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    UNITRODE DN Search Results

    UNITRODE DN Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74AC11086D Texas Instruments Quadruple 2-Input Exclusive-OR Gates 16-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74AC11244DW Texas Instruments Octal Buffers/Drivers 24-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74AC11245DW Texas Instruments Octal Bus Transceivers 24-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74AC16244DGGR Texas Instruments 16-Bit Buffers And Line Drivers With 3-State Outputs 48-TSSOP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    74ACT11000DR Texas Instruments Quadruple 2-Input Positive-NAND Gates 16-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    UNITRODE DN Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Unitrode Semiconductor UNITRODE TRANSISTORS power converter ECU ENGINE Transistor Equivalent list UNITRODE 595D105X0020T2T 595D106X0010A2T 595D225X0010T2T
    Text: DN-74 Design Note UCC3930 Cellular Telephone Power Converter Evaluation Kit Schematic and List of Materials by Chuck Melchin The Unitrode UCC3930 Cellular Telephone Power Converter integrates three positive, low dropout voltage regulators, a negative voltage

    DN-74 UCC3930 UCC3930, UCC3930 UDG-96231 595D106X0010A2T 595D225X0010T2T V1H104KBW SPRAGUE Unitrode Semiconductor UNITRODE TRANSISTORS power converter ECU ENGINE Transistor Equivalent list UNITRODE 595D105X0020T2T 595D106X0010A2T 595D225X0010T2T PDF


    Abstract: UC3854 mathcad mathcad pfc UC3854 UC3854 datasheet for PFC UDG-95099 mathcad mathcad boost uc3854 Datasheet, Circuit Application Note UC3854A datasheet for PFC
    Text: DN-66 Design Note Unitrode - UC3854A/B and UC3855A/B Provide Power Limiting With Sinusoidal Input Current for PFC Front Ends by Laszlo Balogh This design note focuses on one of the major improvements introduced to the industry standard UC3854 high power factor boost controller. The

    DN-66 UC3854A/B UC3855A/B UC3854 DN-39 UNITRODE DN-39 UC3854 mathcad mathcad pfc UC3854 datasheet for PFC UDG-95099 mathcad mathcad boost uc3854 Datasheet, Circuit Application Note UC3854A datasheet for PFC PDF


    Abstract: DN-62 UCC3570 UNITRODE ic signal path designer
    Text: DN-62 Design Note Switching Power Supply Topology Voltage Mode vs. Current Mode by: Robert Mammano Unitrode IC Corporation has, since its inception, been active in the development of leading-edge control circuits to implement state-of-the-art progressions in power supply technology. Over the

    DN-62 UCC3570 DN62 DN-62 UNITRODE ic signal path designer PDF


    Abstract: mathcad pfc UC3854 datasheet for PFC UC3854 mathcad DN-39 Unitrode DN-66 mathcad UC3854 UC3854 for PFC
    Text: DN-66 Design Note Unitrode - UC3854A/B and UC3855A/B Provide Power Limiting With Sinusoidal Input Current for PFC Front Ends by Laszlo Balogh This design note focuses on one of the major improvements introduced to the industry standard UC3854 high power factor boost controller. The

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    Abstract: mathcad pfc UC3854 datasheet for PFC UC3854 SLUA196A UC3855A/B DN66 power UC3854 DN-39
    Text: DN-66 Design Note Unitrode - UC3854A/B and UC3855A/B Provide Power Limiting With Sinusoidal Input Current for PFC Front Ends by Laszlo Balogh This design note focuses on one of the major improvements introduced to the industry standard UC3854 high power factor boost controller. The

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    Abstract: UCC3570 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR A TWO CURRENT MODE High-Performance Current-Mode PWM Controller Application Note SIGNAL PATH DESIGNER Switching Power Supply Topology Voltage Mode vs. Current Mode amplifier advantages and disadvantages
    Text: DN-62 Design Note Switching Power Supply Topology Voltage Mode vs. Current Mode by: Robert Mammano Unitrode IC Corporation has, since its inception, been active in the development of leading-edge control circuits to implement state-of-the-art progressions in power supply technology. Over the

    DN-62 UCC3570 DN-62 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR A TWO CURRENT MODE High-Performance Current-Mode PWM Controller Application Note SIGNAL PATH DESIGNER Switching Power Supply Topology Voltage Mode vs. Current Mode amplifier advantages and disadvantages PDF

    Unitrode DN

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DN-62 UNITRODE Design Note Switching Power Supply Topology Voltage Mode vs. Current Mode by: Robert Mammano Unitrode 1C Corporation has, since its inception, been active in the deveiopment of leading-edge control circuits to implement state-of-the-art pro­

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    DN-62 UCC3570 Unitrode DN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DN-29 UNITRODE Design Note UC3842A FAMILY FREQUENCY FOLDBACK TECHNIQUE PROVIDES PROTECTION Excessive power dissipation in switching devices can occur during start-up and overload conditions in many switchmode power supplies. Many sophisticated PWM controllers provide the means for protection against

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    DN-29 UC3842A 2N2907A PDF


    Abstract: 1mh inductor design UNITRODE application note u132 MTP1N60 DN-59 MOSFET MTP1N60 600V 2A 2.2NF 600V 12vdc to 250vdc converters U-149
    Text: DN-59A UNITRODE Design Note UCC3889 Bias Supply Controller Evaluation Kit - Schematic and Lists of Materials by Bill Andreycak Evaluation Kits facilitate a quick measurement of new 1C performance in typical application circuits without a lengthy investment of time and resources.

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    DN-59A UCC3889 U-132 IRFBC10 1mh inductor design UNITRODE application note u132 MTP1N60 DN-59 MOSFET MTP1N60 600V 2A 2.2NF 600V 12vdc to 250vdc converters U-149 PDF


    Abstract: Unitrode DN-92 DN-92
    Text: DN-92 y UNITRODE Design Note UCC5630 SCSI Multimode LVD/SE Evaluation Board and List of Materials By Paul Aloisi The UCC5630 is a high performance 9 line Multimode terminator designed to provide the lowest capacitance and the lowest possible temperature

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    UCC5630 DN-92 ECS-TICY4755 ECJ-3YFIA106Z ERJ-8ENF2002 SD02HOSK UCC5630MWP 030S4 Unitrode DN-92 DN-92 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DN-96 UNITRODE Design Note UCC3952 Demonstration Board Schem atic and List of Materials INTRODUCTION DEMO BOARD FEATURES The UCC3952 demo board provides complete pro­ tection for a single Lithium-ion cell, Including Over­ charge, Over-discharge and short circuit protection.

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    DN-96 UCC3952 UCC3952, UCC3831 0805YC104KAT2A UCC3952PW 90KHCT-ND P412FCT-ND PDF


    Abstract: UNITRODE buck converters Xicon transformer 1N4148 1206 140-CC502N101J 1n4148 unitrode xicon rdi DMT-1206 mouser Sprague transformer
    Text: DN-83 y- UNITRODE h Design Note UC3584DW Secondary Side Post Regulator, Evaluation Board, Schematic, and List of Materials By Phil Cooke Introduction Circuit Description The operation of the UC3584 Secondary Side Post Regulator can quickly be evaluated in a given sys­

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    DN-83 UC3584DW UC3584 T510X477M006AS ECS-H1EX155R CSHD10-45L 1N4148 10BQ040 UP4-330 UP2-330 TP-108-02 UNITRODE buck converters Xicon transformer 1N4148 1206 140-CC502N101J 1n4148 unitrode xicon rdi DMT-1206 mouser Sprague transformer PDF

    uc3843a power source schematic

    Abstract: pwm schematic schematic diagram ac circuit breaker electronic schematic circuit diagram schematic diagram simple ac circuit breaker
    Text: DN-30 UNITRODE Design Note PROGRAMMABLE ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT BREAKER The design of a programmable electronic circuit breaker is shown below which utilizes the UC3843A control 1C to facilitate a high speed turn-off following an overcurrent condition. This low cost, industry standard 1C contains

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    DN-30 UC3843A uc3843a power source schematic pwm schematic schematic diagram ac circuit breaker electronic schematic circuit diagram schematic diagram simple ac circuit breaker PDF

    UC3842 sepic design

    Abstract: DN-48 sepic uc3842 2n2222s SEM900 UNITRODE DN-42 Unitrode DN-48 UNITRODE applications handbook Unitrode DN Siliconix Handbook
    Text: DN-48 UNITRODE Design Note Versatile Low Power SEPIC Converter Accepts Wide Input Voltage Range by Jack Palczynski Much attention has been given to the Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter SEPIC topology re­ cently because output voltage may be either higher

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    DN-48 100mA UCC3803 U-100 UC3842 UC3612D 293D336X0025E2T 150pF 220nH DT3316-102-224 UC3842 sepic design sepic uc3842 2n2222s SEM900 UNITRODE DN-42 Unitrode DN-48 UNITRODE applications handbook Unitrode DN Siliconix Handbook PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DN-46 UNITRODE Design Note Highly Efficient Low Power DC to DC Inverter Converts +5V Input to -3V Output : Achieves 73% Efficiency at 0.2 Watt by Bill Andreycak Operational Notes : The UCC3805 PWM control 1C is used in this Flyback inverter application to per­

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    DN-46 UCC3805 UCC3803 DN-43 1-8OO-322-COIL DT3316-154 PDF

    LA 7687 A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y UNITRODE Isolated Boost PFC Preregulator Controller FEATURES PFC With Isolation, VO < VIN Single Power Stage Zero Current Switched IGBT Programmable ZCS Time Corrects PF to >0.99 Fixed Frequency, Average Current Control Improved RMS Feedforward Soft Start

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    20-Pin UCC1857 UCC2857 UCC3857 UCC3857 LA 7687 A PDF

    mosfet 100w 12v amplifier

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UC1853 UC2853 UC3853 y UNITRODE High Power Factor Preregulator FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Complete 8-pin Power Factor Solution • Reduced External Components • RMS Line Voltage Compensation • Precision Multipiier/Squarer/Divider • Internal 75kHz Synchronizable

    OCR Scan
    75kHz UC1853 UC2853 UC3853 UC3853 UC1854, mosfet 100w 12v amplifier PDF

    flyback uc3843 application

    Abstract: uc3843 inverter circuit IC uc3843 uc3843 discontinuous Unitrode DN flyback uc3843 UC3843 flyback application note unitrode uc3843 unitrode Applications Note uc3843 uc3843 12v to 5v
    Text: DN-43 UNITRODE Design Note Simple Techniques to Generate a Negative Voltage Bias Supply from a Positive input Voltage by Bill Andreycak Developing a low power negative supply voltage from a positive input supply can be accomplished using som e very common PW M control ICs. Typical

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    DN-43 RS-232 flyback uc3843 application uc3843 inverter circuit IC uc3843 uc3843 discontinuous Unitrode DN flyback uc3843 UC3843 flyback application note unitrode uc3843 unitrode Applications Note uc3843 uc3843 12v to 5v PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DN-27 UNITRODE Design Note UC1842/UC1842A FAMILY SUMMARY OF FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENCES The industry standard series of UC1842/43/44/45 devices has been improved for higher frequency, off-line power supplies. This new "A" series of controllers, UC1842A/43A/44A/45A, feature three major advantages

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    DN-27 UC1842/UC1842A UC1842/43/44/45 UC1842A/43A/44A/45A, UC1842/45 UC1842A/45A UC1842/45A DN27 PDF

    uc3846 push pull

    Abstract: UC3842 pin-for-pin mosfet driver example uc3846 uc3856 uc3842 unitrode 100 watt UC3856 Push Pull Current Mode UC3846 pin-for-pin mosfet driver UCC38C uc3846
    Text: UNITRODE CORPORATION APPLICATION NOTE U-144 UCC3806 BiCMOS CURRENT MODE CONTROL IC By Jack Palczynski Application Engineer Power Supply Products Abstract Space and cost constraints have forced power supply designs into smaller spaces and demanded more ef­

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    U-144 UCC3806 UC3846 UC38S6 uc3846 push pull UC3842 pin-for-pin mosfet driver example uc3846 uc3856 uc3842 unitrode 100 watt UC3856 Push Pull Current Mode UC3846 pin-for-pin mosfet driver UCC38C PDF

    accu charger

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [Ul ^ DN-81 UNITRODE Design Note UCC3911 Demonstration Board The UCC3911 demo board comes fully assembled, ready to test. It provides complete over-charge/over-discharge protection, as well as short circuit protection, for two Lithium-Ion cells. The user needs only to supply the two cells or two

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    UCC3911 1500nf DN-81 accu charger PDF


    Abstract: Andreycak unitrode U-111 Unitrode DN ucc3806 unitrode UC3846 circuits UCC3806 application note u-133
    Text: DN-51 UNITRODE Design Note Programming the UCC3806 Features by Jack Palczynski INTRODUCTION The UCC3806 is a pin for pin compatible BiCMOS replacement for the UC3846 and UC3856. Some functions in the UCC3806 are programmed differ­ ently and these methods are explained here. In par­

    OCR Scan
    DN-51 UCC3806 UC3846 UC3856. UC3856 9-344to U-144. 350mv Andreycak unitrode U-111 Unitrode DN ucc3806 unitrode UC3846 circuits UCC3806 application note u-133 PDF


    Abstract: UC3854 mathcad mathcad pfc DN-39 UC3854
    Text: DN-66 UNITROOE Design Note Unitrode - UC3854A/B and UC3855A/B Provide Power Limiting With Sinusoidal Input Current for PFC Front Ends by Laszlo Balogh This design note focuses on one of the major im­ provements introduced to the industry standard UC3854 high power factor boost controller. The

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    DN-66 UC3854A/B UC3855A/B UC3854 DN-39 UNITRODE DN-39 UC3854 mathcad mathcad pfc PDF


    Abstract: a 3102 OPTOCOUPLER
    Text: y UCC15701/2 UCC25701/2 UCC35701/2 UNITRODE Advanced Voltage Mode Pulse Width Modulator FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 700kHz operation The UCC35701/UCC35702 family of pulse width modulators is intended for isolated switching power supplies using primary side control. They can be

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    UCC15701/2 UCC25701/2 UCC35701/2 700kHz 130nA UCC35701/UCC35702 U-150, UCC3570 DN-62, cdip-14 a 3102 OPTOCOUPLER PDF