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    SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208

    Abstract: XC2S200 FG256 FG456 xc2s200 pq208 xc2s30 pq208 VQ100 PQ208 CS144 P156
    Text: Xilinx June 1, 2000 Errata for the Pinout Tables in the Spartan-II Datasheet Ver. 1.1 This document describes errata found in the Spartan-II datasheet, ver. 1.1. These errata will be corrected in the next version of the datasheet. 1. Page 63, “XC2S30 Device Pinouts” table: P76 on the VQ100 package and P156 on the PQ208

    XC2S30 VQ100 PQ208 VQ100 TQ144 CS144 CS144 FG456 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 XC2S200 FG256 FG456 xc2s200 pq208 xc2s30 pq208 PQ208 P156 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: — OBSOLETE — OBSOLETE — OBSOLETE — OBSOLETE — Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Automotive IQ Product Family: Introduction and Ordering R DS105-1 v2.0 August 9, 2013 Product Specification Introduction The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Automotive IQ product family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources, and a rich feature set.

    DS105-1 FG456 456-ball XC2S200 XC2S100 XC2S150: VQ100 XCN11010. PDF

    XC2S150 PQ208

    Abstract: XC2S50 XC2S150 xc2s200 pq208 XC2S200 XC2S100 SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 XC2S150 BGA DS105-1 XC2S30 PINS
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Automotive IQ Product Family: Introduction and Ordering R DS105-1 v1.2 February 14, 2003 Advance Product Specification Introduction The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Automotive IQ product family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources, and a rich feature set.

    DS105-1 XC2S15 XC2S30 XC2S50 XC2S100 XC2S150 XC2S200 TQ144 FG256 FG456 XC2S150 PQ208 xc2s200 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 XC2S150 BGA DS105-1 XC2S30 PINS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Automotive IQ Product Family: Introduction and Ordering R DS105-1 v1.3 May 21, 2004 Product Specification Introduction The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Automotive IQ product family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources, and a rich feature set.

    DS105-1 256-ball XC2S150 PQ208 208-pin XC2S100 144-pin 456-ball XC2S200 XC2S100 PDF


    Abstract: SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 xc2s50-tq144 XC2S50 SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 XC2S100 xc2s200 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 VQ100 XC2S150
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information R DS001-1 v2.0 September 18, 2000 Preliminary Product Specification Introduction The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources,

    DS001-1 XC2S200 FG456 456-ball DS001-1, DS001-2, DS001-3, DS001-4, SPARTAN XC2S50 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 xc2s50-tq144 XC2S50 SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 XC2S100 xc2s200 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 VQ100 XC2S150 PDF


    Abstract: XC2S100 XC2S150 XC2S200 XC2S30 XC2S50 SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 block diagram XC17S00A
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information R DS001-1 v2.2 March 5, 2001 Introduction Preliminary Product Specification • The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources,

    DS001-1 DS001-1, DS001-2, DS001-3, DS001-4, xc2s50-tq144 XC2S100 XC2S150 XC2S200 XC2S30 XC2S50 SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 block diagram XC17S00A PDF

    SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 block diagram

    Abstract: Spartan-II pin details SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 XC2S50 tq144 SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 Spartan-II xc2s100 pin details XC2S50 XC2S100 XC2S150 xilinx XC17S00A DATE CODE MARKING
    Text: 05 Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information R DS001-1 v2.4 September 3, 2003 Introduction Product Specification • The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources,

    DS001-1 DS001-1, DS001-2, DS001-3, DS001-4, SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 block diagram Spartan-II pin details SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 XC2S50 tq144 SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 Spartan-II xc2s100 pin details XC2S50 XC2S100 XC2S150 xilinx XC17S00A DATE CODE MARKING PDF

    SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208

    Abstract: XC2S50 xc2s50-pq208 XC2S150 PQ208 xc2s50fg256 XC2S50-FG256 spartan 2 XC2S150 SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 XC2S100
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Automotive IQ Product Family: Introduction and Ordering R DS105-1 v1.4 October 18, 2004 Product Specification Introduction The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Automotive IQ product family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources, and a rich feature set.

    DS105-1 XC2S100 144-pin 456-ball XC2S200 XC2S100 XC2S150: VQ100 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 XC2S50 xc2s50-pq208 XC2S150 PQ208 xc2s50fg256 XC2S50-FG256 spartan 2 XC2S150 SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 PDF

    SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208

    Abstract: XC2S100 SPARTAN XC2S50 SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 XC2S50 xc2s30 tq144 XC2S150 PQ208 SPARTAN 6 peripherals datasheet XC2S30 board xc2s30 pq208
    Text: Xilinx Confidential and Restricted Page 1 January 6, 2000 Agenda • Spartan Philosophy • Spartan-II FPGAs: Extending Spartan Series • System Integration • Spartan-II family: ASSP Replacement • Summary Xilinx Confidential and Restricted Page 2 January 6, 2000

    XC2S15 XC2S30 XC2S50 XC2S100 XC2S150 250Ku CY2000) SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 XC2S100 SPARTAN XC2S50 SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 XC2S50 xc2s30 tq144 XC2S150 PQ208 SPARTAN 6 peripherals datasheet XC2S30 board xc2s30 pq208 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information R DS001-1 v2.1 October 31, 2000 Introduction Preliminary Product Specification • The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources,

    DS001-1 DS001-1, DS001-2, DS001-3, DS001-4, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Automotive IQ Product Family R DS105-1 v1.1 November 26, 2002 Advance Product Specification Introduction The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Automotive IQ product family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources, and a rich feature set.

    DS105-1 XC2S15 TQ144 144-pin XC2S30 FG256 FG456 256-ball XC2S100 PQ208 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Automotive IQ Product Family: Introduction and Ordering R DS105-1 v1.0 July 17, 2002 Advance Product Specification Introduction The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Automotive IQ product family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources, and a rich feature set.

    DS105-1 XC2S15 TQ144 144-pin XC2S30 FG256 256-ball XC2S100 FG456 PQ208 PDF

    SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208

    Abstract: SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 xc2s50-tq144 XC2S200 XC2S100 SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 SPARTAN-II XC2S50 XC2S150 SPARTAN 6
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information R DS001-1 v2.3 November 1, 2001 Introduction Preliminary Product Specification • The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources,

    DS001-1 DS001-1, DS001-2, DS001-3, DS001-4, SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 xc2s50-tq144 XC2S200 XC2S100 SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 SPARTAN-II XC2S50 XC2S150 SPARTAN 6 PDF


    Abstract: SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 xc2s30 tqg144 XC2S50 PQG208 XC2S50 xc2s150 pqg208 BGA and QFP Package SPARTAN-II XC2S200 xc2s100 tqg144
    Text: 05 Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information R DS001-1 v2.5 August 2, 2004 Introduction Product Specification • The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources,

    DS001-1 DS001-1, DS001-2, DS001-3, DS001-4, SPARTAN XC2S50 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 xc2s30 tqg144 XC2S50 PQG208 XC2S50 xc2s150 pqg208 BGA and QFP Package SPARTAN-II XC2S200 xc2s100 tqg144 PDF

    105 p180 g8

    Abstract: SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 p181 g8 g5209 p115 SPARTAN XC2S50 P120 G8 transistor be p88 P137 P141
    Text: 028 Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family: Pinout Tables R DS001-4 v2.5 September 3, 2003 Product Specification Pin Definitions Pin Name Dedicated Pin Direction Description GCK0, GCK1, GCK2, GCK3 No Input Clock input pins that connect to Global Clock Buffers. These pins become

    DS001-4 XC2S50 XC2S30 DS001-1, DS001-2, DS001-3, DS001-4, 105 p180 g8 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 p181 g8 g5209 p115 SPARTAN XC2S50 P120 G8 transistor be p88 P137 P141 PDF

    SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208

    Abstract: SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 SPARTAN XC2S50 XC2S100 XC2S50 SPARTAN Xilinx SPARTAN CS144 FG256 PQ208
    Text: Cover Story THE NEW Spartan-I I FPGA Family KISS YOUR AS IC GOOD-BYE Spartan FPGAs are experiencing tremendous growth due to their inherent advantages over ASICs. Device System Gates Logic Cells Block RAM Bits by Jay Aggarwal, Product Marketing Manager , Spartan Series, Xilinx,

    XC2S15 XC2S30 XC2S50 XC2S100 XC2S150 XC2S100 SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 SPARTAN XC2S50 XC2S50 SPARTAN Xilinx SPARTAN CS144 FG256 PQ208 PDF

    p181 g8

    Abstract: 105 p180 g8 707 p181 g5209 p115 SPARTAN XC2S50 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 tms 374 transistor be p88 P140
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family: Pinout Tables R DS001-4 v2.4 April 30, 2001 Preliminary Product Specification Pin Definitions Pin Name Dedicated Pin Direction Description GCK0, GCK1, GCK2, GCK3 No Input Clock input pins that connect to Global Clock Buffers. These pins become

    DS001-4 tha00 XC2S50 DS001-1, DS001-2, DS001-3, DS001-4, p181 g8 105 p180 g8 707 p181 g5209 p115 SPARTAN XC2S50 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 tms 374 transistor be p88 P140 PDF

    p181 g8

    Abstract: 105 p180 g8 p27m2 L2251 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 p180 g8 6p114 DS001-4 g5209 N2407
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family: Pinout Tables R DS001-4 v2.0 September 18, 2000 Preliminary Product Specification Pin Definitions Pin Name Dedicated Pin Direction Description GCK0, GCK1, GCK2, GCK3 No Input Clock input pins that connect to Global Clock Buffers. These pins become

    DS001-4 IndicatesP10 DS001-1, DS001-2, DS001-3, DS001-4, p181 g8 105 p180 g8 p27m2 L2251 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 p180 g8 6p114 DS001-4 g5209 N2407 PDF

    diode k5 10-16

    Abstract: SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 block diagram
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information R DS001-1 v2.2 March 5, 2001 Introduction Preliminary Product Specification • The Spartan -II 2.5V Field-Programmable Gate Array family gives users high performance, abundant logic resources,

    DS001-1 DS001-1, DS001-2, DS001-3, DS001-4, DS001-4 diode k5 10-16 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 block diagram PDF


    Abstract: SPARTAN-II SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 CS144 FG256 PQ208 TQ144 VQ100 XC2S100 XC2S15
    Text: Robust Feature Set • Flexible on-chip memory Distributed and Block Memory • 4 Digital Delay Lock Loops per device Efficient chip level/ board level clock management • Select I/O Technology Interface to all major bus standards HSTL, GTL, SSTL, etc…

    PQ208 FG256 FG456 SPARTAN XC2S50 SPARTAN-II SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 CS144 FG256 PQ208 TQ144 VQ100 XC2S100 XC2S15 PDF


    Abstract: SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 link xc2s200 g5209 P113 IR SPARTAN XC2S50 XC2S15 xc2s200 schemes XC2S50 driver DS001-2
    Text: Spartan-II FPGA Family Data Sheet R DS001 June 13, 2008 Product Specification This document includes all four modules of the Spartan -II FPGA data sheet. Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS001-1 v2.8 June 13, 2008

    DS001 DS001-1 DS001-3 DS001-2 XC2S50 XC2S30 DS001-4 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 link xc2s200 g5209 P113 IR SPARTAN XC2S50 XC2S15 xc2s200 schemes XC2S50 driver DS001-2 PDF

    spartan 2

    Abstract: fpga spartan 2 SPARTAN XC2S50 Spartan-II pin details SPARTAN-II xc2s50 pq208 Spartan digital lock using logic gates datasheet ram 512x8 mp3 player one chip SPARTAN-II
    Text: Spartan -II FPGAs: A Product Backgrounder Philosophy Since the beginning of the programmable logic industry, programmable logic devices PLD have been viewed as being expensive, slower, and less feature rich than comparable ASICs. Despite these shortcomings, PLDs have witnessed explosive growth due to the inherent



    Abstract: g5209 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 pin assignments XC2S150 IR P116 microcontroller based automatic power factor correction MULTIPLEXER IC max 455 SPARTAN XC2S50 PQ208
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V Family Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS001 v1.0 March 14, 2000 - Advance Product Specification Introduction • The Spartan -II family is the second generation high-volume production FPGA solution, based on the highly successful Virtex™ family architecture. The family delivers all

    DS001 TQ144 XC2S50 XC2S100, XC2S15 VQ100 XC2S200. XC2S15, XC2S30 XC2S15-VQ100 g5209 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 pin assignments XC2S150 IR P116 microcontroller based automatic power factor correction MULTIPLEXER IC max 455 SPARTAN XC2S50 PQ208 PDF

    SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 block diagram

    Abstract: SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 pin assignments DS001-103-120199 935 P181 G SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208
    Text: Spartan-II 2.5V Family Field Programmable Gate Arrays R DS001 v1.1 April 7, 2000 Advance Product Specification Introduction - The Spartan -II family is the second generation high-volume production FPGA solution, based on the highly successful Virtex™ family architecture. The family delivers all

    DS001 XC2S50 XC2S100, XC2S15 VQ100 XC2S200. XC2S15, XC2S30 XC2S50. XC2S200 SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 block diagram SPARTAN-II xc2s200 pq208 pin assignments DS001-103-120199 935 P181 G SPARTAN-II xc2s100 pq208 PDF