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    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
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    Text: ACTmap VHDL Synthesis Methodology Guide Windows & UNIX ® Environments Actel Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 1999 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Part Number: 5579007-2 Release: April 1999 No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by


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    Text: ACTmap VHDL Synthesis Methodology Guide Windows & UNIX ® Environments Actel Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 1998 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Part Number: 5579007-1 Release: July 1998 No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by


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    Text: LeonardoSpectrum HDL Synthesis v1999.1 Copyright Copyright 1991-1999 Exemplar Logic, Inc., A Mentor Graphics Company All Rights Reserved Trademarks Exemplar Logic and its Logo are trademarks of Exemplar Logic, Inc. LeonardoSpectrum™, LeonardoInsight™, FlowTabs™, HdlInventor™, SmartScripts™,

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    Text: Synopsys Synthesis Methodology Guide UNIX ® Environments Actel Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 1998 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Part Number: 5579009-1 Release: July 1998 No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by


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    Text: fax id: 6434 Efficient Arithmetic Designs With Cypress CPLDs Introduction This application note is intended to provide designers with some insight into efficient means of implementing arithmetic functions in Cypress CPLDs. Additionally this application note
