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    Mersen Electrical Power X098805

    PAIRE TIGES HC M12X50 T.3 | Mersen X098805
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    RS X098805 Pair 8 Weeks 6
    • 1 -
    • 10 $27.15
    • 100 $27.15
    • 1000 $27.15
    • 10000 $27.15
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    Ferraz Shawmut X098805

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy X098805
    • 1 $32.31
    • 10 $30.23
    • 100 $25.67
    • 1000 $24.61
    • 10000 $24.61
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    X098805 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC - LR (large rectifer) Metric-studs Metric studs for threaded terminal fuses Designation Ref. Number Unit weight (g) Pack. Catalog Number Sizes 0 and 1 HC stud pair M8x30 & M8x35

    M8x30 M8x35 S098801 M8x30 M10x30 M10x50 T098802 M10x30 PDF

    M8X35 Torque

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC aR sizes 9x - 1500 VAC Metric-studs Metric studs for threaded terminal fuses Designation Ref. Number Unit weight (g) Pack. Catalog Number Sizes 0 and 1 HC stud pair M8x30 & M8x35

    M8x30 M8x35 S098801 M8x30 M10x30 M10x50 T098802 M10x30 M8X35 Torque PDF


    Abstract: Ferraz Shawmut MCR3E ferraz protistor fuse ferraz protistor 600 V URD 30 TTF ferraz protistor Ferraz Shawmut MC2R3E Shawmut Ferraz PSC-LR Size 70 MC2R3E1-5NBS ferraz 2x73
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC - LR (large rectifer) PSC - LR ranges 25 URD 123 TTF 630 4 URD TDF 1000 9,5 URD 94 PPASF 3800 + MC3E 1-5N Ferraz Shawmut PSC-LR fuse-links provide maximum flexibility in equipment design and ultimate protection for

    W098804 M10x50 M12x50 X098805 M8x30 M8x35 M10x30 M10x50 M12x35 PROTISTOR FERRAZ Ferraz Shawmut MCR3E ferraz protistor fuse ferraz protistor 600 V URD 30 TTF ferraz protistor Ferraz Shawmut MC2R3E Shawmut Ferraz PSC-LR Size 70 MC2R3E1-5NBS ferraz 2x73 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor fuses Semiconductor AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC gR sizes 7x - 690 VAC Metric-studs Metric studs for threaded terminal fuses Designation Ref. Number Unit weight (g) Pack. Catalog Number Sizes 0 and 1 HC stud pair M8x30 & M8x35

    M8x30 M8x35 S098801 M8x30 M10x30 M10x50 T098802 M10x30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC aR sizes 7x - 650 V to 1300 VAC Metric-studs Metric studs for threaded terminal fuses Designation Ref. Number Unit weight (g) Pack. Catalog Number Sizes 0 and 1 HC stud pair M8x30 & M8x35

    M8x30 M8x35 S098801 M8x30 M10x30 M10x50 T098802 M10x30 PDF


    Abstract: Ferraz Shawmut MS7V1-5 ferraz protistor fuse MS3V1-5BS PROTISTOR FERRAZ 1000V ferraz protistor ferraz ms7v1 ferraz protistor 600 V TTF350 PC73GB69V315TF
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC gR sizes 7x - 690 VAC Main characteristics Ferraz Shawmut PSC-gRB 690 VAC fuse-links provide maximum flexibility in equipment design and ultimate protection for today’s power conversion equipment.

    W098804 M10x50 M12x50 X098805 M8x30 M8x35 M10x30 M10x50 M12x35 PROTISTOR FERRAZ Ferraz Shawmut MS7V1-5 ferraz protistor fuse MS3V1-5BS PROTISTOR FERRAZ 1000V ferraz protistor ferraz ms7v1 ferraz protistor 600 V TTF350 PC73GB69V315TF PDF

    ferraz protistor

    Abstract: Ferraz Shawmut MS7V1-5 ferraz protistor PC30UD69V160TF MS3V1-5BS PC32UD69V1000TF ferraz protistor PC33UD69V900TF X300400 PC32UD69V800TF PC33UD69V630TF V300053
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC aR sizes 3x - 450V to 700 VAC Main characteristics 450 TO 700VAC / 63 TO 2800A Recognized Exceptionally low I2T, Watt losses. Non-magnetic construction, Highly reliable low voltage

    700VAC breaking2x35M12x50 M10x50 W098804 STUM10x50 M12x50 X098805 STUM12x50 M8x30 M8x35 ferraz protistor Ferraz Shawmut MS7V1-5 ferraz protistor PC30UD69V160TF MS3V1-5BS PC32UD69V1000TF ferraz protistor PC33UD69V900TF X300400 PC32UD69V800TF PC33UD69V630TF V300053 PDF


    Abstract: Ferraz Shawmut MS7V1-5 X310014 Ferraz Shawmut MCR3E ferraz ms7v1 ferraz protistor microswitch V098803 P310007 M10x30
    Text: Semiconductor Fuses Microswitches & Studs Microswitch Systems MICROSWITCH SYSTEMS ADAPTED MS PA 2-5 w MS 4L 2-5 B6 Ne TO THE FOLLOWING FUSES: - PSC sizes 30, 31, 32, 33 / 70, 71, 72, 73 - Blade-type PSC PA sizes 0-1, 2-3 / 70, 71, 72, 73 - PSC sizes 000 / 00



    Abstract: PC273UD13C11CTF F300523 PROTISTOR FERRAZ 1000V H300525 B300496 S300511 PC73UD13C630TF E301994 V300513
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC aR sizes 7x - 650 V to 1300 VAC Main characteristics Recognized 650 to 1300VAC / 63 to 2800A. • • • • • • • • Exceptionally low I2T, Watt losses. Non-magnetic construction, highly reliable low voltage.

    1300VAC W098804 M10x50 M12x50 X098805 M8x30 M8x35 M10x30 M10x50 W300514 PC273UD13C11CTF F300523 PROTISTOR FERRAZ 1000V H300525 B300496 S300511 PC73UD13C630TF E301994 V300513 PDF


    Abstract: SCAC113 IEC 60269-4 ferraz Protistor aR 690V Ferraz Shawmut MS7V1-5 PC72GB69V250EF H301353 M10X50 MS3V1-5BS STUM12x50
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC gR sizes 7x - 690 VAC Main characteristics Ferraz Shawmut PSC-gRB 690 VAC fuse-links provide maximum flexibility in equipment design and ultimate protection for today’s power conversion equipment.

    W098804 M10x50 M12x50 X098805 M8x30 M8x35 M10x30 M10x50 M12x35 PROTISTOR FERRAZ 1000V SCAC113 IEC 60269-4 ferraz Protistor aR 690V Ferraz Shawmut MS7V1-5 PC72GB69V250EF H301353 MS3V1-5BS STUM12x50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Protistor DCProtistor fuses DC fuses DC Square-body Fuses Microswitches & metric Studs Metric-Studs Metric studs for threaded terminal fuses Designation Ref. Number Unit weight g Pack. Catalog Number Sizes 0 and 1 HC stud pair M8x30 & M8x35 S098801 23 6 pairs

    M8x30 M8x35 S098801 M8x30 M10x30 M10x50 T098802 M10x30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC aR sizes 3x - 450V to 700 VAC Metric-studs Metric studs for threaded terminal fuses Designation Ref. Number Unit weight (g) Pack. Catalog Number Sizes 0 and 1 HC stud pair M8x30 & M8x35

    M8x30 M8x35 S098801 STUM8x30M8x35 M10x30 M10x50 T098802 STUM10x30M10x50 M12x35 M12x50 S098801 PDF


    Abstract: J076
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC aR sizes 9x - 1500 VAC French End contacts øD E 4 1 9 +10 9 +10 11 1 N M C 1 PC91UF15C100TF PC91UF15C125TF PC91UF15C160TF PC91UG15C200TF PC91UK15C225TF PC91UH15C250TF PC91UH15C315TF

    PC91UF15C100TF PC91UF15C125TF PC91UF15C160TF PC91UG15C200TF PC91UK15C225TF PC91UH15C250TF PC91UH15C315TF PC91UH15C350TF PC92UF15C200TF PC92UG15C250TF PC91UK15C225TF J076 PDF


    Abstract: PROTISTOR FERRAZ IEC 60269-4 ferraz F310022 PC91UF15C100TF PC293UJ15C14CTF S098801 PC91UH15C315TF MCR3E1-5NBS D310020
    Text: Semiconductor Semiconductorfuses AC fuses Protistor Square-body Fuses PSC aR sizes 9x - 1500 VAC Main characteristics Ferraz Shawmut 1500 V PSC fuse-links provide maximum flexibility in equipment design and ultimate protection for today’s power conversion equipment. These square body fuse-links are available in three different body sizes, each size having four worldwide acceptable mounting styles. The different mounting styles

    W098804 M10x50 M12x50 X098805 M8x30 M8x35 M10x30 M10x50 M12x35 V098803 PROTISTOR FERRAZ IEC 60269-4 ferraz F310022 PC91UF15C100TF PC293UJ15C14CTF S098801 PC91UH15C315TF MCR3E1-5NBS D310020 PDF