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    Abstract: VERIFY 93K template 34992 XC95288XL evaluation board schematic XCR3032C XcxxX xilinx logicore core dds XC2S15-VQ100 creative labs model 3400 FXS-100
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    Text: XCELL Issue 30 Fourth Quarter 1998 THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL FOR XILINX PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC USERS The Programmable Logic CompanySM Inside This Issue: HARDWARE Editorial . 2 FPGAs New XC4000X Series . 3 3.3V SpartanXL . 4-5

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    Text: Platform Flash PROM User Guide UG161 v1.5 October 26, 2009 R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

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    Text: Application Note: CPLD Managing Power in FPGAs and Other Devices Using CoolRunner-II CPLDs R XAPP436 v2.0 June 5, 2008 Summary This application note demonstrates how multiple devices, including Virtex -II and Spartan®-3 FPGAs, can be effectively power managed by a single CoolRunner -II CPLD. It is

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    Text: R Space-Grade Virtex-4QV Family Overview DS653 v2.0 April 12, 2010 Product Specification General Description The Virtex -4QV family of space-grade, radiation-tolerant FPGAs meets the requirements of space applications that demand high-performance as well as control capabilities. For years, the only solution available to customers with highperformance space applications were ASICs with long development and fabrication times as well as high NREs. Now,

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    Text: R Radiation-Tolerant Virtex-4 QPro-V Family Overview DS653 v1.2 December 16, 2008 Preliminary Product Specification General Description The Virtex -4 QPro -V family of radiation-tolerant FPGAs meet the requirements of space applications that demand highperformance as well as control capabilities. For years, the only solution available to customers with high-performance space

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    Text: R Space-Grade Virtex-4QV QPro Family Overview DS653 v1.3 February 3, 2010 Preliminary Product Specification General Description The Virtex -4QV QPro family of space-grade FPGAs meet the requirements of space applications that demand highperformance as well as control capabilities. For years, the only solution available to customers with high-performance space

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    Text: White Paper: Spartan-II R WP129 v1.0 March 21, 2001 Summary Introducing Xilinx and Programmable Logic Solutions for Home Networking Author: Amit Dhir Xilinx has been successful in the communications and networking markets because of the dynamics in these markets. With evolving standards and specifications, the need for

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    Text: Virtex Configuration Guide R R The Xilinx logo shown above is a registered trademark of Xilinx, Inc. FPGA Architect, FPGA Foundry, NeoCAD, NeoCAD EPIC, NeoCAD PRISM, NeoROUTE, Timing Wizard, TRACE, XACT, XILINX, XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210, and XC-DS501 are registered trademarks of Xilinx, Inc.

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    Text: ` R Virtex-4 Family Overview DS112 v3.1 August 30, 2010 Product Specification General Description Combining Advanced Silicon Modular Block (ASMBL ) architecture with a wide variety of flexible features, the Virtex -4 family from Xilinx greatly enhances programmable logic design capabilities, making it a powerful alternative to ASIC

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    Text: R , XILINX, XACT, XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC-DS501, FPGA Architect, FPGA Foundry, NeoCAD, NeoCAD EPIC, NeoCAD PRISM, NeoROUTE, Plus Logic, Plustran, P+, Timing Wizard, and TRACE are registered trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. , all XC-prefix product designations, XACTstep, XACTstep Advanced, XACTstep Foundry, XACT-Floorplanner,

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    Text: Spartan-IIE 1.8V FPGA Family: Functional Description R DS077-2 v1.0 November 15, 2001 Architectural Description Spartan-IIE Array The Spartan-IIE user-programmable gate array, shown in Figure 1, is composed of five major configurable elements: • • •

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    Text: XC9500XV Family High-Performance CPLD R DS049 v2.1 June 24, 2002 6 Preliminary Product Specification Features Family Overview • The XC9500XV family is a 2.5V CPLD family targeted for high-performance, low-voltage applications in leading-edge communications and computing systems, where high

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XC9500XV Family High-Performance CPLD R DS049 v2.3 January 16, 2006 6 Product Specification Features Family Overview • The XC9500XV family is a 2.5V CPLD family targeted for high-performance, low-voltage applications in leading-edge communications and computing systems, where high

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    Text: The Programmable Logic Data Book July 1998 R , XILINX, XACT, XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC-DS501, FPGA Architect, FPGA Foundry, NeoCAD, NeoCAD EPIC, NeoCAD PRISM, NeoROUTE, Plus Logic, Plustran, P+, Timing Wizard, and TRACE are registered trademarks of Xilinx, Inc.

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    Abstract: XQ5VLX110T XQ5VSX50T ROCKETIO XQ5VFX70T DSP48E GTP ethernet FF323 SRL16 XQ5VLX110
    Text: Virtex-5Q Family Overview DS174 v2.0 March 22, 2010 Product Specification General Description The Defense-grade Virtex -5Q family provides the newest, most capable features in the aerospace and defense industry from the reprogrammable FPGA market leader. The Virtex-5Q family delivers on Size, Weight, and Power - Cost (SWAP-C) reduction requirements

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    Abstract: Virtex-5QV Device Reliability report XILINX ADQ0007 XQR5VFX130 CF1752 UG191 XQR5V XQR5VFX SGMII
    Text: Radiation-Hardened, Space-Grade Virtex-5QV Device Overview DS192 v1.1 August 30, 2010 Advance Product Specification General Description The space-grade Virtex -5QV FPGA provides radiation-hardened by design technology to meet the requirements of space applications that demand high-performance as well as high reliability. For years, ASICs were the only solution available to system

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    Abstract: DSP48E microblaze ethernet Virtex-5 LXT Ethernet XQ5VLX110 FF323 SRL16 UG192 embedded powerpc 440 7846n
    Text: Virtex-5Q Family Overview DS174 v1.0 May 5, 2009 Preliminary Product Specification General Description The Defense-grade Virtex -5Q family provides the newest, most capable features in the aerospace and defense industry from the reprogrammable FPGA market leader. The Virtex-5Q family delivers on Size, Weight and Power - Cost (SWAP-C) reduction requirements

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    Abstract: dlc9G dlc9lp manual motherboard canada ices 003 class b 2475-14G2 UG344 dlc7 XCF00S HW-USB-II-G motherboard canada ices 003
    Text: 31 R Platform Cable USB II DS593 v1.2 June 9, 2008 Advance Product Specification Features • • High-performance FPGA and PROM programming and configuration ♦ Includes innovative FPGA-based acceleration firmware encapsulated in a small form factor pod

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Obsolete/Under Obsolescence XC9500XV Family High-Performance CPLD R DS049 v3.0 June 25, 2007 6 Note: This product is being discontinued. You cannot order parts in this family after May 14, 2008. Xilinx recommends replacing XC9500XV devices with equivalent

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    Text: 35 Platform Cable USB II DS593 v1.2.1 March 17, 2011 Features • High-performance FPGA and PROM programming and configuration Reliable • Includes innovative FPGA-based acceleration firmware encapsulated in a small form factor pod attached to the cable

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    Abstract: ff1156 VIRTEX-5 DDR2 controller FFG1156 VIRTEX-5 DDR PHY Virtex-5 Ethernet development Virtex-5 LXT Ethernet DSP48E SRL16 XC5VLX220
    Text: R DS100 v5.0 February 6, 2009 Virtex-5 Family Overview Product Specification General Description The Virtex -5 family provides the newest most powerful features in the FPGA market. Using the second generation ASMBL (Advanced Silicon Modular Block) column-based architecture, the Virtex-5 family contains five distinct platforms (sub-families), the most choice

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