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    WESTCODE ENGLAND DIODE STUD Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    WESTCODE ENGLAND DIODE STUD Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: S2013 westcode england diode stud
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3T E » • RTOTìSS DDGESMS 7 ■ ÜIESB T - o l - ï ? f WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS . TECHNICAL PUBLICATION D P12 ISSUE 2 May, 1989 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR012 17amperes average: up to 1200volts Vr r m

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR012 17amperes 220A2 290A2 213A2s -32UNF SN151JL SW06PCR012 S2013 westcode england diode stud PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: liJESTCODE S EMI CONDUCT ORS IT E D • TTQTÌSS QGDEGbT 1 ■ T~ €> 3 - | ? Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 1N3909-13 Issue 1 February 1981 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type 1N3909-13 30 amperes average: up to 400 volts VptRM RATINGS Maximum values at Tj 150°C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    1N3909-13 405A2s 580A2s 420A2s 48kgf 151JL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lilESTCO D E SEM ICO N D U CTO RS IT E D • TTCm SS G G ü a a t,? f-O ñ ■ 3 - I^ Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 1N3899-3903 Issue 1 February 1981 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type 1N3899-3903 20 amperes average: up to 400 volts RATINGS Maximum values at Tj 150°C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    1N3899-3903 48kgf SN151JL PDF


    Abstract: sw06phr300
    Text: TEC H N IC A L PUBLICATIO N WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS DP300 ISSU E 1 May, 1980 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PHN/PHR300 380amperes average: up to 1500 volts VRRM R A T IN G S Maximum values at 180°C Tj unless stated otherwise RATIN G SYM BO L

    OCR Scan
    PHN/PHR300 DP300 380amperes 83000A 35000A SW06PHR sw06phr300 PDF


    Abstract: westcode england diode stud
    Text: TEC H N IC A L PUBLICATIO N WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DP300 ISSUE 1 May, 1980 h . Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PH N /PH R 300 380amperes average: up to 1500 volts VRRM RATIN GS Maximum values at 180°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    DP300 380amperes 152000A2 83000A 35000A SW06PHR300 westcode england diode stud PDF

    westcode england diode stud

    Abstract: SU3A
    Text: T E C H N IC A L P U B LIC A TIO N $ WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS D P30 ISSUE 2 May, 1989 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR030 30amperes average: up to 1200 volts Vr r m RATINGS Maximum values at 175°C Tj unless stated otherwise R A T IN G C O N DITIO N S

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR030 30amperes 32UNF westcode england diode stud SU3A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T E C H N IC A L P U B LIC A TIO N $ WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS D P30 ISSUE 2 May, 1989 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR030 30amperes average: up to 1200 volts Vr r m RATINGS Maximum values at 175°C Tj unless stated otherwise R A T IN G C O N DITIO N S

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR030 30amperes SW06PCR030 PDF

    NE y JE8

    Abstract: ne je8 westcode fast recovery diode SM*pcn074 SM06PCN074
    Text: lilESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3^E D • ^70^55 00055^3 7 ■UESB ^ WESTCODE 11 =•» SEMICONDUCTORS I [ H Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type PCN/PCR074 65 amperes average: up to 1000 volts VRRM Ratings Maximum values at Tj 150°C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    T-07-ZÃ PCN/PCR074 SN151JL 1KSAC588 NE y JE8 ne je8 westcode fast recovery diode SM*pcn074 SM06PCN074 PDF


    Abstract: PHR400 westcode sw
    Text: f . T E C H N IC A L P UB LIC ATIO N WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DP400 ISSUE 2 May, 1989 V Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PHN/PHR400 400amperes average: up to 1500 volts Vr r m RATING S Maximum values at 190°C Tj unless stated otherwise R A T IN G

    OCR Scan
    DP400 PHN/PHR400 400amperes 81000A 40000A 1KSAC589 SW06PHR400 PHR400 westcode sw PDF


    Abstract: 600va ups SW06PCR030
    Text: lilESTCODE SE MI CON DU CT OR S □ □ □ E S 4T TTOTìSS » 4 •ülE S B r-oi-i^ f TECHNICAL PUBLICATION $ WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS D P30 IS S U E 2 May, 1989 ^ Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR030 30amperes average: up to 1200 volts Vr r m

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR030 30amperes 613A2s 800AJ 600A2 SN151JL 1KSAC589 800AL 600va ups SW06PCR030 PDF


    Abstract: SM04PCN013 westcode diode
    Text: UESTCÔD E SEMI CO ND UC TOR S ITE D • GGGSO?! T ■ T'-0 3 - J 7 Technical Publication WESTCODE @ SEMICONDUCTORS DF 13 Issue 1 February 1981 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type PCN/PCR013 12 amperes average: up to 400 volts V RRM Ratings Maximum values at Tj 150°C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR013 GDD2074 SM04PCN013 westcode diode PDF


    Abstract: WESTCODE 260A hawk
    Text: lilESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS D • ^70^55 OODBSfll □ ■ lilE S B ^ j ;^ Technical Publication WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS DF 24 ISSUE 2 May, 1989 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type PCN/PCR024 25 amperes average: up to 1000 volts VRRM Ratings Maximum values at Tj 150°C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR024 340A2s 450A2s SN151JL 1ksac589 SM06PCN024 WESTCODE 260A hawk PDF

    westcode phr400

    Abstract: SW06PHR400 PHR400 8250A SW06 P400 westcode diode F630A 400Arms westcode england diode stud
    Text: UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS B'ìE D • 0005SS1 E « U E S B T -o i-X Z T E C H N IC A L P U B L IC A T IO N $ WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS DP400 ISSUE 2 M ay, 1989 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PHN/PHR400 400amperes average: up to 1500 volts Vr r m RATING S

    OCR Scan
    0005SS1 DP400 PHN/PHR400 400amperes 281000A2s 340000A2 SN151JL westcode phr400 SW06PHR400 PHR400 8250A SW06 P400 westcode diode F630A 400Arms westcode england diode stud PDF


    Abstract: hawk
    Text: 3 °iZ lilESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS D • ^70^55 0002547 0 ■ l i lESB7-tf/ - !<} T E C H N IC A L P U B L IC A T IO N W E ST C O D E ® SEM ICO NDUCTO RS D P20 IS S U E 2 May, 1989 A Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR020 30amperes average: up to 1200 volts Vr r m

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR020 30amperes 300A2 397A2 298A2 32UNf SN151JL 1KSAC589 SW06PCR020 hawk PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T E C H N IC A L P U B L IC A T IO N $ WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS D P20 ISSUE 2 May, 1989 — - - - - Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR020 30amperes average: up to 1200 volts Vr r m RATINGS Maximum values at 175°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR020 30amperes WESTCODE SW PDF


    Abstract: Q002
    Text: 3^Z ÙIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS D • TTO^SS 00025=17 M ■ ÜIESB 7 ^ 0 3 - ^ | Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DF 76 ISSUE 2 May, 1989 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type PCN/PCR076 75 amperes average: up to 400 volts V RRM Ratings Maximum values at Tj 150°C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR076 7200A2s 9500A2s 1042-E 1KSAC589 SM04PCN076 Q002 PDF

    westinghouse DIODES

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE D • ^70^55 0002537 fl ■ UESB T - o f - £ 3 TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DK 595 ISSUE 1 April, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type KBN/KBR595 590amperes average: up to 3600 volts RATINGS Maximum values at 160°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    590amperes westinghouse DIODES PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lilESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3 1E I> • =570^55 OOOESfiS Ö ■ IdESB T-Ö J V ? /CD\ \*/ccTPnnc Wto 1UUUt KTh SEMICONDUCTORS Technical DF 26 ISSUE 2 May, 1989 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type PCN/PCR026 25 amperes average: up to 400 volts V RRM Ratings Maximum values at Tj 150°C unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR026 392Azs 518A2s 384A2s -M-32UNF SN151JL 1KSAC589 SM04PCN026 PDF


    Abstract: westcode sw 1035A
    Text: T E C H N IC A L P U B LIC A T IO N WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS D P55 ISSU E 1 March, 1980 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR055 75amperes average: up to 1200 volts VRRM R A T IN G S Maximum values at 175°C Tj unless stated otherwise R A T IN G

    OCR Scan
    PCN/PCR055 75amperes WESTINGHOUSE DIODE westcode sw 1035A PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: westinghouse DIODES Hawker SW18HHR320 westcode diodes S
    Text: WESTCODE SEM IC O N D U C TO R S 3 ^ E D • ^ 7 0 ^ 5 5 G O D E S S I T ■ liJESB r - o i TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DH320 ISSUE 1 May, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type HHN/HHR320 320 amperes average: up to2400 volts Vrrm

    OCR Scan
    HHN/HHR320 to2400 80000A2 170A102 Westinghouse diode westinghouse DIODES Hawker SW18HHR320 westcode diodes S PDF


    Abstract: dk51 Westinghouse diode SW42KBR515 westinghouse DIODES
    Text: UESTCODE SE MI CON DU CT OR S 3TE =170^55 D 000253S M HlilESB TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DK515 ISSUE 1 A pril, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type KBN/KBR515 510amperes average: up to4400 volts Vr r m RATINGS Maximum values at 160°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    000253S DK515 KBN/KBR515 510amperes to4400 0580A 423000A2 559000A2 416000A2 K515 dk51 Westinghouse diode SW42KBR515 westinghouse DIODES PDF


    Abstract: WESTINGHOUSE diode DO
    Text: T E C H N IC A L P U B LIC A TIO N WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS D P40 ISSUE 1 March, 1980 Stud-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type PCN/PCR040 70amperes average: up to 1200 volts R ATING S Maximum values at 175°C Tj unless stated otherwise R A T IN G C O N D ITIO N S

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Hawker 800VRRM SW08KBR935
    Text: WE S T CODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE D • ^ 7 Q cl cï S S DD0 S 5 M3 3 ■ WESB T ^ o i - X i / WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS " B\ TECH N ICAL PUBLICATION D K935 ISSU E 1 April, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type KBN/KBR935 936amperes average: up to 1200 volts

    OCR Scan
    KBN/KBR935 936amperes 9500A 2400A 1900000A2s 2500000A2 K935 Hawker 800VRRM SW08KBR935 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 31E » UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS • TTCmSS GGG2S3R 1 H ü l E S B 7^òl-2$ — 1 TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS D K 63 5 ISSUE 1 A p ril, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type KBN/KBR635 630amperes average: up to 3000 volts Vr r m

    OCR Scan
    KBN/KBR635 630amperes 12700ean PDF