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    10128788-001RLF Amphenol Communications Solutions PCIe M.2, Storage and Server Connector, H3.20mm, Key E, Gold Flash Plating, 0.50mm Pitch Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
    10128788-004RLF Amphenol Communications Solutions PCIe M.2, Storage and Server Connector, H3.20mm, Key E, 0.38um (15.000u\\) Gold Plating, 0.50mm Pitch Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
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    ROHM Semiconductor BU8788KN-E2

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    DigiKey BU8788KN-E2 Reel 2,500
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    Mouser Electronics BU8788KN-E2
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    TURCK Inc P-CSMT CKMT 19-977-46 (ALTERNATE: U-87885)

    Process Automation, Cordset, P-CSMT CKMT 19-977-46 | Turck P-CSMT CKMT 19-977-46
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    RS P-CSMT CKMT 19-977-46 (ALTERNATE: U-87885) Bulk 9 Weeks 1
    • 1 $1024
    • 10 $1024
    • 100 $1024
    • 1000 $1024
    • 10000 $1024
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    TURCK Inc PKG 4Z-0.2-PSW 4M/S679/S760 (ALTERNATE: U-87884)

    PKG 4Z-0.2-PSW 4M/S679/S760, U-87884 | Turck PKG 4Z-0.2-PSW 4M/S679/S760
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    RS PKG 4Z-0.2-PSW 4M/S679/S760 (ALTERNATE: U-87884) Bulk 5 Weeks 1
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    U 8788 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DI10P DO14P DI10N TQ8025 DAD03 di00n DO13P
    Text: T R I Q U I N T S E M I C O N D U C T O R, I N C . TQ8025 DIØ–15 differential PECL/CML Input Buffers PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET 32 16 x 16 Crosspoint Switch Matrix PECL/CML Output Buffers DOØ–15 (differential) 16 x 4 RESET– LDMODE CONFIG ADD15 Configuration

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B U N D L E S E PA R AT O R S | M O U N T S | C L A M P S | FA S T E N E R S | C A B L E T I E T O O L S | I D E N T I F I C AT I O N | C A B L E M A N A G E M E N T HellermannTyton is a leader in designing and manufacturing innovative fastening solu HellermannTyton is a leader in designing and manufacturing innovative fastening solu



    Abstract: 6N23P 6P14P Selenstab 5 GE 200 AF Hochsp.leitg 6F1P service-mitteilungen D814D D814A hsk 103 taa550
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN V E B IN D U S T R IE V E R T R IE B R U N D F U N K U N D F E R N S E H E N m m 1r a d i o - television QKTOBKR | 1 9 8 1 11 SEITE Mitteilung auf dem 7KB Fernsehgerätewerke "Friedr. Sögels" Staßfurt Servlcehi nwels zum SECAM - IS - Dekoder A 295 D» A 220 D

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    Abstract: S014B
    Text: SM J320C30, SM J320C31 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SG U S 014B - FEBRUARY 1991 - REVISED JUNE 1996 * -SS^C to Op er at i n g T emp er at u r e Range, QML P r o c e s s i n g • Two A d d r e s s G e n e r a t o r s With E i g h t A u x i l i a r y R e g i s t e r s and Two A u x i l i a r y

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    Abstract: Zilog Z80 family 100-10L "SLDC" AOS 3401 d703 z380 1553B AD10 AD12
    Text: MARCOM DC8292 DOCUMENT CONTROL MASTER — P r e l im in a r y Te c h n ic a l M a n u a l Z16C32 IUSC Integrated U niversal S erial C ontroller Q2/92 P r e l im in a r y Te c h n ic a l M a n u a l JM Z16C32 IUSC I n t e g r a t e d U n iv e r s a l S e r ia l C o n t r o l l e r

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    DC8292 Z16C32 Q2/92 Z16C32 16C32 16-data Zilog Z80 family 100-10L "SLDC" AOS 3401 d703 z380 1553B AD10 AD12 PDF

    TUNER UV915E

    Abstract: UV916E U943C UV816 UV915E UV617 UV618 54175 OFWG3254 BF970
    Text: TELEVISION TUNERS C O A X IA L A E R IA L INPUT ASSEMBLIES page Selection guides V H F /U H F television tu n e rs . V H F /U H F television fro n t e n d s .

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    3-pin IC 7806

    Abstract: IC CD 4440 pin diagram motorola sc 7812 RA 8040 ta 9690 SE648 MCI4516 ci 9880 ite 8892
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 60 MHz and 85 MHz Universal Programmable Dual PLL Frequency Synthesizers MC145162 M C145162-1 P S U FF IX P L A S T IC DIP C A S E 648 CMOS T h e M C 1 4 5 1 6 2 is a d u a l p h a s e - lo c k e d lo o p P L L fre q u e n c y s y n th e s iz e r

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    Abstract: T1305
    Text: Unshrouded Headers 2.54 X 2.54 mm 0.100 x 0.100 in. Description 2-Row Railroad Track BergStik II Headers 2.54 mm {0.100 in.) 4.06 mm (0.160 in.] TYP N O N -A C C U M U L A TIVE oo / o o 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) 1.02 m m 10.040 in.) 4.83 nvn -<0.190 * . ) -

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    gol17580CYYH 95731-XYYH 87887-XYYH 87323-XYYH 87324-XYYH 92002-XYYH 94551-XYYH 95116-XYYH 91508-XYYH 91510-XYYH 95116 T1305 PDF

    transistors JX 6822 A

    Abstract: MATSUA compressor R12 scf 101 saw filter gte wiring diagram audio amplifier ic 6283 am/transistors JX 6822 A Sansui 21 i fs circuit diagram MC145202 addendum ne602 scrambler motorola power transistor 7752 MC145026
    Text: Contents at a Glance VOLUME I Device Index Alphanumeric . viii Chapter One Selector G u id e .1.1-1

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    MCH12140 MCK12140 2PHX11136Q-21 transistors JX 6822 A MATSUA compressor R12 scf 101 saw filter gte wiring diagram audio amplifier ic 6283 am/transistors JX 6822 A Sansui 21 i fs circuit diagram MC145202 addendum ne602 scrambler motorola power transistor 7752 MC145026 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T R I Q U r a s * I N T S E M I C O N D U C T OR , I N C TQ8025 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET DI0-15 differential Input Buffers => 16x16 Crosspoint Switch Matrix -N PECL/CML Output Buffers \ DOB-15 (differential) 16x16 Digital Crosspoint Switch *1 6 x 4 RESET- •

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    Abstract: chn 809 ST Transistor TT 2246 transistor chn 037 MO40 TT 2246 transistor capacitor JA8 KMA Series 232 pin diagram of BC 547 SABRE 408
    Text: 83C95 T e chn o log y, Inco rp o rate d 10BASE-T Ethernet Transceiver With On Chip Filters And AUI PRELIMINARY October 1994 S E E Q A u to D U P L E X D esignation Symbol indentifies product as AutoDUPLEX device. D escription The 83C95 is a highly integrated analog interface 1C for

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    Abstract: transistor chn 911 TT 2246 transistor jm31a pulse electronics era transformer transistor chn 037 chn 809 S4744
    Text: SEEQ T e chn o log y, Inco rp o rate d 83C96 10BASE-T Ethernet Transceiver With On Chip Filters and Digital Interface PRELIMINARY October 1994 SEEQ AutoDUPLEX Designation Sym bol indentifies product as A u to D U P L E X device. Description The 83C96 is a highly integrated analog interface 1C for

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    Abstract: service-mitteilungen servicemitteilungen 8660-206 Scans-048 Mitteilungen Zittau service mitteilung Stassfurt VEB Funkwerk Erfurt
    Text: SERVICE-M ITTEILUNGEN V E B IN D U ST R IE V E R T R IE B RU N D FU N K UND FE R N SE H E N AUSGABE: 4 / SEITE fRSÜfä|radio-television\ JANUAR 1/7A1 - 6 f^g u e im port -Gerate P Die Reihe der Importe aus der VR Polen wird mit zwei weiteren Ge­ räten fortgesetzt.

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    Abstract: OZ 9966 Ba 5930 fp RA 8040 ba 3822 ls OZ 9998 RN OZ 9998 ST 9322 t 3866 48350 SCH
    Text: M O TO R O LA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C 145165 Advance Information L o w -V o ltag e 6 0 MHz Universal Program m able Dual PLL Frequency S ynthesizer S 1 P S U F F IX PLASTIC DIP CASE 648 CMOS T h e M C 1 4 5 1 6 5 is a lo w -vo ltag e dual p h a se -lo ck e d loop P L L freq u en cy

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    Abstract: La 7676 LA 7814 5502 M ic la 4440 7815 CT ir 9342 pin of 7806 ic ic 9945 a 8 pin mos cy 6935
    Text: M O T O R O LA O rd e r th is d o c u m e n t SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA by M C 1 4 5 1 65/D M C 145165 Advance Information Low -Voltage 60 MHz Universal Program m able Dual PLL Frequency Synthesizer CMOS D S U FFIX The M C 145165 is a lo w -v o lta g e dual p h a s e -lo c k e d loop PLL frequ en cy

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SMJ320C3X DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR S G U S014A - FEBRUARY 1991 - REVISED SEPTEMBER 1994 I * Processed to MIL-STD-883, Class B • Operating Temperature Range: • Two Address Generators With Eight Auxiliary Registers and Two Auxiliary Register Arithmetic Units

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A L P H A N U M E R IC SERIES INDEX SE R IE S PAGE 7 B B . .74 7 N B . . 74 7 S B . . 74 A F L . .111 A N T . . 87-88 A R C . . 112

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Programmable Array Logic Very High Speed/Asynchronous PAL20RA10 -2 0 Series q q i c i j u a Advanced Micro Devices U.S. Patent 4124899 F eatu res/ Benefits • 30-MHz max frequency and 20-ns propagation delay • Individually programmable asynchronous set, reset and

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    Abstract: silec GG 84 1n623 2G300 chn 543 IC HXJ 2038 1N52398 IN5240 1n48 zener diode
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

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    IC HXJ 2038

    Abstract: 1N52398 DB5T tfk 102 cny 70 hxj 2038 rca 40361 transistor rca 40362 TFK 680 CNY 70 Diode Equivalent 1N34A 2n5952 equivalent
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

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    LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics

    Abstract: free transistor equivalent book 2sc NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE KIA 4318 transistor cs 9012 Til 322A sx3704 diode d.a.t.a. book 1N1007
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

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    3186J LG color tv Circuit Diagram schematics free transistor equivalent book 2sc NPN TRANSISTORS LIST ACCORDING TO CURRENT, VOLTAG RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE KIA 4318 transistor cs 9012 Til 322A sx3704 diode d.a.t.a. book 1N1007 PDF

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    Abstract: pvga1a paradise pvga1a SCHEMATIC ATI graphics card PARADISE PVGA1AJK 22A15 pvga1aj SCHEMATIC mda VGA pvga1
    Text: WESTERN DIGITAL CORR SflE » • R71fl22fi GG178bl b*45 M U V C PVGA1A Paradise Video Graphics Array FEATURES: • • • Provides single Chip Video Graphics Solution for IBMt PCt / XT / ATt and Personal System/2t compatible systems 100% hardware compatible with IBM’s VGA

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    R71fl22fi GG178bl PDS100900 171fl22fl 40MHz PVGA1A-JK03 RAS10N, RAS32N, CAS32N, OE32N, STM CL-70 pvga1a paradise pvga1a SCHEMATIC ATI graphics card PARADISE PVGA1AJK 22A15 pvga1aj SCHEMATIC mda VGA pvga1 PDF


    Abstract: ad t809
    Text: F R E U M 1NARV AMD£I Am29F032B 32 Megabit 4 M x 8-Bit CMOS 5.0 Volt-only, Uniform Sector Flash Memory DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • 5.0 V ± 10%, single power supply operation — Minimizes system level power requirements ■ Manufactured on 0.32 pm process technology

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    Am29F032B 40-pm 44-pin MZ71WJ0 Am29F0328 ad t809 PDF