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    Abstract: PA40-44-P64-DP-PP 40P64DP vdo rd3 VDO RD4 VDO RD5 40 pin zif socket pa40p PIC16C74A 40 pin zif connector
    Text: PA40-44-P64-DP -PP Data Sheet 40 pin DIP socket/44 pin PLCC plug Supported Device/Footprints Adapter Construction The PA40-44-P64-DP adapter accepts 40 pin DIP devices and plugs into 44 pin PLCC production sockets. This allows DIP devices, or emulators with DIP plugs, to be used during

    PA40-44-P64-DP socket/44 PA40P64-DP-PP PIC16C64 PIC16C64A PIC16C65 PA40-44-P64-DP-PP 40P64DP vdo rd3 VDO RD4 VDO RD5 40 pin zif socket pa40p PIC16C74A 40 pin zif connector PDF


    Abstract: PA40-44-P64-DZ-QF 40P64DQ vdo rd3 VDO RD4 qfp 32 land pattern 40 pin zif connector zif 40 pin socket 35 pin zif connector 40 pin zif socket
    Text: PA40-44-P64-Dx-QF Data Sheet 40 pin DIP socket/44 pin QFP plug Supported Device/Footprints Adapter Dimensions The PA40-44-P64-Dx-QF adapter accepts 40 pin DIP devices and has a removable 44 pin QFP solder-down plug. This allows DIP devices, or emulators with DIP plugs, to be used during

    PA40-44-P64-Dx-QF socket/44 PIC16C64 PIC16C64A, PIC16C65, PIC16C65A, PIC16C74, PIC16C74A, PIC16C77 PA40-44-P64-DP-QF PA40-44-P64-DZ-QF 40P64DQ vdo rd3 VDO RD4 qfp 32 land pattern 40 pin zif connector zif 40 pin socket 35 pin zif connector 40 pin zif socket PDF

    transistor A495

    Abstract: 8085 microprocessor realtime application is1588 MSC51 MSM6242BRS MSC-51 a495 transistor DIODE AH10
    Text: ¡ Semiconductor MSM6542-01/02/03 MSM6542-01/02/03 ¡ Semiconductor REAL TIME CLOCK WITH PERIODIC AND ALARM OUTPUT DESCRIPTION The MSM6542 is a perpetual-calendar-based real time clock with an alarm function which can read and write data in units of seconds. It

    MSM6542-01/02/03 MSM6542 24-pin MSM6542-010/2/03 20-pin transistor A495 8085 microprocessor realtime application is1588 MSC51 MSM6242BRS MSC-51 a495 transistor DIODE AH10 PDF

    8085 microprocessor realtime application

    Abstract: transistor A495 MSM6242BRS MSC51 is1588 a495 transistor Transistor AH10 msc 48 MSC-51 amo1
    Text: Dear customers, About the change in the name such as "Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd." and "OKI" in documents to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The semiconductor business of Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. was succeeded to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2008.

    24-pin MSM6542-010/2/03 20-pin 8085 microprocessor realtime application transistor A495 MSM6242BRS MSC51 is1588 a495 transistor Transistor AH10 msc 48 MSC-51 amo1 PDF


    Abstract: pd790 P120M
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUI jU P D 7 8 0 7 6 Y , 7 8 0 7 8 V 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The ¿¿PD78076Y, and 7 80 7 8Y are the sam e as the corresponding product without the Y suffix except that the i2C bus control function has been added. T h e se products are ideal tor A V products.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78076Y uPD78078Y PD78P078Y 300cC IR35-00-3 VP15-00-3 WS60-00-1 /iPD78076YGC-xxx-8EU PD78078YGC-XXX-8EU TP701C pd790 P120M PDF


    Abstract: D780018 NEC 78001B 780018Y D78001 d780018y
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ;U P D 7 8 0 0 1 B Y , 7 8 0 0 2 B Y 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION Th e /iPD78001 BY/78002 B Y are the products in the pPD78002Y su b se rie s w ith in 78K/0 se rie s. T h e jiPO 78001BY/78002BY have tim er, serial interface {PC bus mode co m patibility , interrupt functions and many

    OCR Scan
    uPD78001BY uPD78002BY uPD78002Y 78K/0 /PD78P /iPD78002, 78002Y fR3S-00-2 KBR1000F D780018 NEC 78001B 780018Y D78001 d780018y PDF

    VDO Rb3

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC17C75X M ic r o c h ip High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS EPROM Microcontrollers Pin Diagrams LCC o »— i- co ^ Devices included in this data sheet: • P IC 1 7 C 7 5 2 cm in o cMco^tntOf'» O Û O O O Q O Û Û O Û Û Û Û <<<<<<< • P IC 1 7 C 7 5 6 <<<<<<<

    OCR Scan
    PIC17C75X PIC17C75X 64-PIN RD7/AD15 RD6/AD14 RD5/AD13 RD4/AD12 R03/AD11 RD2/AD10 F7/AN11 VDO Rb3 PDF


    Abstract: AWA3 S3H-15 157D CAPACITOR
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 16-/8-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputers Th e jxPD 78P324 is a p ro duct in w h ich th e /zPD 78324's in te rn a l m ask ROM is rep laced by a one-tim e PROM o r EPRO M . T h e one-tim e PROM p ro d u ct, w h ich e n a b le s w ritin g o n ly o nce, is e ffe ctive fo r m u ltip le-d evice

    OCR Scan
    16-/8-Bit 78P324 juPD78P324 PD78324 HP9000 b427S25 A74P AWA3 S3H-15 157D CAPACITOR PDF


    Abstract: VDO RD3 VDO RD5 SEG25 T10SI philips RC4 IR SEG22 VDO RD4
    Text: $ PICI 6C9XX M ic r o c h ip 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller with LCD Driver Devices included in this data sheet: Available in Die Form PIC16C923 PIC16C924 Microcontroller Core Features: High performance RISC CPU Only 35 single word instructions to learn 4K x 14 on-chip EPROM program memory

    OCR Scan
    PIC16C923 PIC16C924 RD5/SEG29/COM3 RG6/SEG26 RG5/SEG25 RG4/SEG24 RG3/SEG23 RG2/SEG22 RG1/SEG21 RGQ/SEG20 SEG23 VDO RD3 VDO RD5 SEG25 T10SI philips RC4 IR SEG22 VDO RD4 PDF

    VDO RD4

    Abstract: ROHM OSD irf 1820
    Text: Multimedia ICs NTSC Digital Encoder B U 1 4 1 8 K The BU1418K is an LSI chip that converts RGB input to NTSC analog video signals. •Applications Video, CD/CD-G •Features 1 Supported input clock : 27MHz and 28.636MHz. 2) 24-bit RGB signal input. 3) Synch signal that supports slave systems.

    OCR Scan
    BU1418K 27MHz 636MHz. 24-bit VDO RD4 ROHM OSD irf 1820 PDF

    PAL Encoders

    Abstract: digital multimedia broadcasting PIR KDS-9H
    Text: Multimedia ICs Digital NTSC/PAL Encoder BU1419K The BU1419K is an LSI IC that converts digital YUV input into analog video signals in the NTSC or PAL format. •Applications Video CDs •Featu res 1 Supported input clocks : 27.0/13.5MHz. 2) 16-bit input Y, U and V signals.

    OCR Scan
    BU1419K BU1419K 16-bit PAL Encoders digital multimedia broadcasting PIR KDS-9H PDF


    Abstract: D7807 78078GF EM506 ibm lcd d78014
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /J > D 7 8 0 7 4 , 7 8 0 7 5 , 7 8 0 7 6 ,7 8 0 7 8 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER D ESC R IP TIO N The/iPD78074,78075,78076, and 78078 are members of the /¿PD78078 subseries of the 78K/0 series microcontrollers. Besides a high-speed, high-performance CPU , these microcontrollers have on-chip ROM, RAM, I/O ports, 8-bit

    OCR Scan
    uPD78074 uPD78075 uPD78076 uPD78078 78K/0 /JPD78P078 EEU-911 EEU-913 EEU-5010 PD78074 D7807 78078GF EM506 ibm lcd d78014 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GE C P L E S S E Y S E M I C O N D U C T O R S | 2066-2.1 MV1815 SINGLE CHIP TELETEXT DECODER FOR 625 LINE OPERATION The MV1815 is an advanced CMOS single chip Teletext decoder for 625 line World System Teletext. The MV1815

    OCR Scan
    MV1815 MV1815 64j/S 28//S 75MHz) PDF


    Abstract: RC522 PIC1670 PIC1655A PIC1650A PIC1654 L103201 pic single phase inverter VDO RD3 SF237
    Text: millllllllllH lllql II •: M I C R O C H I P TECHNOLOGY INC S3 D • — bl03201 — OODBMSS fi ■ 1 INTRODUCTION 1 .1 . . . " Descnption The General Instrument PIC Family is a series of MOS/LSI 8-bit microcomputers manufactured to meet the requirements of the costcompetitive controller market. The PIC microcomputer contains

    OCR Scan
    bl03201 PIC1656 PIC1670 PIC1672 RC522 PIC1655A PIC1650A PIC1654 L103201 pic single phase inverter VDO RD3 SF237 PDF

    PAL Encoders

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Multimedia ICs Digital NTSC Encoder BU1414AK This IC converts digital RGB input to analog video signals in the NTSC format. •Features 1 Supports 13.5MHz input clocks, ideal for NTSC video CDs 2) Input signal is RGB 24-bit 3) Master system compatible 4) Three channels NTSC, Y and C) are output via

    OCR Scan
    BU1414AK PAL Encoders PDF

    x 300 f

    Abstract: LC7363J LC7363JM LC7363 kcd1
    Text: >4 ü I o OO GO CD COCO 0 0) «- co co M, V V? M $t Ver V' II es a a ' vZ A 0.25 ^ * & O m •5 n u * o Z l / l “ 66L£°N -fc o o e o 0¿69-8 ‘896S-8 ¥ í* 0 !> IN r6 0 e 9 2 -2 5 en < 9 3as Hfé iw cÿ tÿ ai vv á aut a« 'i d 3f 8t áH ¿ m ! >4 fi

    OCR Scan
    LC7363J LC7363JM LC7363J, 7363JMÂ 621Hz/50ms LC7363J 7363JM 3-56MHZ| x 300 f LC7363JM LC7363 kcd1 PDF


    Abstract: RCS01 OT-24 PC-98 "network interface cards"
    Text: SSI 78Q8377A M M M 10BaseT Ethernet Combo for Plug and Play b t t i’ A TDK G ro u p /C o m p a n y Preliminary Data November 1995 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 78Q8377A is a highly integrated Ethernet 1C for use in Ethernet Network Interface Cards NICs in

    OCR Scan
    78Q8377A 10BaseT 78Q8377A PC-98 808377A v8810 RCS01 OT-24 "network interface cards" PDF

    sms reading using pic

    Abstract: P1C14000 PIC14000
    Text: & PIC14000 A /1 i r o n r u i D EPROM Memory Programming Specification Pin Diagram This document includes the programming specifications for the following devices: PDIP, SOIC, SSOP, Windowed CERDIP • PIC14000 _►C . 1 - ► C 2 RA1/AN1 1.0 RACVAN0 PROGRAMMING THE PIC14000

    OCR Scan
    PIC14000 R06/AN6 PIC14000 DS30555A sms reading using pic P1C14000 PDF


    Abstract: M5218AP M5218 reverb reverberation amplifier UV 471 M65841SP m50194 delay echo circuit diagram 560P
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSOR ICs M65841SP DIGITAL REVERBE DIGITAL DELAY DESCRIPTION The M65841SP is an IC to generate reverberation effect. With synthesized outputs fo r five digital delay lines, this IC is capable of producing the same reverberation effect as that in a church and bathroom, and is suitable fo r application

    OCR Scan
    M65841SP M65841SP M-50194AP, G22GtiD 0022CH1 m50194ap M5218AP M5218 reverb reverberation amplifier UV 471 m50194 delay echo circuit diagram 560P PDF


    Abstract: S0X3 yamaha v9990 CSR BC8 yamaha fc4 A4032 scax1 csr bc7 KA17/127BPV1MSTH yamaha fc5
    Text: YAMAHA L S i E-VDP-III APPLICATION MANUAL YAMAHA V 9990 APPLICATION MANUAL CATALOG No. : LSI-2499903 1992. 09 NOTICES YAMAHA reserves the right to make changes in specifications in order to improve performance without notice. The application circuit herein are presented only as an example.

    OCR Scan
    V9990 LSI-2499903 CA95131 S0X3 yamaha v9990 CSR BC8 yamaha fc4 A4032 scax1 csr bc7 KA17/127BPV1MSTH yamaha fc5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SB GEC P L E S S E Y JULY 1995 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION SEMI CONDUCTORS DS4076 -1.3 VP551 NTSC/PAL DIGITAL VIDEO ENCODER The VP551 converts digital Y, Cr, Cb, data into analog NTSC/PAL composite video and S-video signals. The outputs are capable of driving doubly terminated 75 ohm

    OCR Scan
    DS4076 VP551 VP551 27MHz. 27MHz 37bfiS22 PDF


    Abstract: cts 280 10MHZ 85C30 CA85C30 CRC-16 B08S
    Text: NEWBRIDGE MICROSYSTEMS SSE D • b S ö ö l ü l GGQOflST 7 CA85C30 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER T Low power CMOS ' i s - n ^ The CA85C30 CMOS SCC Serial Communications Control­ ler Is an enhanced CMOS version of the Industry standard NMOS SCC. It Is a dual channel, multi-protocol data commu­

    OCR Scan
    CA85C30 CA85C30 500120 cts 280 10MHZ 85C30 CRC-16 B08S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si G E C P L E S S E Y PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S VP551D NTSC/PAL DIGITAL VIDEO ENCODER The VP551 converts digital Y, Cr, Cb, data into analog NTSC/PAL com posite video and S-video signals The outputs are capable of driving doubly term inated 75 ohm

    OCR Scan
    VP551D VP551 27MHz 100nF 37taflS2B QD57SÃ PDF

    VDO RD3

    Abstract: PAL60 BU1417AK digital multimedia broadcasting
    Text: Multimedia ICs Digital NTSC/PAL Encoder BU1417AK The BU1417AK is an LSI IC that converts digital RGB input into analog video signals in the NTSC or PAL format. •Applications Video CDs and car navigation systems, etc. •F e a tu re s 1 Supported input clock signals : 2 7 . 0 / 13.5M H z,

    OCR Scan
    BU1417AK 318MHz, 1875MHz. 24-bit V005S0M3 32MHz, 1875MHz 150Qpull-down BU1417AK VDO RD3 PAL60 digital multimedia broadcasting PDF