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    Sensata Technologies ILSEU-G0700-5

    Level Sensors Hydrostatic Level Trans. 0-7mWG 4-20mA DIN plug 1/4"NPT
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    Mouser Electronics ILSEU-G0700-5
    • 1 $245.75
    • 10 $210.66
    • 100 $210.66
    • 1000 $210.66
    • 10000 $210.66
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    Sensata Technologies ILSEU-G0700-D

    Level Sensors Hydrostatic Level Trans. 0-7mWG 0.5-4.5V DIN plug 1/4"NPT
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ILSEU-G0700-D
    • 1 $245.75
    • 10 $210.66
    • 100 $210.66
    • 1000 $210.66
    • 10000 $210.66
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    Cynergy3 Components ILSEU-G0700-D

    Liquid Level Sensors PRESSURE
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    Cynergy3 Components ILSEU-G0700-5

    Liquid Level Sensors PRESSURE
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    vhdl code for traffic light control

    Abstract: UG070 byb 504 sso-12 RAMB16 MAX6627 digital clock vhdl code FPGA Virtex 6 OSERDES verilog code voltage regulator
    Text: Virtex-4 FPGA User Guide UG070 v2.6 December 1, 2008 R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG070 SSTL18 vhdl code for traffic light control UG070 byb 504 sso-12 RAMB16 MAX6627 digital clock vhdl code FPGA Virtex 6 OSERDES verilog code voltage regulator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC22x5yA Multistandard DIgital Video Decoder Three-Line Adaptive Comb Decoder Family 8 & 10-bit Description Features The TMC22x5yA family of Digital Video Decoders offers unprecedented, broadcast-quality video processing performance in a single chip. It accepts line-locked or subcarrierlocked composite, YC, or D1 digital video and produces digital components in a variety of formats.

    TMC22x5yA 10-bit TMC22x5yA 10-bit CCIR-601/624 TMC22052AKHC TMC22051AKHC TMC22053AKHC TMC22151AKHC PDF


    Abstract: XQR4VSX55 CF1140 XQR4VFX140-10CF1509V XQR4VSX55-10CF1140 CF1144 XQR4VFX140-10CF1509 XtremeDSP XQR4VFX60-10CF1144 xqr4vlx200
    Text: R Space-Grade Virtex-4QV Family Overview DS653 v2.0 April 12, 2010 Product Specification General Description The Virtex -4QV family of space-grade, radiation-tolerant FPGAs meets the requirements of space applications that demand high-performance as well as control capabilities. For years, the only solution available to customers with highperformance space applications were ASICs with long development and fabrication times as well as high NREs. Now,

    DS653 XQR4VSX55-10CF1140V XQR4VSX55 CF1140 XQR4VFX140-10CF1509V XQR4VSX55-10CF1140 CF1144 XQR4VFX140-10CF1509 XtremeDSP XQR4VFX60-10CF1144 xqr4vlx200 PDF


    Abstract: xq4vlx25 XQ4VLX60-10FF668M XQ4VLX40 XQ4VFX60 xq4vlx60 XQ4VFX60-10EF672M XQ4VLX40-10FF668M XQ4VLX100 Virtex 4Q
    Text: Virtex-4Q FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS595 v1.6 April 27, 2010 Product Specification Virtex-4Q FPGA Electrical Characteristics Defense-grade Virtex -4Q FPGAs are available in -10 speed grade and are qualified for industrial (TJ = –40°C to +100°C),

    DS595 XQ4VSX55 xq4vlx25 XQ4VLX60-10FF668M XQ4VLX40 XQ4VFX60 xq4vlx60 XQ4VFX60-10EF672M XQ4VLX40-10FF668M XQ4VLX100 Virtex 4Q PDF

    transistor f422

    Abstract: sg07 transistor f422 equivalent f422 yc 428 diode SG02 VG07 436974 pal comb "analog output" video processor comb filter
    Text: TMC22x5yA Multistandard Digital Video Decoder Three-Line Adaptive Comb Decoder Family, 8 & 10 bit Description • Very high performance, low cost • Adaptive comb-based decoding • Multiple pin-compatible versions - 3-line, 2-line, and band-split

    TMC22x5yA 10-bit CCIR-601/624 TMC22x5yA DS7022x5yA transistor f422 sg07 transistor f422 equivalent f422 yc 428 diode SG02 VG07 436974 pal comb "analog output" video processor comb filter PDF

    AM3 pinout diagram

    Abstract: SX35 SX35 virtex XC4VLX25-SF363 AM1 marking FF1148 UG075 The Virtex-4 LC system board K155 AH512
    Text: Virtex-4 FPGA Packaging and Pinout Specification UG075 v3.3 September 19, 2008 R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG075 10CESnL 10CESnR AM3 pinout diagram SX35 SX35 virtex XC4VLX25-SF363 AM1 marking FF1148 UG075 The Virtex-4 LC system board K155 AH512 PDF


    Abstract: xqr4vlx200 Virtex-4 UG070 UG071 UG072 UG073 XQR4VFX140 Virtex-4 thermal resistance LVCMOS33
    Text: Radiation-Tolerant Virtex-4 QPro-V FPGAs: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS680 v1.1 December 16, 2008 Preliminary Product Specification Virtex-4 QPro-V FPGA Electrical Characteristics Virtex -4 QPro -V FPGAs are available in -10 speed grade and qualified for military (TJ = –55° C to +125° C)

    DS680 XQR4VSX55 xqr4vlx200 Virtex-4 UG070 UG071 UG072 UG073 XQR4VFX140 Virtex-4 thermal resistance LVCMOS33 PDF


    Abstract: XAPP701 xilinx mig user interface design A596 DS302 UG070 XAPP702 X701
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-4 Family R XAPP701 v2.0 March 12, 2007 DDR2 SDRAM Physical Layer Using Direct-Clocking Technique Author: Tze Yi Yeoh Summary This application note describes the DDR2 SDRAM physical layer design using the direct-clocking technique in a VirtexTM-4 device. The direct-clocking technique utilizes some of

    XAPP701 64-tap IDELAY XAPP701 xilinx mig user interface design A596 DS302 UG070 XAPP702 X701 PDF


    Abstract: MT49H16M18FM-25 XAPP701 XC4VLX25 xilinx mig user interface design xc4vlx25ff668 X710 XAPP710 xilinx mig 020421
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-4 Family R XAPP710 v1.4 April 28, 2008 Synthesizable CIO DDR RLDRAM II Controller for Virtex-4 FPGAs Author: Benoit Payette Summary This application note describes how to use a Virtex -4 device to interface to Common I/O (CIO) Double Data Rate (DDR) Reduced Latency DRAM (RLDRAM II) devices. The reference design

    XAPP710 XC4VLX25-FF668 MT49H16M18FM-25 XAPP701 XC4VLX25 xilinx mig user interface design xc4vlx25ff668 X710 XAPP710 xilinx mig 020421 PDF

    RTL 8188

    Abstract: RAMB18SDP RAMB36 UG190 XC5VLX XC5VLX220T XC5VLX85T RAM32X1D SRLC32E xilinx jtag cable spartan 3
    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA User Guide UG190 v5.2 November 5, 2009 Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG190 SSTL18 RTL 8188 RAMB18SDP RAMB36 UG190 XC5VLX XC5VLX220T XC5VLX85T RAM32X1D SRLC32E xilinx jtag cable spartan 3 PDF

    South Bridge ALI M1535

    Abstract: alaska atx 250 p4 ALi M1535D marvell ibis 88e1111 fsp250-60 ali m1535 m1535d manual ALi M1535D marvell ibis M1535
    Text: ML410 Embedded Development Platform User Guide UG085 v1.7.2 December 11, 2008 R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    ML410 UG085 UG018, DS302, UG076, DS080, South Bridge ALI M1535 alaska atx 250 p4 ALi M1535D marvell ibis 88e1111 fsp250-60 ali m1535 m1535d manual ALi M1535D marvell ibis M1535 PDF


    Abstract: axi4 XC4VLX15-FF668-10 FIFO Generator User Guide XQR XQ artix7 ucf file XC6SLX150T-FGG484-2 LocalLink axi wrapper XILINX/fifo generator xilinx spartan
    Text: LogiCORE IP FIFO Generator v8.3 DS317 October 19, 2011 Product Specification Introduction The Xilinx LogiCORE IP FIFO Generator is a fully verified first-in first-out FIFO memory queue for applications requiring in-order storage and retrieval. The core provides an optimized solution for all FIFO

    DS317 XC4VLX15-FF668 axi4 XC4VLX15-FF668-10 FIFO Generator User Guide XQR XQ artix7 ucf file XC6SLX150T-FGG484-2 LocalLink axi wrapper XILINX/fifo generator xilinx spartan PDF

    sgmii specification ieee

    Abstract: ENG-46158 virtex-7 1000BASE-X sfp sgmii traffic light controller vhdl coding verilog hdl code for traffic light control ISERDES SPARTAN 6 ethernet vhdl ethernet spartan 3a vhdl ethernet spartan 3e
    Text: LogiCORE IP Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII v11.2 DS264 January 18, 2012 Product Specification Introduction The LogiCORE Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface SGMII core provides a flexible solution for connection to an Ethernet Media Access

    1000BASE-X DS264 ENG-46158) sgmii specification ieee ENG-46158 virtex-7 1000BASE-X sfp sgmii traffic light controller vhdl coding verilog hdl code for traffic light control ISERDES SPARTAN 6 ethernet vhdl ethernet spartan 3a vhdl ethernet spartan 3e PDF

    marking code cb

    Abstract: f422 diode SG02 transistor f422 transistor f422 equivalent TMC1185 TMC2072 TMC2081 TMC2192 TMC22071
    Text: TMC22x5yA Multistandard Digital Video Decoder Three-Line Adaptive Comb Decoder Family, 8 & 10 bit Features Description • Very high performance, low cost • Adaptive comb-based decoding • Multiple pin-compatible versions - 3-line, 2-line, and band-split

    TMC22x5yA 10-bit CCIR-601/624 TMC22x5yA DS7022x5yA marking code cb f422 diode SG02 transistor f422 transistor f422 equivalent TMC1185 TMC2072 TMC2081 TMC2192 TMC22071 PDF


    Abstract: XAPP704
    Text: Virtex-4 Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS302 v2.0 December 11, 2006 Preliminary Product Specification Virtex-4 Electrical Characteristics Virtex -4 FPGAs are available in -12, -11, and -10 speed grades, with -12 having the highest performance.

    DS302 XC4VFX60-10FF1152C XAPP704 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex-4 Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics R DS302 v3.0 September 28, 2007 Product Specification Virtex-4 Electrical Characteristics Virtex -4 FPGAs are available in -12, -11, and -10 speed grades, with -12 having the highest performance. Virtex-4 DC and AC characteristics are specified for both

    DS302 s8/10/07 XC4VFX140, XC4VFX40, XC4VFX100, XC4VFX140. XAPP705 PDF

    vhdl code for traffic light control

    Abstract: vhdl code for crc16 using lfsr verilog code 16 bit LFSR verilog code 8 bit LFSR in scrambler SerialLite verilog code for traffic light control vhdl code 16 bit LFSR with VHDL simulation output testbench of a transmitter in verilog verilog code BIP-8 vhdl code CRC
    Text: SerialLite II MegaCore Function User Guide 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Software Version: Document Date: 10.0 July 2010 Copyright 2010 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other


    vhdl code for DES algorithm

    Abstract: XAPP921c FLOATING POINT PROCESSOR TMSC6000 pulse compression radar fir filter matlab code LMS adaptive filter simulink model verilog code for lms adaptive equalizer for audio LMS simulink 3SD1800A XILINX vhdl code REED SOLOMON encoder decoder fir filter with lms algorithm in vhdl code
    Text: XtremeDSP Solutions Selection Guide June 2008 Introduction Contents DSP System Solutions.4 DSP Devices.17 Development Tools.25 Complementary Solutions.33 Resources.35



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Virtex-4Q FPGA Data Sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics Product Specification DS595 v2.0 December 21, 2011 Virtex-4Q FPGA Electrical Characteristics Defense-grade Virtex -4Q FPGAs are available in -10 speed grade and are qualified for industrial (Tj = –40C to

    DS595 XQ4VFX100 PDF

    traffic light controller vhdl coding

    Abstract: ENG-46158 1000BASE-X sfp sgmii sgmii specification ieee 1000base-x xilinx verilog code for 10 gb ethernet vhdl code for mac transmitter vhdl code for ethernet mac spartan 3 gtx 970 verilog hdl code for traffic light control
    Text: LogiCORE IP Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII v11.3 DS264 April 24, 2012 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE IP Facts Table The LogiCORE Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface SGMII core provides a flexible solution for connection to an Ethernet Media Access

    1000BASE-X DS264 ENG-46158) traffic light controller vhdl coding ENG-46158 1000BASE-X sfp sgmii sgmii specification ieee 1000base-x xilinx verilog code for 10 gb ethernet vhdl code for mac transmitter vhdl code for ethernet mac spartan 3 gtx 970 verilog hdl code for traffic light control PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T M C2 2 x 5 yA M ult ist a nda rd Digit a l Vide o De c ode r T hre e -Line Ada pt ive Com b De c ode r Fa m ily, 8 & 1 0 bit Features Description • Very high performance, low cost • Adaptive comb-based decoding • Multiple pin-compatible versions

    10-bit CCIR-601/624 TMC22x5yA TMC22x5yA TMC22051AKHC 100-Lead 22051AKHC TMC22052AKHC PDF


    Abstract: ISERDES OSERDES TMSC6000 RAMB16 TMS320C64xx cpu XC4VLX25 microblaze block architecture IPC-2141 NEWNES RADIO
    Text: Interfacing Xilinx FPGAs to TI DSP Platforms Using the EMIF Application Note XAPP753 v2.0.1 January 29, 2007 R R Xilinx is disclosing this Specification to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate on Xilinx FPGAs. Except as stated herein,

    XAPP753 IPC-2141 IPC-D-317A, 0-13-084408-x) XAPP753 ISERDES OSERDES TMSC6000 RAMB16 TMS320C64xx cpu XC4VLX25 microblaze block architecture NEWNES RADIO PDF

    Virtex-4 Platform FPGAs TFT

    Abstract: Xilinx lcd display controller ML403 tft and ml403 ML403 ucf file ML403 system clock jtag option pin location laptop VGA circuit diagram xilinx jtag cable Xilinx lcd UG070
    Text: Implementing a Virtex-4 FX C-to-HDL Hardware Coprocessor Accelerator in a PowerPC Design Design Guide UG096 v2.0 March 9, 2007 R R Xilinx is disclosing this Document and Intellectual Property (hereinafter “the Design”) to you for use in the development of designs to operate

    UG096 ML403 Virtex-4 Platform FPGAs TFT Xilinx lcd display controller tft and ml403 ML403 ucf file ML403 system clock jtag option pin location laptop VGA circuit diagram xilinx jtag cable Xilinx lcd UG070 PDF


    Abstract: XQ4VLX25 XQ4VLX40-10FF668M xQ4vsx55 XQ4VLX100 Virtex-4 User Guide Virtex-4 SF363 XQ4VLX60 FF1148 DS112
    Text: QPro Virtex-4 Extended Temperature FPGAs DC and Switching Characteristics R DS595 v1.4 May 5, 2008 Preliminary Product Specification QPro Virtex-4 Electrical Characteristics QPro Virtex -4 FPGAs are available in -10 speed grade and qualified for industrial (TJ = –40°C to +100°C), and for

    DS595 XQ4VFX60-10EF672M XQ4FVFX60-10EF672I. XQ4VLX60-10FF668M XQ4VLX25 XQ4VLX40-10FF668M xQ4vsx55 XQ4VLX100 Virtex-4 User Guide Virtex-4 SF363 XQ4VLX60 FF1148 DS112 PDF