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    WSD490AVSD491 Search Results

    WSD490AVSD491 Datasheets Context Search

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    marking DIODE 2U 04

    Abstract: marking 2U diode marking 2U 20 diode marking 2U 40 diode d490 D491 marking 2U 28 diode 2u schottky Barrier Diodes WSD490 WSD491
    Text: W SD 490/W SD 491 Surface M o un t Schottkv B a rrie r Diode SCHOTTKV BARRIER R E C TIFIER S 1.0AM PERES 20-40VOLTS F eatu res: *L ow Turn-on Voltage *Fast S w itch in g *PN Ju n ction G uard Ring fo r T ransient and ESD P rotection M echanical D ata: *Case : SOT-346, M olded P lastic

    OCR Scan
    D490/WSD491 OT-346. MIL-STD-202 20-40VOLTS SC-59 SC-59 WSD490AVSD491 D490AVS marking DIODE 2U 04 marking 2U diode marking 2U 20 diode marking 2U 40 diode d490 D491 marking 2U 28 diode 2u schottky Barrier Diodes WSD490 WSD491 PDF