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    WR340 WAVEGUIDE IMPEDANCE Search Results

    WR340 WAVEGUIDE IMPEDANCE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    HA2-2600-2 Renesas Electronics Corporation 12MHz, High Input Impedance Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA3-2525-5Z Renesas Electronics Corporation 20MHz, High Slew Rate, Uncompensated, High Input Impedance, Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HS9-22620RH-Q Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual, Wideband, High Input Impedance Uncompensated Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA2-2620-2 Renesas Electronics Corporation 100MHz, High Input Impedance, Very Wideband, Uncompensated Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA2-2520-2 Renesas Electronics Corporation 20MHz, High Slew Rate, Uncompensated, High Input Impedance, Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    WR340 WAVEGUIDE IMPEDANCE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    Waveguide Filters

    Abstract: WR340 waveguide impedance WR19 WR430 Waveguide WR159 WR22 WR340 WR62 WR75 waveguide datasheet
    Text: Waveguide Filters SPECIFICATIONS Frequency GHz Impedance: (Ohms) VSWR Bandwidth (%) Sections WAVEGUIDE TYPE WR430 WR340 WR284 WR229 WR187 WR159 1.7-2.60 2.10-3.00 2.60-3.95 3.30-4.90 3.95-5.85 4.90-7.05 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.2:1 1.2:1

    WR430 WR340 WR284 WR229 WR187 WR159 WR137 WR112 WR102 Waveguide Filters WR340 waveguide impedance WR19 WR430 Waveguide WR159 WR22 WR340 WR62 WR75 waveguide datasheet PDF


    Abstract: MS3116E-10-6S WR340 flange dimensions
    Text: Back to Amplifier Home Page AMF SATCOM AMPLIFIERS Introduction S-Band C-Band X-Band Ku-Band Ka-Band 40 – 60 GHz Low Noise Outline Drawings 100 Davids Drive • Hauppauge, NY 11788 • 631-436-7400 • Fax: 631-436-7430 • TABLE OF CONTENTS

    2002/96/EC 2002/96/EC C-39B WR284* ISOLATOR MS3116E-10-6S WR340 flange dimensions PDF

    Waveguide Gaskets

    Abstract: MIL-DTL-85328 WR137 gasket dimensions M83528 001 Waveguide Gaskets WR187 ZZ-R-765 CLASS 2B, GRADE 50 SHELF LIFE m83528 MIL-DTL-83528C WR340 waveguide fluorosilicone curing
    Text: Elastomeric EMI Shielding Solutions Innovative Technology for a Connected World ANTENNAS & RECEPTION WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL EMI SOLUTIONS THERMAL MANAGEMENT WIRELESS M2M & TELEMATICS ABOUT LAIRD TECHNOLOGIES Laird Technologies designs and manufactures customized, performance-critical



    Abstract: WR340 WR284 in mm WR340 waveguide impedance WR430 WR340 tuner WR340 flange National Electronics WR340 National Electronics WR340TUNERA waveguide screw
    Text: - - NATIONAL WR340TUNERA A tuner is a device that can be used to develop an impedance in the waveguide that is the reciprocal o f the impedance of the applicator. The sum of the two impedance’s is then seen by the power source as a matched load. At 2450 MHz:

    OCR Scan
    WR340TUNERA WR430 WR340 WR284 WR284 in mm WR340 waveguide impedance WR340 tuner WR340 flange National Electronics WR340 National Electronics WR340TUNERA waveguide screw PDF