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    CMOS 4049 internal circuit

    Abstract: IC 4049 ic 4050 pin diagram STK7562J STK7563F STK7563G STK7563 EI-26 STK7573B stk7573a
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1773 Thick Film Hybrid IC STK7560 Series Chopper Type Parallel 2-Output Voltage Regulators Applications Package Dimensions • Voltage regulator for printers, electronic typewriters, XY plotters. • Voltage regulator for MSX personal computers, floppy

    ENN1773 STK7560 SIP18 CMOS 4049 internal circuit IC 4049 ic 4050 pin diagram STK7562J STK7563F STK7563G STK7563 EI-26 STK7573B stk7573a PDF


    Abstract: AT42QT5320 atmel touch pattern
    Text: Features • Configurations: • • • • • • • • • • • • • – Can be configured as a combination of touchscreen, sliders/wheels and keys, with Adjacent Key Suppression AKS™ technology between groups QField™ Touchscreen: – Two-touch capable with independent XY tracking for one or two concurrent

    9509CX QTAN0031 AT42QT5320 atmel touch pattern PDF

    automatic ticket vending machine

    Abstract: coin sensing vending machine garage Facsimiles sewing motor image sensing camera robot louver machines vending machine motor vending machine
    Text: Application Examples Most People May Not Realize the Fact that Photomicrosensors are Built Into Machines and Equipment that are Used Everyday Office Automation Machines Copy machines Facsimiles Printers X-Y plotters Mouse Image scanners FDD Photomicrosensor



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INSTRUCTION MANUAL ¨ MODELS 5105A 150 MHz 200MS/s ANALOG/DIGITAL OSCILLOSCOPE + Table of contents Specifications . 5 General Information .

    200MS/s) 20hex, SP107 PDF


    Abstract: LB1249
    Text: Ordering number:ENN1482C Monolithic Digital IC LB1249 Active-Low Input, 8-Unit, High-Current, Low-Saturation Driver Applications Package Dimensions • 4-phase stepping motor driver of 2 channels. • Especially suited for X-Y axis plotter printer driver.

    ENN1482C LB1249 037A-DIP20H LB1249] 400mA) DIP20H LB1249 PDF

    4-Phase Stepping Motor Driver

    Abstract: DIP18 LB1257
    Text: Ordering number:ENN993C Monolithic Digital IC LB1257 8-Unit, Low-Saturation Driver Applications Package Dimensions • 4-phase stepping motor driver of 2 channels. • Especially suited for X-Y plotter driver Meeting the requirements for Alps DPG plotter .

    ENN993C LB1257 3007B-DIP18 LB1257] 51min 85max 400mA) DIP18 4-Phase Stepping Motor Driver DIP18 LB1257 PDF

    thermometer lm324

    Abstract: light sensor lm324 lm324 substitution IC NE 5514 NE5514 MOTION DETECTOR using lm348 photo diode motion sensor 567 tone 567 tone detector mfb bandpass filter
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AN1441 Applications for the NE5514 1988 Dec Philips Semiconductors Philips Semiconductors Application note Applications for the NE5514 AN1441 of the signals from the X and Y axes, four-quadrant output may be fed to an X-Y plotter, oscilloscope or computer for simulation see

    AN1441 NE5514 NE5514 SE/NE5514 LM324/LM348, 1N914 2N2222 SL00848 thermometer lm324 light sensor lm324 lm324 substitution IC NE 5514 MOTION DETECTOR using lm348 photo diode motion sensor 567 tone 567 tone detector mfb bandpass filter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This literature was published years prior to the establishment of Agilent Technologies as a company independent from Hewlett-Packard and describes products or services now available through Agilent. It may also refer to products/services no longer supported by Agilent. We regret any inconvenience caused by obsolete information. For the latest information on

    H428OA 30mVrms PDF


    Abstract: R3292 photomultiplier circuit crt tube LED 420nm YD 1270
    Text: POSITION-SENSITIVE PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBES R3292 SERIES 28 X + 28 (Y) Crossed Wire Anode, 5 Inch Diameter, 12-Stage, Bialkali Photocathode, Head-On GENERAL Parameter Spectral Response Wavelength of Maximum Response Material Photocathode Minimum Effective Area

    R3292 12-Stage, S-164-40 TPMH1238E01 DY10 photomultiplier circuit crt tube LED 420nm YD 1270 PDF


    Abstract: OX 8050 ox-8050 oscilloscope ox oscilloscope ox 2000 tv service menu AM0030N EP7043
    Text: OX 8050 60 MHz ANALOG / DIGITAL OSCILLOSCOPE User's manual Copyright § ! T lf ilË ü L 906121457-Ed. 1 -09/98 CONTENTS 1. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 4 1.1. Precautions and safety

    OCR Scan
    906121457-Ed. MX9003 OX 8050 ox-8050 oscilloscope ox oscilloscope ox 2000 tv service menu AM0030N EP7043 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I O rd e rin g n u m b e r : EN 1482B LB 1249 N0.1482B Monolithic Digital IC SA\YO i Active-Low Input, 8-Unit,High-Current, Low-Saturation Driver Applications . 4-phase stepping motor driver o f 2 channels. . Especially suited for X-Y axis plotter printer driver.

    OCR Scan
    1482B 400mA) OUT50 PDF


    Abstract: DIP18 alps plotter
    Text: Ordering number: EN 993C Monolithic Digital 1C LB1257 N0.993C 8-Unit, Low-Saturation Driver Applications . 4-phase stepping motor driver of 2 channels. . Especially suited for X-Y plotter driver Meeting the requirements for Alps DPG plotter . . General-purpose 8-unit large current & low saturation voltage driver (Relay,

    OCR Scan
    LB1257 400mA) LB1257 DIP18 alps plotter PDF

    ir driver ic

    Abstract: 4-Phase Stepping Motor Driver ir 3037a xy plotter
    Text: SANY O S E M I C O N D U C T O R CO RP 7b 7 9 9 7 0 7 6 SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP LB 1 2 4 6 Ï>e| ODOITGS □ 76C 01905 m o n o lith ic d ig ita l 1C & | ' SI-/S jl52-l3-07 C IR C U IT D R A W I N G N o .a o iy LOW ACTIVE INPUT PRINTER DRIVER 3007A f - . s a ~ /2 i-/r

    OCR Scan
    jl52-l3-07 400mA) ir driver ic 4-Phase Stepping Motor Driver ir 3037a xy plotter PDF

    ir 3037a

    Abstract: 9144ki UL. 1482 LB1249 sanyo 3037A 3037a
    Text: Ordering num ber: EN 1482C _ N 0.1482C SAHYO LB 1249 Active-Low Input, 8-Unit,High-Current, Low-Saturation Driver i Applications . 4-phase stepping motor driver of 2 channels. . Especially suited for X-Y axis plotter printer driver. . High current, low saturation voltage general-purpose 8-unit driver relay,

    OCR Scan
    1482C 400mA) ir 3037a 9144ki UL. 1482 LB1249 sanyo 3037A 3037a PDF


    Abstract: DTMF TONE GENERATOR S2559F S2559D as2559 S2559E /DTMF TONE GENERATOR s2559e/f
    Text: AMI S2559E/F STANDARD PRODUCTS DTMF Tone Generator February 1993 Features • Wide Operating Supply Voltage Range: 2.5 to 10 Volts • Low Power CMOS Circuitry Allows Device Power to be Derived Directly from the Telephone Lines or from Small Batteries, e.g., 9V

    OCR Scan
    S2559E/F 58MHz) S2559D 10ksi S2559E DTMF TONE GENERATOR S2559F S2559D as2559 S2559E /DTMF TONE GENERATOR s2559e/f PDF

    Tele Quartz Group Crystal Oscillator

    Abstract: S2559E
    Text: AMI S2559E/F AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. DTMF Tone Generator August 1996 Features • W ide Operating Supply Voltage Range: 2.5 to 10 Volts • Low Power CMOS Circuitry Allows Device Power to be Derived Directly from the Telephone Lines or from Small Batteries, e.g., 9V

    OCR Scan
    S2559E/F 58MHz) S2559 10kS2 358QA 579545MHz D01SA40 Tele Quartz Group Crystal Oscillator S2559E PDF

    OX 8100

    Abstract: MX9003 oscilloscope ox oscilloscope ox 8100 EP7043 epson inkjet
    Text: OX 8100 100 MHz ANALOG / DIGITAL OSCILLOSCOPE User’s Manual Copyright T i m t c I X - 906121486- Ed. 1 -1 1 /9 8 CONTENTS 1. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 4

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Application note Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Applications for the NE5514 AN1441 NE5514 DESCRIPTION of the signals from the X and Y axes, four-qu adrant output m ay be fed to an X-Y plotter, oscilloscope o r com puter fo r sim ulation see The S E /N E5514 fam ily o f Q uad O perational A m plifiers sets new

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    NE5514 AN1441 NE5514 E5514 324/LM iA741 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S2579 B A IM I AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. DTMF Tone Generator With Binary Input August 1996 Features General Description • Available in 16 pin Small Outline IC Package for Space Savings • Wide Operating Supply Voltage Range 3.0 to 10.0 Volts • Direct Interface to TTL 4-Bit Logic for Binary Inputs

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    S2579 58MHz S2579 10dB/DIV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A M I A Su b sid ia ry of G o u ld Inc. S2559A/B/E/F DTMF TONE GENERATOR Features □ W ide Operating Supply Voltage Range: 3.5 to 13.0 Volts A,B 2.5 to 10 Volts (E,F) □ Low Power C M O S Circuitry Allow s Device Power to be Derived Directly from the Telephone Lines or

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    S2559A/B/E/F 58MHz) 2559E S25S9 579545MHz 3400Hz PDF


    Abstract: S2559C S2559E plotter hp S2559B hp plotter 3580A 2559E
    Text: AMI A S ub sid iary o f G ould Inc. S2559A/B/E/F DTMF TONE GENERATOR Features □ W ide Operating Supply Voltage Range: 3.5 to 13.0 Volts A,B 2.5 to 10 Volts (E,F) □ Low Power CMOS Circuitry A llow s Device Power to be Derived Directly from the Telephone Lines or

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    S2559A/B/E/F 58MHz) 2559E S2559A S2559C S2559E plotter hp S2559B hp plotter 3580A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ESSAIS ELECTRIQUES ET M ECANIQUES NORMALISES STANDARDIZED ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL TESTS MODES OPERATOIRES TEST PROCEDURE 8 Durbe de vie en rotation. Pour les potentiomdtres de technologie film plastique, la durbe de vie est spbcifibe en revolutions d'axe h la vitesse de 400 tr/mn ± 50 tr/mn,

    OCR Scan

    DTMF Tone Generator

    Abstract: 7046A S2559E Transistor ALY c2
    Text: AMI S2559E/F AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. August 1996 DTMF Tone Generator Features • O scillator Resistor On Chip • On-Chip Generation of a Reference Voltage to Assure Am plitude Stability of the Dual Tones Over the Operating Voltage and Temperature Range

    OCR Scan
    S2559E/F 58MHz) S2559 10kS2 358QA 579545M DTMF Tone Generator 7046A S2559E Transistor ALY c2 PDF


    Abstract: 8052 microcontroller IC14D "single shot recorder" "transient recorder" hm6264 Pressure recorder waveform recorder IC18C AD7821
    Text: ► ANALOG DEVICES - _ j _ AN-296 APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 Build a Single-Shot Recorder to Catch Fast Transients by Ken Deevy, Dan Sheehan and Mike Byrne Capturing fast transients places special re­

    OCR Scan
    AN-296 HM6264P-10 8052 microcontroller IC14D "single shot recorder" "transient recorder" hm6264 Pressure recorder waveform recorder IC18C AD7821 PDF