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    WF VQC 10 C T3 Search Results

    WF VQC 10 C T3 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS D S 1 5 8 5 /D S 1 5 8 7 Serialized Real Time Clocks SEMICONDUCTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES Incorporates industry standard DS1287 PC clock plus enhanced features: C 1 x iC 2 oer 28 3 v cc ^ 27 □ SQW ÔËR I i ^ 28 • Vcc NC ■ 2 27 ■ SQW NC I 3

    OCR Scan
    DS1287 64-bit num30 DS1585/DS1587 28-PIN 2bl4130 PDF


    Abstract: harem 7054Y
    Text: If ¡N O . = ^ m m w - n .- x 2 3 3 D D 176 $ □ <r N0.C233C t Z L d'A. T < tz Z ^ . LA1222 • U * j V ' > v 9 iJ - 7 i m @ FM IF ''Vs 'V . I s .'/ 7 ir 2 W * I T I , > 4 . • ItG liW 1 n 7<> / / .y:.i;i' 'N p S « . / ^/ • FM IP y 5 -y i

    OCR Scan
    C233C LA1222 30rtB harem 7054Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1220AB/AD DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR D S1220A B /A D 16K Nonvolatile SRAM FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT • 10 years minimum data retention in the absence of external power A7 1 ' 24 1 Vcc • Data is automatically protected during power loss A6 • 23 1 A8 A5 1 3 22 1

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    DS1220AB/AD S1220A 24-pin un297 DS1220AB/AD 24-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1585/DS1587/DS1587LPM DALLAS s e m ic o n d u c t o r DS1585/DS1587/DS1587LPM Serialized Real-Time Clocks FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Incorporates industry standard DS1287 PC clock plus enhanced features: xi • Optional low profile socketable module - ^ oerC

    OCR Scan
    DS1585/DS1587/DS1587LPM DS1287 64-bit 010TNA DS1587LPM PDF

    spw 068

    Abstract: 845 bios chip ds1387 Dallas chip DS1287 abe 433 DS1587 power supply spw 068 DS1287 DS1585 DS1585S
    Text: DS1585/DS1587/DS1587LPM DALLAS SEM ICONDUCTOR DS1585/D S 1587/D S 1 5 87LPM Serialized Real-Tim e Clocks FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Incorporates industry standard DS1287 PC clock plus enhanced features: oer • Optional low profile socketable module - C x iC

    OCR Scan
    DS1585/DS1587/DS1587LPM DS1287 64-bit DS1585) DS1587 DS1587LPM) 5bmi30 spw 068 845 bios chip ds1387 Dallas chip DS1287 abe 433 power supply spw 068 DS1585 DS1585S PDF


    Abstract: X2864AEMB25 X2864AEMB-25 X2864ADMB-25 X2864AEMB X2864AEMB-35 X2864ADMB 60395 X2864ADMB-35 DM2864H-250
    Text: REVISIONS DATE YR-MO-OA LTR DESCRIPTION A Editorial changes throughout. Table I changes include: V jh change, regrouped devices to different limits. Table II, subgroups changed. Figures have been combined, some deleted. Quality Assurance and Quality conformance inspection paragraphs

    OCR Scan
    5962-8683010XX 5962-8683010YX 5962-8683010ZY M38510/228XXBXX. X2864AD X2864AEMB25 X2864AEMB-25 X2864ADMB-25 X2864AEMB X2864AEMB-35 X2864ADMB 60395 X2864ADMB-35 DM2864H-250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1644/DS1644LPM DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR D S1644/D S 1644LPM Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAM FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT • Upward compatible with the DS1643 Timekeeping RAM • Integrated NV SRAM, real time clock, crystal, power fail control circuit and lithium energy source

    OCR Scan
    DS1644/DS1644LPM S1644/D 1644LPM DS1643 68-pin 28-Pin 34-pin 34P-SMT-3. PDF

    bc6 csr

    Abstract: CSR BC6 wf vqc 10 d a6 LC32256 LC32256P
    Text: Ordering number : EN4700B CMOS LSI LC32256P-80 256 K 262144 words x 1 bit DRAM Fast Page Modem Overview The LC32256P is a CMOS dynamic RAM operating on a single 5 V power source and having a 262144 words x 1 bit configuration. Equipped with high speed and low

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    EN4700B LC32256P-80 LC32256P 16-pin QG17b7t. LC32256P-80 0D17b77 bc6 csr CSR BC6 wf vqc 10 d a6 LC32256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1689/DS1693 DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR D S 1689/D S 1693 3 Volt/5 Volt Serialized Real Time Clock with NVRAM Control FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Incorporates industry standard DS1287 PC clock plus enhanced features: VbauxŒ X1 Œ 3D CO X2QE RCCRQE ADO QE ID vca • 64-bit Silicon serial number

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    DS1689/DS1693 1689/D DS1287 64-bit 28-PIN 9/DS1693 28-PIN 2blH13D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS17485/D S17487 P R E L IM IN A R Y DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS17485/DS17487 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES Incorporates industry standard DS1287 PC clock plus enhanced features: C , xi : 2 3 22 □ Vcc □ SQW □ V baux C 4 AD1 C 5 AD2 C 6

    OCR Scan
    DS17485/D S17487 DS17485/DS17487 DS1287 64-bit DS17485 24-PIN DS17485S 0D10tiT4 17485/D PDF


    Abstract: DS1287 DS1385 DS1485 DS1585 DS1689 DS1689S DS1693
    Text: D S 1689/D S1693 PALLAS D S 1 6 8 9 /D S 1 6 9 3 3 Volt/5 Volt Serialized Real Time Clock with NVRAM Control SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES PIN ASSIGNM ENT Incorporates industry standard DS1287 PC clock plus enhanced features: • +3 or +5 volt operation • 64—bit Silicon serial number

    OCR Scan
    1689/DS1693 DS1689/DS1693 DS1287 64-bit 32-bit 2tl413D DS1693 28-pin 2L14130 DS1285 DS1385 DS1485 DS1585 DS1689 DS1689S PDF


    Abstract: ST CD C226 VM036 BK1606 COD-51 LS-120 WD62 L420 eef 1208 PA6 GF 10 MD10
    Text: D i a g r a m s M a in b o a r d G T LH W 3 b TLH A 6 T LH W S G TL H i« G T L H tf? GT L HA#6 \ U . tq : 02: I4 n : « ; K1 . ji ; s . m : G r. h i; » : pi . H . r ; E l, 0« . IB . 0) E2, IS . w . f t , ci 83 . A3 02, 2 1; Ai AS 84, C5 , g t lh w s

    OCR Scan
    0UF/16V ALC100 ST CD C226 VM036 BK1606 COD-51 LS-120 WD62 L420 eef 1208 PA6 GF 10 MD10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •$ - M S M l- t t 5 6 V 1 6 4 0 0 2-B an k x 2,097,152-W ord x 4 -B it SYN CH RO N O U S DYN AM IC RAM DESCRIPTION The MSMS6V16400 is a 2-bank x 2,097,152-word x 4-bit synchronous Dynamic RAM, fabricated in OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology. The device operates at 3.3 V, and the inputs and out puts are LVTTL Compatible.

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    MSMS6V16400 152-word 4096cycles/64m$ PDF

    wf vqe 24 d

    Abstract: LM351 data sheet WF VQE 13 LM351 op amp diodes TFZ Series diode t25 4 HO LM351 op amp pin diagram wf vqe 24 f WF vqe 24 e WF VQE 22 d
    Text: February 1995 Semiconductor LM359 Dual, High Speed, Programmable, Current Mode Norton Amplifiers General Description Features The LM359 consists o f two current differencing (Norton) in­ put amplifiers. Design emphasis has been placed on obtain­ ing high frequency performance and providing user pro­

    OCR Scan
    LM359 B1-043-299-2408 BO-532 2737-t6CO D101S15 wf vqe 24 d LM351 data sheet WF VQE 13 LM351 op amp diodes TFZ Series diode t25 4 HO LM351 op amp pin diagram wf vqe 24 f WF vqe 24 e WF VQE 22 d PDF


    Abstract: X2864ADMB-25 74K-IM-W9U 20/AM2864A-25/BXA X2864ADMB35 X2864AD m2864 x2864aemb35 X2864AEMB25 WF vqe 24 e
    Text: REVISIONS DATE YR-MO-OA LTR DESCRIPTION A E d ito r ia l changes th ro ug h ou t. Table I changes in c lu d e : Vjh change, regrouped devices to d if f e r e n t lim it s . Table I I , subgroups changed. Figures have been combined, some d e le te d . Q u a lity Assurance and Q u a lity conformance in s p e c tio n paragraphs

    OCR Scan
    M38510/228 5962-8683010XX 5962-8683010YX 5962-8683010ZY M38510/228XXBXX. M11pitas, X2864Aemb-25 X2864ADMB-25 74K-IM-W9U 20/AM2864A-25/BXA X2864ADMB35 X2864AD m2864 x2864aemb35 X2864AEMB25 WF vqe 24 e PDF

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: "Mikroelektronik" Heft GWS servo VEB Kombinat zf filter lm 7803 3V Positive Voltage Regulator E355D "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" mikroelektronik Heft U706D VQB71
    Text: H albleiter-B auelem ente Semiconductors D ie vorliegend e Übersicht en th ält in g ed rä n g te r Form d ie wichtigsten G renz- und Kenn­ d aten d e r in d er D D R g efertigten H a lb le ite rb au e le m e n te . Dem A n w en der soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl der jew eils in Frage kom menden

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am90C256 256K x 1 CMOS Enhanced Page Mode Dynamic RAM PRELIMINARY 9SZD06UIV DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • Continuous data rate over 25 MHz Random access within a row Flow-through column latch for pipelining Low operating current- 7 0 mA • •

    OCR Scan
    Am90C256 9SZD06UIV 80-ns 130-ns 20-ns PDF

    LM317T vw

    Abstract: A1015 equivalent LCD 16X4 mc68000 S-MOS SYSTEMS INC seD1352 MC68000 schematics
    Text: S-MOS S Y S T E M S A Seiko Epson Affiliate SED1352F0B Dot Matrix Graphics LCD Controller SED1352F0B TECHNICAL MANUAL Issue Date: 06/03/96 Copyright 1996 S-MOS Systems Inc. All rights reserved. This document, and any text derived, extracted or transmitted from it, is the sole property of S-MOS Systems Inc. and may not be used, copied,

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    SED1352F0B X16-AN-006-03 713E1QR QQ05QQ5 25MHz 12Mhz LM317T vw A1015 equivalent LCD 16X4 mc68000 S-MOS SYSTEMS INC seD1352 MC68000 schematics PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te l 809XJC/839XJC/879X JC ADVANCED 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER WITH 8- OR 16-BIT EXTERNAL BUS Automotive —40°C to + 125°C Case Dedicated Baud Rate Generator 232 Bytes of On-Chip Register RAM High Speed I/O Subsystem 128 Byte External RAM On-Chip Full Duplex Serial Port

    OCR Scan
    809XJC/839XJC/879X 16-BIT 10-Bit 52-Pin 68-Pin PDF

    MSC 1691 AI

    Abstract: WD1771 WD1793 WD1691V western digital FD1791 WD1771-01 sj 8207 FD1770 WD1691 WG1 smd
    Text: 1984 Storage Managem ent Products Handbook Making The Leading Edge Work For You. This handbook is designed for you, the engineer. It’s intended to be a useful tool, enabling you to make a preliminary evaluation of our products and later, with samples in hand, design our products

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: OKI 80C85A
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM 80C85AH RS/GS/JS 8 -B it C M O S M I C R O P R O C E S S O R GENRAL DESCRIPTION The MSM80C85 AH isa complete 8-bit parallel; central processor implemented in silicon gateC-M OS technology and compatible with MSM80C85A. It is designed with higher processing speed max.5 MHz and lower power consumption compared

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: DSP320C10 5962-8763307QX smd marking t06 marking code 4tc NS061 320C10 5962-8763307 5962-8763308QX
    Text: REVISIONS L.TR DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTION A APPR O VED Convert to new boilerplate format. Added device types 06, 1990 JU LY 25 07, and 08 for vendor CAGE code 01295. Added technical change: to sections 1.3 and 1.4. Technical changes to table I. Added device types 06, 07, and 08 to figure 1.

    OCR Scan
    STAN07XX 320C15FDM 5962-8763308QX ISMJ320C15-25JDM 5962-8763308XX ISMJ320C15-25FDM 74H129M DSP320C10 5962-8763307QX smd marking t06 marking code 4tc NS061 320C10 5962-8763307 PDF

    evic vt 60w

    Abstract: LM1040 Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References TRANSISTOR C 6090 EQUIVALENT 6 pin TRANSISTOR SMD CODE CAA Fairchild Databook LMF120 lm331 equivalent LM1819 Harris Semiconductor LF124
    Text: A Corporate Dedication to Quality and Reliability National Sem iconductor is an industry leader in the manufacture of high quality, high reliability integrated circuits. We have been the leading proponent of driv­ ing down 1C defects and extending product lifetim es.

    OCR Scan

    TGS 822

    Abstract: toshiba a10 motherboard 8042AH bc 107 common base h parameters Energy ICT NV IEEE 3 bus datas 5235 printer circuit diagram diode marking gp06 413D ADRV T1 transistor
    Text: DS83CH20 DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS83CH20 Unified I/O PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Revision 1.3 Copyright 1997 by Dallas Semiconductor Corporation. All Rights Reserved. For important information regarding patents and other intellectual property rights, please refer to

    OCR Scan
    DS83CH20 Ebl4130 0017bb3 DS83CH20 6550A 2bl413D 160-PIN TGS 822 toshiba a10 motherboard 8042AH bc 107 common base h parameters Energy ICT NV IEEE 3 bus datas 5235 printer circuit diagram diode marking gp06 413D ADRV T1 transistor PDF