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    Exar Corporation XR2211M

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    • 1000 $15.938
    • 10000 $15.938
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    XR2211M Datasheets (9)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    XR2211M Exar FSK Demodulator/Tone Decoder Original PDF
    XR-2211M Exar FSK demodulator/ tone decoder Original PDF
    XR2211M Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    XR-2211M Unknown The Industrial Linear IC Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    XR-2211M Raytheon Linear Integrated Circuit Data Book Scan PDF
    XR-2211M Raytheon Master Product Selection Guide 1982 Scan PDF
    XR2211M/883B Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    XR2211MD New Japan Radio Cross Reference Guide Original PDF
    XR2211MD Raytheon FSK Demodulator/Tone Decoder Original PDF

    XR2211M Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: SBX1610-52 sony SBX1610-52 LA2785 UPC177C ST L7805CV NJM79L05A SBX1810-52 sbx1610 MC34063P1
    Text: 12/11/02 NJR Corporation Cross Reference Guide Sorted by Part Number Winter 2003 Competing Part Number AD66761 AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN1432 AN1458 AN1458S AN311 AN311S AN6572 AN7810 AN78L06 AN78L08 AN78L09 AN78L18 AN78L20

    AD66761 AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN1432 KAD7001 SBX1610-52 sony SBX1610-52 LA2785 UPC177C ST L7805CV NJM79L05A SBX1810-52 sbx1610 MC34063P1 PDF

    sony SBX1610-52

    Abstract: SBX1610-52 PCF8544 msm58371 SFH5110-38 equivalent M50925 M62446 L7808CV equivalent SHARP HD44780 PIC-12043TE2
    Text: Summer 2001 Part Number New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! AD66761 AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN1432 AN1458 AN1458S AN311 AN311S AN6572 AN7810 TO-220 AN78L06 AN78L08 AN78L09 AN78L18 AN78L20 AN78L24 AN78M10

    AD66761 AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN1432 sony SBX1610-52 SBX1610-52 PCF8544 msm58371 SFH5110-38 equivalent M50925 M62446 L7808CV equivalent SHARP HD44780 PIC-12043TE2 PDF


    Abstract: SBX1610-52 LA2785 MC1723CP equivalent lm723cn M62477 L7805CV equivalent M50727 M34510M4 sbx1610 UPC177C
    Text: NJR Corporation 12/12/00 Cross Reference Guide Sorted By Part Number Part Number AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN311 AN311S AN7810 TO-220 AN78L06 AN78L08 AN78L09 AN78L18 AN78L20 AN78L24 AN78M10 AN78M18 AN78M20 AN7924 AN79L05

    AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN311 AN311S KAD7001 SBX1610-52 LA2785 MC1723CP equivalent lm723cn M62477 L7805CV equivalent M50727 M34510M4 sbx1610 UPC177C PDF


    Abstract: XR-2211 application XR-2211 IC xr2211 XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram TAN-011 XR-2211P datasheet XR-2211 XR-2211ID XR-2211P
    Text: XR-2211 .the analog plus FSK Demodulator/ Tone Decoder company TM June 1997-3 APPLICATIONS FEATURES D Wide Frequency Range, 0.01Hz to 300kHz D Caller Identification Delivery D Wide Supply Voltage Range, 4.5V to 20V D FSK Demodulation D HCMOS/TTL/Logic Compatibility

    XR-2211 300kHz 50ppm/ XR2211ID XR-2211 application XR-2211 IC xr2211 XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram TAN-011 XR-2211P datasheet XR-2211 XR-2211ID XR-2211P PDF

    XR-2211 application

    Abstract: xr 2240 XR2211 XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram XR-2211 2025h XR2211 application notes PLL FSK DEMODULATOR operation limit circuit ir basic fm demodulation pin function xr 2240
    Text: XR-2211 Section 11 XR-2211 FSK Demodulator/ Tone Decoder accommodate analog signals between 2 mV and 3V, and can interface with conventional DTL, TTL and ECL logic families. The circuit consists of a basic PLL for tracking an input signal frequency within the passband, a quad­

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    XR-2211 XR-2211 XR-2211 application xr 2240 XR2211 XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram 2025h XR2211 application notes PLL FSK DEMODULATOR operation limit circuit ir basic fm demodulation pin function xr 2240 PDF


    Abstract: XR2211D XR-2211 IC XR2211 XR-2211 application xr 2221 XR-2211P XR2211CP XR-2211 2211 caller
    Text: Z T E X f lR XR-2211 FSK Demodulator/Tone Decoder FUNCTIONAL B L O C K DIAG RA M G E N E R A L D E SC R IPT IO N The X R -2 21 1 is a monolithic phase-locked loop PLL system especially designed for data communications applications. It is particularly suited for F S K modem

    OCR Scan
    XR-2211 300kHz. XR-2211 R/100 650mV) 2211D XR2211D XR-2211 IC XR2211 XR-2211 application xr 2221 XR-2211P XR2211CP 2211 caller PDF


    Abstract: xr2211
    Text: XR-2211 Section 11 XR-2211 FSK Demodulator/ Tone Decoder accommodate analog signals between 2 mV and 3V, and can interface with conventional DTL, TT L and E C L logic families. The circuit consists of a basic P LL for tracking an input signal frequency within the passband, a quad­

    OCR Scan
    XR-2211 20kfl 160kr 2211C xr2211 PDF

    XR-2211 application

    Abstract: XR2211 application notes XR-2211 IC 2211 caller XR-2211P FSK demodulation xr2211 XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram TAN-011
    Text: XR-2211 FSK Demodulator/ Tone Decoder .the analog plus com pany w jm m ar a June 1997-3 APPLICATIONS FEATURES Wide Frequency Range, 0.01Hz to 300kHz • Caller Identification Delivery • FSK Demodulation • Data Synchronization Wide Dynamic Range, 10mV to 3V rms

    OCR Scan
    300kHz 50ppm/ XR-2211 XR-2211 3M25blfl XR-2211 application XR2211 application notes XR-2211 IC 2211 caller XR-2211P FSK demodulation xr2211 XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram TAN-011 PDF


    Abstract: 2211d XR-2211D xr 2221 XR-2211P xr2211cn XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram XR2211CN equivalent
    Text: XR-2211 FSK Demodulator/Tone Decoder FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XR-2211 is a monolithic phase-locked loop PLL system especially designed for data communications applications. It is particularly suited for FSK modem applications. It operates over a wide supply voltage

    OCR Scan
    XR-2211 300kHz. XR-2211 Vr/100 650mV) XR2211D 2211d XR-2211D xr 2221 XR-2211P xr2211cn XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram XR2211CN equivalent PDF

    XR-2211 IC

    Abstract: RX-2211 IC XR 2211 Exar 2211 XR-2211 XR2211 RX-2211C XR-2211 pll XR-2211C XR-2211M
    Text: - 494 XR-2211 F S K íg m sf/ h - > • t - f ,a rt m t î ê a t i s t l t c P L L -> X 7 - -U X-, F S K T T L , E C L a i ï -y y ¿ =i > r f V. o o o o o e x a r M ís ic a l t v ' s . x a ; * Vs V„ Po' lifFiEïflÆ Lf-:- 4.5—20V l a i S a i S H - 0.01Hz~300kHz

    OCR Scan
    XR-2211 300kHz 20ppm 1042mW 33mW/Â 160-C/W XR-2211M) XR-2211) 0--K75Â XR-2211C) XR-2211 IC RX-2211 IC XR 2211 Exar 2211 XR2211 RX-2211C XR-2211 pll XR-2211C XR-2211M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HE D I 7Si?3ba a0at,4?0 Q I Section 11 R AY T HE O N/ SEMICONDUCTOR XR-2211 7~- XR-2211 FSK Demodulator/ Tone Decoder Connection Information Wide frequency range — 0.01 Hz to 300 kHz Wide supply voltage range — 4.5V to 20V DTL/TTL/ECL logic compatibility

    OCR Scan
    XR-2211 XR-2211 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Z T E X A R XR-2211 FSK Demodulator/Tone Decoder GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM The XR-2211 is a monolithic phase-locked loop PLL system especially designed for data communications applications. It is particularly suited for F S K modem applications. It operates over a wide supply voltage

    OCR Scan
    XR-2211 XR-2211 300kHz. R/100 650mV) 2211p PDF

    triac tag 8518

    Abstract: 70146 DS3654 X2864AD 7 segment display RL S5220 TC9160 la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt philips ecg master replacement guide vtl 3829 A-C4 TCA965 equivalent
    Text: 1985 0 / 0 / CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction to IC MASTER 3 Advertisers’ Index 8 Master Selection Guide Function Index I0 Part Number Index 40 Part Number Guide 300 Logo Guide 346 Application Note Directory 349 Military Parts Directory 50I Testing 506 Cross Reference

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    TCA965 equivalent

    Abstract: ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401
    Text: veryimpressivePrice. power drain. For the same low price astheTTL-compatible DG211. Very Impressive Performance. Low power, low source-drain ON resistance, low switching times, low current, low price. It all adds up to superstar performance for portable and battery-operated

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    DG211. DG300 DG308 DG211 TCA965 equivalent ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XR-2211 ¡T E X A R .the analog plus company FSK Demodulator/ Tone Decoder TM April 1 9 9 7-2 APPLICATIONS FEATURES • Wide Frequency Range, 0.01 Hz to 300kHz • Wide Supply Voltage Range, 4.5V to 20V • HCMOS/TTL/Logic Compatibility • FSK Demodulation, with Carrier Detection

    OCR Scan
    XR-2211 300kHz 50ppm/Â XR-2211 PDF


    Abstract: XR-2211M
    Text: ,DISTRIByT!2N_2TAT£M£NTi Afc Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. DESC FORM 193 MAY «6 This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer _ i 1. _ SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This drawing describes device requirements fo r c la s s B m icro circu its 1n accordance with

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    MlL-STD-883, MIL-STD-883 MIL-M-38510 7705001CX XR2211M/883B XR-2211M PDF


    Abstract: XR2211 2211 468m XR-2211 pll RX-2211 RX-2211C XR-2211C XR-2211M RX221
    Text: - 494 X R - 2 2 1 1 F S K íg m sf/ h - > • t - f ,a rt m t î ê a t istltc P L L -> X 7 -U X-, F S K T T L , E C L a iï -y y ¿ =i > rf V. e x a r M ís ic a l t v ' s . x a ; * Vs lifFiEïflÆ Lf-:- 4.5—20V l a i S a i S H - 0.01Hz~300kHz B l'is a K !J 7 h 20ppm (typ)

    OCR Scan
    XR-2211 300kHz 20ppm 1042mW 33mW/Â 160-C/W XR-2211M) XR-2211) 0--K75Â XR-2211C) XR2211 2211 468m XR-2211 pll RX-2211 RX-2211C XR-2211C XR-2211M RX221 PDF

    XR-2211 IC

    Abstract: XR-2211 application IC XR 2240 XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram XR2211 application notes xr 2240 fsk modem XR-2211N IC XR 2211 CP FSK Demodulator
    Text: Section 11 XR-2211 XR-2211 FSK Demodulator/ Tone Decoder accommodate analog signals between 2 mV and 3V, and can interface with conventional DTL, TTL and ECL logic families. The circuit consists of a basic PLL for tracking an input signal frequency within the passband, a quad­

    OCR Scan
    XR-2211 XR-2211 VR/100 6D-00656C XR-2211 IC XR-2211 application IC XR 2240 XR-2211* Demodulator PIN Diagram XR2211 application notes xr 2240 fsk modem XR-2211N IC XR 2211 CP FSK Demodulator PDF