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    V/F CONVERTER 10 KHZ Search Results

    V/F CONVERTER 10 KHZ Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MYC0409-NA-EVM Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 72W, Charge Pump Module, non-isolated DC/DC Converter, Evaluation board Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S1208MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1D120603MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-6/-3V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S1212MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0508MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    V/F CONVERTER 10 KHZ Datasheets Context Search

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    14 pin dual in line package integrator circuit

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Voltage-to-Frequency and Frequency-to-Voltage Converter AD650 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM V/F conversion to 1 MHz Reliable monolithic construction Very low nonlinearity 0.002% typ at 10 kHz 0.005% typ at 100 kHz 0.07% typ at 1 MHz Input offset trimmable to zero

    AD650 MIL-STD-883 14-Lead 20-Lead 14 pin dual in line package integrator circuit PDF

    7486 XOR GATE pin configuration

    Abstract: driving a stepper motor with 7474 and 7486 7486 STEPPER MOTOR 7486 XOR GATE XOR 7486 pin configuration of d flip flip 7474 CI 7474 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM OF 7400 7474 14 PIN 7474 dual d flip flop
    Text: Voltage-to-Frequency and Frequency-to-Voltage Converter AD650 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM V/F conversion to 1 MHz Reliable monolithic construction Very low nonlinearity 0.002% typ at 10 kHz 0.005% typ at 100 kHz 0.07% typ at 1 MHz Input offset trimmable to zero

    AD650 MIL-STD-883 14-Lead 20-Lead 7486 XOR GATE pin configuration driving a stepper motor with 7474 and 7486 7486 STEPPER MOTOR 7486 XOR GATE XOR 7486 pin configuration of d flip flip 7474 CI 7474 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM OF 7400 7474 14 PIN 7474 dual d flip flop PDF

    driving a stepper motor with 7474 and 7486

    Abstract: 7486 XOR GATE AD650 7474 flip flops pin configuration of d flip flip 7474 AD5825
    Text: Voltage-to-Frequency and Frequency-to-Voltage Converter AD650 Data Sheet FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM V/F conversion to 1 MHz Reliable monolithic construction Very low nonlinearity 0.002% typ at 10 kHz 0.005% typ at 100 kHz 0.07% typ at 1 MHz Input offset trimmable to zero

    MIL-STD-883 AD650 14-Lead 20-Lead driving a stepper motor with 7474 and 7486 7486 XOR GATE AD650 7474 flip flops pin configuration of d flip flip 7474 AD5825 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TPS65162 SLVS771C – MAY 2007 – REVISED JULY 2012 Compact LCD Bias IC With High Speed Amplifiers for TV-LCD Panels Check for Samples: TPS65162 FEATURES 1 • • • 2 • • • • • • 8-V to 14.7-V Input Voltage Range 500 kHz / 750 kHz Fixed Switching Frequency

    TPS65162 SLVS771C 50-MHz, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fâ S P T SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES SPT7830 10-BIT, 2.5 MSPS, SERIAL OUTPUT A/D CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS 10-Bit, 1 kHz to 2.5 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter Monolithic CMOS Serial Output Internal Sample-and-Hold Analog Input Range: 0 to 2 V Nominal; 3.3 V Max

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    SPT7830 10-BIT, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f â S P T SIGNALPROCESSINGTECHNOLOGIES S P T 7 8 3 10-BIT, 2.5 MSPS, SERIAL OUTPUT A/D CONVERTER FEATURES 10-Bit, 1 kHz to 2.5 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter Monolithic CMOS Serial Output Internal Sample-and-Hold Analog Input Range: 0 to 2 V Nominal; 3.3 V Max

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    10-BIT, SPT7830SCS SPT7830SCU 00G4500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fâ S P T SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES SP T 7 8 3 0 10-BIT, 2.5 MSPS, SERIAL OUTPUT A/D CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS 10-Bit, 1 kHz to 2.5 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter Monolithic CMOS Serial Output Internal Sample-and-Hold Analog Input Range: 0 to 2 V Nominal; 3.3 V Max

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    10-BIT, SPT7830 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fâ S P T SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES SP T 7 8 3 0 10-BIT, 2.5 MSPS, SERIAL OUTPUT A/D CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS 10-Bit, 1 kHz to 2.5 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter Monolithic CMOS Serial Output Internal Sample-and-Hold Analog Input Range: 0 to 2 V Nominal; 3.3 V Max

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    10-BIT, SPT7830 0350Q PDF


    Abstract: SPT7830SCS SPT7830SCU
    Text: fà S P T SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES SPT7 8 3 0 10-BIT, 2.5 MSPS, SERIAL OUTPUT A/D CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS 10-Bit, 1 kHz to 2.5 M SPS Analog-to-Digital Converter M onolithic CM OS Serial Output Internal Sam ple-and-Hold Analog Input Range: 0 to 2 V Nominal; 3.3 V Max

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    SPT7830 10-BIT, SPT10-bit, SPT7830SCS SPT7830SCU co80907 SPT7830 SPT7830SCU PDF

    theory on frequency to voltage converter

    Abstract: VFC32 VFC32KP capacitor MP VFC32BM VFC32SM Capacitor 47 VFc
    Text: MICRO POWER SYSTEMS Voltage - to - Frequency and Frequency - to - Voltage Converter MP VFC32 FEATURES PACKAGE CONFIGURATION • High Linearity ±0.01% max at 10 kHz FS ±0.05% max at 100 kHz FS ±0.2% max at 500 kHz • 6 Decade Dynamic Range • V/F or F/V Conversion

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    VFC32 VFC32 theory on frequency to voltage converter VFC32KP capacitor MP VFC32BM VFC32SM Capacitor 47 VFc PDF


    Abstract: 33EE
    Text: □ ANALOG DEVICES 10-Bit 30 MSPS, 530 mW CMOS A/D Converter AD873 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES Monolithic 10-Bit 30 MSPS A/D Converter Power Dissipation: 530 mW On-Chip Sample-and-Hold Amplifier +5 V Single-Supply Operation Signal-to-Noise Ratio f in = 3.58 MHz: 53 dB

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    10-Bit AD873 24-Pin 28-Pin 10-bit, AD873 33EE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fàSPT S/GNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES SPT7920 12-BIT, 10 MSPS, TTL, A/D CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Monolithic 12-Bit 10 MSPS Converter 66 dB SNR @ 1 MHz Input On-Chip Track/Hold Bipolar ±2.0 V Analog Input

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    SPT7920 12-BIT, 12-Bit SPT7920 A24AT17 PDF


    Abstract: mb487 V3055
    Text: 8-CH 10-BIT A/D CONVERTER ADC F U JI T S U MB4051 Ju ly 1989 E d itio n 1.0 8-CHANNEL 10-BIT A/D CONVERTER T h e F u jits u M B 405 1 is a general purpose a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l c o n v e rte r (A D C ) w h ic h featu res e ig h t channels o f analog in p u ts ,

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    10-BIT MB4051 MB4051 MB487X1 DIP-42C-A01) 40-LEAD DIP-40P-M01) BS270 mb487 V3055 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s f ijS P T SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES S P T 7 8 2 10-BIT, 20 MSPS, TTL OUTPUT, A/D CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS * * » • • * • • • • • • • Monolithic 20 MSPS Converter On-Chip Track/Hold Bipolar ±2.0 V Analog Input 60 dB SNR @ 1 MHz Input

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    8096 microcontroller

    Abstract: temperature controller using 8096 8096 microcontroller block diagram mc1791 16 bit 8096 microcontroller interrupt 80C196KA 68-PIN 8XC196KB 8096 microcontroller serial ports 8096 pin diagram
    Text: in te i. v 8XC196KB ADVANCED 16-BIT CHMOS MICROCONTROLLER ROMIess OR ROM Automotive —40°C to + 125°C Ambient 232 Bytes of On-Chip Register RAM 8 Kbytes o f On-Chip ROM Optional High-Performance CHMOS Process Register-to-Register Architecture 10-Bit A /D Converter with S /H

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    8XC196KB 16-BIT 10-Bit 8/16-Bit 8096 microcontroller temperature controller using 8096 8096 microcontroller block diagram mc1791 16 bit 8096 microcontroller interrupt 80C196KA 68-PIN 8096 microcontroller serial ports 8096 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: 1u55 ADC1061 Z08G ADC1061CIJ ADC1061CIWM ADC1061CMJ J20A
    Text: 7 1? 0 Î April 1990 A D C 1 0 6 1 10-B it H ig h -S p e e d ju P -C o m p a tib le A /D C o n v e rte r w ith T r a c k /H o ld F u n c tio n Features Using a modified half-flash conversion technique, the 10-bit ADC1061 CMOS analog-to-digital converter offers very fast

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    ADC1061 10-Bit m990 1u55 Z08G ADC1061CIJ ADC1061CIWM ADC1061CMJ J20A PDF

    transistor D613 equivalent

    Abstract: AD2S80ATE
    Text: A N A LO G D E V IC E S F E A TU R E S M onolithic B iM O S II Tracking R/D Converter 40-Pin DIP Package 44-Pin LCC Package 10-, 12-, 14- and 16-Bit Resolution Set by User Ratiom etric Conversion Low Pow er Consum ption: 300 m W typ D ynam ic Perform ance Set by User

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    40-Pin 44-Pin 16-Bit AD2S80A E-44A transistor D613 equivalent AD2S80ATE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MP7684 CMOS 8-Bit High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter Micro Power Systems FEATURES BENEFITS • Sampling Rates from 0.001 to 15 MHz MSPS • L ow P o w e r fo r L ow er S y s te m N o ise • 1/2 LSB DNL to 10 MHz • M ost F le x ib le In p u t R a n g e o f a n y A/D A v ailable

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    MP7684 MP7684 PDF


    Abstract: YAC512 amplifier CV 203 YAC512M YMF262 78x05 NJM4560 m552 Yamaha YMF262 NJM2100
    Text: Y A M A H A ' ! . S I { Y A C 5 1 S 2 -C h a n n e l F lo a tin g D / A C o n v e r t e r • OUTLINE The YAC512 is a floating D/A converter with 10-bit mantissa and 7-step exponent. It can produce analog output of 16-bit dynamic range. It is suitable for YMF262 OPL3 and other stereo sound source LSI.

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    YAC51 YAC512 10-bit 16-bit YMF262 16-pin YAC512-M) LSI-4AC5124 YAC512-M amplifier CV 203 YAC512M YMF262 78x05 NJM4560 m552 Yamaha YMF262 NJM2100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D Performance Features A IM A L O G T IC .M A M 4 0 0 1 6 / A M 4 0 1 1 6 High Performance 500 kHz 16-Bit Sampling A/D Converters The AM40016/AM40116 is a 16-bit, 500 kHz analog-to-digital converter with a built-in sample-and-hold S/H amplifier. With its 500 kHz sampling

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    16-Bit AM40016/AM40116 16-bit, AM40116) AB40416 AB40516 160MM AB40416/AB40516 16-Bit adam826 PDF

    ic 5504 dip 8 pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r j r a CDB5504 mm mm Semiconductor Corporation Evaluation Board for CSS504 A/D Converter Features General Description • Operation with on-board 32.768 kHz The CDB5504 is a circuit board designed to provide quick evaluation of the CS5504 A/D converter. crystal or off-board clock source

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    CDB5504 CDB5504 CS5504 CSS504 DS126DB DS126DB1 ic 5504 dip 8 pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: œ m m aM Ê m fÊ — m nK ÈtÊm 0611,^70 0Q025fe.4 1 D Performance Features A N A L 0 6 IQ I AM4 0 3 1 6 16-Bit, 200 kHz Sampling A/D Converter The AM40316 is a 16-bit, 200 kHz sampling A/D converter featuring ex­ cellent differential linearity and low

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    0Q025fe 16-Bit, AM40316 16-bit ADAM-826. AM40ter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CORP/ DATA ELE Performance Features /M M A L O S IC ^ M A M 4 1 0 1 6 A M 4 1 1 1 6 Ä M 4 1 2 1 6 High Performance 500 kHz 16*Bit Sampling A/D Converters D □aib^a 00021,24 4 • T -5 1 -1 0 -1 6 amplifier integrated with the A/D con­ verter benefits the system designer in

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    16-bit AB40616/AB40716/AB40816 16-Blt AB40616 AM41116 AB40716 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC4344/ADC4345 Very High Speed 16-Bit, 1 MHz and500 kHz Sampling A/D Converters Description The ADC4344 and ADC4345 are complete 16-bit, 1 MHz and 500 kHz A/D converter subsystems with a built-in sample-and-hold amplifier in a space-sav­ ing 2.5" x 3.5" x 0.44" package. They offer pin-programmable input voltage

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    ADC4344/ADC4345 16-Bit, and500 ADC4344 ADC4345 applicationDC4345M DDD31Sfi PDF