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    WG A4 6D 02 Z Search Results

    WG A4 6D 02 Z Datasheets (1)

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    WG A4 6D 02 Z Comus Group of Companies SSR, DC Input Type, 2A Output Current, 4-Pin Original PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Solid State Relays Datasheet WG A4 6D 02 Z Comus International Bvba Overhaamlaan 40 3700 Tongeren, Belgium Phone: +32 12390400 Fax: +32 12235754 Email: Features Switching Zero cross turn-on or zero cross turn-off Output Triac Input


    Varistor K230

    Abstract: varistor S14 Gunther WG k230 Gunther Reed Relays triac snubber varistor gunther solid state relay Gunther WG-A4 WG A4 6D 02 Z gunther solid state relay wg a4
    Text: FORM AE043 ISS1 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Comus Group of Companies SPECIFICATION zero cross Switching Type Approvals none Output triac 0.6 3+ Resistive Loads Inductive Loads with cosϕ> 0.85 Application Fields 13.8 17.3 4- 20.32 2~ Input Circuit 1~ 15.24 3 - 32 DC

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    Solid State Relays

    Abstract: gunther relay. 3700 WG A8 6D 03 Z TRIAC 20A 600V WG A5 6D 25
    Text: HEATSINK DIMENSIONS WG - K3/160 Screw thread M4 x 6mm 0.16x0.24 / 10 pieces WG - K1/100 B/D Snap-on-rail 35 (1.38) 100 (3.94) B B A A B Snap-on-rail 35 (1.38) B 160 (6.3) A 20 (0.79) D C 3.0 (0.12) Snap-on-rail mounting Snap-on-rail mounting 1.5 (0.06) Counterbore for grounding

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    Abstract: 9S12XDP512DGV1 hcs12 moda modb xgate sl 0380 DP512 HCS12 LQFP144 MC9S12X WG A5 6D 25 Z XGate Block Guide
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DOCUMENT NUMBER 9S12XDP512DGV1/D MC9S12XDP512 Device User Guide V01.12 Original Release Date: June 2nd, 2003 Revised: January 15. April 2004 Semiconductor Products Sector Motorola, Inc. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or

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    Abstract: 103 0291 S12XDP512PIMV1 85c 3v3 CPU12X hcs12 moda modb xgate MMC-2 NV 15F SPI Block Guide HCS12
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC9S12XDP512 Device User Guide V01.12 Original Release Date: June 2nd, 2003 Revised: January 15. April 2004 Semiconductor Products Sector Motorola, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to:

    MC9S12XDP512 9S12XDP512DGV1/D S12XDBGV1 103 0291 S12XDP512PIMV1 85c 3v3 CPU12X hcs12 moda modb xgate MMC-2 NV 15F SPI Block Guide HCS12 PDF

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    Abstract: smd transistor WW1 ecg philips semiconductor master book ww1 transistor smd philips ecg replacement guide fcs 9013 ECG transistor replacement guide book free data sheet NPN 9013 smd marking hry 32R2024
    Text: STORAGE PRODUCTS REFERENCE GUIDE Market Number Channels Flip Flop Input Type Noise nV/Hz Write Current, mA Input Cap, pF Servo Enable Voltage Gain Damp Resistor Bandwidth MHz, Min. Package Min. Head Swing Vp-p R 5 & 12 Volt Thin Film Read/Write Preamps Rise time 7 ns, Head Swing 11 Vp-p, Power 235 mW

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    Abstract: transistor SMD P1f marking code W16 SMD Transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg smd transistor WW1 Transistor SMD a7s DIODE SMD L4W smd diode zener code pj 78 smd transistor wv4 Motorola transistor smd marking codes
    Text: The SMD Code Book 1st character of code 0123456789 ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQ R STUVWXYZ Bases The SMD Codebook R P Blackwell, GM4PMK To look up a coded device, click on the first character of the device code in the table on the left. A-F G-K L-P Q-V W-Z AQ-FQ GQ-LQ

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    Abstract: a2702 8 pin IC a2761 a2636 optical A3120 a2637 IC A3120 a3131 mcs-96 programmers guide transistor ph22
    Text: 8XC196MC, 8XC196MD, 8XC196MH Microcontroller User’s Manual We Value Your Opinion Dear Intel Customer: We have updated the information that was provided in the 1992 version of the 8XC196MC User’s Manual, added information about the 8XC196MD and 8XC196MH, and corrected known errata.

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    Abstract: a2761 87C196 Assembler Users guide IC A3120 a2636 optical A3120 a2637 intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION 8xc196 programming support a2702 8 pin IC
    Text: 8XC196MC, 8XC196MD, 8XC196MH Microcontroller User’s Manual We Value Your Opinion Dear Intel Customer: We have updated the information that was provided in the 1992 version of the 8XC196MC User’s Manual, added information about the 8XC196MD and 8XC196MH, and corrected known errata.

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    Abstract: HF S4 13003 F6 13003 bL78L05 HF 13003 bq d882 2SC945 KJG BAV99 WG 13003 2SC945 AQ
    Text: 目 录 CONTENTS Page 产品索引(按字母顺序) ALPHANUMERIC INDEX A 产品目录表(按电性能) TABLE OF CONTENTS G 小信号开关二极管 Small Signal Switching Diodes G 小信号肖特基二极管 Small Signal Schottky Diodes H 双极型晶体管

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    Abstract: BD469 C2N3904 pin configuration transistor BC547 smd packaging C2N5551 cbc337 D1 DB2 Diac SMD SOT23 transistor MARK Y2 A1941 1N4007 MINI MELF
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    Abstract: nec mys 501 MYS 99 transistor 8BB smd st MYS 99 102 kvp 81A kvp 81A DIODE Kvp 69A kvp 86a smd transistor A7p
    Text: ВВЕДЕНИЕ Впервые, сделана столь масштабная попытка, разобраться с маркировкой компонентов поверхностного монтажа SMD . Конечно, книга не является панацеей, но на взгляд авторов должна существенно помочь в той

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    Abstract: MN9106 information applikation 7490 N TDA 5700 information applikation mikroelektronik udssr hefte 143KT1 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation K 176 LE, K 561 LN
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    Abstract: FD1771 25LS2520 74ls04 pin diagram am9517 CR2 D312 FD 1771 C34000 TTL 74LS11 diode 22030c
    Text: Advanced Micro Computers A subsidiary of Advanced Micro Devices Am95/6110 Single Density Floppy Disk Controller User’s Manual REVISION RECORD REVISION 01 DESCRIPTION P re lim in a ry Issue 4/27/79 A Initial Issue (9/15/79) B Manual Updated (2/15/80) C

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    Abstract: TKK power transformer
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    Text: PRELIMINARY February 1995 PC87303VUL Superl/O Sidewinder Lite Floppy Disk Controller, Keyboard Controller, Real-Time Clock, Dual UARTs, IEEE 1284 Parallel Port, and IDE Interface General Description Features The PC87303VUL is a single chip solution incorporating a

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    Abstract: YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541
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