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    UBB41S Search Results

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    crystal PHILIPS

    Abstract: BFR90A BFQ53 BFR92A X3A-BFR90A
    Text: Prod u ct specification P h ilip s S e m icon d u ctors NPN 5 GHz wideband transistor crystal X3A-BFR90A 711002b SbE D PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL DDMblOe feilT M P H I N M E C H A N IC A L DATA DESCRIPTION Crystal NPN crystal used in BFR 9 0A SOT37 , BFQ53 (TO-72)

    OCR Scan
    BFR90A BFQ53 BFR92A UBB41S X3A-BFR90A X3A-BFR90A 711002b URV-3-5-52/733 crystal PHILIPS BFR90A BFQ53 BFR92A PDF