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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6E3KJ152MN4A Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ101KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ331KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    V-BITE® TYPE N Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: CA08102001E 10250T101-1TS33 Cutler-Hammer transformer 10250TA12 10250t1 BS88-2 10250T173 Cutler-Hammer current transformer IEC 60269-2-1
    Text: Pushbuttons & Indicating Lights 30.5 mm Heavy-Duty Watertight/Oiltight 47-115 March 2008 10250T Series Product Description Contents Description Page Product Description . . . . . . . . Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    10250T 10250ED1164-5 10250ED1164 10250TA12, 10250T101E CA08102001E BS547 CA08102001E 10250T101-1TS33 Cutler-Hammer transformer 10250TA12 10250t1 BS88-2 10250T173 Cutler-Hammer current transformer IEC 60269-2-1 PDF


    Abstract: 10250T197L 10250T224N 10250T202N 10250T472 10250T422 10250t1 ca08102001e 10250t181L 10250T239N
    Text: Pushbuttons & Indicating Lights 30.5 mm Heavy-Duty Watertight/Oiltight 47-115 March 2008 10250T Series Product Description Contents Description Page Product Description . . . . . . . . Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    10250T 10250TC21 10250TC22 10250TC43 10250TC23 10250TC24 10250TC25 10250TC26 10250TC13N 10250TC14N BS547 10250T197L 10250T224N 10250T202N 10250T472 10250T422 10250t1 ca08102001e 10250t181L 10250T239N PDF


    Abstract: step technica
    Text: HFA5250 October 1998 CT ODU ENT E PR PLACEM ter at T E L n E O e S R C t OB /tsc NDED ppor MME nical Su O C E h t c .in NO R t our Te www c IL or S conta R E -INT 1-888 500MHz, Ultra High Speed Monolithic Pin Driver Features Description • High Digital Data Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500MHz

    HFA5250 500MHz, 500MHz HFA5250 HFA5250, ee2525 step technica PDF


    Abstract: 91929 MS35333-121 MS25081 washer MS21340-24 MS21340 NUT MS21340-24 NUT mil-std-8100 washer MS35333 DO-160C section 5

    OCR Scan
    ATP-ZS-00426-01 QTP-ZS-00426-01 MIL-H-5606 91929 MS35333-121 MS25081 washer MS21340-24 MS21340 NUT MS21340-24 NUT mil-std-8100 washer MS35333 DO-160C section 5 PDF

    arinc 629 controller

    Abstract: ARINC 629 sim arinc 629 current mode coupler arinc 629 SIM-62900 ARINC-629 25BS1
    Text: 001 SIM-62900 ILC DATA DEVICE CORPORATION _ ARINC 629 SERIAL INTERFACE MODULE SIM PRELIMINARY FEATURES APPROX. 3/4 ACTUAL SIZE • Conversion of Manchester DESCRIPTION The SIM-62900 is used to interface be­ tween the Current Mode Coupler and the ARINC 629 Terminal Controller.

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    SIM-62900 SIM-62900 1-800-DDC-1772 -9/92-5M arinc 629 controller ARINC 629 sim arinc 629 current mode coupler arinc 629 ARINC-629 25BS1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N JU 6 4 3 8 P R E L I M I NARY 1/4 DUTY LCD D RIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6438 is a 1/4 duty LCD driver for segment type LCD panel. The LCD driver consists of 4-camcn and 40-segment drives if> to 160 segments. The rectangle outline is useful the COG applications

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    NJU6438 40-segment 100kHz NJU6438CH JU6438 160-bit 56DL PDF


    Abstract: DO25 circuit cellar ICOP-6050
    Text: by George Novacek FEATURE ARTICLE Fault-Tolerant Electronic Systems There’s no escaping it: sooner or later, all electronic systems fail. /As a designer of embed­ ded systems, how can you prepare for system failures? Is there a way to plan for the unfore­

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    MIL-HDBK2165, DO-254, Vortex86 DO25 circuit cellar ICOP-6050 PDF

    80286 microprocessor pin out diagram

    Abstract: motorola 6803
    Text: / I Semiconductor July 1999 TP3465 M ICRO W IRE In te rfa c e D evice M ID General Description Features The M I C R O W IR E t m Interface Device MID gives a general microprocessor (such as National Series 32000 proces­ sors, Intel 80C188, 80C86 or 80286, Motorola 6800 and

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    TP3465 80C188, 80C86 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram motorola 6803 PDF

    ARINC 629 sim

    Abstract: arinc 629 controller arinc 629 arinc 629 current mode coupler SIM-62900
    Text: D C Q l ILC DATA DEVICE SIM-62900 CORPORATION*_ ARINC 629 SERIAL INTERFACE MODULE SIM PRELIMINARY FEATURES APPROX. 3/4 ACTUAL SIZE • DESCRIPTION The SIM-62900 is used to interface be­ tween the Current Mode Coupler and the A RIN C 629 Terminal Controller.

    OCR Scan
    SIM-62900 SIM-62900 1-800-DDC-1772 -9/92-5M ARINC 629 sim arinc 629 controller arinc 629 arinc 629 current mode coupler PDF


    Abstract: ifgrw
    Text: SC100C Am e r i c a n M i c r o s e m i c o n d u c t o r Thyristor SC100C SC 100C For gtneral phase £Ojur:>l appUeaUui» *uds at, speed efaitr uk. light controls and aekkra ete. •&aner*t power ¡ m

    OCR Scan
    SC100C t200v 220GA SCIQQC40 lCttCC-120 N25U ifgrw PDF

    How year cycle code representation

    Abstract: RTC-8583
    Text: 508 485 8471 FILE No. 360 09/14 ’99 09 =32 ID:fiVX CORP /aM < PAGE 1 A VX Corporation 3 1 3 Boston Post Rd. W est Suite 2 8 0 M arlborough, M A 0 1 7 5 2 Tel: 5 0 8 4 8 5 -8 1 1 4 corporation FAX DATE: /Use TO: A S P ë tr FROM: *T U L I£ b evzu o P M & kJr

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    Page-19 How year cycle code representation RTC-8583 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m o l e x Precision Engineered Terminals Barrel Styles KRIMPTITE AVIKRIM P® This is the basic Molex barrel style. It is This color-coded barrel style offers you the noninsulated and features a quality, 1-piece ultimate in high-performance terminal design. It is also the most economical style

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    Mil-T-7928/5 PDF

    bl p57 transistor

    Abstract: transistor BL P44 px5 12nc sla 4037 ELLS 110 TCON local dimming transistor BL P35 th02 80C51 P80CL51
    Text: NÂPC/PHILIPS SEMI CON» bTE ]> • 0CH2111 Philips Sem iconductors M icro contro lle r P roducts O bjective specification Single-chip 8-bit m icrocontroller fo r TV on-screen display, V S tuning and control function 1. INTRODUCTION The P83CL168/167/268/267 single chip

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    5312M P83CL168/167/268/267 P83CL168/167/268/267 80C51 80CL51 80C51. P83CL168 P830L168/167/268/267 P54/B, bl p57 transistor transistor BL P44 px5 12nc sla 4037 ELLS 110 TCON local dimming transistor BL P35 th02 P80CL51 PDF

    white noise Generator 1GHz

    Abstract: noise diode "alpha" PACKAGE OUTLINE
    Text: ALPHA IND/ S E M I C O N D U C T O R MAE D • D S Ô S M M 3 D G 0 1 3 b 0 ST T ■ ALP Noise Diodes 7 01-ZJ FEATURES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ White noise generator from 1MHz to 18GHz Passivated MESA fabrication for highest reliability Available in chip form, and various metal

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    18GHz 01-ZJ -144dBm/Hz] white noise Generator 1GHz noise diode "alpha" PACKAGE OUTLINE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY CXD1804R CD-ROM Decoder D escription The CXD1804R is a CD-ROM decoder LSI with a built-in Fast SCSI controller. Features • Fast SCSI controller Target mode • Maximum transfer speed of 10MB/s (when using Fast SCSI synchronous transfer) • SCSI overhead reduced by executing multiple

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    CXD1804R CXD1804R 10MB/s 144PIN LQFP-144P-L01 LQFP144-P-2020-A fl3B23fl3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CTM-M-G Series_ DIRECTIONAL COUPLERS 0.5 to 18 GHz / Multi-Octave Bandwidths / 6, 10 & 20 dB Coupling / 50 W / Stripline / SMA PRINCIPAL SPECIFICATIONS Frequency Range, GHz Model Number Coupling , dB, Norn. Frequency Sensitivity, dB, Norn. Directivity,

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    CTM-10M-1 CTM-20M-1 CTM-10M-2 CTM-20M-2 CTM-10M-5G CTM-20M-5G CTM-10M-8G CTM-20M-8G CTM-10M-12G CTM-20M-12G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI <DigVAna. INTERFACE> M62398P,FP 8BIT 12CH l2C BUS D-A CONVERTER WITH BUFFER AMPLIFIERS GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M62398P,FP is a 12V type CMOS 12-channel D-A converters with output buffer amplifiers. It can communicate with a microcontroller via few wiring

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    M62398P 12-channel 23jCS1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Molex-ETC P re c is io n -E n g in e e re d T e rm in a ls 1 -8 0 0 -8 0 0 -0 4 4 9 1 ^ gf|Q 6 ANNEALED AND PLATED ADDED INSULATION The terminals are made of electrolytic copper for highest conductivity and annealed to flow freely under crimping pressure for the best connec­

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    MIL-T-10727. Mil-T-7928/5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI <Dìg./Ana. INTERFACE> M62398P,FP 8BIT 12CH BUS D -A CONVERTER WITH BUFFER AMPLIFIERS GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M62398P,FP is a 12V type CMOS 12-channel D-A converters with output buffer amplifiers. It can communicate with a microcontroller via few wiring

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    M62398P 12-channel 1997-5-28D PDF

    1838 ir receiver

    Abstract: IR 1838 T Pin number 1553B 180C ARX2427 ARX2457 BE-0780 remote VCCS protocol
    Text: Jï. . - n r . î|. f ' i • -• .¡-t. . ♦" ffif - à if t w S # iS llil| P lS S Î I llii5 lS llliiiil! llS iiiiliI | ilS lillï É iiilÎ Î il| B li I lilï S iilliiill 2 1981 ÜEROFLEX A n ARX C o m p a n y Features ■ D ual re d u n d a n t re m o te te rm in a l

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    MIL-STD-883 Bloek30-Tx 0F7E-0F40 Bloek29-Tx Bloek28-Tx 087E-0840 083E-0800 07FE-07C0 Block31-Rec BE-0780 1838 ir receiver IR 1838 T Pin number 1553B 180C ARX2427 ARX2457 remote VCCS protocol PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY C X D 1 8 0 4 AR CD-ROM Decoder Description The CXD1804AR is a CD-ROM decoder LSI with a built-in Fast SCSI controller. Features • Fast SCSI controller Target mode • Maximum transfer speed of 10MB/S (when using Fast SCSI synchronous transfer) • SCSI overhead reduced by executing multiple

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    CXD1804AR 10MB/S 1024K A3fl23fl3 0157BC 144PIN CXD1804AR LQFP-144P-L01 LQFP144-P-2020-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY CXD1199AQ CD-ROM DECODER Description The CXD1199AQ is a CD-ROM decoder LSI with a 100 pin QFP Plastic built-in ADPCM decoder. Features • Compatible with CD-ROM, CD-I and CD-ROM XA formats • Real time error correction • Compatible with double speed playback

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    CXD1199AQ CXD1199AQ 128K-byte) QFP-100P-L01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS1991 Touch MultiKey DS1991 SPE C IA L FEA TU R E S 5 80 « 036- • 1,152-btt secure read/write, nonvolatile memory -0J1 • Secure memory cannot be deciphered without match­ ing 64-tat password • Memory is partitioned into 3 blocks of 384 bits each

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    DS1991 DS1991 152-btt 64-tat 64-txt 512-bit PDF


    Abstract: Bi17 ef KS0119Q2
    Text: KS0119/KS0119Q2 MULTIMEDIA VIDEO VIDEO ENCODER The KS0119/KS0119Q2 combines NTSC encoding with conventional RAM-DAC functions so that digitized video or computer generated graphics can be dspteyed on either NTSC or PC monitors. There are two data inpul channels

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    KS0119/KS0119Q2 KS0119/KS0119Q2 KS0119/KS0118Q2 KS011902 KS0119. 120Cl RS-170A Bi17 ef KS0119Q2 PDF