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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    R5F2L387ADFP#V2 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with R8C CPU Core (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F2L387ADFA#U1 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with R8C CPU Core (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F2LA87ADFA#V0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with R8C CPU Core (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F2LA87ADFP#V0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with R8C CPU Core (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F2LA87ADFP#30 Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Microcontrollers with R8C CPU Core (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    VM 87AD Datasheets Context Search

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    sc5 s dc 6v relay

    Abstract: P48D-70-600 UPD66010 UPD7752 AC03E uPD7520 uPA1601 UPD70208H uPD72020 uPD16503
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS SELECTION GUIDE Microcomputer 1 IC Memory 2 Semi-Custom IC 3 Particular Purpose IC 4 General Purpose Linear IC 5 Transistor/Diode/Thyristor 6 Microwave Device/ Consumer-Use High Frequency Device 7 Optical Device 8 Packages 9 Index 10 October 1997

    Corpora1-504-2860 X10679EJEV0SG00 sc5 s dc 6v relay P48D-70-600 UPD66010 UPD7752 AC03E uPD7520 uPA1601 UPD70208H uPD72020 uPD16503 PDF


    Abstract: uPD72020 uPC5102 transistor 2p4m UPD6487 2SD1557 2SJ 3305 UPD77529 TRANSISTOR SOD MARKING CODE 352A micro servo 9g tower pro
    Text: The export of these products from Japan is regulated by the Japanese government. The export of some or all of these products may be prohibited without governmental license. To export or re-export some or all of these products from a country other than Japan may also be prohibited without a license from that country. Please call

    Z80TM V20TM, V20HLTM, V25TM, V25HSTM, V30TM, V30HLTM, V33TM, V33ATM, V35TM, MICROPROCESSOR Z80 uPD72020 uPC5102 transistor 2p4m UPD6487 2SD1557 2SJ 3305 UPD77529 TRANSISTOR SOD MARKING CODE 352A micro servo 9g tower pro PDF

    micro servo 9g

    Abstract: uPa2003 micro servo 9g tower pro 2SK1060 uPD3599 201 Zener diode 2SK2396 upc1237 infrared sensor TSOP - 1836 2SK518
    Text: The export of these products from Japan is regulated by the Japanese government. The export of some or all of these products may be prohibited without governmental license. To export or re-export some or all of these products from a country other than Japan may also be prohibited without a license from that country. Please call

    V20HL, V25HS, V30HL, V30MX, V35HS, V40HL, V50HL, V55PI, X10679EJDV0SG00 micro servo 9g uPa2003 micro servo 9g tower pro 2SK1060 uPD3599 201 Zener diode 2SK2396 upc1237 infrared sensor TSOP - 1836 2SK518 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD78011B, 78012B, 78013, 78014 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The ¿iPD78011B/78012B/78013/78014 are the prodcts in the ¿/PD78014 subseries within the 78K/0 Series. The ¿/PD78011B/78012B/78013/78014 have 8-bit resolution A/D converter, timer, serial interface, interrupt control,

    OCR Scan
    PD78011B, 78012B, iPD78011B/78012B/78013/78014 /PD78014 78K/0 /PD78011B/78012B/78013/78014 /xPD78P014 D78014 78014Y IEU-1343 PDF

    B425 PROM

    Abstract: d78044
    Text: DATA S H EE T MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD78P044 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The /¿PD78P044 is an 8-bit single-chop microcomputer with on-chip one-time PROM which is writable only one time, or with on-chip EPROM capable of program write, erase and rewrite.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78P044 PD78P044 /zPD78P044 /iPD78044 IEU-801 //PD78P044 EEU-912 EEU-911 EEU-913 E5U-829 B425 PROM d78044 PDF


    Abstract: 78C14 87AD PD78C10A PD78C14 4t50 vm 87ad 8CP14 78C11-M PA-78CP14GQ
    Text: D A TA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿ P D 7 8 C P 1 4 A 8 -B IT S IN G L E -C H IP M IC R O C O M P U T E R The inform ation in this document is subject to change w ithout notice. Document No. (0. D. No. 1C—3068A IC -8 5 7 5 A ) Date Published December 1994 P

    OCR Scan
    1C--3068A uPD78CP14 uPD78C14 IEU-738) 8CP14 PD78CP14 78C14 87AD PD78C10A PD78C14 4t50 vm 87ad 78C11-M PA-78CP14GQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT jU P D 1 7 8 0 0 2 , 1 7 8 0 0 3 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS The ¿¡PD178002 and 178003 are 8-bit single-chip CMOS m icrocontrollers that incorporate hardware for digital tuning system s. The CPU uses the 78K/0 architecture, w hich makes it easy to im plem ent high-speed access to internal mem ory

    OCR Scan
    PD178002 78K/0 PDF


    Abstract: D78C10 NEC D78C10 IC CD 4011 BCN 78C10 7810H 77fe 78C11 D7810 PCF 7900
    Text: M O S S M tU fê M O S Integrated Circuit /¿ P D 7 8 I f -y 8 C 1 0 A .7 8 C 1 1A ,7 8 C 1 2 A h ï □ 3 y f j - ^ A / D V•H^ ^P D 7 8 C 1 1 A Ü 1 6 t'-y h A L U , ROM , RAM, A /D su ■4 ^^IZ^^IZÔOK CMOS 8 t ' y h • 4 ^4 'J (R O M /R A M £ iÉ 5 g T * ë £ t „

    OCR Scan
    78C10A 78C12AÜ D7810hg D78C10 NEC D78C10 IC CD 4011 BCN 78C10 7810H 77fe 78C11 D7810 PCF 7900 PDF


    Abstract: 87AD IC-547 upd78cp14 78CP14L 8G6 data sheet ITT Semiconductors IC-2533 S7B10IE78C11 78C11
    Text: D A TA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ^PD78CP14 8 -B IT S IN G L E -C H IP M IC R O C O M P U T E R Document No. 0. D. No. 1C—2533B IC -5 4 7 4 C Date Published December 1994 P Printed in Japan NEC Corporation 1989 The fiPDl8CP14 is a product provided by replacing nPD78C14 inter­

    OCR Scan
    uPD78CP14 1C--2533B fiPDl8CP14 nPD78C14 juPD78CP14DW/KB/R PD78C11A, 78C12A, 78C14 78C14 87AD IC-547 78CP14L 8G6 data sheet ITT Semiconductors IC-2533 S7B10IE78C11 78C11 PDF


    Abstract: CT1F 7.37mt PD781OH pd7810 l64k oz99 pd7810h PD7811HG HPC 932
    Text: SEC j M o sm n n u » M O S P D 7 8 1 H . In t e g r a t e d 7 8 1 C ir c u it 1 H 8 fci*y \ • ^PD7811Hiil6b&#39;>y hALU, ROM, RAM, A / D ? > ' < - 9 , T y u - ' f > * 7 i - x * £ ' £ l f ’7 '7 £ JIM * U T S - 6 8li-y h • v ^ o r y f a - n - t , f 4 "*¡4

    OCR Scan
    uPD7811H 85lz60K COM-8777 pd7810hg CT1F 7.37mt PD781OH pd7810 l64k oz99 pd7810h PD7811HG HPC 932 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT jnPD78P083 A 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The ,uPD78P083(A) is a mem ber of the ¿¡PD78083 Subseries of the 78K/0 Series products. C om paring with the ¿¡PD78P083 (standard), more strict quality assurance program s are applied to this product (called Special of the quality

    OCR Scan
    PD78P083 uPD78P083 PD78083 78K/0 PD78P083 uPD78081 uPD78082 EEU-921 EEU-1458 PDF


    Abstract: u10121E JUPD780226 VFD ISE Electronics NEC FIP uPD780208 UPD780228 uPD780228g UPD780228GF JUPD780228
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD780226, 780228 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS DESCRIPTION The nPD780226 and ¿¡PD780228 are members of the ¿¡PD780228 Subseries of the 78K/0 Series. The FIP VFD controller/driver and N-ch open-drain port of the conventional ¿¡PD78044H Subseries have been

    OCR Scan
    uPD780226 uPD780228 nPD780226 PD780228 78K/0 PD78044H PD78F0228, FIP16 u10121E JUPD780226 VFD ISE Electronics NEC FIP uPD780208 uPD780228g UPD780228GF JUPD780228 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD7 8 0 0 1 B , 7 8 0 0 2 B 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The ¿¡PD78001B/78002B are products in the ¿¡PD78002 subseries within the 78K/0 series. The ¿¡PD78001B/78002B have various peripheral hardware such as timer, serial interface and interrupt function.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78001B uPD78002B uPD78002 78K/0 PD78P014, iPD78002, 78002Y IEU-1334 IC-3067 PDF

    2VN 211

    Abstract: 7rom PD78CP18 UPD78CP18KB PD78CP18DW 78C11 eisc pa 66 gf uPD78CG14 78C14
    Text: M o s m m m m M O S Integrated C ircu it //P D 7 8 C P 1 8 8 ttv h • is >7 il*?- "y7° • f uu>\d = ¡.—9 /¿PD78CP18 ii, ^ PD 78 C 1 8iO rt»-^ X^ ROM £ 7 > • y 'f A PRO M È / iü E P R O M t- $ ë f t x fc S c i& 'C i" o 7 > • 9 A A P R O M ic r a iì,

    OCR Scan
    uPD78CP18 uPD78C18 87AD-> /PD78C18 IEU-738 OjuPD78CllA, 78C12A, 78C14, 78C18= 2768W 2VN 211 7rom PD78CP18 UPD78CP18KB PD78CP18DW 78C11 eisc pa 66 gf uPD78CG14 78C14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT |xPD78062Y,78063Y,78064Y 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP M ICRO CO N TRO LLERS D ESC R IP T IO N The H.PD78062Y/78063Y/78064Y are products in which the l2C bus control function is added to the nPD78062/78063/ 78064. They are most suitable for AV equipment.

    OCR Scan
    xPD78062Y 78063Y 78064Y PD78062Y/78063Y/78064Y nPD78062/78063/ HP9000 PDF

    IKC 913 manual

    Abstract: movi IC-3317 OP126 3317a p74 smd IKC 913 til 815 display p120 smd SMD AC P27
    Text: DATA SHEET / M O S INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿/PD78042A, 78043A, 78044A, 78045A 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP M ICRO CO M PU TER D E S C R IP T IO N The //PD78042A, /iPD78043A, /¿PD78044A, and /zPD78045A are 8-bit single-chip microcomputers that incorporate m any hardware peripherals such as an FIP controller/driver, 8-bit resolution A/D converter,

    OCR Scan
    uPD78042A uPD78043A uPD78044A uPD78045A //PD78042A, /iPD78043A, PD78044A, /zPD78045A EEU-912 EEU-911 IKC 913 manual movi IC-3317 OP126 3317a p74 smd IKC 913 til 815 display p120 smd SMD AC P27 PDF


    Abstract: R2M 45 87AD PD78C14G 4S14S d78c14
    Text: — S • 5 / — h NEC w m s s M O S Integrated Circuit m = ï T / x T x ^ ^ P D 7 8 C 1 4 A ! i l 6 t ' v F ALU, i) T ) V • yf D ROM, RAM, A / D 3 > ^ - ^ , 1 ? b t é h CM OS 8 b y h ■ v ^ D 3 > l ; , a - ; T t , t i c J: t), miy.'mmwtwütit'Xayi.—v - j :

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BS1471 P721H
    Text: D A TA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT //IPD78074Y, 78075Y, 78076Y, 78078Y 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The iiPD78074Y, 78075Y, 78076Y, and 78078Y are the same as the corresponding product without the Y suffix except that the PC bus control function has been added. These products are ideal for AV products.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78074Y uPD78075Y uPD78076Y uPD78078Y iiPD78074Y, 78075Y, 78076Y, 78078Y uPD78P078 EEU-858 78078YGF BS1471 P721H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET l\IE C / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT _ _ _ _ _ _ / MPD78011H A , 78012H(A), 78013H(A), 78014H(A) 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION Compared to the ¿¡PD78011H, 78012H, 78013H, and 78014H (standard models), the ¿¡PD78011 H(A), 78012H(A),

    OCR Scan
    MPD78011H 78012H 78013H 78014H PD78011H, 78012H, 78013H, 78014H PD78011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The ¿iPD78P058F is an Electro Magnetic Interface EMI noise reduction version in comparison with the usual //PD78P058. The /¿PD78P058F is a member of the /JPD78058F subseries of 78K/0 series products, in which the on-chip mask

    OCR Scan
    iPD78P058F //PD78P058. PD78P058F /JPD78058F 78K/0 PD78058F, 78058FY C10943X C10535E C10535J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD78P018F 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The ¿IPD78P018F is a member of the //PD78018F subseries of 78K/0 series products. The internal mask ROM of the /¿PD78018F is replaced with one-time PROM or EPROM.

    OCR Scan
    PD78P018F IPD78P018F //PD78018F 78K/0 PD78018F PD78P018F PD78P018FDW 78P018FKK-S IEI-635 IEI-1213 PDF


    Abstract: NEC Electronics uPD Series NEC uPD7801
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT juPD78056FY,78058FY 8-BIT SiNGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The /¿PD78056FY.78058FY reduce the electromagnetic interference EMI noise in comparison with the conven­ tional ¿/PD78056Y.78058Y. The /iPD78056FY,78058FY belong to the ¿¿PD78058FY Subseries products of the 78K/

    OCR Scan
    uPD78056FY uPD78058FY PD78056FY 78058FY /PD78056Y 78058Y. /iPD78056FY PD78058FY The//PD78P058FY, UPD7801 NEC Electronics uPD Series NEC uPD7801 PDF


    Abstract: 78C11 PD78c10AGQ PD78C11A PA78CP14GQ PA-78CP14GQ 78c10 R2M 45 ZC2C 87AD
    Text: 8 t* 7 !• ‘ ì / ' s ' f — ? A / D 3 4 - ? /4 ' O //PD78CllA(A iil6tf>y hALU , ROM, RAM , A / D ^ V ^ - ^ , 'J 7 ^ " f £ 1 ^-y-70^ S I I L , è ) 2 hÌ W i h •# ? >J (ROM /RAM ) ^tÈSS’C è -&CMOS 8 t*7 b • - W ^ n 3 >•b°^- —^ T '’t 'o//PD78C10A(A) ¡¿/¿PD78C11A(A) ^ i>ROM$‘|^t’>t f pHn t',

    OCR Scan
    uPD78C11A -y-70 o//PD78C10A PD78C11A //PD78C12A PD78C10A 78C11A nn//PD78CP14 78C11 PD78c10AGQ PA78CP14GQ PA-78CP14GQ 78c10 R2M 45 ZC2C 87AD PDF

    abb timer stt 11

    Abstract: tlq1 TWT Wiring XTL 571 uPD78P014Y uPD78P014YDW P60tO D7801 721b2
    Text: D A TA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ,u P D 7 8 P 0 1 4 Y 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER D E S C R IP TIO N The ^PD78P014Y is a member of the/;PD78014Ysubseries of 78K/0 series products. It uses a one-time programmable OTP ROM or EPROM instead of the mask ROM of the /iPD78014Y.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78P014Y uPD78014Y 78K/0 /iPD78014Y. iPD78P014Y PD78014, 78D14Y 78P014Y IEi-635 IEI-616 abb timer stt 11 tlq1 TWT Wiring XTL 571 uPD78P014YDW P60tO D7801 721b2 PDF