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    VU PEAK HOLD Search Results

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    HA5351IBZ Renesas Electronics Corporation 64ns Sample and Hold Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    Household-Gas-Alarm Renesas Electronics Corporation Household Gas Alarm Reference Design Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT162H244ATPA8 Renesas Electronics Corporation BALANCE DRIVE BUS HOLD Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    VU PEAK HOLD Datasheets Context Search

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    VU peak hold

    Abstract: audio peak level meter peak hold injector Peak level meter ic block diagram of vu meter vu meter ba6810s BA6810S Fluorescent display tube peak level meter circuit CR injector driver
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 12-point 2 channel, VU scale, bar display BA6810S The BA6810S is a two-channel, 12-point fluorescent display tube driver for VU-scale bar-level meters. It uses a dynamic-drive system and has both AC and DC inputs. The AC input mode has a peak hold circuit. The IC

    12-point BA6810S BA6810S 12-point 30-pin VU peak hold audio peak level meter peak hold injector Peak level meter ic block diagram of vu meter vu meter ba6810s Fluorescent display tube peak level meter circuit CR injector driver PDF

    Peak level meter ic

    Abstract: peak hold ic VU peak hold peak hold injector block diagram of vu meter CR injector driver audio peak level meter fluorescent tube I2l pnp transistor BA6810F
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 12-point 2 channel, VU scale, bar display BA6810F The BA6810F is a two-channel, 12-point fluorescent display tube driver for VU-scale bar-level meters. It uses a dynamic-drive system and has both AC and DC inputs. The AC input mode has a peak hold circuit. The IC

    12-point BA6810F BA6810F 12-point 28-pin Peak level meter ic peak hold ic VU peak hold peak hold injector block diagram of vu meter CR injector driver audio peak level meter fluorescent tube I2l pnp transistor PDF

    807 tube

    Abstract: fluorescent tube tube 807 BA6800AF
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 16-point 2 channel, VU scale, bar display BA6800AF The BA6800AF is a two-channel, 16-point fluorescent display tube driver for VU-scale bar-level meters. It uses a dynamic-drive system and is provided with both AC and DC inputs. The AC input mode has a peak hold circuit.

    16-point BA6800AF BA6800AF 16-point 28-pin 807 tube fluorescent tube tube 807 PDF

    fluorescent tube

    Abstract: BA6800AS
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 16-point 2 channel, VU scale, bar display BA6800AS The BA6800AS is a two-channel, 16-point fluorescent display tube driver for VU-scale bar-level meters. It uses a dynamic-drive system and has both AC and DC inputs. The AC input mode has a peak hold circuit. The IC features a power-on

    16-point BA6800AS BA6800AS 16-point 30-pin fluorescent tube PDF

    VU METER 32 led

    Abstract: analog VU-METER simple vu audio meter VU-METER PE0002 VU 10 LED meter Microphone circuit vu meter EV6180 EV6380 vocoder cml
    Text: Application Note CML Microcircuits Optimising the Speech Input Level on the CMX6x8 COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS Publication: AN/2WR/CMX6x8gain_set/1 August 2008 Additional Resources PE0002 scripts – Download from the CML website using the link that accompanied this document on

    PE0002 VU METER 32 led analog VU-METER simple vu audio meter VU-METER VU 10 LED meter Microphone circuit vu meter EV6180 EV6380 vocoder cml PDF

    32 led VU-METER

    Abstract: 20 led VU meter common cathode in audio 20 led VU meter transistor VU METER 32 led lm3916 vu meter lm3915 vu meter VU meter CIRCUITS 20 led VU meter VU-METER 20 led VU meter stereo
    Text: LM3916 Dot/Bar Display Driver General Description The LM3916 is a monolithic integrated circuit that senses analog voltage levels and drives ten LEDs, LCDs or vacuum fluorescent displays, providing an electronic version of the popular VU meter. One pin changes the display from a bar

    LM3916 LM3916 32 led VU-METER 20 led VU meter common cathode in audio 20 led VU meter transistor VU METER 32 led lm3916 vu meter lm3915 vu meter VU meter CIRCUITS 20 led VU meter VU-METER 20 led VU meter stereo PDF


    Abstract: BA6810S
    Text: BA681 OS B A 6 8 1 OS 12 FL ffl VU g S A ' - l / A V M - ^ K 7 ' f M 12-Point Fluorescent Display Tube VU Scale Peak Hold Level Meter • ftfl^& m /D irnensionstU nit : mm BA6810S U, -j 3 1 2 ,6 X 2 ch CD F L *g ffl VU m -¿ T to ¡ t a A a s r F iis s ,

    OCR Scan
    BA681 12-Point BA6810S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ROHM CO L T D 4DE D 7fi2aw # —T -f tfffl IC /IC s for Audio Applications BA6800AS BA680SS 00D4713 0 fflRHM BA6800AS/BA6806S “ — “ 7^77-21 1 6 £ FLffl VU 16 — Point Fluorescent Display Tube VU Scale Peak Hold Level Meter • W M ^¡SEU/Dimensions U n it: mm

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    00D4713 BA6800AS BA680SS BA6800AS/BA6806S BA6800AS BA6806S BA6800AS/BA6806S 16-point BA6800AS) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 16-point x 2 channel, VU scale, bar display BA6800AS The BA6800AS is a two-channel, 16-point fluorescent display tube driver for VU-scale bar-level meters. It uses a dynamic-drive system and has both AC and DC inputs. The AC input mode has a peak hold circuit. The IC features

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    16-point BA6800AS BA6800AS 16-point 30-pin BA6800AS) PDF

    AC Voltage comparator circuit diagram

    Abstract: audio peak level meter
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 12-point x 2 channel, VU scale, bar display BA6810F The BA6810F is a two-channel, 12-point fluorescent display tube driver for VU-scale bar-level meters. It uses a dynamic-drive system and has both AC and DC inputs. The AC input mode has a peak hold circuit. The IC

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    12-point BA6810F BA6810F 28-pin AC Voltage comparator circuit diagram audio peak level meter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 12-point X 2 channel, VU scale, bar display The BA681 OS is a two-channel, 12-point fluorescent display tube driver for VU-scale bar-level meters. It uses a dynamic-drive system and has both AC and DC inputs. The AC input mode has a peak hold circuit. The IC

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    12-point BA681 BA6810S 12-point 30-pin PDF


    Abstract: VU meter circuit
    Text: BA6800A/BA6800AF/BA6805A BA6800A BA6800AF BA6805A 1 6 /£ FLffl VU K 7 fM 16-Point Fluorescent Display Tube VU Scale Peak Hold Level Meter • W fé -tfj& 0 /'D im e n s io n s U n it:iT iin BA6800A/BA6800AF/BA6805A l i , Ig liC fr jSLlC <t % 1 6 & X 2 c h *^ < 7 > F L < £ fflV U @

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    BA6800A/BA6800AF/BA6805A BA6800A BA6800AF BA6805A BA6800A/BA6800AF/BA6805A 16-Point BA6800A, BA6800A BA6805A VU meter circuit PDF


    Abstract: AC Voltage comparator circuit diagram
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 12-point channel, VU scale, bar display X2 The BA681 OS is a tw o-channel, 12-point fluorescent display tube driver for VU-scale bar-level meters. It uses a dynam ic-drive system and has both AC and DC inputs. T he AC input m o d e has a peak hold circuit. The IC

    OCR Scan
    12-point BA6810S BA681 30-pin 6810S AC Voltage comparator circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BA6810F BA681OF 1 2 , 6 F L f f l VU l l A ' - l / A V M - ' S r K 7 < / \ ' 1 2 -Point Fluorescent Display Tube VU Scale Peak Hold Level Meter v Î'IBtIlÆjfcC J: 5 BA6810F li, V U @5&GD/''— • /Dimensions U nit: mm 12,£X2chCD /- J T 'io xStE, 6-;*EÀ*IÎSrF-£të5,

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    BA6810F BA681OF BA6810F OP28pin frt5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 12-point x 2 channel, VU scale, bar display BA6810F T he BA681 OF is a tw o-channel, 12-point fluorescent display tub e driver for VU-scale bar-level meters. It uses a dynam ic-drive system and has both AC and DC inputs. T he AC input m ode has a peak hold circuit. T h e IC

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    12-point BA6810F BA681 12-point G0n53Ã PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 16-point x 2 channel, VU scale, bar display The BA6800AF and BA6805A are two-channel, 16-point fluorescent display tube drivers for VU-scale bar-level me­ ters. They use a dynamic-drive system and are provided with both AC and DC inputs. The AC input mode has a peak

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    16-point BA6800AF BA6805A BA6805A BA6805A. equi00kfi. BA6805 PDF

    block diagram of 10 led vu meter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 16-point x 2 channel, VU scale, bar display BA6800AS The BA6800AS is a tw o -ch a n n e l, 16 -p o in t flu o re sce n t d is p la y tu b e d rive r fo r VU -scale bar-level m eters. It uses a dynam ic-drive system and has both AC and DC inputs. The AC input m ode has a peak hold circuit. The IC features

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    16-point BA6800AS BA6800AS 30-pin BA6800AS) block diagram of 10 led vu meter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 16-point x 2 channel, VU scale, bar display The BA6800AF and BA6805A are two-channel, 16-point fluorescent display tube drivers for VU-scale bar-level me­ ters. They use a d yn a m ic-d rive system and are p ro vid e d w ith bo th AC and DC inputs. The AC in p u t m o d e has a peak

    OCR Scan
    16-point BA6800AF BA6805A BA6805A BA6805A. PDF


    Abstract: BA6805A BA8B
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 16-point X 2 channel, VU scale, bar display The BA6800AF and BA6805A are tw o-channel, 16-point fluorescent display tube drivers for VU-scale bar-level m e ­ ters. T h e y use a d yn am ic-d rive system and are provided with both A C and D C inputs. T h e A C input m o d e has a peak

    OCR Scan
    16-point BA6800AF BA6805A BA6805A BA6805A. BA8B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BA6800AS R A f i f t H f l A Q D M O O v w M O 1 6 ^ f l v u @§8/^— 16-Point Fluorescent Display Tube VU Scale Peak Hold Level Meter Driver • ^ J K '+ iiO / 'D im e n s io n s U nit: mm BA6800AS i i , 2 ' f i - S . -j 0 •£ •SIB * X 2 c h i?7F <75FL H VU g ffiC D A -U 'X M l/.* - ? K 7 < A ' T ' t „

    OCR Scan
    BA6800AS 16-Point BA6800AS PDF


    Abstract: BA6800AF n55t
    Text: Audio ICs Fluorescent display tube level meter driver, 16-point X 2 channel, VU scale, bar display / B A 6 8 0 5 A The BA6800AF and BA6805A are two-channel, 16-point fluorescent display tub e drivers for VU-scale bar-level me­ ters. T hey use a d yn a m ic-d rive system and are p ro vid ed w ith bo th AC and DC inputs. The AC in p u t m ode has a peak

    OCR Scan
    16-point BA6800AF BA6805A BA6805A BA6805A. A6800AF n55t PDF


    Abstract: BA222 ba668 VU peak hold VU level meters "vu meter" i2s peak level meter BA222 IC
    Text: BA668A IC / IC s for Audio Applications yf— T 'f 7 = 7 7 -2 1 12 F L f f lv u 12-Point Fluorescent Display Tube VU Scale Peak Hold Meter Driver • ^ /D im e n sio n s U n it: mm B A 6 6 8 A li, te J V i/ y W T 't o ^M 7> T ', 7 $ "j 0 S -f A i> ‘ U 'J -

    OCR Scan
    BA668A 12-Point 75kfi 17pin 10MFT BA222 ba668 VU peak hold VU level meters "vu meter" i2s peak level meter BA222 IC PDF


    Abstract: um03
    Text: ROHM CO LTD r *f MOE D IC /IC s for Audio Applications 12 DODMbtiO S • R H d BA668A 17- 77-2/ F L ff lv u 12-Point Fluorescent Display Tube VU Scale Peak Hold Meter Driver • ^ / D im e n s io n s U n it : mm B A 6 6 8 A li, teJV i/yW T'to ^ M 7 > T', T7$ -y ? S -f A i>‘ U 'JW(Da > x > i>-(C J: o T

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    BA668A 12-Point 75kfi um03 PDF

    20 led VU meter transistor

    Abstract: VU METER 32 led 50 led VU meter ba3706 BA612S 16 led VU meter ic level audio meter BA684A SLO 365 R Peak level meter ic
    Text: ROHM CO IC 4 GE LTD D Hl 7 f l 2 M cH DD03252 7 B3RHM II?» J, JI" - * r - 7 ? - 2 i • Level Meter Drivers Function Type Package Conliguralion No.of pins Features Reference Catalog No.3121 BA695 3-point LED auto-scan meter SIP 9 Wide supply voltage range 4.5~14V .

    OCR Scan
    DD03252 BA695 BA685 BA6104 BA6124/BA6124F BA612S BA6137 BA6144 BA6154 BA684Ä 20 led VU meter transistor VU METER 32 led 50 led VU meter ba3706 16 led VU meter ic level audio meter BA684A SLO 365 R Peak level meter ic PDF