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    PQU650-12P Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 650W, 6”X4” U-CHANNEL, 12V O/P Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    ECASD61C107M012KA0 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 7343 (7343M)/100μF±20%/16Vdc/12mOhm Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    ECASD61A157M010KA0 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 7343 (7343M)/150μF±20%/10Vdc/10mOhm Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DLW21SH670HQ2L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd CMC SMD 67ohm 320mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DLW21SH900HQ2L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd CMC SMD 90ohm 280mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    VALOR ELECTRONICS Datasheets Context Search

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    potenciometro 5k

    Abstract: potenciometro 47 K VFD037B43A vfd B DELTA VFD110B43A variadores de frecuencia VFD007B43A VFD075B43A VFD055B43A VFD022B21A
    Text: This manual is 2004 version for your information only. For the updated information, please refer to English version. VFD-B Series Versión 03 -1- DELTA ELECTRONICS - Serie VFD-B VFD-B Series -2- DELTA ELECTRONICS - Serie VFD-B VFD-B Series Introducción Gracias por haber adquirido un variador de la serie VFD-B de DELTA ELECTRONICS,

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    Abstract: potenciometro 10k manual de transistores resistencia variable resistencia 220 ohmios l297 l298 PCB ITC232-A potenciometro 10k lineal conductividad manual circuitos integrados
    Text: #230 - 2250 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC, V5M 3Z3, Canada. Web site: Email: ITC232A Manual de Instrucciones LEA ESTO CON ATENCIÓN: RMV ELECTRONICS INC. no asume ninguna responsabilidad legal ó de ninguna otra índole por el uso de el ó los producto s aquí descriptos ni otorga ningún tipo de licencia sobre

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    TERMOPAR tipo j

    Abstract: SENSOR DE TEMPERATURA 7-segment 4 digit 5522 MCR-FL-D-T-2SP-24 PT10000 96X48 bornera EN61010-1 display 8 segmentos CON50
    Text: MCR-FL-D-T-2SP-24 MCR-FL-D-T-2SP-230 für Thermoelemente, Messwiderstände, Widerstandsthermometer und Sensoren im mV-Bereich mit 2 Grenzwerten deutsch Prozess-Steuergerät for thermocouples measuring resistors resistance thermometers sensors im mV range with 2 alarms

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    Abstract: EN61000-6-2 EN61010-1 Display 7 segmentos 4 DIGITOS display 4 digitos 7 segmentos TERMOPAR tipo k DC300V display led 4 digitos DISPLAY 16 plus segmentos optocoupleur
    Text: CODIX 554 deutsch Prozess-Steuergerät für Thermoelemente, Messwiderstände, Widerstandsthermometer und Sensoren im mV-Bereich mit 2 Grenzwerten english Process Controller for thermocouples measuring resistors resistance thermometers sensors im mV range with 2 alarms

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    Abstract: display de 7 segmentos TERMOPAR TIPO T TERMOPAR tipo k Display 14 segmentos TERMOPAR tipo j TERMOPAR TERMOPAR k DISPLAY 16 segmentos manual omron E5CN-Q2MT-500
    Text: Controladores digitales de temperatura E5CN/E5CN-U Este controlador de temperatura de empleo general de 48x48 mm y líder en ventas ahora es incluso mejor. Fácil, fiable, con más funciones y displays de 11 segmentos. • Controladores disponibles con entradas analógicas.

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    pulse TRANSFORMER valor

    Abstract: PT3983 26LS32B Valor Electronics FL1020 FL1057-002 FL1057 fl1020 474HC74 Valor Electronics pt3983 st 42 valor
    Text: Interfacing the GT-48001 Galileo Switched Ethernet Controller AN-002 Preliminary, Rev. 1.0 Technology, Inc. to 10Base-T March 25,1996 INTRODUCTION This application note describes how to interface the Galileo GT-48001 Switched Ethernet Controller to a network

    GT-48001 AN-002 10Base-T GT-48001 10Base-T FL1057 GT-48001. PT3983, pulse TRANSFORMER valor PT3983 26LS32B Valor Electronics FL1020 FL1057-002 fl1020 474HC74 Valor Electronics pt3983 st 42 valor PDF

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    Abstract: Display 14 segmentos Display 7 segmentos DISPLAY DE 16 SEGMENTOS DISPLAY 16 segmentos display 8 segmentos 1/dc05 7 display segmentos THEREMIN 1/24782 7 segmentos display
    Text: Experimentos y Código Fuente para el BASIC Stamp Versión en Castellano 1.1 Sobre la precisión de este texto: Se realizó un gran esfuerzo para asegurar la precisión de este texto y los experimentos, pero puede haber errores aún. Si usted encuentra errores o algún tema que requiera información adicional, por favor


    VALOR lan transformer

    Abstract: fil-mag valor Valor Electronics LT6030 PT3877 Valor pt3877 filmag 78z1122b-01 5999-01
    Text: Transformer Manufacturers APRIL, 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS Transformer Manufacturers GENERAL NFORMATION for LevelIOne Network Product Applications 1 Transformer T1/E1 SHORTManufacturers -HAUL TRANSCEIVERS AND RECEIVERS 2 Product Application Part Number Manufacturer

    LXT901 23Z128, 23Z128SM S553-0716, A553-0716 TD42-2006Q, TG42-2006WH1 LXT907 LXT902 VALOR lan transformer fil-mag valor Valor Electronics LT6030 PT3877 Valor pt3877 filmag 78z1122b-01 5999-01 PDF

    sensor magnetico transistor

    Abstract: potenciometros convertidor dc ac MCR-S-10-50-UI-DCI signal hall sensor conector 94 transisor relais schema de branchement D3282 transistor tip 1050 phoenix contact MCR R I 4v
    Text: Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG D-32823 Blomberg, Germany Fax +49- 0 5235-341200, Tel. +49-(0)5235-300 TNR 9001124-03 / 06.2003 Strommessumformer D GB Current Measuring Transducer F Transducteur d’intensité (Convertisseur de courant)

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    Valor Electronics

    Abstract: VALOR "valor electronics"
    Text: Sales Representatives and Distributors North America Valor Electronics, Inc. Corporate Office 9715 Business Park Avenue San Diego, CA 92131-1642 619 537-2500 FAX (619) 537-2525 Valor Electronics Western Regional Sales O f fi c c 805 Veterans Boulevard, S u i t e .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: valor pm capacitor .1j 630
    Text: Features • M axim um + 5 % regulation window • Logic enable Designed specifically toprovide a single-part +12V, Vpp for Flash Memory Valor Electronics, Inc. has manufactured over 10 million applicationspecific DC/DC converters since 1989. Converters for flash memory

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    PM6064, 81667MÃ D0002CM PM6064 valor pm capacitor .1j 630 PDF


    Abstract: PM7102 valor pm7102 PM7005 PM1001 PM7002 PM7004 PM7014 653-40 PM7012
    Text: VALOR ELECTRONICS INC OfiE 1 | IMISSMM DOQDDSS Standard 24 PIN and 5 PIN packages require minimum space while providing up to 2500 VRMS isolation for Ethernet and Cheapernet applications. FEATURES Up to 2500 VRM S isolation available Standard 24 Pin DIP and 5 Pin square package available

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    Abstract: DL3005 dl3008 DL2968 DL2971 Valor Electronics MINI DIP DL3010 DL3009
    Text: ~T- ^ - / S VALOR ELECTRONICS INC DflE D | TM 1EE M4 ODDDGtb 1 | m im ia d FEATURES TT L compatible Standard delay times 8 PIN SIL and MINI DIP packages 5 equally spaced TAPS Dynam ic RAM timing precision 40% of total delay Minimum pulse widths; SUPPLY CURRENT

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    DL3000 DL3001 DL3002 DL3003 DL3004 DL3005 DL3006 DL3007 DL3008 DL3009 DL2968 DL2971 Valor Electronics MINI DIP DL3010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VALOR ELECTRONICS INC SHE D M DQDD11S 076 M V L R T-S7-U DC/DC CONVERTERS LA N and general-purpose D C /D C Converters for a wide variety of applications. 2 W Regulated LAN D C/DC Converters • Fully switching regulated within ± 5 % including V i N and I0 ut

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    DQDD11S PM6501/02 PDF


    Abstract: PM7104 valor pm7102 pm6030 12v to 9v pm6042
    Text: VALOR ELECTRONICS INC 54E ^412244 ]> 00G0117 =140 IVLR ''T'-37-\\ DC/DC CONVERTERS L A N and general-purpose DC/DC Converters for a wide variety of applications. Flash Memory D C/D C Converters • Regulated within + 5 % including Vin, I o u t 0-full load , temperature and ripple

    OCR Scan
    00G0117 PM6064 PM6077 PM6501 PM6502 PM6511 PM6512 PM7102 PM7103 PM7104 PM6022 PM7104 valor pm7102 pm6030 12v to 9v pm6042 PDF


    Abstract: DL1886 DL1805 DL2084 DL1807 DL1884 DL208 DL1810 DL2335 Valor Electronics
    Text: VALOR ELE CTRONICS INC GûE D 1 ^415544 DQDÖGb?- 3 1 7 ^ 4 ^ - /3 FEATURES TTL compatible Standard delay times 14 and 16 PIN packages 5 equally spaced TAPS Dynamic RAM timing precision Minimum pulse widths: 25% of total delay SUPPLY CURRENT 30 mA MAX 60 mA MAX

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    Abstract: PM6022 valor pm6022 pm7102
    Text: VALOR ELECTRONICS INC S4E J> • ^ 4 15 E 4 L| OOOOllb TOM « V L R DC/DC CONVERTERS 'r ' 5'7' " LAN and general-purpose DC/DC Convertersfor a wide variety of applications. 2W Unregulated LAN DC/DC Converters • Initial output tolerance ± 5 % maximum at nominal Vin and 200mA output current

    OCR Scan
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    Abstract: 6T1D "valor electronics"
    Text: VALOR ELECTRON ICS INC OSE D 1 T41E244 0000071 S 1 V alor Program m able Digital D elay M odules are designed to provide the engineer with the capability to HMIOR T -t/7 -n digitally program the device with three address lines to on e o f eight en able delays as required, The m odule

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    T41E244 DL2751 DL2752 DL3151 DL1850 DL1851 DL1852 DL1853 DL1854 DL1855 valor 6T1D "valor electronics" PDF

    Valor Electronics

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I VALOR ELECT RO NIC S INC OöE D | Ii m a a l44 0000075 7 7^ * 7-/7 FEATURES ECL 10K compatible, input and all outputs buffered 5 equally spaced TAPS Typical delays s h o w n -o th e r delays available 2 0 % taps; 70 ECL fan-out capacity 3 ns M A X Fast rise time on all outputs:

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    DE0010 DE0025 DE0050 DE0075 DE0100 DEO150 DEO175 DE0200 DE0225 DE0250 Valor Electronics PDF


    Abstract: valor DL2101 DL2100 DL2093 Valor Electronics DL2097 DL2090 DL2106
    Text: VALOR ELECTRON ICS INC OfiE D 1 T41EE4M ODOODbi 7 m FEATURES TTL compatible Standard delay times Standard 14 pin package Dynamic RAM timing precision SUPPLY CURRENT High level output: 30 mA MAX Low level output: 60 mA MAX El e c t r ic a l s p e c if ic a t io n s

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    T41EE4M DL2085 DL2086 DL2087 DL2088 DL2089 DL2090 DL2091 DL2092 DL2093 DL208 valor DL2101 DL2100 Valor Electronics DL2097 DL2106 PDF


    Abstract: SG0060 valor SG0125 SG0200 "valor electronics"
    Text: VALOR E L E C T R O N I C S INC OñE D | 1412544 D D G D Db S □ | 7 “ - *7- /3 IM I A D FEATURES Low profile Industry standard .100 pin pattern 10 equally spaced taps Schottky TTL buffered input/output Meets requirements of infrared and vapor phase soldering methods

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    Abstract: DL191 dl2185 Valor Electronics DL218 DL2189
    Text: VALOR ELECTRONICS INC OñE D | ^412244 □□OQObñ 5 1 h m io r ~/3 7~~ FEATURES D y n a m ic R A M tim in g p recision T T L co m p atib le 14 P IN o r 30 P IN package 10 e q u a lly spaced TA PS 25% of to tal delay M in im u m p u lse w id th : SUPPLY CURRENT

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    DL2181 DL1916 DL1917 DL1918 DL1919 DL1920 DL3152 DL3153 DL3154 DL191 dl2185 Valor Electronics DL218 DL2189 PDF

    Valor Electronics

    Abstract: Valor transformers
    Text: VAL OR ELECTRONICS INC GE DE 1 T 4 1 2 2 4 4 □□□□0 4 3 □ E I W FEATU RES I f t P A ll converters are bum ed-in at high input voltage, full load and maximum temperature to assure reliability. 500, 2000 & 2500 V R M S Isolation Series available Standard 24 pin D IP and 5 pin square package available

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    Abstract: PM9006 VALOR PM6501 VALOR PM6535
    Text: DC/DC Converters LAN and Flash Memory DC/DC Converters for a variety of applications 5 V jn /9 V o u t, REG Isolation ON/OFR'i Vac N 2000 16-pin SM D N 2000 'W p j ir f t P - C-1 2000 24-pin DIP C-1131 Num ber (m A d c ) PM6531 200 N PM7202 200 N PM7203

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    16-pin 24-pin C-111 PM6531 PM7202 PM7203 PM6120Â 16-pmSMD PM6078 PM9006 VALOR PM6501 VALOR PM6535 PDF