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    XD 5252 F

    Abstract: intel 8295 microprocessor STi 5197 register configuration Mistral oscillator 20532 20542 marking S4 53A CRC-16 CRC-32 RFC1662
    Text: ICs for Communications DMA Integrated Serial Communication Controller MISTRAL PEB 20542 Version 1.1 PEF 20542 Version 1.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 08.99 DS 1 • PEB 20542, PEF 20542 Revision History: Current Version: 08.99 Previous Version: 07.99 Page in previous

    GPP09243 P-TQFP-144-10 XD 5252 F intel 8295 microprocessor STi 5197 register configuration Mistral oscillator 20532 20542 marking S4 53A CRC-16 CRC-32 RFC1662 PDF


    Abstract: XAPP058 j 5804 xilinx xc95108 jtag cable Schematic 74x373 interfacing 8051 with eprom and ram Xilinx jtag cable Schematic XC4000 xc9572 pin diagram XC9500XL
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Xilinx In-System Programming Using an Embedded Microcontroller  XAPP058 June 1999 Version 2.0 Application Note 1 Summary The Xilinx high performance CPLD and FPGA families provide in-system programmability, reliable pin locking, and JTAG

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    Abstract: schematic eprom programing system XC95144 0x00000fa0 XSVF xc9572 pin diagram 8051 microcontroller pin configuration 8051 port timing diagram intel 8051 40 pin datasheet intel 8051 copyright 1998
    Text: XC9500 In-System Programming Using an Embedded Microcontroller  XAPP058 January, 1998 Version 1.2 Application Note Summary The XC9500 high performance CPLD family provides in-system programmability, reliable pin locking, and JTAG boundaryscan test capability. This powerful combination of features allows designers to make significant changes and yet keep the

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    Abstract: XSVF XC9500 XC95108 XC95144 XC95180 XC95216 XC95288 XC9536 XC9572
    Text: XC9500 In-System Programming Using an Embedded Microcontroller  XAPP 058 January, 1997 Version 1.1 Application Note Summary The XC9500 high performance CPLD family provides in-system programmability, reliable pin locking, and JTAG boundaryscan test capability. This powerful combination of features allows designers to make significant changes and yet keep the

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    cxd 158

    Abstract: passat STi 5197 register configuration pef 20532 version 1.3 RFC1662 TQFP-100 CRC-32 GP10 sti 5189 STi 5197
    Text: Dat a She et , DS 1, Se p. 20 00 SEROCCO-H 2 Channel Serial Optimized Communication Controller for HDLC/PPP PEB 20525 Version 1.2 PEF 20525 Version 1.2 Datacom N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000-09-14 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    D-81541 P-LFBGA-80-2 GPA09236 GPP09189 P-TQFP-100-3 cxd 158 passat STi 5197 register configuration pef 20532 version 1.3 RFC1662 TQFP-100 CRC-32 GP10 sti 5189 STi 5197 PDF


    Abstract: STi 5197 register configuration s4 68a Mistral oscillator SEROCCO-D 20532 cxd 158 diode S4 68a marking S4 53A pef 20532 version 1.3
    Text: Dat a She et , DS 1, Se p. 20 00 SEROCCO-D 2 Channel Serial Optimized Communication Controller with DMA PEB 20542 Version 1.2 PEF 20542 Version 1.2 Datacom N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000-09-14 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    D-81541 GPP09243 P-TQFP-144-10 20542 STi 5197 register configuration s4 68a Mistral oscillator SEROCCO-D 20532 cxd 158 diode S4 68a marking S4 53A pef 20532 version 1.3 PDF

    ic xc 7270

    Abstract: 20532 ITD00238 pef 20532 version 1.3 STi 5197 register configuration csc 5151 a cd 7269 8273 dma controller csf 11-06 CRC-16
    Text: ICs for Communications 2 Channel Serial Optimized Communication Controller SEROCCO PEB 20532 Version 1.1 PEF 20532 Version 1.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 08.99 DS 1 • PEB 20532, PEF 20532 Revision History: Current Version: 08.99 Previous Version: none Page in previous

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AKD5730-A] AKD5730-A AK5730評価ボード Rev.2 概 要 AKD5730-AはDC検出用SAR ADCを内蔵しマイク入力とライン入力に対応した4ch差動ADC、AK5730 の評価ボードです。USBポートを使って、各種設定のコントロールが可能です。 アナログ信号入力用

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AKD4678-B] AKD4678-B Evaluation board Rev.1 for AK4678 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AKD4678-B is an evaluation board for AK4678, 24bit stereo CODEC with Microphone/ Receiver/ Headphone/ Speaker/ Line amplifier. The AKD4678-B has the Digital Audio I/F and can achieve the interface

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    Abstract: pef 20532 version 1.3 20532 cxd 158 P-TQFP-100-3 STi 5197 register configuration PEF 20532 R16B 20532 tqfp CRC-32
    Text: Dat a She et , DS 1, Se p. 20 00 SEROCCO-M 2 Channel Serial Optimized Communication Controller PEB 20532 Version 1.2 PEF 20532 Version 1.2 Datacom N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000-09-14 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    D-81541 GPP09189 P-TQFP-100-3 SEROCCO-M pef 20532 version 1.3 20532 cxd 158 P-TQFP-100-3 STi 5197 register configuration PEF 20532 R16B 20532 tqfp CRC-32 PDF


    Abstract: 9572XL xc9572xl pin configuration xc9572xl pinout XC9572XL XCV150 XSVF XAPP058 XAPP067 XC18V02
    Text: Application Note: Xilinx Devices R SVF and XSVF File Formats for Xilinx Devices Authors: Brendan Bridgford and Justin Cammon XAPP503 v2.1 August 17, 2009 Summary This application note provides users with a general understanding of the SVF and XSVF file formats as they apply to Xilinx devices. Some familiarity with IEEE STD 1149.1 (JTAG) is

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    IR switch using 8051 with

    Abstract: XAPP058 XC9500 XC95108 XC95144 XC95180 XC95216 XC9536 XC9572 8051 microcontroller
    Text: XC9500 In-System Programming Using an 8051 Microcontroller  XAPP058 August 12, 1996 Version 1.0 Application Note Summary The XC9500 high performance CPLD family provides in-system programmability, reliable pin locking, and JTAG boundaryscan test capability. This powerful combination of features allows designers to make significant changes and yet keep the

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    aks 1008

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AKD4678-B] AKD4678-B AK4678 評価ボード Rev.1 概要 の評価用ボードです。 またデシタルインターフェースに対応しており光コネクタを介してデジタルオーディオ機器とインタ

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    nte 7225

    Abstract: STi 5197 register configuration sm 559 b* siemens csc 5151 ESCC2 fsca PLFBGA-80-2 sti 5189 passat B6 RFC1662
    Text: ICs for Communications PPP and HDLC Synchronous Serial Controller with 2 Channels PASSAT PEB 20525 Version 1.1 PEF 20525 Version 1.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 09.99 DS 2 • PEB 20525, PEF 20525 Revision History: Current Version: 09.99 Previous Version: 07.99

    GPA09236 P-LFBGA-80-2 GPP09189 P-TQFP-100-3 nte 7225 STi 5197 register configuration sm 559 b* siemens csc 5151 ESCC2 fsca PLFBGA-80-2 sti 5189 passat B6 RFC1662 PDF


    Abstract: xc9572xl pin configuration xc9572xl pinout XSVF XCV150 1.9 TDI XAPP058 XAPP067 xc9572 pin diagram XC18V02
    Text: Application Note: Xilinx Devices R SVF and XSVF File Formats for Xilinx Devices Authors: Brendan Bridgford and Justin Cammon. XAPP503 v2.0 August 23, 2007 Summary This application note provides users with a general understanding of the SVF and XSVF file

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    Abstract: XSVF XAPP058 8051 programing software IN C ieee embedded system projects pdf free download spartan 6 8051 intel 8051 application information xilinx spartan intel 8051 microcontroller interfacing 8051 with eprom and ram projects on 8051 embedded
    Text: Application Note: Xilinx Families Xilinx In-System Programming Using an Embedded Microcontroller R XAPP058 v3.0 January 15, 2001 Summary The Xilinx high-performance CPLD, FPGA, and configuration PROM families provide insystem programmability, reliable pin locking, and JTAG boundary-scan test capability. This

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    IR 30DL

    Abstract: DO-411 30DL2 D0-204AL do411 D0204AL IR 30DL2 300L2 30DL 10 amp 3 phase rectifier
    Text: SS INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 4855452 DË^I 4Û554S2 0004TÛ1 1 55C 04981 ÌNT E R N Â T 1 0 N Ä L REC T I F I E R Data Sheet No. PD-2.069B T - o t ~ l 3 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER I R 1QDLAND 30DL SERIES 1 Amp and 3 Amp F a s t Recovery Rectifiers Major Ratings and Characteristics

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    clock alarm circuit diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 22* E X 4 R XR-T6166 Codirectional Digital Data Processor FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-T6166 is a digital CMOS circuit which performs the interface function between a 64Kbit/s data stream and a 2048Kbit/s PCM timeslot data channel. When used in

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    XR-T6166 64Kbit/s 2048Kbit/s XR-T6164, clock alarm circuit diagram PDF

    IOR 5250

    Abstract: 1N1183A IN1183 1N212BA IOR 136 1N1183 1N2128A 1N3765 1N11B3 N1190
    Text: Data Sheet No. PD-2.087 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER llORl 1N11S3, 1N3765, 1N1183A, 1N2128A SERIES 3 5 , 4 0 and 6 0 Amp Power Silicon Rectifier Diodes Description and Features Major Ratings and Characteristics ' f îAVi 1N1183 1N3765 1N1183A 35* 35* 40* 1N2128A Units

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    Abstract: National Semiconductor 4045 transistor bf 175 74ALS569 74AS1008 SN7449 SN74ALS244A SN54ALS1000A SN74ALS519 SN54ALS27

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    Abstract: RS484 IEEE-48 plc analog plc controler
    Text: Page 1 o f 4 CAN Download CAN & DeviceNet Products Interfaces and I/O Modules Following we present all existing products to you. For download a product data sheet please click on the product name. Product news are listed at our News-Paae. To read the PDF files you can use the Acrobat Reader. You can receive a free version of this program

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    NT/95/98 CAN-PC104/200 CAN-ISA/200 CAN-CPT100/4 QCAN-CI488 IEEE488 CAN-CSC515 RS484 IEEE-48 plc analog plc controler PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XR-T6166 Codirectional Digital Data Processor FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM G EN ERA L DESCRIPTION The XR-T6166 is a digital CM OS circuit which performs the interface function between a 64Kbit/s data stream and a 2048Kbit/s PCM tim eslot data channel. When used in

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    Abstract: 60SQ100 50SQ060 60SQ060 50SQ 50SQ030 50SQ035 50SQ040 50SQ045 50SQ080
    Text: _ * INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 4855452 SS INTERNATIO NAL DE | 4055455 ODOSDS1 5 | 55C R EC T IF IER 05051 Data Sheet No. PD-2.060A T -c 3 - / y IOR INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 50SQ SERIES 5 Amp Schotfcky Power Rectifiers Description/Features Major Ratings and Characteristics

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    Abstract: SIEMENS 80515 MCS-51 Macro Assembler Users Guide Intel Microcontroller Handbook CL8051S CL8051B program for 8051 16bit square root MCS-51 Macro Assembler Users Guide, TMS7000 assembler guide 80C451
    Text: Archimedes C-51 Cross-Compiler Kit For 8051 Microcontroller Development. Eighth Edition Copyright 1987 Archimedes Software, Inc. A rchim edes Software, Inc., San Francisco, CA. D isclaim er The inform ation in this docum ent is subject to change without notice. While the inform ation contained herein is assum ed to be

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