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    WESTINGHOUSE HEAT SINK Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    N0436N-ZK-E1-AY Renesas Electronics Corporation Power MOSFETs with Support for High-efficiency Drive and Low Heat Design Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    N0605N-S19-AY Renesas Electronics Corporation Power MOSFETs with Support for High-efficiency Drive and Low Heat Design Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL78444EVAL1Z Renesas Electronics Corporation 100V 3A Source, 4A Sink Half-Bridge Drivers Evaluation Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL78424EVAL3Z Renesas Electronics Corporation 100V 3A Source, 4A Sink Half-Bridge Drivers Evaluation Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL78434EVAL1Z Renesas Electronics Corporation 100V 3A Source, 4A Sink Half-Bridge Drivers Evaluation Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    WESTINGHOUSE HEAT SINK Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Westinghouse thyristor POW-R-BRIK WESTINGHOUSE scr fast dc to ac inverter by scr
    Text: Power Semiconductor Solutions EXPERTISE INNOVATION RELIABILITY Powerex Quick Reference Guide Assemblies Air Cooled / Liquid Cooled / Integrated Power Structures POWER SEMICONDUCTOR SOLUTIONS Applications Include: • Battery Chargers  Induction Heating/Melting

    202/3K/Pub. WESTINGHOUSE scr Westinghouse thyristor POW-R-BRIK WESTINGHOUSE scr fast dc to ac inverter by scr PDF

    westinghouse to Cutler-Hammer cross reference

    Abstract: WESTINGHOUSE life line contactor 927566 Cutler-Hammer type m RELAY Cutler-Hammer 9586 westinghouse contactor westinghouse transistor cross reference WESTINGHOUSE scr WESTINGHOUSE motor life line Westinghouse SCR cross reference
    Text: Motor Control Motor Control 13 Motor Control Contactors, Starters and Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adjustable Frequency AC Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Synchronous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    V12-T13-2 V12-T13-72 V12-T13-76 V12-T13-87 CA08100014Eâ V12-T13-1 IB48008 IB48009 RP48J01TE RPD8855S westinghouse to Cutler-Hammer cross reference WESTINGHOUSE life line contactor 927566 Cutler-Hammer type m RELAY Cutler-Hammer 9586 westinghouse contactor westinghouse transistor cross reference WESTINGHOUSE scr WESTINGHOUSE motor life line Westinghouse SCR cross reference PDF

    Westinghouse SCR handbook

    Abstract: General electric SCR SCR Applications Handbook General electric SCR manual "General Electric SCR Manual" 6th SCR Handbook, rca INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER scr WESTINGHOUSE scr rca thyristor manual voltrap
    Text: Introduction to Solid State Power Electronics Editor: John William Motto, Jr. Semiconductor Division Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 Acknowledgement February 1977 The material for this updated text was originally written by Dr. William E. Newell, a noted authority


    WESTINGHOUSE transistor

    Abstract: Westinghouse CO 8 westinghouse relay westinghouse transistors westinghouse semiconductor westinghouse power transistor 2N2761 2N2771 2N2770 westinghouse
    Text: Westinghouse Therm al Characteristics Thermal resistance, 0 jc , #C /w a tt, max. .0.5 Power dissipation, P j at T c = 7 5 °C w atts, max. 200 Typical thermal drop, case to heat sink, ° C /w a tt.0.3

    OCR Scan
    2N2757-78+ 30-ampere for2N2760, 2N2766, 2N2772 2N2778. C/2116/DB; C/2117 WESTINGHOUSE transistor Westinghouse CO 8 westinghouse relay westinghouse transistors westinghouse semiconductor westinghouse power transistor 2N2761 2N2771 2N2770 westinghouse PDF


    Abstract: westinghouse transistors westinghouse semiconductor 2N3432 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC 2N3429 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC fuse 2N3430 2n3429-33 2N3431
    Text: Westinghouse Typical Applications Amplifiers Inverters Switching Circuits Ignition Systems Industrial Controls Modulators Regulators Servo Systems Power Supplies Sweep Circuits Pulse Generators Logic Circuits Oscillators Active Filters T D 54-661 Page 3

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    2N3429-33 2N3429 00G0S70 60II0A Westinghouse westinghouse transistors westinghouse semiconductor 2N3432 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC fuse 2N3430 2n3429-33 2N3431 PDF

    westinghouse transistors

    Abstract: westinghouse power transistor westinghouse semiconductor WESTINGHOUSE transistor WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC 2N2228 westinghouse 2N3470 2N3470-73 2N2226
    Text: 13 O e : rn m x H 'ZL n ! ! i Page 1 S ilico n P ow er T ra n s is to rs U ltra-H igh G ain J E D E C T y p e s 2N2226-33 2N3470-77 Wesîinghouse -J IM vO O IM 10 Amperes, 150 Watts Collector-to-Emitter Voltage 50 to 200 Volts Ap p licatio n Therm al C h a ra cteristics

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    Tcss75' 2N2226 2N3470 2N2226-29/2N3470-73 2N2230-33/2N3474-77 24UNF-2AThreads 2N2226-33 75DIO-H_ 2N3470-77 westinghouse transistors westinghouse power transistor westinghouse semiconductor WESTINGHOUSE transistor WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC 2N2228 westinghouse 2N3470-73 PDF


    Abstract: CXC635 SW28CXC635 Westinghouse diode WESTINGHOUSE diode DO
    Text: 9709955 de WESTCODE 1^70^55 34C SEMICONDUCTORS □□□m ai 0 1 481 D -T-bi-as 5 Technical Publication W ESTCODE SEM ICONDUCTORS DC635 Issue 1 February 1981 Ceram ic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type CXC635 1420 amperes average: up to 3000 volts V r r m R A T IN G S Maximum values at 160°C, Tj, unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    14fll DC635 CXC635 at50Hz 00153932 CXC635 SW28CXC635 Westinghouse diode WESTINGHOUSE diode DO PDF


    Abstract: WESTINGHOUSE POW-R-BLOK Westinghouse module powerex pow-r-blok Westinghouse Power rectifier CS412499
    Text: Ts 7294621 POWEREX INC » F | 7 5 cmbai ooooaat i | POW-R-BLOK ASSEMBLIES Rectifier POW-R-BLOK The PO W -R -BLO K combines multiple pow er semiconductor devices in a single, electrically isolated module. Cost effec­ tive packaging is made possible by W esting house's proprietary glass

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    Westinghouse diode r60

    Abstract: CXC190 ZE77 SM12CXC190 R60 VRM to323 Westinghouse CO-5
    Text: UESTCÔDE SEMICONDUCTORS ITE D • Ì T C m S S OOÜSQ'iS 2 ■ f “- ö 3 - Q .3 Technical Publication $ WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS DFC190 Issue 1 January 1986 Fast Recovery Capsule Diode Type CXC190 760 amperes average: up to 1600 volts V RRM Ratings Maximum values at Tj 125°C unless stated otherwise

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    CXC190 DFC190 10mssine 59/Sf) SN151JL 2M0186 Westinghouse diode r60 ZE77 SM12CXC190 R60 VRM to323 Westinghouse CO-5 PDF


    Abstract: 200AB SM20CXC524 Diode Westcode CXC524 684000
    Text: lilESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS BTE D • TVQTiS S OOQEbn T ■ ÜJESB y -~ ó 3 -‘¿3> Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DFC524 Issue 1 January 1986 Fast Recovery Capsule Diode Type CXC524 880 amperes average: up to 2500 volts V RRM Ratings

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    0002bn CXC524 200AB SN151JL 2MD186 200AB SM20CXC524 Diode Westcode CXC524 684000 PDF

    Westinghouse gold line

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •n 7294621 POWEREX INC TSTMbei DOQnOE 0 I ’ T - * 1- '? Stud Mount ASSEMBLIES Rectifier Gold .Line Current Rating Voltage Ratings 12-22 Amps 400-800 Volts 20-38 Amps 400-1000 Volts ASSEMBLIES Type Number Mounting Mech. Data Pg. 30-31 40 Amps 400-1000 Volts

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    Westinghouse thyristor type 261

    Abstract: p300ch TF 745-A P300C 2U12 LA2 DT H30P
    Text: ßtö W ESTCO D E tifò SEMICONDUCTORS V i 11E D • ^70^55 D Q Q 5Q 41 1 ■ Technical Publication TP300C V l X Issue 2 December 1985 IlüESTCODE S EMI COND UCT ORS Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P300C 745 amperes average: up to 1200 volts VRRMfVDRM

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    DDD5D41 TP300C P300C O-200AC 2U1265 Westinghouse thyristor type 261 p300ch TF 745-A 2U12 LA2 DT H30P PDF


    Abstract: TR200C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A WESTINGHOUSE 8250 DDD537S SCO-105
    Text: lilESTCODE 3TE D SEMICONDUCTORS ^ 7 0 ^ 5 00Q2371 □ « l i l E S B T-2.t ~ 2>{ Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR200C Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R200C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    00Q2371 TR200C R200C 200AC R200ch TR200C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A WESTINGHOUSE 8250 DDD537S SCO-105 PDF

    Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors

    Abstract: P200CH06FJ0
    Text: ÜJESTCODE SEM IC ONDU CT OR S ITE D • TTDTTSS □□□5011 3 ■ ¡ - T L ^ g - — / 7 * àr \ Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TP200C Issue 1 March 1985 I Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P200C 295 amperes average: up to 1200 volts VRRM/VDRM

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    QGGSG11 P200C TP200C T0-200AB Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors P200CH06FJ0 PDF

    Westinghouse gb49B51

    Abstract: Westinghouse gold line
    Text: POU ERE X T Ï IN C i> F | 7 5 ^ 4 1 ^ 1 O D G n D t ñ r . ¿ 3 - o <? Stud Mount ASSEMBLIES Rectifier -Gold Line T I a -W -. 1 4> Bridge B Current Rating Voltage Ratings 26-45 Amps 400-800 Volts A S S E M B LIE S Type Number Mounting Floor Wall Mech. Data

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    GB11A45 GB12A76 GB14A80 GB44A80 221S3 Westinghouse gb49B51 Westinghouse gold line PDF

    Westinghouse gold line

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: POül EREX I NC TÏ Stud Mount A S S E M B L IE S Gold Line Rectifier Current Rating Voltage Ratings D E T I t E T ì ^ ! QPOnOfl 1 | ^ D 7"-ÂÛ - DI «R M i M S ¡jñ ; 294-620 Amps 163-490 Amps 400-1600 Volts 114-195 Amps 400-1000 Volts 400-1600 Volts Mech. Data

    OCR Scan

    Westinghouse gold line

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .POlüEREX IN C »F| 7 2 ^ 2 1 QDD1C]D4 4 D Stud M ount ASSEMBLIES Rectifier Gold Line Current Rating Voltage Ratings 26-45 Amps 400-800 Volts ASSEMBLIES Type Number Mounting Mech. Data Pg. 30-31 Elee. Data Pg. 29 Current Rating Voltage Ratings 1000 45 38

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 11E D TTDTTSS DDGEGDS ö Technical Publication ^9 WESTCODE ($ SEMICONDUCTORS TP100C Issue 1 January 1985 Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P100C 215 amperes average: up to 800 volts VRRMIV0RM f - 2 5 W ? Ratings (Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise)

    OCR Scan
    TP100C P100C O-200AB P100ch PDF

    westinghouse thyristor drive

    Abstract: how to control firing angle in thyristor P370KH06FJ0 WESTCODE INS westinghouse 12
    Text: 3*iE D WEST CODE SEMICONDUCTORS • 'ITOTiSS □ Q QE 3 3 C1 4 H t i l E S B t ' " Technical Publication 0 WESTCODE 0 SEMICONDUCTORS V \ TP370K Issue 2 December 1985 I ^ Inverter Grade Stud-Base Thyristor Type P370K 350 amperes average: up to 800 volts VRRM/VDRM

    OCR Scan
    QQS33ci P370K TP370K 2M1285 westinghouse thyristor drive how to control firing angle in thyristor P370KH06FJ0 WESTCODE INS westinghouse 12 PDF


    Abstract: A2 5170 tp214 P214CH06FJ0 TP214C
    Text: WESTCO DE SEMICO ND UCTOR S ITE D • c]7Dcìci55 GDGSG23 T ■ Technical Publication WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS V TP214C Issue 1 November 1984 — V Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P214C 370 amperes average: up to 800 volts V RRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    GDGSG23 P214C TP214C O-200AB P214CH A2 5170 tp214 P214CH06FJ0 TP214C PDF


    Abstract: Westinghouse gold line
    Text: POÜJEREX I N C TÎ D E | 7 S T 4b S l DD 0 1 1 DS b |~ D T - & 3 ~ ¿>7 • Stud Mount ASSEMBLIES Rectifier '"Gold Line 60-80 Amps 400-1000 Volts 40-76 Amps 400-1000 Volts 26-45 Amps 400-800 Volts Mounting Floor GN14A80 Wati GN44A80 O utput Current Avg. Am ps.

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    GN14A80 GN44A80 Westinghouse gold line PDF

    rh 006c

    Abstract: Westinghouse thyristor R185CH08FJ0 aqdaas RH 012C westinghouse thyristor drive thyristor inverter circuits Westinghouse CO-5 snubber overshoot to 200ab
    Text: WESTCÔDE SEMICONDUCTORS ITE D • ^ 7 0 ^ 5 5 []|][]B[]53 fl ■ T " - 2*9 Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TR185C Issue 1 March 1985 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R185C d is trib u te d a m p lifie d g a te f o r h ig h d i / d t a n d lo w s w itc h in g losses

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    TR185C R185C 101A226B -200AB 2M485 rh 006c Westinghouse thyristor R185CH08FJ0 aqdaas RH 012C westinghouse thyristor drive thyristor inverter circuits Westinghouse CO-5 snubber overshoot to 200ab PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS ITE D • c] 7 D cì ci 5 5 GDGSG23 ■ Technical Publication WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS V T TP214C Issue 1 November 1984 — V Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Typ e P 2 14 C 370 amperes average: up to 800 volts V RRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    GDGSG23 TP214C -200AB PDF


    Abstract: Westinghouse gold line
    Text: POUEREX INC " t ï d ë T | ? 2 T 4 L ,a i D D ü n m . „ 'iStud Mount . . ^A SS E M B LIE S ' -'I-Gold Line 3 J - r D •^Rectifier í v ' i-'í " v; 3 <f> W y e (With interphase _ Transformer Current Rating Voltage Ratings Type Number Mounting

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