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    Microchip Technology Inc VN0660ND

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    ES Components VN0660ND 1,253
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    Microchip Technology Inc UVN0660

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    ES Components UVN0660 35
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    VN0660 Datasheets (10)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    VN0660N2 Unknown FET Data Book Scan PDF
    VN0660N3 Supertex N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Original PDF
    VN0660N3 Supertex N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Original PDF
    VN0660N3 Unknown FET Data Book Scan PDF
    VN0660N5 Supertex N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Original PDF
    VN0660N5 Supertex N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Original PDF
    VN0660N5 Unknown FET Data Book Scan PDF
    VN0660ND Supertex N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Original PDF
    VN0660ND Supertex N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Original PDF
    VN0660ND Unknown FET Data Book Scan PDF

    VN0660 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: VN0660N5 VN0655N3 VN0655ND VN0660N3 VN0660ND
    Text: VN0660 E – T E L O S B –O VN0655 VN0660 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) TO-92 TO-220 Die† 550V 20Ω 0.25A VN0655N3 VN0655ND 600V 20Ω 0.25A VN0660N3

    VN0660 VN0655 VN0660 O-220 VN0655N3 VN0655ND VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND 10-200F VN0660N5 VN0655N3 VN0655ND VN0660N3 VN0660ND PDF

    3v dc motor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VN0655 VN0660 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) TO-92 TO-220 Die† 550V 20Ω 0.25A — — VN0655ND 600V 20Ω 0.25A VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND †MIL visual screening available

    VN0655 VN0660 VN0660N3 O-220 VN0660N5 VN0655ND VN0660ND 3v dc motor PDF


    Abstract: VN0660N5 VN0660ND VN2460 Ta 7179 P
    Text: VN0660 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) TO-92 TO-220 Die† 600V 20Ω 0.25A VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND †MIL visual screening available 7 Features Advanced DMOS Technology

    VN0660 O-220 VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND VN2460 VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND Ta 7179 P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VN0660N2 Transistors N-Channel Enhancement MOSFET Military/High-RelN V BR DSS (V)600 V(BR)GSS (V)20 I(D) Max. (A)350m I(DM) Max. (A) Pulsed I(D) @Temp (øC) IDM Max (@25øC Amb)1.0 @Pulse Width (s) (Condition)300u Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)6.0 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-55

    VN0660N2 Junc-Case21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VN0660N3 Transistors N-Channel Enhancement MOSFET Military/High-RelN V BR DSS (V)600 V(BR)GSS (V)20 I(D) Max. (A)150m I(DM) Max. (A) Pulsed I(D) @Temp (øC) IDM Max (@25øC Amb)500m @Pulse Width (s) (Condition)300u Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)1.0 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-55

    VN0660N3 Junc-Case125 PDF


    Abstract: VN0660N5 VN0655ND VN0660N3 VN0660ND 217pf
    Text: VN0655 VN0660 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Order Number / Package BVDSS / BVDGS RDS ON (max) ID(ON) (min) TO-92 TO-220 Die† 550V 20Ω 0.25A VN0655N3 VN0655ND 600V 20Ω 0.25A VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND †MIL visual screening available

    VN0655 VN0660 O-220 VN0655N3 VN0655ND VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND VN0655N3 VN0660N5 VN0655ND VN0660N3 VN0660ND 217pf PDF


    Abstract: HV5808 VQ1000 VP2210 HV50530 HV5708 TP0606N3 VP0635N5 VQ1001 replacement 2N6659 supertex
    Text: Supertex Inc. OBSOLETE PRODUCT LIST Updated 12/13/02 Obsolete Part # Pkg Suggested Replacement Same pkg Suggested Replacement - Sim. Elec. (If same pkg alt is not close) Drop-In Alt Status 2N6659 VN2210N2 TN0104N3 obs 2N7007 TN5325N3 - obs AN0332 CG -

    2N6659 VN2210N2 TN0104N3 2N7007 TN5325N3 AN0332 AP0332 VN2110K1 BSS123 DN2535 TN0604N3 HV5808 VQ1000 VP2210 HV50530 HV5708 TP0606N3 VP0635N5 VQ1001 replacement 2N6659 supertex PDF

    mosfet cross reference

    Abstract: pj 929 diode pj 1229 diode BSS250 VN0109N5 pj 66 diode pj 929 BSS295 "direct replacement" BSS295 "cross reference" pj 69 diode
    Text: Selector Guides Selector Guides MOSFETs The Supertex enhancement-mode and depletion-mode MOSFET families utilize both vertical and lateral double diffused MOS processes. They feature low parasitic capacitances with interdigitated structures for high-frequency operation. Their low gate threshold voltage is

    T0-92 options4206A ZVN4206C ZVN4206E ZVN4306A TN2106K1 VN2210N3 TN0606N3 TN0606N6 mosfet cross reference pj 929 diode pj 1229 diode BSS250 VN0109N5 pj 66 diode pj 929 BSS295 "direct replacement" BSS295 "cross reference" pj 69 diode PDF


    Abstract: HV9120
    Text: HV91 Series Application Note AN-H21 3 Calculating Power Dissipation and Supply Current in HV91 Series Parts Part I The internal circuitry of the HV9110/11/12/13/14 and HV9120/23 uses very little current by itself—generally less than 1mA. However, when driving a large MOSFET very fast, considerable

    AN-H21 HV9110/11/12/13/14 HV9120/23 IRF630 750KHz. IRF630, 10-9F 000Hz HV9113 HV9120 PDF


    Abstract: irf630 mosfet data sheet HV9120 IC MOSFET QG IRF630 irf630 equivalent HV9113
    Text: HV91 Series Application Note AN-H21 Calculating Power Dissipation and Supply Current in HV91 Series Parts Part I The internal circuitry of the HV9110/11/12/13/14 and HV9120/23 uses very little current by itself—generally less than 1mA. However, when driving a large MOSFET very fast, considerable

    AN-H21 HV9110/11/12/13/14 HV9120/23 IRF630 750KHz. IRF630, 10-9F 000Hz AN-H21 irf630 mosfet data sheet HV9120 IC MOSFET QG irf630 equivalent HV9113 PDF


    Abstract: TIPL763A tk8a60da 2N6571 TIS134 TK10A60D ttc5200 TK4A60DB TIS92 tipl763
    Text: STI Type: TIP539 Notes: Polarity: NPN Power Dissipation: 125 VCEV: 400 VCEO: 300 ICEV: 400 ICEV A: 1.0 hFE: 20 hFE A: 7.5 VCE: 2.5 VBE: 2.0 IC: 15 COB: fT: 10 Case Style: TO-204AA/TO-3: Industry Type: TIP539 STI Type: TIP540 Notes: Polarity: NPN Power Dissipation: 125

    TIP539 O-204AA/TO-3: TIP540 TIP54 O-218 TIP544 TIS84 TIPL763A tk8a60da 2N6571 TIS134 TK10A60D ttc5200 TK4A60DB TIS92 tipl763 PDF


    Abstract: Diode IN4006 IN4006 IN757 120v AC to 12V dc transformer ZENER IN4006 VN0660N5 4 pin battery charger laptop 12v SMPS 9V power UC3845N
    Text: LND1 Series Applications LND1 Series Application Note AN-D25 Efficient Switchmode Power Supply Start-Up Circuit by Jimes Lei, Applications Engineer Introduction maximum voltage rating of the IC, the voltage has to be reduced with a start-up circuit. A frequent requirement is for

    AN-D25 LND150N3 DN25D LND150N8, OT-89 O-243AA) VN0660N5 Diode IN4006 IN4006 IN757 120v AC to 12V dc transformer ZENER IN4006 4 pin battery charger laptop 12v SMPS 9V power UC3845N PDF

    uc3844 PWM power supply application note

    Abstract: UC3844N 3 watt smps circuit 3 watt 70v zener diode supertex AN-H29 5v pc smps pwm design UC3844 application note SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM for computers uc3844 reference smps UNITRODE DIODE 240
    Text: LR Series Application Note AN–H29 LR7 Start-Up Circuit for Efficient Switchmode Power Supplies Introduction This application note explains how to use the Supertex LR7 as a start-up device for an SMPS and demonstrates its many advantages compared to the conventional resistor and zener

    AN-D25 AN-H28. voltage58 uc3844 PWM power supply application note UC3844N 3 watt smps circuit 3 watt 70v zener diode supertex AN-H29 5v pc smps pwm design UC3844 application note SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM for computers uc3844 reference smps UNITRODE DIODE 240 PDF


    Abstract: Snubber circuits theory, design and application MALLORY CAPACITORS stability analysis made simple venable MALLORY 150 CAPACITORS Mallory Start Capacitors TL431 An 15W 50 Ohm Ceramic Resistors capacitor wima mks 4 carbon composition resistors
    Text: HV91 Applications HV91 Series Application Note AN-H13 Designing High-Performance Flyback Converters with the HV9110 and HV9120 by Ray Ruble, Applications Engineer Introduction Although the HV91XX family of PWM ICs can be used to control single-switch converters of any topology or size, their

    AN-H13 HV9110 HV9120 HV91XX 100KHz. 500KHz MALLORY ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Snubber circuits theory, design and application MALLORY CAPACITORS stability analysis made simple venable MALLORY 150 CAPACITORS Mallory Start Capacitors TL431 An 15W 50 Ohm Ceramic Resistors capacitor wima mks 4 carbon composition resistors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BACK HV91 Series Application Note AN-H21 Calculating Power Dissipation and Supply Current in HV91 Series Parts Part I The internal circuitry of the HV9110/11/12/13/14 and HV9120/23 uses very little current by itself—generally less than 1mA. However, when driving a large MOSFET very fast, considerable

    AN-H21 HV9110/11/12/13/14 HV9120/23 IRF630 750KHz. IRF630, 10-9F 000Hz PDF


    Abstract: VN0655N3
    Text: VN0655 VN0660 Supertax inc. N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs BV0SS/ BVoos If Ordering Information ^DS O H Order Number / Package TO-220 Diet 550V 200 0.25A VN0655N3 VN0655ND 600V 2 0 fi 0.25A VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND (max) TO-92 ^MIL visual screening available

    OCR Scan
    VN0655 VN0660 VN0655N3 VN0660N3 O-220 VN0660N5 VN0655ND VN0660ND VN0655/VN0660 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ Supertex inc. VN0655 VN0660 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information JI bZL Order Number / Package TO-39 550V 200 0.25A VN0655N2 600V 200 0.25A VN0660N2 R DS<ON max) TO-92 TO-220 Dicet VN0655N3 VN0655N5 VN0655ND VN0660N3 VN0660N5

    OCR Scan
    VN0655 VN0660 VN0655N2 VN0660N2 O-220 VN0655N3 VN0655N5 VN0655ND VN0660N3 VN0660N5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. VN0660 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information BVDSS / Order Num ber / Package ^ D S O N ^D (O N ) b v dgs (max) (min) TO-92 TO-220 Diet 600V 20ß 0.25A VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND tM IL visual screening available

    OCR Scan
    VN0660 O-220 VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND VN2460 PDF

    DIODE 600V 15A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ J jjjj ^ _ VN0655 VN0660 _ N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information BVdss / R d S ON Order Number / Package I d (ON) BVdgs (max) (min) TO-39 TO-92 TO-220 Dicet 550V 20Q 0.25A VN0655N2 VN0655N3 VN0655N5 VN0655ND 600V 20Q 0.25A

    OCR Scan
    VN0655 VN0660 VN0655N2 VN0660N2 VN0655N3 VN0660N3 O-220 VN0655N5 VN0660N5 VN0655ND DIODE 600V 15A PDF


    Abstract: VN0660N2 VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND VN1106N2 VN1110N2 VN1110N5
    Text: - f §y £ *t € % VN0655ND SUPERTEX N ± ft £ Vds or Vd g Vg s V (V) is iTa=25°C) Pd Id Ig s s V g s th) I dss * /CH * /CH (A) (nA) iff) (V) (V) ft Id (on) g fs Ciss Coss Crss Vg s =0 Vg s (V) *typ (A) Id (A) Vg s (V) *typ (S) (*typ) (max) Id (A)

    OCR Scan
    VN0655ND VN0660N2 VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VNU10N5 T0-220 VX1210KD VN1216N2 VNI216N5 O-220 VN0660ND VN1106N2 VN1110N2 VN1110N5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V N 06F ÇJàSupertex m e . N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information BVDSs ! if Standard Commercial Devices ^DS<ON b v dgs max) 550V 2 on 600V 2 oa Order Num ber / Package TO-39 TO-92 TO-220 Dice* 0.25A VN0655N2 VN0655N3 VN0655N5

    OCR Scan
    O-220 VN0655N2 VN0660N2 VN0655N3 VN0660N3 VN0655N5 VN0660N5 VN0655ND VN0660ND VN06F VN06F PDF

    pj 89 diode

    Abstract: LR645 equivalent FED-STD-209 pj 54 diode TN0110 equivalent pj 57 diode CCW SOT23 HV5808 220v ac to 12V 20A SMPS high-frequency control sot-89
    Text: Supertexinc. Short Form Catalog '96 High Voltage Integrated Circuits and DMOS Transistors Supertex inc. Leadership in CMOS/D MOS Technologies Supertex, Inc. designs, develops, manufactures, and markets quality semiconductor products for use in data processing, tele­

    OCR Scan
    O-220 O-243 OT-89) OT-23 20-Terminal pj 89 diode LR645 equivalent FED-STD-209 pj 54 diode TN0110 equivalent pj 57 diode CCW SOT23 HV5808 220v ac to 12V 20A SMPS high-frequency control sot-89 PDF

    pj 89 diode

    Abstract: HV7708PG HV7808 pj 44 diode HV5808 VQ10003 VN 300 tp2106 220v ac to 9v dc converter pj 56 diode
    Text: M Supertex m e. Selector Guides MOSFETs S upertex enhancem ent- and depletion-m ode MOSFETs, utilizing vertical and lateral double-diffused processes, are suitable for a w ide variety of applications. They feature low capacitance for ease of drive and low gate-source threshold voltages fo r direct

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 TN2101K1 TN2106K1 TN2124K1 TP2106K1 VN2110K1 VP2110K1 -10ack HV9111 HV9112 pj 89 diode HV7708PG HV7808 pj 44 diode HV5808 VQ10003 VN 300 tp2106 220v ac to 9v dc converter pj 56 diode PDF


    Abstract: vp0104n2 VP0106N2 VN0655ND VN0660N2 VN0660N3 VN0660N5 VN0660ND VN1106N2 VN1110N2
    Text: - f §y £ *t € % VN0655ND SUPERTEX N ± ft £ Vds or Vd g Vg s V (V) is iTa=25°C) Pd Id Ig s s V g s th) I dss * /CH * /CH (A) iff) (nA) (V) (V) ft Id (on) g fs Ciss Coss Crss Vg s =0 Vg s (V) *typ (A) Id (A) Vg s (V) *typ (S) (*typ) (max) Id (A)

    OCR Scan
    VN0655ND VN0660N2 VN0660N3 VN0660N5 206N3 VP0106N5 O-220 VP0106ND VP0109N2 VP0109N3 VP0104N5 vp0104n2 VP0106N2 VN0660ND VN1106N2 VN1110N2 PDF