163 16-BIT MCU W ITH 128K BYTE FLASH M EM O RY PR ELIM IN A R Y DATA High performance 16-bit CPU with 4-stage pipeline 80ns instruction cycle time at 25-MHz CPU clock 400 ns multiplication (16 x 16 bits), 800 ns

    OCR Scan
    ST10F163 16-BIT 25-MHz t-28rd t28wrh st10 Bootstrap SKB 7 02 ST10 ST10F163 8051 examples power down SGS-Thomson MCU st10 PDF