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    mw 137 600g

    Abstract: transistor 5cw 069UR1S0250B bs88-4 070US3U1400B 110UR2S0800B transistor 6cw 069UR1S0350B transistor 5cw 61 IXYS CATALOGUE



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Westcode is an Equal Opportunities employer, committed to the development of a skilled and quality focused workforce. Westcode is a registered NVQ Assessment Centre, and we encourage employee training through Apprenticeship schemes and further education, up to and including professional and degree qualifications.



    Abstract: XSGSCX13 jet-lube press-pack igbt FUJIFILM prescale westcode diodes
    Text: WESTCODE An Date: 13th January 2010 Issue: 2 IXYS Company Application note for device mounting instructions Introduction This document outlines the minimum mounting conditions for Westcode high power press-pack diodes, thyristors, GTO’s and IGBT’s. Recommendations for interface properties


    Westcode Announces New ‘Megawatt’ Press-Pack IGBT Product

    Abstract: press-pack igbt T2250AB25E
    Text: Press Release Contacts: Westcode Semiconductors Ltd, UK - Frank Wakeman, +44 1249 444524. IXYS Long Beach – Ray Segall, 562-296-6584 US sales enquiries only Westcode Announces New ‘Megawatt’ Press-Pack IGBT Product Biel, Switzerland, November 18, 2009 — IXYS Corporation (NASDAQ:IXYS) announced that



    Abstract: thyristor control arc welding rectifier circuit Penetrox A-13 water cooled thyristor assembly Castrol single phase 6 pin double bridge rectifiers single phase bridge fully controlled rectifier single phase fully controlled rectifier 3 phase bridge fully controlled rectifier Westcode uk
    Text: WESTCODE High Power Semiconductors Tried, tested, trusted Contents 1.1 Assembly Range Testing of High Power Semiconductors Silicon Assemblies Water Cooled AC Regulators Custom Built Assemblies Standard Range Assemblies Assembly Widths Heatsink / Fin Outlines and Ratings

    SCX13 thyristor control arc welding rectifier circuit Penetrox A-13 water cooled thyristor assembly Castrol single phase 6 pin double bridge rectifiers single phase bridge fully controlled rectifier single phase fully controlled rectifier 3 phase bridge fully controlled rectifier Westcode uk PDF


    Abstract: GTO thyristor Application notes how to control firing angle in thyristor RCD snubber 200A thyristor gate control circuit 300A thyristor gate control circuit 40A GTO thyristor GTO thyristor GTO 100A IXYS symmetrical gate commutated thyristor
    Text: WESTCODE An Date:- 3 Apr, 2007 Data Sheet Issue:- 1 IXYS Company Symmetrical Gate Turn-Off Thyristor Type S1000NC30# to S1000NC36# Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage, note 1 3000-3600 V VRSM

    S1000NC30# S1000NC36# S1000NC GTO thyristor Application notes how to control firing angle in thyristor RCD snubber 200A thyristor gate control circuit 300A thyristor gate control circuit 40A GTO thyristor GTO thyristor GTO 100A IXYS symmetrical gate commutated thyristor PDF

    Gate Turn-off Thyristor

    Abstract: GATE TURN OFF thyristor 325 V 1 kW FT40 GTO 100A IXYS
    Text: WESTCODE An Date:- 31 Jan, 2008 Data Sheet Issue:- 1 IXYS Company Provisional Data Anode Shorted Gate Turn-Off Thyristor Types G1000QC400 to G1000QC450 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage, note 1

    G1000QC400 G1000QC450 G1000QC450 Gate Turn-off Thyristor GATE TURN OFF thyristor 325 V 1 kW FT40 GTO 100A IXYS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 9709955 WESTCODE 34C SEM ICONDUCTORS DE^TDnSS UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 01694 -O D GDDltTM ñ Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DFP174 Issue 1 February 1981 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type PHN/PHR174 150 amperes average: up to 2000 volts V RRM

    OCR Scan
    DFP174 PHN/PHR174 PDF


    Abstract: TR270C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A westinghouse thyristor drive thyristor 300 volt
    Text: 3TE » WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS =170^55 0DÜEM07 b iwes b- 7 -zs-a.\ Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR270C Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R270C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

    OCR Scan
    D002U07 TR270C R270C 60S98-1 200AC R270CH06FL0 TR270C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A westinghouse thyristor drive thyristor 300 volt PDF


    Abstract: Diode Westcode SM14-21CXC224 CXC224 10000a diodes CODE 14 16 200AB SM18CXC
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS ^ 3TE D • ^70*^55 OOQSblB T ■ lilESB Technical WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS — 7- . ö j ~ 2 3 Publication DFC224 Issue 2 April 1988 - Fast Recovery Capsule Diode Type CXC224 875 amperes average: up to 2100 volts VRRM Ratings M axim u m

    OCR Scan
    CXC224 DFC224 0000A 1000A 1000-2000Kgf 200AB SM18CXC224 Diode Westcode SM14-21CXC224 10000a diodes CODE 14 16 200AB SM18CXC PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor 1000A

    Abstract: R305CH16FW0 westinghouse thyristor
    Text: WESTCODE «HOW S 3TE T> SEMICONDUCTORS DDDSH13 1 • UESB T -Z S '-^ Ì Technical WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Publication TR305C Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R305C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

    OCR Scan
    QQQSH13 TR305C R305C 148Iq, 200AC Westinghouse thyristor 1000A R305CH16FW0 westinghouse thyristor PDF

    westcode ct

    Abstract: transfo MD1E
    Text: 9709955 UESTCODE WESTCODE 3 4C S EMI CONDUCTORS 01639 34 SE MI CONDUCT ORS Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR250C Issue 1 January 1982 4 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R250C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

    OCR Scan
    TR250C R250C 34000A 200AC westcode ct transfo MD1E PDF


    Abstract: MMCT T25N Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 11E D ÌTGTTSS QQünôB <ÿ$ WESTCODE 4 Technical Publication TP042R SEMICONDUCTORS Issue 2 April 1985 Inverter Grade Stud-Base Thyristor Type P042R 50 amperes average: up to 800 volts VRRMfVDRM Ratings (Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise}

    OCR Scan
    TP042R P042R T-25--/7 P042RH06FJO MMCT T25N Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors PDF

    sm08 diode

    Abstract: SM12CXC220 CXC220 DDD171S westinghouse overload YS100
    Text: ' 34 9709955 WESTCODE DEl^TtmSS SEM ICONDUCTORS 34C 01712 D 7 ^ 0 / - 2-3 D0 Q171 5 b I \ Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DFC220 Issue 1 February 1981 Fast Recovery Capsule Diode Type CXC220 860 amperes average: up to 1600 volts V RRM R atings

    OCR Scan
    D0D1715 CXC220 DFC220 0460A 1000-2000Kgf 200AB sm08 diode SM12CXC220 DDD171S westinghouse overload YS100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3*ï E D 0DGE2S5 “J « l i J E S B -T-ZfTechnical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TP086C Issue 2 January 1985 Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P086C 190 amperes average: up to 1200 volts VRRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    TP086C P086C -200AB WESTC00E PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor

    Abstract: P370CH06FJ0 west code
    Text: m WESTCODE m I WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS lTE D • I TTOTTSS DOaaOM? S ■ 1 SEM ICONDUCTORS l I Technical Publication 1 TP370C H Issue 2 December 1985 Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P370C 840 amperes average: up to 800 volts VRRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    P370C TP370C 200AC 2U128! Westinghouse thyristor P370CH06FJ0 west code PDF


    Abstract: R350CH06FJ0 2M128
    Text: WESTCODE SE MI CONDUCT ORS ilE » • ^ D ^ S S fl B 0D0E42S üJESB T - 2 3 -11 Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TR350C Issue 2 December 1985 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R350C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

    OCR Scan
    TR350C R350C 200AC 2M1285 TR350C R350CH06FJ0 2M128 PDF


    Abstract: SM04PCN046 westcode SC r-03-J
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE D • TTD^SS □OOESfl'ì 5 ■ WESB Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DF 46 IS S U E 2 May, 1989 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type PCN/PCR046 45 amperes average: up to 400 volts V RRM Ratings Maximum values at Tj 150°C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR046 2113A2s 2800A2s SN151JL 1KSAC589 25T1 SM04PCN046 westcode SC r-03-J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I WESTCODE m WESTCODE m S E MI CONDUCT ORS lTE D • TTOTTSS I DOaaOM? S ■ 1 SEM ICONDUCTORS l I Technical Publication 1 TP370C H Issue 2 December 1985 Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P370C 840 amperes average: up to 800 volts VRRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    TP370C P370C 200AC 2Ui285 PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor 1500

    Abstract: P080PH06FJ0
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS nE D • ^o^ss aoonö? i ■ T - a s ' ~ | /? Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TP080P/R Issue 1 November 1984 Inverter Grade Stud-Base Thyristor Type PQ8QP/PQ8QR 75 amperes average: up to 1400 volts VRRM/VDRM R a tin g s Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    TP080P/R P080P/P080R Westinghouse thyristor 1500 P080PH06FJ0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS ITE D • c] 7 D cì ci 5 5 GDGSG23 ■ Technical Publication WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS V T TP214C Issue 1 November 1984 — V Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Typ e P 2 14 C 370 amperes average: up to 800 volts V RRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    GDGSG23 TP214C -200AB PDF


    Abstract: Westinghouse thyristor P205PH
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS B'ìE D • ‘H Q ' H S S 00022^7 3 ■ UESB T-Z^ / 9 Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TP205P Issue 2 March 1985 Inverter Grade Stud-Base Thyristor Type P205P 205 amperes average: up to 1200 volts VRRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    P205P TP205P P205PH08FJ0 Westinghouse thyristor P205PH PDF


    Abstract: telephone
    Text: Westcode Semiconductors AUSTRALIA_ GREECE_ Westek Industrial Products Pty Ltd. Unit 2/8-10 Maria Street, Laverton North, Victoria 3026 Telephone: 03 9369 8802 Fax: (03) 9369 8006 Ebeh A. Kypriotis S.A., P.O. Box 9

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    D-34277 9833 telephone PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Publication WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS TR200C/NQ Issue 3 January 1985. High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R200C/NQ distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses 665 amperes average: up to 2100 volts VDRM

    OCR Scan
    TR200C/NQ R200C/NQ 200AC 000271b PDF