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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74LV4T126FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Level shifter, Unidirectional, 1-Bit x 4 Single Supply Bus Buffer, US14, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74LV4T125FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Level shifter, Unidirectional, 1-Bit x 4 Single Supply Bus Buffer, US14, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB9M003FG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Pre-Driver For Automobile / 3-Phase Brushless Pre-Driver / Vbat(V)=-0.3~+40 / AEC-Q100 / P-HTQFP48-0707-0.50-001 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB9120AFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping motor driver for automobile / Driver for a 2-phase bipolar stepping motor / AEC-Q100 / P-VQFN28-0606-0.65 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CS-NBC0DSASLB-3DB Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-NBC0DSASLB-3DB 4x External HD Mini-SAS Loopback Adapter Module for SFF-8644 Mini-SAS HD Port Testing - 3dB Attenuation & 0W Power Consumption [Copper+Optical Ready] Datasheet


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    4 bit barrel shifter notes in vlsi

    Abstract: baugh wooley block diagram baugh-wooley multiplier 8 bit Baugh Wooley multiplier booth multiplier 16 bit Baugh Wooley multiplier DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 16-BIT BARREL SHIFTER gray-bin decoder baugh-wooley multiplier NC3002
    Text: Via Santa Maria Maddalena 12, 38100 Trento, Italy tel. +39-0461-260 552 - fax + 39-0461-260 617 e-mail:; http: NC3002 TOTEM Digital Processor for Neural Networks DATA SHEET Rel. 12/99 General features The NC3002 is a digital VLSI parallel processor for fast learning and recognition with artificial neural

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    Abstract: 74682 comparator 4 bit barrel shifter notes in vlsi baugh-wooley multiplier 74682 74682 logic application diagram baugh-wooley multiplier 16 bit Baugh Wooley multiplier din60 baugh wooley
    Text: Via Santa Maria Maddalena 12, 38100 Trento, Italy tel. +39-0461-260 552 - fax + 39-0461-260 617 e-mail:; http: NC3003 TOTEM Digital Processor for Neural Networks DATA SHEET Rel. 12/99 General features The NC3003 is a digital VLSI parallel processor for fast learning and recognition with artificial neural

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    siemens spc 2

    Abstract: alu project based on verilog vhdl code for 4 bit barrel shifter verilog code for 16 bit shifter verilog code for barrel shifter synopsys for vhdl based barrel shifter verilog code for 16 bit barrel shifter verilog code for 4 bit barrel shifter SPCE direct digital synth vhdl code
    Text: APPLICATIONS Digital Signal Processing Hubert Baierl ● Günter Böhm ● Reinhard Niggebaum ● Ulf Schlichtmann Embedded DSP cores: Key components for killer apps Thanks to DSP cores, designers can implement innovative ICs for highvolume products quickly and



    Abstract: Philips SAF7730 TMS320DM310 saf77 full 18*16 barrel shifter design ADSP-215xx saf7730 audio TMS320DSC25 compare adsp 21xx with conventional processor compression pcm matlab
    Text: EDN's 2003 DSP directory DSP shipments were tracking at 5% growth for 2002 until shipments in December ballooned. According to market-research company Forward Concepts , this balloon in shipments netted an overall DSP-revenue growth of 14.1% for 2002. Wireless applications,

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    full adder circuit using nor gates

    Abstract: full subtractor circuit using nand gate full subtractor circuit using nor gates full subtractor circuit using decoder 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes half adder 74 full subtractor circuit nand gates 8 bit subtractor 3 bit carry select adder verilog codes full subtractor circuit using nand gates
    Text: CLA70000 Series High Density CMOS Gate Arrays DS2462 Recent advances in CMOS processing technology and improvements in design architecture have led to the development of a new generation of array-based ASIC products with vastly improved gate integration densities. This

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    8 bit carry select adder verilog codes

    Abstract: full subtractor circuit using decoder 3 bit carry select adder verilog codes tdb 158 dp gec plessey semiconductor full subtractor circuit using nor gates full adder circuit using nor gates mc2870 VHDL program 4-bit adder 8 bit subtractor
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS MARCH 1992 2462 - 3.1 CLA70000 SERIES HIGH DENSITY CMOS GATE ARRAYS Supersedes January 1992 edition - version 2.1 Recent advances in CMOS processing technology and improvements in design architecture have led to the

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    full subtractor circuit using decoder

    Abstract: full subtractor circuit using nor gates tdb 158 dp VHDL program 4-bit adder 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes full subtractor circuit using nand gate full adder circuit using nor gates full subtractor circuit using nand gates full subtractor circuit nand gates 0-99 counter by using 4 dual jk flip flop
    Text: CLA70000 Series High Density CMOS Gate Arrays DS2462 Recent advances in CMOS processing technology and improvements in design architecture have led to the development of a new generation of array-based ASIC products with vastly improved gate integration densities. This

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    block diagram baugh-wooley multiplier

    Abstract: Electro SEX artificial neural network circuit diagram NeuriCam ccd board Circuit Schematic Diagram Electronic linear array photodiode element LT 5230 32 bit carry select adder code Electro SEX datasheet IMPLEMENTATION of 4-BIT LEFT SHIFT BARREL SHIFTER
    Text: NEURICAM S.p.A. Via S. Maria Maddalena, 12 - 38100 Trento - Italy Tel. +39 0461 260552 Fax. +39 0461 260617 email: - http:\\ VISoc Datasheet Rel. 08/03 Authors ID Project Name Date Revision Status Approved by Number of Pages


    full subtractor circuit using xor and nand gates

    Abstract: vhdl code for multiplexer 64 to 1 using 8 to 1 8 BIT ALU design with vhdl code using structural ALU 74181 verilog verilog code for 64 bit barrel shifter full subtractor implementation using 4*1 multiplexer 4 BIT ALU design with vhdl code using structural 32 bit ALU vhdl code full subtractor using NOR gate for circuit diagram alu 74181 pin diagram
    Text: V L S I T E C H N O L O G Y INC 47E D MÊ 1 3 0 0 3 4 7 VLSI T ech n o lo g y , in c. 000ñ7ñb 7 • VTI t . ¥ 2 ,v / VDP370 SERIES 1-MICRON DATAPATH COMPILER LIBRARY FEATURES • Compiles to an optimized layout for cell-based designs or to a portable netlist for gate array or standard cell

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    VDP370 VSC300 full subtractor circuit using xor and nand gates vhdl code for multiplexer 64 to 1 using 8 to 1 8 BIT ALU design with vhdl code using structural ALU 74181 verilog verilog code for 64 bit barrel shifter full subtractor implementation using 4*1 multiplexer 4 BIT ALU design with vhdl code using structural 32 bit ALU vhdl code full subtractor using NOR gate for circuit diagram alu 74181 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: dpcm ADSP-2100 AN-336B 945 motherboard circuit "Huffman coding" CHIPset for 80286
    Text: r rm ANALOG IJ AN-336B d e v ic e s application note ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 JPEG Compression by Chris Cavigioli Software-based? Or which hardware type? Lossy or lossless? More mysteries clarified

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    AN-336B CL550A dpcm ADSP-2100 AN-336B 945 motherboard circuit "Huffman coding" CHIPset for 80286 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA ‘ arsai "<ÖS TOSHIBA AMERICA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, INC. TC160G/160E CMOS Gate Array/Embedded Array 0.8 micron Description Features The TC160G and TC160E with embedded functions series of 0.8 micron gate arrays has a 300ps gate speed and up to 21 OK* usable gates. These members of the DSA family

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    TC160G/160E TC160G TC160E 300ps 300ps MAS-0152/3-92 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V LSI Technology, inc . VY86C060 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW 32-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fully static operation The VY86C060 microprocessor is based on the ARM processor core from Advanced RISC Machines, Ltd. The VY86C060 is a general-purpose

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    VY86C060 32-BIT VY86C060 32-bit, 32-bi arm2as PDF

    STM 6960

    Abstract: 8 bit modified booth multipliers ARM60 AMI 6716 CPA 7660 RSB 7900 58A5 32 bit booth multiplier for fixed point fe 8622 mrs 317
    Text: 2$ um V L S I T ec h n o l o g y , in c . ARM60 32-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fully static operation The ARM60 m icroprocessor is based on the Advanced RISC Machine’s ARM processor. The ARM is a general purpose 32-bit single-chip microproces­

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    ARM60 32-BIT ARM60 STM 6960 8 bit modified booth multipliers AMI 6716 CPA 7660 RSB 7900 58A5 32 bit booth multiplier for fixed point fe 8622 mrs 317 PDF

    toshiba tc110g

    Abstract: CMOS GATE ARRAYs toshiba TC110G toshiba toggle nand 74HC inverter tri-state output TOSHIBA Gate array macro cell 110G TC120G38 TC120G75 TC120GA0
    Text: ASIC TOSH IBA TO S H IB A A M E R IC A ELECTRONIC C O M P O N E N T S , INC. CMOS ASIC TC120G SKES GOTE-4RRAY Toshiba Corporation has introduced a series of gate arrays that use a 1.0-micron CMOS process to reduce gate delays by 35%. Applications include consolidating high-speed circuits into a single package, especially in high­

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    1C120G TC120G Suite205 CA92680 MA01803 5555Triangle MAS-0053/6-89 toshiba tc110g CMOS GATE ARRAYs toshiba TC110G toshiba toggle nand 74HC inverter tri-state output TOSHIBA Gate array macro cell 110G TC120G38 TC120G75 TC120GA0 PDF


    Abstract: TOSHIBA TC160G TC160G22 TC160G33 tc160g16 toshiba tc110g TC160G TC163G TC140G TC110G
    Text: TOSHIBA . TOSHIBA AMERICA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, INC. Preliminary TC160G and TC163G CMOS 0.8 micron Gate Arrays for Low Voltage Operation 3V/3.3V Description The T C 160G and T C 163G 0.8 m icro n ga te arra y series op e ra te at 3 V ± 0 .3 V or 3 .3 V ± 0 .3 V low vo lta g e . T hey have

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    TC160G TC163G TC160G11 TOSHIBA TC160G TC160G22 TC160G33 tc160g16 toshiba tc110g TC140G TC110G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VLSI Techno lo gy in c . VY86C060 _ ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW 32-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fully static operation The VY86C060 microprocessor is based on the ARM processor core from Advanced RISC Machines, Ltd.

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    VY86C060 32-BIT VY86C060 32-bit, PDF


    Abstract: VY86C600
    Text: VLSI T e c h n o l o g y , in c . _ VY86C610 32-BIT ENHANCED MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES Low power DESCRIPTION • 32-bit data bus Cache access speed independent of external memory timing VY86C610 is a general-purpose 32-bit

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    VY86C610 32-BIT VY86C610 32-bit 32-entry VY86C61020BC VY86C600 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V L S I a?E D TECHNOLOGY INC ^3 0 0 3 4 7 VLSI T ec h n o lo g y , in c . o a o s 3 T H ft- n - 3 2 , VL86C010 32-BIT RISC MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 32-bit Internal architecture The VL86C010 Acorn RISC Machine ARM is a full 32-bit general-purpose

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    VL86C010 32-BIT VL86C010 160-PIN PDF


    Abstract: TC160G11 TC160G22 TC160G16 TC160G70 TC140G TC160G
    Text: TOSHIBA T O S H I B A A M E R I C A E L E C T R O N IC C O M P O N E N T S , I N C . Preliminary TC160G and TC163G CMOS 0.8 micron Gate Arrays for Low Voltage Operation 3V/3.3V Description The T C 160G and T C 163G 0.8 m icro n ga te arra y series o p e ra te at 3 V ± 0 .3 V or 3 .3 V ± 0 .3 V low vo lta g e . T hey have

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    TC160G TC163G TCH72M7 TC160G33 TC160G11 TC160G22 TC160G16 TC160G70 TC140G PDF

    BIT 31936

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VLSI Tech no lo gy , in c . ARM600 32-BIT ENHANCED MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 32-bit data bus Cache access speed independent of external memory timing • 32-bit data address bus Coprocessor interface for instruction set extension • Simple but powerful instruction set

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    ARM600 32-BIT 32-entry 160-lead BIT 31936 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V L S I TECHNOLOGY INC E7E D *1300347 DDGtiGÖB 7 VLSI Tech n o lo gy , in c . iU M D M Ä m f -n -Z T . VL86C020 32-BIT RISC MICROPROCESSOR WITH CACHE MEMORY FEATURES DESCRIPTION • On-chip 4 Kbyte 1K x 32 bits cache memory The VL86C020 Acorn RISC Machine

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    VL86C020 32-BIT VL86C020 32-bit 160-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V L S I TECHNOLOGY INC 1ÔE D • 1300347 0005016 T ■ Ji'i«-Í7-Í2. VLSI T ech n o lo g y , in c . VL86C020 32-BIT RISC MICROPROCESSOR WITH CACHE MEMORY FEATURES DESCRIPTION • On-chip 4 Kbyte 1K x 32 bits cache memory The VL86C020 Acorn RISC Machine

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    VL86C020 32-BIT VL86C020 32-bit AI203 0Q05012 160-PIN H-006 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSI LOGIC LCA100K Compacted Array Plus Series 0.7-Micron HCMOS Preliminary The LCA100K Compacted Array Plus series is an HCMOS array-based ASIC product offering ex tremely high performance, combined with very high gate counts. The LCA100K series is manufactured

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    LCA100K PDF

    "Bipolar Integrated Technology"

    Abstract: ah22ah B5000 AH31 B5100 B5210 imm22 IMM22, car JAL10 BUT15
    Text: Bipolar Integrated . Technology, Inc. Advance Information Features 32-bit high performance RISC processor Five stage pipelined instruction execution 80 MHz clock frequency 1.2 cycles per instruction average execution rate 65 mips performance Separate input and output data buses

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    B5000 32-bit 32-bits MKTG-D010A "Bipolar Integrated Technology" ah22ah B5000 AH31 B5100 B5210 imm22 IMM22, car JAL10 BUT15 PDF