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    VOLTAGE REGULATOR 7808A Search Results

    VOLTAGE REGULATOR 7808A Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MGN1S1208MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1D120603MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-6/-3V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S1212MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0508MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0512MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    VOLTAGE REGULATOR 7808A Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 7808a voltage regulator 7808a Electronic Devices TO-220L 0-125T
    Text: Shantou Huashan Electronic Devices Co.,Ltd. 3-TERMINAL FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR H 7808A █ Description The H7808A series of three terminal positive Regulators are available in the TO-220 package and with

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    Abstract: SG7812AK
    Text: SG7800A/SG7800 bsFìm r M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S POSITIVE FIXED VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SG7800A/SG7800 series of positive regulators offer self contained, fixed-voltage capability with up to 1,5A of load current and input voltage up

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    Abstract: SN72748L MC7805G LM340H-05 SG3525 equivalent transistor KT 209 M 78M15HM SN52107L SG711 SG7812CK
    Text: VOLTAGE REGULATORS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS 2 INTERFACE CIRCUITS 3 TRANSISTOR ARRAYS OTHER CIRCUITS APPLICATIONS NOTES 5 d u c t S e le c to r G uide INTER FA C E C IR C U ITS Regulating Pulse Width Modulators 13 13 16 21 24 44 1524/2524/3524 1525/2525/3525

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    Abstract: CBSE 12 CLASS cbse class 12 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 1l 4SM4
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