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    vogt 543 80 001 00

    Abstract: vogt 543 pt-5001 T60403-L4021-X066 vogt -t3 T60403-L4025-X021 t60403-l4097 vogt transformer 543 l4097 T2084
    Text: ICs for Communications Quadruple Transceiver for S/T Interface QUAT-S PEB 2084 Version 1.2 Data Sheet 07.95 T2084-V12-D1-7600 Ausgabe 07.95 Herausgegeben von Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, MarketingKommunikation, Balanstraße 73, 81541 München Siemens AG 1995.

    T2084-V12-D1-7600 PE-68975* PE-64995 PE-65495 PE-65795 PE-68995 B78384-A1060-A2* B78384-P1111-A2 T60403-L4025-X021* T60403-L4097-X011* vogt 543 80 001 00 vogt 543 pt-5001 T60403-L4021-X066 vogt -t3 T60403-L4025-X021 t60403-l4097 vogt transformer 543 l4097 T2084 PDF


    Abstract: VAC L5051-X014-80 L5051-X014-80 l5051-x014 l5051 vogt 543 vogt f6 vogt 1N4148 PCM30
    Text: DATA SHEET HFC - S 2BDS0 ISDN HDLC FIFO controller with S/T interface Copyright 1994 - 1997 Cologne Chip Designs All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the information presented may be protected by

    LL4148 62256FP 288MHz BC850C BC860C hfc-s VAC L5051-X014-80 L5051-X014-80 l5051-x014 l5051 vogt 543 vogt f6 vogt 1N4148 PCM30 PDF

    vogt S4

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 41D1C855D 863C@39 9C4>"24C 9C4>84<3696?S_^db_\\Ub gYdX CDQ^T@39Y^dUbVQSU Q^T ESXY`ce``_bd Copyright 1994-1999 Cologne Chip Designs GmbH All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice.

    C855D PCI32PME BAV99 PINHD-2X13 BC850C vogt S4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET HFC - S 2BDS0 ISDN HDLC FIFO controller with S/ T interfa ce Copyright 1994 - 1997 Cologne Chip Designs All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the information presented may be protected by

    LL4148 62256FP 288MHz BC850C BC860C PDF


    Abstract: m5052 7-M5052-X114 vogt S4 pci schematics ST5069 valor vogt 543 7-L5052-X102 vogt transformer s3 AD10
    Text: 41D1C855D 863C@39 9C4>"24C 9C4>84<3696?S_^db_\\Ub gYdX CDQ^T@39Y^dUbVQSU Q^T ESXY`ce``_bd Copyright 1994-1999 Cologne Chip Designs GmbH All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice.

    41D1C855D PCI32PME BAV99 PINHD-2X13 BC850C PINHD-2X13 m5052 7-M5052-X114 vogt S4 pci schematics ST5069 valor vogt 543 7-L5052-X102 vogt transformer s3 AD10 PDF

    vogt 543

    Abstract: pt-5001 T60403-L4097-X029 PT5069 vac l4097-x029 pt 5069 vac x021 X021 vogt -sumida-57016270 1H vogt transformer 543
    Text: ICs for Communications Quadruple Transceiver for S/T Interface QUAT-S PEB 2084 Version 1.2 Data Sheet 07.95 T2084-V12-D1-7600 Ausgabe 07.95 Herausgegeben von Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, MarketingKommunikation, Balanstraße 73, 81541 München Siemens AG 1995.

    T2084-V12-D1-7600 PE-68975* PE-64995 PE-65495 PE-65795 PE-68995 B78384-A1060-A2* B78384-P1111-A2 T60403-L4025-X021* T60403-L4097-X011* vogt 543 pt-5001 T60403-L4097-X029 PT5069 vac l4097-x029 pt 5069 vac x021 X021 vogt -sumida-57016270 1H vogt transformer 543 PDF


    Abstract: l5051 X005 COLOGNE CHIP vogt f6 vogt transformer s3 vogt 543 L5024 UT 21624 l5051-x014 VOGT 460 63
    Text: Cologne Chip 4QdQCXUUd 752B 18B3=!13B 8B3=73;2585>R^]ca^[[Ta fXcW BCX]cTaUPRT P]S DRWX_bd_^ac 9P]dPah! Copyright 1994-2001 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    1999ional 470pF LL4148 st5202 l5051 X005 COLOGNE CHIP vogt f6 vogt transformer s3 vogt 543 L5024 UT 21624 l5051-x014 VOGT 460 63 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cologne Chip "3@3 +:77@ 752B 18B3=!13B 8B3=73;2585>R^]ca^[[Ta fXcW BCX]cTaUPRT P]S DRWX_bd_^ac 9P]dPah! Copyright 1994-2001 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    Aug33nF LL4148 288MHz PDF

    503 20 010 10 vogt

    Abstract: L5026 PCM64 APC smart VT circuit diagram vogt 543 VOGT b4 503 20 010 50 vogt transformer s3 FAH 23. smd MST 718 ST5069 valor
    Text: Cologne Chip "3@3 +:77@ 752B\X]X 8B3=!13B 8B3=73;2585>R^]ca^[[Ta fXcW BCX]cTaUPRT P]S X]cTVaPcTS585>b 9P]dPah! Copyright 1994-2001 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    752B\X cTVaPcTS585 503 20 010 10 vogt L5026 PCM64 APC smart VT circuit diagram vogt 543 VOGT b4 503 20 010 50 vogt transformer s3 FAH 23. smd MST 718 ST5069 valor PDF


    Abstract: VOGT b4 503 20 010 50 503 20 010 10 vogt PCM64 vogt 503 10 010 00 VOGT 543 07 025 00 l5051 mst 718 VOGT 503 st5202
    Text: Cologne Chip 4QdQCXUUd 752B\X]X 8B3=!13B 8B3=73;2585>R^]ca^[[Ta fXcW BCX]cTaUPRT P]S X]cTVaPcTS585>b 9P]dPah! Copyright 1994-2001 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    752B\X cTVaPcTS585 40495s VOGT b4 503 20 010 50 503 20 010 10 vogt PCM64 vogt 503 10 010 00 VOGT 543 07 025 00 l5051 mst 718 VOGT 503 st5202 PDF

    vogt transformer s3

    Abstract: 24v input vogt transformer vogt transformer vogt b7 VOGT u3 503 10 BC860CL vogt 543 80 001 00 transformer vogt VOGT b4 503 20 010 50 VOGT 543 07 025 00
    Text: Cologne Chip Data Sheet HFC - S USB ISDN 2BDS0 ISDN HDLC FIFO controller with S/T interface and USB interface May 2002 Copyright 1994-2002 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    20850CL 48MHz LP2980-3 24C04 vogt transformer s3 24v input vogt transformer vogt transformer vogt b7 VOGT u3 503 10 BC860CL vogt 543 80 001 00 transformer vogt VOGT b4 503 20 010 50 VOGT 543 07 025 00 PDF

    star delta timer siemens

    Abstract: D9105 vogt 543 2081P AR10 444 NDK Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator 20uH gruner 281 tele quarz valor
    Text: ICs for Communications S/T Bus Interface Circuit Extended SBCX PEB 2081 Version 3.4 User’s Manual 11.96 T2081-XV34-M2-7600 Edition 11.96 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker‚. Published by Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, MarketingKommunikation, Balanstraße 73,

    T2081-XV34-M2-7600 star delta timer siemens D9105 vogt 543 2081P AR10 444 NDK Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator 20uH gruner 281 tele quarz valor PDF

    star delta timer siemens

    Abstract: Siemens k1403 Tele Quarz 8.192 Mhz vogt 543 t60403 2081P gruner 281 c 17 T2081-XV34-M2-7600 444 NDK Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator vogt -sumida-57016270 1H
    Text: ICs for Communications S/T Bus Interface Circuit Extended SBCX PEB 2081 Version 3.4 User’s Manual 11.96 T2081-XV34-M2-7600 PEB 2081 Revision History: Current Version: 11.96 Previous Version: Page Page in previous (in new Version Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision)

    T2081-XV34-M2-7600 star delta timer siemens Siemens k1403 Tele Quarz 8.192 Mhz vogt 543 t60403 2081P gruner 281 c 17 T2081-XV34-M2-7600 444 NDK Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator vogt -sumida-57016270 1H PDF

    Siemens EWSD 85

    Abstract: EWSD EWSD SIEMENS apc2040 VOGT 545 27 009 00 545 01 122 00 vogt vogt transformer s3 Siemens peb 2070 06.92 TDK RM6 VOGT 503
    Text: D ata Sheet, DS1 , Ap ril 2001 NTC-T AM N e t w o r k T e r m i n a t io n C o n t ro l le r 4B3T All Modes PEB 80900 Version 1.1 Wired Communications N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-04-02 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    D-81541 Siemens EWSD 85 EWSD EWSD SIEMENS apc2040 VOGT 545 27 009 00 545 01 122 00 vogt vogt transformer s3 Siemens peb 2070 06.92 TDK RM6 VOGT 503 PDF


    Abstract: ZMM002.7 vogt 543 vogt f6 vogt transformer s3 how to reset 24C04 ISA BUS spec L5024 PCMCIA SRAM Card program eeprom 24c04 6
    Text: Cologne Chip 4QdQCXUUd 752B? 08B3=!13B 8B3=73;2585>R^]ca^[[Ta fXcW BCX]cTaUPRT?[dVP]S?[Ph?2<280 P]S DRWX_bd_^ac 9P]dPah! Copyright 1994-2001 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    100pF 150pF BC560C BC550C ZMM002 24C04 62256FP hfc-sp ZMM002.7 vogt 543 vogt f6 vogt transformer s3 how to reset 24C04 ISA BUS spec L5024 PCMCIA SRAM Card program eeprom 24c04 6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cologne Chip "3@3 +:77@ 752B? 08B3=!13B 8B3=73;2585>R^]ca^[[Ta fXcW BCX]cTaUPRT?[dVP]S?[Ph?2<280 P]S DRWX_bd_^ac 9P]dPah! Copyright 1994-2001 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    100pF 150pF BC560C BC550C ZMM002 24C04 62256FP PDF

    vogt 503 10 010 00

    Abstract: 503 20 010 10 vogt 503 10 010 00 vogt APC smart VT circuit diagram vogt t2 503 10 vogt B1 L5026 MST 718 VACUUMSCHMELZE VOGT 503
    Text: Cologne Chip "3@3 +:77@ 752B\X]X 8B3=!13B 8B3=73;2585>R^]ca^[[Ta fXcW BCX]cTaUPRT P]S X]cTVaPcTS585>b 0dVdbc! Copyright 1994-2001 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    752B\X cTVaPcTS585 vogt 503 10 010 00 503 20 010 10 vogt 503 10 010 00 vogt APC smart VT circuit diagram vogt t2 503 10 vogt B1 L5026 MST 718 VACUUMSCHMELZE VOGT 503 PDF

    vogt transformer s3

    Abstract: vogt transformer 8 948 411 102 VOGT 503 vogt b3 transformer BC860CL vogt transformer t2 503 16 L5026 40495S BAV99 BC850CL
    Text: Cologne Chip "3@3 +:77@ 752BDB1 8B3=!13B 8B3=73;2585>R^]ca^[[Ta fXcW BCX]cTaUPRT P]S DB1X]cTaUPRT 9d[h! Copyright 1994-2001 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    752BDB1 Ch850CL 48MHz LP2980-3 24C04 vogt transformer s3 vogt transformer 8 948 411 102 VOGT 503 vogt b3 transformer BC860CL vogt transformer t2 503 16 L5026 40495S BAV99 BC850CL PDF

    503 20 010 10 vogt

    Abstract: 503 10 010 00 vogt vogt transformer s3 l5051 X005 mst 718 VOGT 503 vogt 543 crystal 48 MHz VOGT T1 503 L5024
    Text: Cologne Chip 4QdQCXUUd 752BDB1 8B3=!13B 8B3=73;2585>R^]ca^[[Ta fXcW BCX]cTaUPRT P]S DB1X]cTaUPRT 9P]dPah! Copyright 1994-2001 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    752BDB1 BAV99 48MHz BC860C BC850C 503 20 010 10 vogt 503 10 010 00 vogt vogt transformer s3 l5051 X005 mst 718 VOGT 503 vogt 543 crystal 48 MHz VOGT T1 503 L5024 PDF

    transformer vogt b7

    Abstract: VOGT b4 503 20 010 50 vogt b3 transformer
    Text: Cologne Chip Da t a She e t HFC - S USB ISDN 2BDS0 ISDN HDLC FIFO controller with S/T interface and USB interface May 2002 Copyright 1994-2002 Cologne Chip AG All Rights Reserved The information presented can not be considered as assured characteristics. Data can change without notice. Parts of the

    C850CL 48MHz LP2980-3 24C04 transformer vogt b7 VOGT b4 503 20 010 50 vogt b3 transformer PDF


    Abstract: Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator star delta timer siemens siemens sbc 28.3 VOGT 543 07 025 00 transformer 444 NDK Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator vogt 543 Siemens PEB 2040 star delta wiring diagram with timer TELE Quarz Group
    Text: ICs for Communications S/T Bus Interface Circuit Extended SBCX PEB 2081 Version 3.4 User’s Manual 11.96 T2081-XV34-M2-7600 Edition 11.96 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker‚. Published by Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, MarketingKommunikation, Balanstraße 73,

    T2081-XV34-M2-7600 star delta FORWARD / REVERSE WIRING CONNECTION Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator star delta timer siemens siemens sbc 28.3 VOGT 543 07 025 00 transformer 444 NDK Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator vogt 543 Siemens PEB 2040 star delta wiring diagram with timer TELE Quarz Group PDF

    VOGT F9

    Abstract: Q027B vogt a7
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY S I M I < O N I L C 1 O R S PD SP16256 / A PROGRAMMABLE FIR FILTER Supersedes October 1995 version, D S3709 - 3.0) The PDSP16256 contains sixteen multiplier - accumula­ tors, which can be multi cycled to provide from 16 to 128 stages of digital filtering. It accepts 16bitdataand coefficients,

    OCR Scan
    SP16256 S3709 PDSP16256 16bitdataand 25MHz PDSP16256A 25MHz, VOGT F9 Q027B vogt a7 PDF

    vogt transformer s3

    Abstract: A43AB VOGT A8 vogt f6 MC145575FU VOGT B1 vogt transformer k2 TQ3330 BC860C Motorola ti01 sot23
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Order this document by MC145575/D M C 14 5 5 7 5 ISDN S/T Transceiver w ith PCI In te rfa c e CASE 983A ORDERING INFORMATION MC145575FU Quad Flat Package I EEPROM Optional All brand names and product names appearing in this document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.

    OCR Scan
    MC145575/D MC145575FU TN98121000 MC14557E vogt transformer s3 A43AB VOGT A8 vogt f6 VOGT B1 vogt transformer k2 TQ3330 BC860C Motorola ti01 sot23 PDF


    Abstract: function of lts 543 ic OB35 ltp250 T1605 vogt 543 VOGT B1 65495
    Text: PEB 2084 Revision History: Current Version: Data Sheet 07.95 Previous R eleases: Preliminary Technical Manual 2 .9 4 Subjects major changes since last revision P age P age (in previous (in current Version) Version) 11 8 Figure 1, ID O = Output and Input

    OCR Scan
    fl23SbOS PE-68975* PE-64995 PE-65495 PE-65795 PE-68995 B78384-A1060-A2* B78384-P1111-A2 T60403-L4025-X021* T60403-L4097-X011* T60403-L4021 function of lts 543 ic OB35 ltp250 T1605 vogt 543 VOGT B1 65495 PDF