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    XILINX 208 PQFP Search Results

    XILINX 208 PQFP Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    VERSALDEMO1Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Xilinx Versal ACAP Demonstration Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL8024DEMO2Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Power Module for Xilinx RFSoC Applications Demonstration Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL91211BIK-REF2Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Xilinx Spartan-7 FPGAs Reference Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL91211A-BIK-REFZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Xilinx Artix-7 FPGAs Reference Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL91211AIK-REFZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC Reference Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    XILINX 208 PQFP Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: BGA95 sb 1240
    Text: 1.400" Top View 0.100" 1.350" 1.350" 1.240" 0.5mm Pitch Relative Orientations BGA Pin A1 Side View 1 QFP Pin 1 0.477" 3 0.6" Assembled 2 0.293" Removable Alignment Pins Description: PACKAGE CONVERTER 208 position PQFP to 352 position BGA. Altera Max 9320 to Xilinx XC95XX.

    XC95XX. FR4/G10 finish10µ DC-QFP/BGA-95XX-S-B-01 XC95XX BGA95 sb 1240 PDF


    Abstract: 7VQ44C XCR3064XL-10CS48C TQFP 256 XCR3064XL HQFP 208 XCR3128XL-10VQ100C
    Text: Xilinx FPGAs XC4000EX/XL/XLA/XV FPGAs Continued FPGA Package Options and User I/O PLCC IOBs XC4005XL 112 XC4010XL 160 XC4013XLA 192 XC4020XLA 224 XC4028EX 256 XC4036EX 288 XC4028XLA 256 XC4036XLA 288 XC4044XLA 320 84 61 61 Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ 100 160 208

    XC4000EX/XL/XLA/XV XC4005XL XC4010XL XC4013XLA XC4020XLA XC4028EX XC4036EX XC4028XLA XC4036XLA XC4044XLA XCR3032XL-10PC44C 7VQ44C XCR3064XL-10CS48C TQFP 256 XCR3064XL HQFP 208 XCR3128XL-10VQ100C PDF


    Abstract: XC9536-44 plcc44 pinout numbers XC9500 pinout tas t23 Fuse n25 PLCC44 pinout PLCC84 package VQFP44 package XC9500 Family
    Text: XILINX PROGRAMMER QUALIFICATION SPECIFICATION XC9500 FAMILY Introduction This document pertains to the following devices and packages: device addresses are contained on the included Add.dat floppy disk. Signature String 9536 - PLCC44, CSP48, and VQFP44 9572 - PLCC44, PLCC84, PQFP100,

    XC9500 PLCC44, CSP48, VQFP44 PLCC84, PQFP100, TQFP100 PQFP160 XILINX XC9536-44 plcc44 pinout numbers XC9500 pinout tas t23 Fuse n25 PLCC44 pinout PLCC84 package VQFP44 package XC9500 Family PDF

    BGA PACKAGE thermal profile

    Abstract: 225-pin BGA X3365 fine BGA thermal profile XC73108 TEXTOOL zif capacitance in BGA package
    Text: Ball Grid Array Packaging The Cost Effective, High Density EPLD Solution  November 1993 White Paper Introduction profile than conventional PQFPs 1.9 mm versus 3.7 mm which makes the package ideal for high pin count portable applications. The ball grid array (BGA) package is the latest in a series

    XC73108. BGA PACKAGE thermal profile 225-pin BGA X3365 fine BGA thermal profile XC73108 TEXTOOL zif capacitance in BGA package PDF


    Abstract: HQFP 208 pbga 144 XC4036XLA-HQ240 R4036XLA-I-160H xc4036xl-hq240i XC4013XL-PQ240C XC4013XL-HT176C xc4013xla-pq208c xc4036xlahq208
    Text: FPGA Replacement for 3.3-Volt Xilinx Products Introduction Proteus is a Chip Express FPGA • replacement program. In its initial release, supplies Proteus is available as a 5-volt product family serving the needs of specific Xilinx 4000E/EX devices and a Proteus 3.3-volt

    4000E/EX 4000XL/XLA 1-800-95CHIPX proteus HQFP 208 pbga 144 XC4036XLA-HQ240 R4036XLA-I-160H xc4036xl-hq240i XC4013XL-PQ240C XC4013XL-HT176C xc4013xla-pq208c xc4036xlahq208 PDF

    CLCC 84

    Abstract: plcc20 socket HQFP-208 HW-137-DIP8 plcc 68 prom universal programmer XC9500 HW-130 XC1700 HW-133-PG144
    Text:  November 12, 1997 Version 1.2 HW-130 Programmer 9* HW-130 Programmer Device and Package Support Programming Socket Adapters • XC1700 Serial PROMs • XC9500 CPLDs • Supports all Xilinx package types • Programmer Accessories Supports all package styles: PLCC, PQFP, TQFP,

    HW-130 XC1700 XC9500 HW-133-PC44 HW-133-PQ44 HW-133-VQ44 HW-133-PC68 HW-133-PC84 HW-133-PQ100 CLCC 84 plcc20 socket HQFP-208 HW-137-DIP8 plcc 68 prom universal programmer HW-133-PG144 PDF

    ulc xc3030

    Abstract: PQFP 176 Xilinx XC3090 altera EP300 EPM7128 Temic ulc xc3030 EPM7128 PLCC PLSI2032 Actel A1020 PLUS405
    Text: ULC Reference Guide This reference guide lists most devices available for conversion. This list is not exhaustive, as new devices are added regularly. Additional devices not shown in this list may also be supported. Updated versions are available on the TEMIC web site. Check with factory if

    ULC/A1010 ULC/A1020 ulc xc3030 PQFP 176 Xilinx XC3090 altera EP300 EPM7128 Temic ulc xc3030 EPM7128 PLCC PLSI2032 Actel A1020 PLUS405 PDF


    Abstract: D75304GF AIC6360Q Actel a1280 intel 80386dx HG62G027 AIC-6360Q CL-SH260 L1A9349 5252 F 1002
    Text: P o m o n a Electronics IC Test Clips Logic Scope Probe JEDEC PQFP Test Clips PomonaÕs JEDEC QFP test clips are designed to fit on surfacemounted plastic and ceramic JEDEC chips. Choose from four clip types specifically designed to give you optimum functionality and ease of use for testing, troubleshooting and

    ABT16244, ACT16245 FCT16223, FCT162511 d431000agw D75304GF AIC6360Q Actel a1280 intel 80386dx HG62G027 AIC-6360Q CL-SH260 L1A9349 5252 F 1002 PDF


    Abstract: PQFP moisture sensitive handling and packaging footprint jedec MS-026 TQFP schematic impulse sealer BGA 11x11 junction to board thermal resistance EIA standards 481 JEDEC MS-026 footprint eftec 64 EFTEC-64 footprint jedec MS-026 TQFP 128
    Text: Packages and Thermal Characteristics  August 6, 1996 Version 1.2 Number of Available I/O Pins Max 44 64 68 84 100 120 132 144 156 160 164 175 176 191 196 208 223 225 228 240 299 304 352 411 432 499 I/O XC7236A 36 XC7272A 72 XC7318 38 36 56 72 38 XC7336

    XC7236A XC7272A XC7318 XC7336 XC7336Q XC7354 XC7372 XC73108 XC73144 XC9536 MO-83-AF PQFP moisture sensitive handling and packaging footprint jedec MS-026 TQFP schematic impulse sealer BGA 11x11 junction to board thermal resistance EIA standards 481 JEDEC MS-026 footprint eftec 64 EFTEC-64 footprint jedec MS-026 TQFP 128 PDF


    Abstract: XC4013E-PQ160C XC4013EPQ160 XC4013E-HQ208I "CHIP EXPRESS" pq208C xc4028exhq208c XC4013E-PQ208C XC4036EX-HQ240 XC4013E-PQ240
    Text: FPGA Replacement for 5-Volt Xilinx Products Introduction Proteus is a Chip Express FPGA replacement program. In its initial release, Proteus is available as a 5-volt product family serving the needs of specific Xilinx 4000E/EX devices and a Proteus 3.3-volt

    4000E/EX 4000XL/XLA 1-800-95CHIPX proteus XC4013E-PQ160C XC4013EPQ160 XC4013E-HQ208I "CHIP EXPRESS" pq208C xc4028exhq208c XC4013E-PQ208C XC4036EX-HQ240 XC4013E-PQ240 PDF

    footprint jedec MS-026 TQFP 128

    Abstract: schematic impulse sealer footprint jedec MS-026 TQFP JEDEC Package Code MS-026-AED BGA 11x11 junction to board thermal resistance QFP Package 128 lead .5mm .65mm bga land pattern MS-026-BGA Shipping Trays 16x16 XC4010E-PQ208
    Text: Packages and Thermal Characteristics  June 1, 1996 Version 1.1 Number of Available I/O Pins Max 44 64 68 84 100 120 132 144 156 160 164 175 176 191 196 208 223 225 228 240 299 304 352 411 432 499 I/O XC7236A 36 XC7272A 72 XC7318 38 36 56 72 38 XC7336

    XC7236A XC7272A XC7318 XC7336 XC7336Q XC7354 XC7372 XC73108 XC73144 XC9536 footprint jedec MS-026 TQFP 128 schematic impulse sealer footprint jedec MS-026 TQFP JEDEC Package Code MS-026-AED BGA 11x11 junction to board thermal resistance QFP Package 128 lead .5mm .65mm bga land pattern MS-026-BGA Shipping Trays 16x16 XC4010E-PQ208 PDF

    PCB footprint cqfp 132

    Abstract: schematic impulse sealer xc4010e-pq208 footprint pga 84 TSOP 54 PIN footprint 14mm x 20 mm .65mm bga land pattern QFP PACKAGE thermal resistance die down XC4013E-PQ240 XC7272A XC7318
    Text: Packages and Thermal Characteristics  August 6, 1996 Version 1.2 Number of Available I/O Pins Max 44 64 68 84 100 120 132 144 156 160 164 175 176 191 196 208 223 225 228 240 299 304 352 411 432 499 I/O XC7236A 36 XC7272A 72 XC7318 38 36 56 72 38 XC7336

    XC7236A XC7272A XC7318 XC7336 XC7336Q XC7354 XC7372 XC73108 XC73144 XC9536 PCB footprint cqfp 132 schematic impulse sealer xc4010e-pq208 footprint pga 84 TSOP 54 PIN footprint 14mm x 20 mm .65mm bga land pattern QFP PACKAGE thermal resistance die down XC4013E-PQ240 XC7272A XC7318 PDF

    XC9500 pinout

    Abstract: AC24-AC25 Fuse n25 xilinx xc9536 XC9500 XC95108 XC95144 XC95216 XC95288 XC9536
    Text: XILINX PROGRAMMER QUALIFICATION SPECIFICATION XC9500 FAMILY Introduction Signature String The device programming and verification procedures are similar to those used with standard FLASH EPROM memories. Initially, and after each erasure, all cells in the device

    XC9500 XC9500 pinout AC24-AC25 Fuse n25 xilinx xc9536 XC95108 XC95144 XC95216 XC95288 XC9536 PDF


    Abstract: 240-PQFP "CHIP EXPRESS" 144TQFP PACKAGE proteus CHIP EXPRESS EPF10K30 RA10K10AQ-C-208 CHIPX semiconductors replacement guide
    Text: FPGA Replacement for Altera FLEX 10K Series Products Introduction Proteus for Altera FLEX 10K Series PLDs is the latest addition to the Proteus FPGA Replacement Program from Chip Express. Proteus devices are now available to replace OEM production FPGAs from Xilinx and

    CEC024) CEC004) CEC002) CEC003) EPF10K70 RA10K70Q-I-240 RA10K70R-I-240 240PQFP 240RQFP 256FBGA 240-PQFP "CHIP EXPRESS" 144TQFP PACKAGE proteus CHIP EXPRESS EPF10K30 RA10K10AQ-C-208 CHIPX semiconductors replacement guide PDF


    Abstract: soic-20 XCN07022 XCR3000XL HW-133-PC44 HW-130-J HW-137-PC44/VQ44 XC18V00 XC7200 HW-130
    Text: R HW-130 Programmer DS019 v1.9 February 8, 2008 Product Specification This product is undergoing discontinuance. Please refer to XCN07022, Product Discontinuation Notice, for more information on last-time purchases and replacement products. Device and Package Support

    HW-130 DS019 XCN07022, XC1700/XC17S00/XL XC17V00/XC17S00A XC18V00 XC9500/XL/XV XCR3000XL HW-137-DIP8 soic-20 XCN07022 HW-133-PC44 HW-130-J HW-137-PC44/VQ44 XC7200 PDF


    Abstract: XC3020L XC3030A XC3030L XC3042A XC3042L XC3064A XC3064L XC3090A XC3090L
    Text: 44 48 64 68 84 100 120 132 144 156 160 164 24 175 176 184 191 196 208 223 225 228 240 299 304 352 411 432 475 560 PLASTIC LCC PLASTIC QFP PLASTIC VQFP CERAMIC LCC PLASTIC DIP PLASTIC VQFP PLASTIC LCC CERAMIC LCC CERAMIC PGA PLASTIC LCC CERAMIC LCC CERAMIC PGA

    TQ144 PG144 PG156 PQ160 CQ164 CB164 PP175 PG175 TQ176 PG184 XC3020A XC3020L XC3030A XC3030L XC3042A XC3042L XC3064A XC3064L XC3090A XC3090L PDF


    Abstract: vqfp 44 HW-137-DIP8 HQFP HW-133-BG256 HW-136-VQ100 vqfp44 HW-137-PC44/VQ44 HW-136-CS144 xc17v00
    Text: HW-130 Programmer R DS019 v1.8 May 25, 2007 Product Specification Device and Package Support Programmer Functional Specifications • XC1700/XC17S00/XL Serial PROMs • Device programming, erasing, and verification • XC17V00/XC17S00A Serial PROMs • CPLD security control

    HW-130 DS019 XC1700/XC17S00/XL XC17V00/XC17S00A XC18V00 XC9500/XL/XV XCR3000XL XC7200/7300 XC9500/XL XC1800 vqfp 44 HW-137-DIP8 HQFP HW-133-BG256 HW-136-VQ100 vqfp44 HW-137-PC44/VQ44 HW-136-CS144 xc17v00 PDF


    Abstract: automotive ecu automotive ecu circuit LVDSEXT-25 AEC-Q100 TS16949 VQG100 LVDSEXT25 BLVDS-25
    Text: 06 Spartan-3 Automotive XA FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering R DS314-1 v1.0 October 18, 2004 Advance Product Specification Introduction The Xilinx Automotive (XA) Spartan -3 family of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays is specifically designed to meet the

    DS314-1 AEC-Q100 DS099-1, DS099-2, DS099-3, DS099-4, XCF00S automotive ecu automotive ecu circuit LVDSEXT-25 TS16949 VQG100 LVDSEXT25 BLVDS-25 PDF


    Abstract: XC3020L XC3030A XC3030L XC3042A XC3042L XC3064A XC3064L XC3090A XC3090L
    Text: 48 64 68 84 100 120 132 144 156 160 164 38 175 176 184 191 196 208 223 225 228 240 299 304 352 411 432 499 596 PLASTIC LCC PLASTIC QFP PLASTIC VQFP CERAMIC LCC PLASTIC DIP PLASTIC VQFP PLASTIC LCC CERAMIC LCC CERAMIC PGA PLASTIC LCC CERAMIC LCC CERAMIC PGA

    XC8100 XC3020A XC3020L XC3030A XC3030L XC3042A XC3042L XC3064A XC3064L XC3090A XC3090L PDF

    304 MQFP

    Abstract: MQ240 XC3030A
    Text: 44 48 64 68 84 100 120 132 144 156 160 164 24 175 176 184 191 196 208 223 225 228 240 299 304 352 411 432 475 560 PLASTIC LCC PLASTIC QFP PLASTIC VQFP CERAMIC LCC PLASTIC DIP PLASTIC VQFP PLASTIC LCC CERAMIC LCC CERAMIC PGA PLASTIC LCC CERAMIC LCC CERAMIC PGA



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Spartan-XL 3.3V FPGA Automotive IQ Family: Introduction and Ordering R DS107-1 v1.2 April 29, 2003 Advance Product Specification Introduction The Spartan -XL 3.3V FPGA Automotive IQ product family is a high-volume production FPGA solution that delivers all

    DS107-1 XCS05XL VQ100 100-pin XCS10XL TQ144 XCS20XL PQ208 208-pin XCS30XL PDF


    Abstract: XC1800 HW-130-J plcc20 socket PLCC44 socket Programmer HW-130 XC18V00 HW-130 XC1700 HW-130 Programmer
    Text: Page 1 Tuesday, April 8, 2003 4:07 PM R HW-130 Programmer DS019 v1.6 April 8, 2003 Product Specification Device and Package Support Programmer Functional Specifications • • • • • • • • • • • • XC1700 Serial PROMs XC18V00 ISP PROMs

    HW-130 DS019 XC1700 XC18V00 XC9500/XL XC7200/7300 XC1800 HW-137-DIP8 HW-130-J plcc20 socket PLCC44 socket Programmer HW-130 HW-130 Programmer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Spartan-XL 3.3V FPGA Automotive IQ Family: Introduction and Ordering R DS107-1 v1.3 June 14, 2004 Product Specification Introduction The Spartan -XL 3.3V FPGA Automotive IQ product family is a high-volume production FPGA solution that delivers all the key requirements for ASIC replacement up to 40,000

    DS107-1 VQ100 100-pin XCS10XL TQ144 XCS20XL PQ208 208-pin XCS30XL 144-pin PDF


    Abstract: XC3030A xc3142 PP175 Xilinx XC3090 xc2064 fpga xact xc3090 XC3190 Xilinx XC3090A X04008
    Text: Component Availability Pins 44 Type Plastic PLCC Plastic DIP Plastic VQFP Plastic PLCC Ceramic PGA Plastic PLCC Ceramic PGA Plastic PQFP Plastic TQFP Code PC44 PD48 VQ64 PC 68 PG68 PC84 PG84 PQ100 TQ100 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ XC2064 48 64 68 XC2O10 ✓ ✓

    OCR Scan
    XC2064 XC2O10 XC2064L XC2O10L XC3020 XC3030 XC3042 XC3064 XC3090 XC3020A XC3030A xc3142 PP175 Xilinx XC3090 xc2064 fpga xact xc3090 XC3190 Xilinx XC3090A X04008 PDF