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    VERSALDEMO1Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Xilinx Versal ACAP Demonstration Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R22-GPU Renesas Electronics Corporation High Quality 10-bit HEVC Software Encoder Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R10-D7 Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Latency Contribution Encoder Software for D7Pro Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    SDAWIR-4532-01 Renesas Electronics Corporation Software Development and Application Kit for ZWIR4532 Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DA14695-00HQDEVKT-RANG Renesas Electronics Corporation SmartBond™ Wireless Ranging (WiRa™) Software Development Kit Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    Abstract: SPARTAN 6 readback Xilinx jtag cable Schematic HW130 HW-130 X12604 fpga JTAG Programmer Schematics XAPP017 XAPP098 XAPP122
    Text: Application Note: Spartan and SpartanXL Families R XAPP126 v1.2 July 22, 2003 Summary Data Generation and Configuration for Spartan Series FPGAs Author: Ashok Chotai and Hari Devanath This application note describes various methods for configuring Spartan series FPGAs. Each

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    Text: Application Note: Hardware MultiLINX R Getting Started with the MultiLINX Cable XAPP168 v2.2 December 4, 2006 Summary This application note provides a quick introduction to the MultiLINX cable hardware. Topics covered are a description of the cable, a list of features, what the cable may be used for, software

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    Abstract: CC302 alarm clock design of digital VHDL v55e digital alarm clock vhdl code in modelsim bipolar ami verilog code for frame assembler alarm clock verilog code
    Text: CoreEl T1 Framer CC302 May 30, 2003 Product Specification AllianceCORE™ Facts Paxonet Communications, Inc. 4046 Clipper Court Fremont CA 94538, USA Phone: +1 510-770-2277 Fax: +1 510-770-2288 E-mail: URL: Features •

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    Abstract: vhdl HDB3 vhdl code g704 digital alarm clock vhdl code in modelsim G732 Paxonet Communications verilog code for frame synchronization crc verilog code 16 bit E1 frame alarm clock design of digital VHDL
    Text: CoreEl CC303 Framer May 30, 2003 Product Specification AllianceCORE™ Facts Paxonet Communications, Inc. 4046 Clipper Court Fremont CA 94538, USA Phone: +1 510-770-2277 Fax: +1 510-770-2288 E-mail: URL: Features • •

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CoreEl OC12c Path Processor CC321 May 30, 2003 Product Specification AllianceCORE™ Facts Paxonet Communications, Inc. 4046 Clipper Court Fremont CA 94538, USA Phone: +1 510-770-2277 Fax: +1 510-770-2288 E-mail: URL:

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    Abstract: vhdl code for clock and data recovery vhdl code for bram "network interface cards"
    Text: CoreEl OC12 Framer CC351 May 30, 2003 Product Specification AllianceCORE™ Facts Core Specifics See Table 1 Provided with Core Documentation User Guide, Design Guide Design File Formats EDIF netlist Constraints File .ucf Verification Test Bench, Test Scripts

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    Abstract: simple powerful charge controller block diagram scrambler
    Text: CoreEl - CC200 ATM Cell Processor May 6, 2003 Product Specification AllianceCORE™ Facts Paxonet Communications, Inc. 4046 Clipper Court Fremont CA 94538, USA Phone: +1 510-770-2277 Fax: +1 510-770-2288 E-mail: URL: Features

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    Abstract: XAPP208 fir filter spartan 3 fir filter design using vhdl verilog 2d filter xilinx
    Text: 1-D Discrete Cosine Transform DCT V2.1 March 14, 2002 Product Specification General Description Xilinx Inc. 2100 Logic Drive San Jose, CA 95124 Phone: +1 408-559-7778 Fax: +1 408-559-7114 URL: Support: Features

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    Abstract: IEEE1180-1990 IEEE-1180 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform DCT fpga frame by vhdl examples fir filter design using vhdl verilog 2d filter xilinx digital FIR Filter using distributed arithmetic xILINX ISE ALLIANCE SOFTWARE 4.2i
    Text: 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform DCT V2.0 March 14, 2002 Product Specification security services General Description The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is a technique that converts a spatial domain waveform into its constituent frequency components as represented by a set of coefficients.



    Abstract: RISCwatch ACE FLASH mictor layout RISCwatch Trace connector 20 pin FF672 Virtex-II Prototype platform XC3090 XC4005
    Text: Virtex-II Pro Prototype Platform User Guide UG027 / PN 0402044 v1.6 October 25, 2002 R Virtex-II Pro Prototype Platform User Guide 1-800-255-7778 UG027 / PN 0402044 (v1.6) October 25, 2002 R "Xilinx" and the Xilinx logo shown above are registered trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

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    Abstract: cy 1602 16x2 LCD Display Module AB38R IBM powerpc 405gp af15 doc hf ne BT 342 project 78200C 240331 RTL 8188 WL245
    Text: Virtex-II Pro Platform FPGA Developer’s Kit March 2002 Release R R The Xilinx logo shown above is a registered trademark of Xilinx, Inc. The shadow X shown above is a trademark of Xilinx, Inc. "Xilinx" and the Xilinx logo are registered trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

    XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210 LCD MODULE optrex 323 1585 cy 1602 16x2 LCD Display Module AB38R IBM powerpc 405gp af15 doc hf ne BT 342 project 78200C 240331 RTL 8188 WL245 PDF