Part | ECAD Model | Manufacturer | Description | Download | Buy |
TC4511BP |
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CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 |
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2911ADM/B |
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2911A - Sequencer |
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2911ADC |
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2911A - Sequencer |
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9319DM/B |
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9319 - Decade Sequencers |
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9320DM |
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9320 - Decade Sequencers |
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Catalog Datasheet | Type | Document Tags | |
Abstract: vhdl code for 8 bit barrel shifter vhdl code 8 bit LFSR vhdl code for 9 bit parity generator vhdl code for 8 bit parity generator vhdl code for 8 bit common bus vhdl code for 16 prbs generator vhdl code for pseudo random sequence generator in prbs using lfsr vhdl code for a 9 bit parity generator
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10-Bit 8B/10B 8B/10B. VHDL CODE FOR 16 bit LFSR in PRBS vhdl code for 8 bit barrel shifter vhdl code 8 bit LFSR vhdl code for 9 bit parity generator vhdl code for 8 bit parity generator vhdl code for 8 bit common bus vhdl code for 16 prbs generator vhdl code for pseudo random sequence generator in prbs using lfsr vhdl code for a 9 bit parity generator | |
vhdl code scrambler
Abstract: prbs generator using vhdl vhdl code for pseudo random sequence generator vhdl code for 4 bit barrel shifter vhdl code for 7 bit pseudo random sequence generator vhdl code for 16 bit Pseudorandom Streams Generation Using HOTLink vhdl code 10 bit LFSR prbs pattern generator using vhdl VHDL CODE FOR 16 bit LFSR in PRBS
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10-Bit 8B/10B 8B/10B. vhdl code scrambler prbs generator using vhdl vhdl code for pseudo random sequence generator vhdl code for 4 bit barrel shifter vhdl code for 7 bit pseudo random sequence generator vhdl code for 16 bit Pseudorandom Streams Generation Using HOTLink vhdl code 10 bit LFSR prbs pattern generator using vhdl VHDL CODE FOR 16 bit LFSR in PRBS | |
free vHDL code of median filter
Abstract: free verilog code of median filter verilog code for UART with BIST capability verilog code for 2D linear convolution rx UART AHDL design verilog code for 2D linear convolution filtering vhdl median filter verilog code for median filter 8051 interface ppi 8255 vhdl code direct digital synthesizer
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verilog code for 2D linear convolution
Abstract: verilog code for GPS correlator vhdl code numeric controlled oscillator pipeline rx UART AHDL design verilog code car parking free verilog code of median filter verilog code for 2D linear convolution filtering verilog code for median filter 16 QAM modulation verilog code LED Dot Matrix vhdl code
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M-CAT-AMPP-02 EPF10K10, EPF10K20, EPF10K30, EPF10K40, EPF10K50, EPF10K70, EPF10K100, EPF8282, EPF82828A, verilog code for 2D linear convolution verilog code for GPS correlator vhdl code numeric controlled oscillator pipeline rx UART AHDL design verilog code car parking free verilog code of median filter verilog code for 2D linear convolution filtering verilog code for median filter 16 QAM modulation verilog code LED Dot Matrix vhdl code | |
vhdl sdram
Abstract: XAPP384 MT45V16M8 8 bit LFSR LFSR vhdl code 8 bit LFSR XC2C256-6TQ144 micron ddr vhdl code for ddr sdram controller MT46V16M8
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XAPP384 TN-46-05. vhdl sdram XAPP384 MT45V16M8 8 bit LFSR LFSR vhdl code 8 bit LFSR XC2C256-6TQ144 micron ddr vhdl code for ddr sdram controller MT46V16M8 | |
lms algorithm using verilog code
Abstract: lms algorithm using vhdl code ATM machine working circuit diagram using vhdl verilog code for lms adaptive equalizer verilog code for lms adaptive equalizer for audio digital IIR Filter VHDL code 8086 microprocessor based project verilog DTMF decoder qpsk demodulation VHDL CODE verilog code for fir filter using DA
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pcf 7947
Abstract: pcf 7947 at ieee floating point multiplier vhdl future scope VHDL Coding for square pulses to drive inverter 8 BIT ALU using modelsim want abstract 16X1S x8505 32X8S
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XC4000XLA, XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210, XC-DS501 com/xapp/xapp166 pcf 7947 pcf 7947 at ieee floating point multiplier vhdl future scope VHDL Coding for square pulses to drive inverter 8 BIT ALU using modelsim want abstract 16X1S x8505 32X8S | |
Cyclone II DE2 Board DSP Builder
Abstract: verilog code for cordic algorithm for wireless la vhdl code for a updown counter verilog code for CORDIC to generate sine wave verilog code for cordic algorithm for wireless simulink matlab PFC 4-bit AHDL adder subtractor simulink model CORDIC to generate sine wave fpga vhdl code for cordic
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Abstract: video pattern generator vhdl ntsc XAPP248 XAPP286 RP-178 video pattern generator using vhdl XAPP294 RS-189-A EIA189-A free verilog code of test pattern generator
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XAPP248 EIA-189-A video pattern generator vhdl ntsc XAPP248 XAPP286 RP-178 video pattern generator using vhdl XAPP294 RS-189-A EIA189-A free verilog code of test pattern generator | |
4x4 unsigned multiplier VERILOG coding
Abstract: vhdl code for lvds driver 80C31 instruction set 4x4 signed multiplier VERILOG coding image enhancement verilog code verilog code of 4 bit magnitude comparator XC2V1000 Pin-out vhdl code of 32bit floating point adder verilog code for stop watch VHDL CODE FOR HDLC controller
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XC2V1000-4 UG002 4x4 unsigned multiplier VERILOG coding vhdl code for lvds driver 80C31 instruction set 4x4 signed multiplier VERILOG coding image enhancement verilog code verilog code of 4 bit magnitude comparator XC2V1000 Pin-out vhdl code of 32bit floating point adder verilog code for stop watch VHDL CODE FOR HDLC controller | |
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Abstract: free verilog code of prbs pattern generator verilog code 16 bit LFSR in PRBS VHDL CODE FOR 16 bit LFSR in PRBS verilog code 16 bit LFSR verilog code 8 bit LFSR in scrambler vhdl code for 16 prbs generator vhdl code 16 bit LFSR prbs pattern generator prbs using lfsr
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matlab programs for impulse noise removal
Abstract: verilog code for cordic algorithm for wireless verilog code for CORDIC to generate sine wave block interleaver in modelsim matlab programs for impulse noise removal in image vhdl code for cordic matlab programs for impulse noise removal in imag vhdl code to generate sine wave PLDS DVD V9 CORDIC to generate sine wave fpga
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Abstract: EPF10K50RI240-4 ALTERA MAX EPM7128SQC100-15 EPF10K10LC84-3 qpsk modulation VHDL CODE 304 QFP amkor ALTERA EPF10K50RI240-4 MAX7000S EPF10K10LC84-4 EPF10K20A
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64 point FFT radix-4 VHDL documentation
Abstract: matlab code for half adder FSK matlab CORDIC to generate sine wave fpga simulink 3 phase inverter vhdl code for ofdm verilog code for fir filter using DA fft algorithm verilog 16-point radix-4 advantages vhdl code for radix-4 fft lfsr galois
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Abstract: CWda04 XAPP256 manual SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 evaluation kit vhdl code for rs232 receiver hcl l21 usb power supply circuit diagram hcl p38 CIRCUIT diagram R80515 XC3SD1800A-FG676 vhdl ethernet spartan 3a
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UG331 guides/ug332 UG331 CWda04 XAPP256 manual SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 evaluation kit vhdl code for rs232 receiver hcl l21 usb power supply circuit diagram hcl p38 CIRCUIT diagram R80515 XC3SD1800A-FG676 vhdl ethernet spartan 3a | |
manual SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 evaluation kit
Abstract: hcl l21 usb power supply circuit diagram verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm vhdl code for lcd of spartan3E UG331 TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor pins out dia verilog for 8 point fft using FPGA spartan3 vhdl code for ldpc decoder types of multipliers ge fanuc cpu 331
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UG331 guides/ug332 manual SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 evaluation kit hcl l21 usb power supply circuit diagram verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm vhdl code for lcd of spartan3E UG331 TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor pins out dia verilog for 8 point fft using FPGA spartan3 vhdl code for ldpc decoder types of multipliers ge fanuc cpu 331 | |
vhdl code for lcd of spartan3E
Abstract: verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm vhdl code for rs232 receiver ge fanuc cpu 331 ug331 vhdl ethernet spartan 3a spartan 3e vga ucf barco 16 BIT ALU design with verilog/vhdl code TUTORIALS xilinx FFT
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UG331 guides/ug332 vhdl code for lcd of spartan3E verilog code for Modified Booth algorithm vhdl code for rs232 receiver ge fanuc cpu 331 ug331 vhdl ethernet spartan 3a spartan 3e vga ucf barco 16 BIT ALU design with verilog/vhdl code TUTORIALS xilinx FFT | |
IEEE Standard 1014-1987
Abstract: diagram of connectors of 4 USB and 1 RS232 and 1 Firewire 2 infrared verilog hdl code for traffic light control ternary content addressable memory VHDL BPSK modulation VHDL CODE vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER SINGLE WAY DECT base station schematic vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER 4 WAY diagram of connectors of 4 USB and 1 RS232 an 1 Firewire and 1 Infrared ATM machine working circuit diagram using vhdl
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Q1-02 IEEE Standard 1014-1987 diagram of connectors of 4 USB and 1 RS232 and 1 Firewire 2 infrared verilog hdl code for traffic light control ternary content addressable memory VHDL BPSK modulation VHDL CODE vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER SINGLE WAY DECT base station schematic vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER 4 WAY diagram of connectors of 4 USB and 1 RS232 an 1 Firewire and 1 Infrared ATM machine working circuit diagram using vhdl | |
pc controlled robot main project abstract
Abstract: VERILOG CODE FOR MONTGOMERY MULTIPLIER voice control robot circuits diagram voice control robot pc controlled robot main project circuit diagram dsp ssb hilbert modulation demodulation RF CONTROLLED ROBOT oximeter circuit diagram vhdl code for stepper motor schematic diagram of bluetooth headphone
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datasheet transistor said horizontal tt 2222
Abstract: interface of rs232 to UART in VHDL xc9500 80C31 instruction set apple ipad schematic drawing 8 bit alu in vhdl mini project report apple ipad 2 circuit schematic apple ipad Apple iPad 2 panasonic inverter dv 700 manual TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor pins out
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UG002 datasheet transistor said horizontal tt 2222 interface of rs232 to UART in VHDL xc9500 80C31 instruction set apple ipad schematic drawing 8 bit alu in vhdl mini project report apple ipad 2 circuit schematic apple ipad Apple iPad 2 panasonic inverter dv 700 manual TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor pins out | |
Abstract: verilog hdl code for triple modular redundancy 37101 verilog/verilog code for lvds driver xc2v3000fg sot 23-5 marking code H5 BT 342 project xc2v250cs144 XC2V3000FF1152 fpga JTAG Programmer Schematics
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XC2064, XC3090, XC4005, XC5210 RAM16X8 verilog hdl code for triple modular redundancy 37101 verilog/verilog code for lvds driver xc2v3000fg sot 23-5 marking code H5 BT 342 project xc2v250cs144 XC2V3000FF1152 fpga JTAG Programmer Schematics | |
sklansky adder verilog code
Abstract: vhdl code for 8-bit brentkung adder dadda tree multiplier 8bit dadda tree multiplier 4 bit radix 2 modified booth multiplier code in vhdl 8-bit brentkung adder vhdl code Design of Wallace Tree Multiplier by Sklansky Adder 4 bit multiplication vhdl code using wallace tree vhdl code Wallace tree multiplier 16 bit carry lookahead subtractor vhdl
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Transistor C2910
Abstract: The Practical Xilinx Designer Lab Book PROGRAM FOR INTERFACING LCD WITH CPLD IC xc9500 vhdl code for traffic light control traffic light controller vhdl coding LCD 16X1 sharp cake power vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER SINGLE WAY PROGRAM FOR INTERFACING LCD WITH CPLD IC xc9500 P xilinx xc95108 jtag cable Schematic
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XLQ298 Transistor C2910 The Practical Xilinx Designer Lab Book PROGRAM FOR INTERFACING LCD WITH CPLD IC xc9500 vhdl code for traffic light control traffic light controller vhdl coding LCD 16X1 sharp cake power vhdl code for TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER SINGLE WAY PROGRAM FOR INTERFACING LCD WITH CPLD IC xc9500 P xilinx xc95108 jtag cable Schematic | |
Abstract: CTXIL103 smpte 424m to itu 656 smpte rp 198 3g hd sdi regenerator reclocker smpte 424m to smpte 274m Block diagram on monochrome tv transmitter 54 mhz crystal oscillator XAPP514 2048x1080
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XAPP514 AES3-2003, UG073: XILINX/HD-SDI over sd CTXIL103 smpte 424m to itu 656 smpte rp 198 3g hd sdi regenerator reclocker smpte 424m to smpte 274m Block diagram on monochrome tv transmitter 54 mhz crystal oscillator XAPP514 2048x1080 |