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    ATMEL 129

    Abstract: Pierce oscillator 12000 crystal 50 Hz crystal oscillator MS3V-T1R ATmega169 MS3V-T1R 32 CAPACITANCE CHART 12,000 Crystal oscillator CC7V-T1A
    Text: Pierce Oscillator Design and Crystal Recommendations Oscillator Design Check ATmega169 Osc. In XTAL1 Atmel ATmega169 Test Conditions Power Supply Voltage VDD 1.8 2.7 Load Capacitors CD / CG 9/9 Results Effective Load Capacitance 12.9 11.3 Oscillation Allowance

    ATmega169 ATmega169 ATMEL 129 Pierce oscillator 12000 crystal 50 Hz crystal oscillator MS3V-T1R MS3V-T1R 32 CAPACITANCE CHART 12,000 Crystal oscillator CC7V-T1A PDF

    50 Hz crystal oscillator

    Abstract: MS3V-T1R CC7V-T1A CH-2540 Pierce oscillator 12000 crystal MS3V-T1R 32,768 KHz
    Text: Pierce Oscillator Design and Crystal Recommendations Oscillator Design Check ATmega169 Osc. In XTAL1 Atmel ATmega169 Test Conditions Power Supply Voltage VDD 2.7 5.5 Load Capacitors CD / CG 12 / 12 Results Effective Load Capacitance 12.8 11.6 Oscillation Allowance

    ATmega169 ATmega169 50 Hz crystal oscillator MS3V-T1R CC7V-T1A CH-2540 Pierce oscillator 12000 crystal MS3V-T1R 32,768 KHz PDF


    Abstract: C8051F060 crystal oscillator 32.768 F06x f02x C8051F127 C8051F040 C8051F023 Crystal oscillator 12 MHz C8051F000
    Text: AN102 CONFIGURING THE INTERNAL AND Relevant Devices EXTERNAL OSCILLATORS Introduction This application note applies to the following The purpose of this application note is to describe devices: how to configure and use the internal and external oscillators. Configuration descriptions, setup

    AN102 C8051F000, C8051F001, C8051F002, C8051F005, C8051F006, C8051F010, C8051F011, C8051F012, C8051F04x C8051F060 crystal oscillator 32.768 F06x f02x C8051F127 C8051F040 C8051F023 Crystal oscillator 12 MHz C8051F000 PDF


    Abstract: PCF8583 equivalent AN96103 ic software program pcf8583 KBR-6.0MSA PCF8583 nordberg PCF84CXX KBR455BKTS PDS51
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE X-tal oscillators on 8-bit microcontrollers AN96103 Philips Semiconductors X-tal oscillators on 8-bit microcontrollers Application Note AN96103 Abstract <Almost since the introduction of microcontrollers as electronic components there always has been an oscillator

    AN96103 PCF8583 PDS51 80C51 P83CL434 AN456 KBR-12 PCF8583 equivalent AN96103 ic software program pcf8583 KBR-6.0MSA nordberg PCF84CXX KBR455BKTS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCHEMATICS mikromedia for XMEGA We present you with a complete color schematics for mikromedia™ for XMEGA® development board. We want you to know what your board is consisted of and how it actually works. DATA BUS 22pF C2 X1 32.768kHz C1 VCC-3.3 VCC-SYS

    768kHz ATxmega128A1 MI0283QT2 BC846 100nF 320x240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRD89C4051 Data Sheet Rev 1.0 Technologies Inc. CRD89C4051 8-bit microcontroller with 4KB Flash and 128B RAM Features Product List Working voltage: 3.0V ~ 3.6V For L Version CRD89C4051-25, 25 MHz 4KB internal memory MCU

    CRD89C4051 CRD89C4051-25, CRD89C4051-40, CRD89C4051 20-Pin 4261-A14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SyncMOS Technologies International, Inc. SM894051 8-Bits Micro-controller With4KBFlashROMembedded Feature Product List SM894051L25, 25 MHz 4KB internal memory MCU SM894051C25, 25 MHz 4KB internal memory MCU Working voltage: 3.0V ~ 3.6V For L Version 4.5V ~ 5.5V For C Version

    SM894051 SM894051L25, SM894051C25, 5000U/X8 VP-890 VP-980 VP-880 VP-680 VP-480 VP-380 PDF


    Abstract: 8051 microcontroller using Lab view 80C51 SM894051 SM894051C25 SM894051L25 VP-280 VP-680 top2007 VP-980
    Text: SyncMOS Technologies International, Inc. SM894051 8-Bits Micro-controller With4KBFlashROMembedded Product List Feature SM894051L25, 25 MHz 4KB internal memory MCU SM894051C25, 25 MHz 4KB internal memory MCU z 4.5V ~ 5.5V For C Version z z z z z z z z z z z

    SM894051 SM894051L25, SM894051C25, 5000U/X8 VP-890 VP-980 VP-880 VP-680 VP-480 VP-380 0E1H 8051 microcontroller using Lab view 80C51 SM894051 SM894051C25 SM894051L25 VP-280 VP-680 top2007 PDF

    8051 microcontroller with 40 pins with 3Mhz clock frequency

    Abstract: 0E1H SM894051 80C51 SM894051C25 SM894051C40 SM894051L25 sm894051c
    Text: SyncMOS Technologies International, Inc. SM894051 8-Bits Micro-controller With 4KB Flash ROM embedded Product List SM894051L25, 25 MHz 4KB internal memory MCU SM894051C25, 25 MHz 4KB internal memory MCU SM894051C40, 40 MHz 4KB internal memory MCU Feature Working voltage: 3.0V ~ 3.6V For L Version

    SM894051 SM894051L25, SM894051C25, SM894051C40, SM894051 300mil 8051 microcontroller with 40 pins with 3Mhz clock frequency 0E1H 80C51 SM894051C25 SM894051C40 SM894051L25 sm894051c PDF


    Abstract: Z893XX Z89C00 HSYNC, VSYNC Clock generator rgb television circuit diagram HSYNC, VSYNC Clock generator
    Text: PRELIMINARY CUSTOMER PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION 1 Z89332 1 DIGITAL TELEVISION CONTROLLER FEATURES Device ROM KW RAM* (Words) PWM (8-Bit) Voltage Range Z89332 24 640 8 4.5 to 5.5V Note: *General-Purpose • ■ 42-Pin SDIP and 48-Pin Ceramic Packages with

    Z89332 42-Pin 48-Pin Z89332 CP96TEL0607 Z893XX Z89C00 HSYNC, VSYNC Clock generator rgb television circuit diagram HSYNC, VSYNC Clock generator PDF


    Abstract: Z89314 Z89318 Z893XX Z89C00 318 pin diagram Hsync Vsync display port HSYNC, VSYNC Clock generator
    Text: Z89314/318 CPS95TV0403 CUSTOMER PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION Z89314/318 DIGITAL TELEVISION CONTROLLER FEATURES • Part Number Z8 ROM Kbyte Z89314 16 Z89318 10 *General-Purpose Z8 RAM* (Kbyte) Speed (MHz) ■ 0°C to +70°C Temperature Range 512 512 12 12 ■

    Z89314/318 CPS95TV0403 Z89314 Z89318 40-Pin Z89C00 Z89314/318 Z89300 Z89314 Z89318 Z893XX 318 pin diagram Hsync Vsync display port HSYNC, VSYNC Clock generator PDF

    em 154* "stepping motor"

    Abstract: f317 qfn C8051F360 8051 using I2C BUS interfacing ADC, DAC, memory C8051F001 C8051F002 C8051F005 C8051F006 C8051F007 C8051F011
    Text: High-Performance Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers Mixed-Signal MCUs Copyright 2008 by Silicon Laboratories Rev 0.5 1 Contents 2 Copyright © 2008 by Silicon Laboratories Rev 0.5 Precision Mixed-Signal Table of Contents Product Selector Guide . . . . . . . . . 5

    C8051F000 C8051F001 C8051F002 C8051F005 C8051F006 C8051F007 C8051F010 C8051F011 C8051F012 C8051F015 em 154* "stepping motor" f317 qfn C8051F360 8051 using I2C BUS interfacing ADC, DAC, memory C8051F001 C8051F002 C8051F005 C8051F006 C8051F007 C8051F011 PDF

    8051 f310

    Abstract: em 154* "stepping motor" C8051F020-GQ c8051f350 adc code example c8051f130-gq AN191 c8051f531a C8051F502-IM silabs f411 C8051F348
    Text: High-Performance Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers Mixed-Signal MCUs Copyright 2008 by Silicon Laboratories Rev 0.6 1 2 Copyright © 2008 by Silicon Laboratories Rev 0.6 Precision Mixed-Signal Table of Contents Product Selector Guide . . . . . . . . . 5 Package Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    C8051F500 C8051F501 C8051F502 C8051F503 C8051F504 C8051F505 C8051F506aboratories 8051 f310 em 154* "stepping motor" C8051F020-GQ c8051f350 adc code example c8051f130-gq AN191 c8051f531a C8051F502-IM silabs f411 C8051F348 PDF


    Abstract: Z89300 Z89319 Z89C00 HSYNC, VSYNC Clock generator ADDRESS14

    Z89319 CPS5TEL0800 124-Pin Z89C00 Z89319 Z89300 BUS14 Z89300 HSYNC, VSYNC Clock generator ADDRESS14 PDF


    Abstract: Z90341 v-chip Tuner ts pinout CP97
    Text: P R E L I M I N A R Y Zilog Z90341 PRELIMINARY CUSTOMER PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION Z90341 DIGITAL TELEVISION CONTROLLER FEATURES • Part Number OTP ROM RAM Word Speed (MHz) ■ Direct Closed Caption Decoding Z90341 64K x 16 1K x 16 12 ■ TV Tuner Serial Interface

    Z90341 52-Pin Z89C00 Z90341 CP97TEL2500 v-chip Tuner ts pinout CP97 PDF


    Abstract: Z89C00
    Text: Z89313 CPS5TEL0700 P R E L I M I N A R Y PRELIMINARY CUSTOMER PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION Z89313 DIGITAL TELEVISION CONTROLLER FEATURES • Part Number ROM Word RAM (Word) Speed (MHz) ■ Direct Closed Caption Decoding Z89313 32K x 16 1K x 16 12 ■ TV Tuner Serial Interface

    Z89313 CPS5TEL0700 52-Pin Z89C00 Z89313 PDF


    Abstract: Z89304 Z89306 Z89C00 HSYNC, VSYNC Clock generator rgb
    Text: PRELIMINARY CUSTOMER PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION Z89302/04/06 1 DIGITAL TELEVISION CONTROLLER FEATURES Device ROM KB RAM* (Bytes) Speed MHz Z89302 Z89304 Z89306 24 16 12 640 640 640 12 12 12 • 0°C to +70°C Temperature Range ■ Fully Customized Character Set

    Z89302/04/06 Z89302 Z89304 Z89306 40-Pin 25-Volt Z89302/04/06 Z89302 Z89304 Z89306 Z89C00 HSYNC, VSYNC Clock generator rgb PDF


    Abstract: CORE8051
    Text: a MicroConverter , Small Package 12-Bit ADC with Embedded FLASH MCU ADuC814 FEATURES Analog I/O 6-Channel 247 kSPS ADC 12-Bit Resolution ADC High Speed Data Capture Mode Programmable Reference via On-Chip DAC for Low Level Inputs ADC Performance Down to VREF of 0.1 V

    12-Bit ADuC814 100-Year 28-Lead RU-28) C02748 RU-28 CORE8051 PDF


    Abstract: HFBR1414 Fiber Optic Data Quantizer VPSTP HFBR2416 IEC8802-5 ML6680 MOC217 SF1304 media converter "Phantom power"
    Text: January 1997 ML6680 Token Ring Copper-to-Fiber Converter GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6680 is a single-chip conversion between Token Ring ISO/IEC8802-5 copper-based media and Token Ring ISO/IEC8802-5 fiber-based media. The ML6680 fiber-optic interface contains a data quantizer, circuitry for fiber optic

    ML6680 ML6680 ISO/IEC8802-5 ISO/IEC8802-5 DS6680-01 HFBR1414 HFBR1414 Fiber Optic Data Quantizer VPSTP HFBR2416 IEC8802-5 MOC217 SF1304 media converter "Phantom power" PDF


    Abstract: C-4698 VPSTP hp application note 964 phantom power "Phantom power"
    Text: January 1997 ML6680 Token Ring Copper-to-Fiber Converter GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6680 is a single-chip conversion between Token Ring ISO/IEC8802-5 copper-based media and Token Ring ISO/IEC8802-5 fiber-based media. The ML6680 fiber-optic interface contains a data quantizer, circuitry for fiber optic

    ML6680 ISO/IEC8802-5 SF130 C-4698 VPSTP hp application note 964 phantom power "Phantom power" PDF

    crystal quartz 24mhz

    Abstract: Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator 32,768 SMD Quarz Datasheet Tele Quartz Group Crystal Oscillator analog Quartz Clock c166 development SAx-C167-LM C161CI microcontroller based inverter AP2420
    Text: Microcontrollers ApNote AP242003 Crystal Oscillator of the C500 and C166 Microcontroller Families The microcontrollers of the C500/C166 Family include the active part of the oscillator. This document explains the quartz crystal oscillator functionality and gives recommendations

    AP242003 C500/C166 D-90443 3545-H AP242003 crystal quartz 24mhz Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator 32,768 SMD Quarz Datasheet Tele Quartz Group Crystal Oscillator analog Quartz Clock c166 development SAx-C167-LM C161CI microcontroller based inverter AP2420 PDF


    Abstract: 80C51XA GP100 GP101 GP102 HP00 gps drive microcontroller navigation NMEA GPS GP100 Series
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SAA1575 GPS baseband processor Objective specification Philips Semiconductors 1998 Feb 10 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification GPS Baseband Processor SAA1575 The GPS firmware is located in off–chip program memory. It processes the GPS signals from up to 8 satellites and generates

    SAA1575 SAA1575 GP107 80C51XA GP100 GP101 GP102 HP00 gps drive microcontroller navigation NMEA GPS GP100 Series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C u s t o m e r P r o c u r e m e n t S p e c if ic a t io n < £ 2 iL E Z89302/04/06 D ig it a l T e l e v is io n C o n t r o l l e r FEATURES Device ROM KB RAM* (Bytes) Speed MHz 640 640 640 12 12 12 24 Z89302 Z89304 16 12 Z89306 Note: * General-Purpose

    OCR Scan
    Z89302/04/06 Z89302 Z89304 Z89306 40-Pin 25-Volt Z89302/04/06 PDF


    Abstract: Z89C00 Z89316
    Text: P r e l im in a r y P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n Z89313/Z89316 D ig it a l T e l e v is io n C o n t r o l l e r FEATURES Device ROM KB RAM* (Bytes) Speed (MHz) Z89313 Z89316 32K x 16 64K x 16 1Kx 16 1Kx 16 12 12 0°C to +70°C Temperature Range

    OCR Scan
    Z89313/Z89316 Z89313 Z89316 52-Pin Z89C00 Z8931X Z89C00 PDF